H398 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 12, 2017 This is not just withholding payment this, Mr. Speaker, because we have a RUSSIA AND PRESIDENT PUTIN for a period of time; this is a complete President-elect who has said he will be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The forfeiture. a law and order President. I want to Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from I propose a balanced budget amend- make a distinction between law and Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) for 5 minutes. ment so we are forced to stop kicking order and justice, and I want to at- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I come to the can down the road and will create tribute this to the Justice Department the floor today as co-chair and found- a fiscal path that will allow the next versus a law and order department. ing member of the Polish, Hungarian, generation to thrive. Mr. Speaker, you can have law and and Ukrainian House Caucuses. I also have a bill I call the Citizen order in a dungeon, but you won’t have I am also a strong defender of NATO Legislature Anti-Corruption Reform justice. There is law and order in North and of its purpose in linking the free Act, or CLEAN Act, a bill that ends Korea, but you don’t have justice. Jus- nations of Europe and the United congressional pensions for life and re- tice, Mr. Speaker, is what this Depart- States through this historic, hard-won quires this body to debate and act on ment is all about. It is not the law and alliance and security treaty among Eu- single-issue legislation, codify that all order department. One of the best ways rope’s sovereign nations that respect laws passed by Congress apply to all of to explain it is to harken back to some- the rule of law and our shared passion its Members, reform the broken gerry- thing that was called to our attention for liberty. mandering process by moving all redis- yesterday at the hearing for the nomi- Our Nation and NATO’s members tricting to independent, nonpartisan, nee to become the head of the Justice paid the ultimate price in the last cen- citizen commissions, and to expand ac- Department. tury for our priceless gift of liberty. We cess to political party primaries to in- won the cold war, and our most treas- clude both independents and non- When the Honorable JOHN LEWIS ured democratic values of life, liberty, affiliated voters. spoke, he went back to 1965, and the freedom of assembly, press, and reli- Is there anyone in this Chamber who crossing of the Edmund Pettus Bridge. gion are under siege today by a preda- does not believe that these measures On that day, George Wallace—one of tory and repressive Russia. Go no fur- will make our country a better place? the great segregationists of his time ther than any major business in your Is there anyone in this Chamber who and, perhaps, the greatest segrega- district and ask them how many times does not believe these measures will re- tionist of his time—had made it per- they are hacked daily by Russian pred- sult in a healthier democracy and a spicuously clear to his troops that, if ators—to get a sense of what is going system of government where our people you maintain order, there will be law on. have more faith and trust in? Is there to protect you. As a result, those My purpose this morning is to re- anyone here who believes that more troops beat the marches all the way mind our citizenry of the continuing citizens serving in this body and more back to the church where they started. and major, real threat to our NATO al- citizens participating in their govern- They were peaceful protesters. The liance and to the destabilization of Eu- ment would not be a breath of fresh air Honorable JOHN LEWIS said he thought rope by Russia that necessitates our for our Nation? he might die. That is what law and strengthening the alliance, not weak- If you agree with our ideas, I urge order meant to a good many people in ening it, to ward off Vladimir Putin’s you to join me and cosponsor these the South. expansionist dreams. measures, join the Congressional Cit- Law and order without justice is I must say I am concerned by our izen Legislature Caucus, and advocate what took place on that day; but thank President-elect’s loose talk about Rus- for these reforms. Share your vision God there was a judge, the Honorable sia. His naive assumption that personal with your constituents because they Frank M. Johnson. The Honorable friendships with Russia’s oligarchs— need to know that our Nation is not re- Frank M. Johnson issued the order to some of whom are active members of signed to the status quo. allow those marches to move from Russia’s notorious mafia—can over- Mr. Speaker, Washington needs fewer Selma to Montgomery, and he did it come strategic, expansionist impera- politicians and more independent notwithstanding his classmate George tives that fill Vladimir Putin’s mind voices focused on serving the American Wallace having said that they were are truly not in America’s interest. people. That is the reason we are here. banned from doing it. This was justice, So let’s review some recent history. Let’s not let them down. The time is not law and order alone. This is our Domestically, Mr. Putin has sup- now to answer their call to fix this sys- fear—that the Justice Department will pressed the basic freedoms of the Rus- tem so we can start addressing the go back to the hands of someone who sian people. His leadership has resulted challenges that we face as a nation. may consider it a law and order depart- in countless infringements of human f ment and a department in which there is a belief that you can do anything to rights violations and other actions THE PRIVILEGE OF SERVING IN maintain the order and that there will that directly conflict with our THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS be law to support your actions and ac- foundational values in Western democ- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tivities. racies. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Putin has an aggressive and very hos- Mr. Speaker, we must protect the no- tile foreign policy toward us—toward Texas (Mr. AL GREEN) for 5 minutes. tion of justice for all people in this Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- the United States—and our top allies. country. This is why I was there yes- Russia has invaded neighboring sov- er, it is always an honor for me to terday to lend my support to Senator stand here in the well of the House to ereign countries, including the Repub- BOOKER when he spoke about justice lics of Georgia and Ukraine. Russia has know that I am one of less than 450 and when he indicated that he could people in the world who have been ac- threatened and harassed U.S. military not support the nominee. I was honored personnel and diplomats overseas, not corded the preeminent privilege of to be there, seated right near the Hon- standing in the well of the Congress of in the last century, now, orchestrating orable JOHN LEWIS when he said he the United States of America. an anti-American propaganda cam- could not support the nominee. I was paign—the largest since World War II— b 1045 also honored to be there with the head both in our country and around the It is an honor to stand here at this of the Congressional Black Caucus, world; and it is conducting cyber war- podium with a rostrum behind me with CEDRIC RICHMOND, when he indicated: If fare, as I speak, against our country, the word ‘‘Justice’’ etched in it. Right this nominee is a civil rights advocate, our government, our interests, as well behind me, ‘‘Justice’’ is etched into the why is the civil rights community so as European governments; against po- rostrum. You can’t see it at home be- opposed to him? I think those were litical institutes; against our think cause it is low, and it is beneath the some very sage comments. tanks; against our State voter data view of the camera. I must tell you that we in this coun- systems, as our intelligence services Today, I want to talk about justice, try have come too far to allow the Jus- have just informed us; and against our Mr. Speaker. I want to talk about jus- tice Department to become the law and cities and counties, journalists, and in- tice and the Justice Department. I do order department. dividuals. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:21 Jan 13, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12JA7.009 H12JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H399 Information about Putin’s aggressive head. His newspaper is known for his cov- program. His death has been officially ruled behavior is well-documented and is spe- erage of local organized crime, drug traf- a suicide, but his colleagues and friends say cifically highlighted in the intelligence ficking and corruption. The case remains un- he had no reason to kill himself. briefings that our President-elect solved. 21. Aug. 31, 2008: Magomed Yevloyev, owner 10. April 18, 2003: Dmitry Shvets, the dep- of the independent news site Ingushetia, was began to receive when he secured the uty director of the independent television shot while in police custody.
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