HORACE POOLAW Photographer of American Indian Modernity HORACE POOLAW Photographer of American Indian Modernity Laura E. Smith · Foreword by Linda Poolaw University of Nebraska Press Lincoln and London © 2016 by the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska Acknowledgments for the use of copyrighted material appear on page xvi, which constitutes an extension of the copyright page. All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Names: Smith, Laura E. (Laura Elizabeth), 1962– author. Title: Horace Poolaw, photographer of American Indian modernity / Laura E. Smith; foreword by Linda Poolaw. Description: Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, [2016] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: lccn 2015034795 isbn 9780803237858 (cloth: alk. paper) isbn 9780803288072 (pdf) Subjects: lcsh: Poolaw, Horace, 1906– 1984. | Kiowa Indians — Biography. | Indian photographers — Biography. | Kiowa Indians — Social life and customs — 20th century. | Indians of North America — Great Plains — Social life and customs — 20th century. | Kiowa Indians — Ethnic identity. | Indians of North America — Great Plains — Ethnic identity. | Documentary photography — United States — History — 20th century. Classification: lcc e99.k5 s58 2016 | ddc 978.004/974920092 — dc23 lc record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015034795 Set in Arno by L. Auten. Designed by N. Putens. Contents List of Illustrations vii Foreword by Linda Poolaw xiii Acknowledgments xv Introduction xvii 1. Homeland 1 2. Family 17 3. History and Pageantry 47 4. Warbonnets 71 5. Postcards 93 6. Art 115 Epilogue 137 Notes 141 Bibliography 175 Index 189 Illustrations 1. Joseph K. Dixon. Plenty 5. Horace Poolaw. Kaw- au- on- Coups (Crow) and wife tay and great- grandson Jerry in car, c. 1908 xx Poolaw, Mountain View, Oklahoma, c. 1928 xxx 2. Horace Poolaw. (Left to right) Bruce Poolaw (Kiowa), Caroline 6. Laura Smith. Poolaw Family Bosin (Kiowa), Gladys Parton Home, Mountain View, (Kiowa), unidentified man, Mertyl Oklahoma, 2007 3 Berry (Kiowa), Hannah Keahbone (Kiowa), Barbara Louise 7. Horace Poolaw. Kiowa George Saunkeah (Kiowa), and Jasper Poolaw, Jerry Poolaw, and Saunkeah (Kiowa), in Lincoln Lucy Nicolar, Mountain View, Model L, near the farmers market, Oklahoma, c. 1929 5 Oklahoma City, c. 1930– 31 xxi 8. Horace Poolaw. Kiowa George 3. J. N. Choate. Thomas Torlino Poolaw, Horace Poolaw, (Navajo), before attending Carlisle and the Baptist missionary Indian School, 1882 xxii Harriett King, Mountain View, Oklahoma, c. 1928 7 4. J. N. Choate. Thomas Torlino (Navajo), after attending Carlisle 9. Horace Poolaw. Kiowa George, Indian School, 1885 xxiii in The Moccasin Trail, 1932 9 vii 10. Unknown photographer. 19. Irwin & Mankins, Chickasha Bruce Poolaw (Horace Poolaw, and Duncan, Indian Territory, misidentified as his brother photographers. Lizzie Woodard Bruce), frontispiece in The (Kiowa) and Elma Tachina Moccasin Trail, 1932 11 Woodard, n.d. 26 11. Horace Poolaw. After the 20. Unknown photographer. Hattie peyote meeting, Mountain (Kiowa), c. 1890– 99 27 View, Mountain View, Oklahoma, c. 1929 14 21. Horace Poolaw. Sindy and Hannah Keahbone, c. 1930 29 12. Horace Poolaw. Kiowa George and Tsomah, Mountain View, 22. Don Reed. Clara Bow, Oklahoma, c. 1928 16 Motion Picture Classic, cover, July 1927 31 13. Tinsley’s Art Co. Oheltoint Family, c. 1897 20 23. Horace Poolaw. Kiowa George and son Horace 14. Tinsley’s Art Co. Maggie Poolaw, Mountain View, and Enoch Smoky Oklahoma, c. 1925 34 (Kiowa), c. 1897 21 24. Horace Poolaw. Lela Ware, 15. Horace Poolaw. Jeanette Paul Zumwalt, and Trecil and Vanette or Laquinta Mopope, c. 1929– 31 22 Poolaw, Mountain View, Oklahoma, c. 1929 35 16. Unknown photographer. Kiowa Dress Exhibit, Caddo 25. Julian Scott. Kiowas waiting County Fair, Anadarko, at the photographer’s for their Oklahoma, c. 1922 23 turn, Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory, c. 1890 36 17. Horace Poolaw. Kaw- au- on- tay, Mountain View, 26. Horace Poolaw. Alfred Oklahoma, c. 1928 24 Mamaday, c. 1926– 39 39 18. Horace Poolaw. Dorothy 27. Unidentified photographer. Poolaw Ware and Justin Parker McKenzie and his Lee Ware, c. 1928 25 first car, c. 1922 40 viii · List of Illustrations 28. Unknown photographer. Nettie 36. Horace Poolaw. Princess Odelity (Kiowa), near Squaw Wattawasso (Lucy Nicolar), Park, Arizona, c. 1915 41 Medicine Lodge Treaty Pageant, Medicine Lodge, 29. Horace Poolaw. Trecil Poolaw Kansas, 1932 51 Unap, Mountain View, Oklahoma, 1929 42 37. Horace Poolaw. Unidentified women, Pawnee Bill’s 30. Horace Poolaw. Jerry Wild West Show, Pawnee, Poolaw, Mountain View, Oklahoma, c. 1928 53 Oklahoma, c. 1929 43 38. Horace Poolaw. Craterville 31. Winnie Poolaw. Horace procession, Craterville Fair, Poolaw with his children Cache, Oklahoma, c. 1928 56 and his sister- in- law with 39. Unidentified photographer. Kiowa her children, Anadarko, Indians in prehistoric costume, Oklahoma, c. 1945 44 Craterville Park, Okla. no. 5 32. Horace Poolaw. Elmer Buddy (Hunting Horse, Silver Horn, and Saunkeah, Kaw- au- on- tay, and Mary Buffalo), c. 1928– 37 57 Jerry Poolaw, Mountain View, 40. Horace Poolaw. Silver Oklahoma, c. 1928 45 Horn, c. 1928 58 33. Horace Poolaw. Two show 41. Horace Poolaw. Fancy war dance, performers in Pawnee Bill’s Craterville Fair, Cache, Oklahoma Wild West Show, Lucy (Chester Lefthand [Cheyenne], “Wattawasso” Nicolar and center), c. 1928 59 Bruce Poolaw, c. 1928 46 42. Horace Poolaw. Hunting Horse 34. Horace Poolaw. Bruce Poolaw (Tsa- toke), Craterville Fair, and Lucy “Wattawasso” Nicolar Cache, Oklahoma, c. 1928 60 Poolaw, Mountain View, Oklahoma, c. 1928 49 43. Horace Poolaw. Entrance of Indian pageant participants 35. Unidentified photographer. onto the field, Medicine Lodge Princess Wattawasso (Lucy Treaty Pageant, Medicine Nicolar), c. 1917 50 Lodge, Kansas, 1932 62 List of Illustrations · ix 44. Binning Photo. Indian Peace 52. Horace Poolaw. “Alfalfa” Treaty, Medicine Lodge, Bill Murray’s gubernatorial Kansas, October 1932 63 inauguration, Oklahoma City, c. 1930 77 45. Horace Poolaw. Sau- to- pa- to, Mrs. White Buffalo (left); 53. Horace Poolaw. Jasper Saunkeah Ah- tone- ah, Mrs. Unap, and “Alfalfa” Bill Murray, daughter of Satanta (right), gubernatorial inauguration, Medicine Lodge Treaty Oklahoma City, c. 1930 78 Pageant, Medicine Lodge, Kansas, c. 1932 64 54. Horace Poolaw. Senator Elmer Thomas, Vivien Saunkeah, 46. Full page spread, Daily and Elmer “Buddy” Thomas Oklahoman, October Saunkeah, Anadarko, 9, 1932, a12 66 Oklahoma, c. 1933 80 47. Horace Poolaw. Attocknie 55. “Evolution.” Quarterly Journal of family, Medicine Lodge Treaty the Society of American Indians Pageant, Medicine Lodge, 1, no. 4 (October– December Kansas, c. 1932 67 1913): 446. Original publication by “Lynch” in the Denver News, 48. Horace Poolaw. “Chief” Jasper October 14, 1913 82 Saunkeah, c. 1932 70 56. Horace Poolaw. Bruce 49. Full page spread, Daily Poolaw, c. 1928 84 Oklahoman, January 17, 1932 72 57. Horace Poolaw. (Left to right) Bruce Poolaw (Kiowa), Caroline Bosin 50. Unknown photographer. (Kiowa), Gladys Parton (Kiowa), Kiowa- Comanche- unidentified man, Mertyl Apache Business Berry (Kiowa), Hannah Keahbone Committee, 1907 74 (Kiowa), Barbara Louise Saunkeah 51. Horace Poolaw. “Alfalfa” (Kiowa), Jasper Saunkeah Bill Murray’s gubernatorial (Kiowa), in Lincoln Model L, near inauguration, Oklahoma the farmers market, Oklahoma City, c. 1930 76 City, c. 1930– 31 85 x · List of Illustrations 58. Horace Poolaw. Horace 66. Horace Poolaw. Enoch Poolaw, aerial photographer, Smoky, n.d. 101 and Gus Palmer, gunner, MacDill Air Base, Tampa, 67. Horace Poolaw. Heap of Bear, Florida, c. 1944 86 or Many Bears, n.d. 102 59. Unknown photographer. Acee 68. Grant Hamilton. “The Nation’s Blue Eagle with two soldiers Ward.” Judge, June 20, 1885 103 underneath the bomber on 69. Frederick Burr Opper. “The which he served, Camp Sibert, Red- Handed Prodigal.” Puck, Alabama, c. 1944 89 October 19, 1881 104 60. Unknown photographer. 70. Horace Poolaw. To- ga- mote Acee Blue Eagle and Mrs. (Blue Jay) and his wife, Sam B. Kimberley, president Kaun- to- hup, n.d. 105 of the Art Club, Washington dc, c. 1936 90 71. Horace Poolaw. Hoy Koy Bitty (Comanche), Craterville Fair, 61. Horace Poolaw. Harry Cache, Oklahoma, c. 1928 106 A- hote (Kau- tau- a- hote- tau, “Buffalo Killer”), n.d. 92 72. Unknown photographer. California Indian Chief “Standing 62. Horace Poolaw. Henry Bear” (Luther Standing Tsoodle, Craterville Bear), c. 1906 108 Fair, Cache, Oklahoma, c. 1928 94 73. De Lancey W. Gill. Tall Man Dan, Sioux (Peter Tall Mandan, 63. Horace Poolaw. Bert son of Long Mandan), c. Geikaunmah, n.d. 95 1907. Original photograph 64. George Long. Chief Lone Wolf was c. March 1905 109 (Lone Wolf II), c. 1920 97 74. Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and 65. “Attractive Souvenirs.” Congress of Rough Riders of the Twin Territories: The World. A Congress of American Indian Magazine, Indians . Buffalo, New York: November 1902 99 Courier Litho. Co., c. 1899 111 List of Illustrations · xi 75. Unidentified photographer. 80. Mandan robe with war The Kiowa Five and Oscar exploits, c. 1797– 1805 123 Jacobson, c. 1928. (Left to right) Monroe Tsa- toke, Jack 81. Full page spread. Daily Hokeah, Stephen Mopope, Oklahoman, February Oscar Jacobson, Spencer Asah, 9, 1930 127 and James Auchiah 114 82. Stephen Mopope. Peyote 76. Unidentified photographer. Jack Healing Ceremony, n.d. 129 Hokeah with Susie Peters and 83. Silver Horn. Peyote Ceremony, Sister Mary Olivia, c. 1928 116 Sketchbook Four, c. 1892 131 77. Stephen Mopope. Silver 84. Spencer Asah. Self- Portrait Horn, c. 1933 119 Dancing, 1929 133 78. Horace Poolaw. Belo 85. Poolaw postcard stamp 134 Cozad, c. 1927 120 79. Monroe Tsa- toke. Belo Cozad, n.d. 121 xii · List of Illustrations Foreword Linda Poolaw It was March 13, 1906. In the windswept community of Mountain View, Okla- homa, a sharp cry was heard from a birthing shelter. In several teepees nearby, wide grins among the chatter and laughter could be seen. He was here; the anticipated arrival of Horace Monroe Poolaw, named Py- bo by his Kiowa parents.
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