St Michael's House annual report 2006. Item Type Report Authors St Michael's House. Citation St Michael's House. 2007. St Michael's House annual report 2006. Dublin: St Michael's House. Publisher St Michael's House Download date 02/10/2021 21:27:59 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/575104 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse .'- .. Contents Chairperson's Report ............................ 8-9 Chief Executive Officer's Report .......... 10-11 Service Locations .. 14-15 North Region Report ......... ... .. ..... .... 16-21 North East Region Report . 22-27 South Region Report .......................... 28-33 Shared Services ... .. 34-45 Accounts . .... 46-61 Directories .. .................... ............. 62-65 Board of Directors Maurice Bracken, Marjorie Soden, Chairperson Chairperson Salaries Committee '0o o N t :o o -::. c: :i lorry Kane Maurice Redmond David Hughes Eamonn Fitzgerald Bernadette Perry (l) Chairperson Policy Chairperson Chairperson ~ o::> & Planning Committee Finance Committee Nominations Committee :r: Marie Therese Mooney Jim Cuddy Mairide Woods John Costello Robert Ki rkpotrick Jim Daly Management Team Patricia Doherty Paul Ledwidge Deputy Chief Chief Executive Officer Executive Officer 8N t: o David Kenefick Noel McDonnell & Deputy Chief Director of Psychiatry Executive officer John Birthis~e Noel Dillon David Dunne Regional Director Regional Director Regional Director St. Michael's House North St. Michoel's House St. Michael's House South North East --------------------------------------------------------------- - -- Chairperson's Report The aim of St. Michael's House is to provide supports and services to children and structures ore being developed to provide forums for inpu t into unit, cluster and adult, with on intellectual di,ability together with their fomilie, '0 that they can regional service plans. purposefu lly engage in their community and con tribu te positively to society. Improving supports and services for people with intellectual disabili ti es and their E,tabli,hed in 1955 by a small group of parents of children with intellectual families requires us to continually advocate on their behalf at local and national disabilities St. Michael's House has grown to become one of Ireland's largest level. It also requires us to constantly question how we provide supports and providers of community based services for children and adults wi th on intellectual services so that they meet the evolving needs of service users and their families. disability and their families. Today a range of counsell ing, clinical , care, educational, training, employment and residential services is provided to over For the first time in the history of the state the Government has developed a 1450 people with on intellectual di,obility through 160 different locations in the co·ordinated approach to the delivery of supports and services for people with a greater Dublin area. di,obility Thi' can be ,een through the publi,hing of the Di,ability Act 2005, the Educa ti on for Person, with Special Educational Need, Act 2004 and the SI Michael's House is committed 10 delivering a quality service thai: sectoral plans on the integration of services for people with disabilities by six • reflects the individual needs of service users ; Government Departments. We welcome these initiatives and the public • suppor ts individuals to become active members of their comm unity; acknowledgement of the need to be proactive in supporting people with • empowers people to make choices about th e services they use; disabilitie, '0 that they can be full and equal members of ,ociety. The,e • advocates for the improvement and development of services. ini ti atives should see on improvement in services such as education , transport and employment for people with di,abilitie,. Thi s commitment is re flected in how services are developed, managed and delivered. The organi,ation i, governed by a Boo rd of Directors the majority of It is important that St. Michael's House continues its role as advocate for people whom ore porents of service users. In 2006 paren tal and family involvement in wi th intelledual disabilities and works to influence and sha pe how the above the way services ore managed and delivered was further strengthened with the policies ore implemented. Through our membership of the Notional Federation of introduction of Reg ional Parent and Family Councils . It is planned that elections to Voluntary Bodie, and the Disability Federation of Ireland 0' well a' direct the,e Council, will take place in early 2007. When e,tabli,hed each Council will contact with Government Deportments, the Health Service Executive and local nominate a representative to the Board of Directors providing a direct link and notional politicians we are actively involved of all levels to ensure that between the Board and porents and families. Once Parent and Family Councils people with on intellectual di,obility have a voice both locally and no tionally. are establi shed work will begin on developing Service Users Councils. In September 2006, at the turning of the sod of our new swimming pool ond 8 Parental and famil y involvement i, also being ,trengthened at local level. lei sure centre by An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, ID we hod the opportunity to Following extensive consultation with parents and family members, formal present on Taoiseoch with details in relation to our re sidential and respite waiting list, lack of capital funding, shortfall in staff numbers, value for money of young adults leaving school. A review of educational services will make cuts imposed by the Health Service Executive and the urgent need 10 develop recommendations on the development of: educational services, for pupils with a services for people with a dual diagnosis of autism and intellectual disability. severe to profound intellectual disability, under the Department of Education and Science; educational service for pupils with a dual diagnosis of autism and St. Michael's House faces a number of significant challenges in our provision of intellectuol disobility ond on the supports provided by St. Michoel's House to supports and services. Foremost among these is the development of additional pupils attending mainstream schools. community based residential services. The provision of a residential place for an odult with on intellectuol disobility provides much needed support to porents ond St. Michael's House Research and Service Development Deportment in an opportunity for the individual to participate in community life with their peers. association with University College Dublin is undertaking research into the needs St. Michael's House has the largest residential waiting list of any organisation in of older people with on intellectuol disobility. This is the first time research into the country. The ageing profile of parents is the major contributing foetor in this area hos been undertoken in Irelond. The research will not only identify service users requiring residential services. AI the end of 2006 there were 296 needs but will also recommend new models of service for older service users. service users urgently awaiting a residential place. Over the past number of years the funding we have received to provide additional residential places has Our ongoing relotionships with Egypt ond the Republic of Georgio were further not mel the actual need for service. It is estimated that in order to meet the enhonced in 2006. We were very honoured when the First lady of Egypt ongoing need for residential care we need to develop 100 places a year for the Mrs Mubarok visited with us meeting service users, stoff and families . As port of next five years. Over the past three years we have only received funding to our on-going involvement with the Georgian Government and service provider develop 22 ploces 0 year ond in 2006 the Health Service Executive restricted the "The First Step", a six-week training programme was provided to four staff from '0o development to on odditionol 17 ploces. "The First Step". ..o Discussions are ongoing regarding the development of St. Michael's House In October 2006 services ot 51. Mary's Hospitol ond Residentiol School Boldoyle Housing Association. The housing association is being established in order for us were officially transferred to St. Michael's House. These services are now known 1 -a to be able to continue to meet requirements for accessing capitol grants to os St. Michoel's House Boldoyle. On beholf of the Boord of Directors of ::. c: develop new community based residential houses and to access social housing St. Michael's House I extend a worm welcome to service users, families and staff cl through Port Five of the Plonning ond Development Act 2000. The estoblishment and look forward to working with them in developing community-based services. of the Housing Association will further the aim of service users living in Lorry Kane who has been actively involved with the services at St. Mary's for community houses having the same rights as any other tenant with the over ten years and was for the post three years Chairperson of their Board has introduction of tenancy agreements and rent books. joined the Boord of Directors of St. Michael's House. Lorry's professional background and years of experience of working with SI. Mary's is a welcome The Policy ond Plonning Commiijee of the Boord of Directors is developing 0 oddition to our Boord . Three Year Strotegic Pion (2007 - 2009). This pion will detoil whot service users and their families require and outline the service developments that will need to On my own beholf ond on behalf of the Boord of Directors I would like to thonk lake place in order to respond to these changes. monogement ond stoff for their ongoing support. I would olso like to thonk the many friends and volunteers of St. Michael's House who so generously give of their ' .
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