Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis Implications of Orthonormality: I Part II: Introduction to the Discrete Wavelet Transform • WT W − let j• denote the jth row of , where j =0, 1,...,N 1 • W • will give precise definition of DWT in Part III note that j• itself is a column vector T • let W denote element of W in row j and column l • let X =[X0,X1,...,XN−1] be a vector of N time series j,l • W W values (note: ‘T ’ denotes transpose; i.e., X is a column vector) note that j,l is also lth element of j• • J • W W need to assume N =2 for some positive integer J (restrictive!) let’s consider two vectors, say, j• and k• • DWT is a linear transform of X yielding N DWT coefficients • orthonormality says • notation: W = WX N−1 1, when j = k, − Wj•, W •≡ W W = W is vector of DWT coefficients (jth component is Wj) k j,l k,l 0, when j = k − W is N × N orthonormal transform matrix; i.e., l=0 T − W • W W W = IN, where IN is N × N identity matrix j , k• is inner product of jth & kth rows T − W •2 ≡W•, W • is squared norm (energy) for W • • inverse of W is just its transpose, so WW = IN also j j j j II–1 II–2 Implications of Orthonormality: II Implications of Orthonormality: III • example from W of dimension 16 × 16 we’ll see later on • another example from same W − inner product of row 8 with itself (i.e., squared norm): − inner product of rows 8 and 12: . W . W . 8,t ............ 8,t ............ .. W2 ............... sum = 1 . W W ............ sum = 0 . 8,t .. 8,t 12,t . W ........ W . 8,t ... .. 12,t .......... − row 8 said to have ‘unit energy’ since squared norm is 1 − rows8&12said to be orthogonal since inner product is 0 II–3 II–4 The Haar DWT: I The Haar DWT: II • like CWT, DWT tell us about variations in local averages • keep shifting by two to form rows until we come to . • to see this, let’s look inside W for the Haar DWT for N =2J N 1 1 T • row j = − 1: 0,...,0 , −√ , √ ≡W 2 2 2 N −1• • −√1 √1 ≡WT − 2 row j =0: 2, 2, 0,..., 0 0• N 2 zeros N−2 zeros • first N/2 rows form orthonormal set of N/2 vectors W 2 1 1 note: 0• = 2 + 2 = 1 & hence has required unit energy 0 ............... • row j =1: 0, 0, −√1 , √1 , 0,...,0 ≡WT . 2 2 1• 1 ............... N−4 zeros 2 ............... • W W 3 ...... ........ 0• and 1• are orthogonal N = 16 example ............... 4 . 5 ............... W0,t .............. 6 ............ .. W W . 0,t 1,t ................ sum = 0 7 ............... W1,t .. ............ 0 5 10 15 t II–5 II–6 The Haar DWT: III The Haar DWT: IV √1 √1 • W W • to form next row, stretch − , , 0,...,0 out 1• and N • are orthogonal 2 2 2 by a factor of two and renormalize to preserve unit energy . N 1 1 1 1 T W • j = : − , − , , , 0,...,0 ≡W 1,t .. ............ 2 2 2 2 2 N • W W . − 2 .. 1,t 8,t .. ............ sum = 0 N 4 zeros W ............ W 2 1 1 1 1 8,t note: N • = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 1, as required .. 2 • W W N 0• and N • are orthogonal ( 2 = 8 in example) • W W 2 2• and N • are orthogonal 2 . W 0,t .............. W .... .......... W W . 2,t ... 0,t 8,t .............. sum = 0 . W W ................ W . .. 2,t 8,t sum = 0 8,t ............ W ............ .. 8,t .. II–7 II–8 The Haar DWT: V The Haar DWT: VI • W • − 1 −1 1 1 form next row by shifting N • to right by 4 units to form next row, stretch 2, 2, 2, 2, 0,...,0 out 2 by a factor of two and renormalize to preserve unit energy • N −1 −1 1 1 ≡WT j = 2 +1: 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0,..., 0 N • • 3N −√1 −√1 √1 √1 ≡WT +1 j = : ,..., , ,..., , 0,..., 0 3N N−8 zeros 2 4 8 8 8 8 • N−8 zeros 4 • W orthogonal to first N/2 rows and also to W 4 of these 4 of these N +1• N • W 2 · 1 2 2 note: 3N • =8 8 = 1, as required .. 4 W • 3N 3N 8,t ............ j = 4 + 1: shift row 4 to right by 8 units .. W W ................ .. 8,t 9,t sum = 0 • continue shifting and stretching until finally we come to . W9,t .... ........ .. • j = N − 2: −√1 ,...,−√1 , √1 ,...,√1 ≡WT N N N N N−2• • continue shifting by 4 units to form more rows, ending with . N of these N of these 2 2 • 3N − −1 −1 1 1 ≡WT √1 √1 T row j = 1: 0,..., 0 , , , , 3N • j = N − 1: ,..., ≡W 4 2 2 2 2 −1• N N N−1• N−4 zeros 4 N of these II–9 II–10 The Haar DWT: VII Haar DWT Coefficients: I • N = 16 example of Haar DWT matrix W • obtain Haar DWT coefficients W by premultiplying X by W: . .. W = WX 0 ............... 8 .. ............ 1 .. ............ 9 .... .......... • W . .. .. jth coefficient Wj is inner product of jth row j• and X: 2 .... .......... 10 .......... .... .. W • 3 ............... 11 .............. Wj = j , X 4 ........ ...... 12 ............ .... • can interpret coefficients as difference of averages .... 5 ............... 13 ............ ........ 6 ............... 14 ........ • to see this, let 7 .............. 15 ................ λ−1 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 1 X (λ) ≡ X − = ‘scale λ’ average t t t λ t l l=0 − note: Xt(1) = Xt = scale 1 ‘average’ − note: XN−1(N)=X = sample average II–11 II–12 Haar DWT Coefficients: II Haar DWT Coefficients: III • W consider form W0 = 0•, X takes in N = 16 example: • now consider form of WN = W8 = W8•, X: . 2 W .. 0,t .............. W8,t ............ W ∝ − . .. 0,tXt ............... sum X1(1) X0(1) .. W X . ............ sum ∝ X (2) − X (2) . .. 8,t t ... 3 1 Xt ... Xt .... ...... ....... • W similar interpretation for W1,...,WN − = W7 = 7•, X : • similar interpretation for WN ,...,W3N 2 1 +1 −1 . 2 4 W7,t .............. .. W ................ ∝ − . 7,tXt sum X15(1) X14(1) Xt .... ....... II–13 II–14 Haar DWT Coefficients: IV Haar DWT Coefficients: V • final coefficient WN−1 = W15 has a different interpretation: • W3N = W12 = W8•, X takes the following form: 4 W ................ W .... 15,t 8,t ........ W .. ∝ .... W ... ∝ − .. 15,tXt ............ .. sum X15(16) .. 8,tXt . ............ sum X7(4) X3(4) . Xt ..... Xt .... ... ....... ... • structure of rows in W • continuing in this manner, come to W − = W14•, X: N 1 − N ∝ first 2 rows yield Wj’s changes on scale 1 − N ∝ W ........ next 4 rows yield Wj’s changes on scale 2 14,t ........ W ... .. ∝ − N .. 14,tXt ......... .. sum X15(8) X7(8) − next rows yield W ’s ∝ changes on scale 4 . ... .. 8 j Xt ... .. − ∝ N ... next to last row yields Wj change on scale 2 − last row yields Wj ∝ average on scale N II–15 II–16 Structure of DWT Matrices Two Basic Decompositions Derivable from DWT • N wavelet coefficients for scale τ ≡ 2j−1, j =1,...,J 2τj j • additive decomposition j−1 − τj ≡ 2 is standardized scale − reexpresses X as the sum of J + 1 new time series, each of − τj ∆t is physical scale, where ∆t is sampling interval which is associated with a particular scale τj − • each Wj localized in time: as scale ↑, localization ↓ called multiresolution analysis (MRA) − related to first ‘scary-looking’ CWT equation • rows of W for given scale τj: − circularly shifted with respect to each other • energy decomposition j − shift between adjacent rows is 2τj =2 − yields analysis of variance across J scales • similar structure for DWTs other than the Haar − called wavelet spectrum or wavelet variance − • differences of averages common theme for DWTs related to second ‘scary-looking’ CWT equation − simple differencing replaced by higher order differences − simple averages replaced by weighted averages II–17 II–18 Partitioning of DWT Coefficient Vector W Example of Partitioning of W • W decompositions are based on partitioning of W and • consider time series X of length N = 16 & its Haar DWT W • partition W into subvectors associated⎡ ⎤ with scale: W1 W1 W2 W3 W4 V4 ⎢ ⎥ 2 ⎢ W2 ⎥ . ⎢ . ⎥ . ⎢ . ⎥ 0 . ⎢ ⎥ W . W = ⎢ Wj ⎥ . ⎢ ⎥ − ⎢ . ⎥ 2 ⎣ ⎦ 2 WJ . V X 0 . J . j j−1 . • W has N/2 elements (scale τ =2 changes) − j j 2 J N N N J 0 5 10 15 note: = + + ···+2+1=2 − 1=N − 1 j=1 2j 2 4 √ t • VJ has 1 element, which is equal to N · X (scale N average) II–19 II–20 Partitioning of DWT Matrix W Example of Partitioning of W • partition W commensurate with partitioning of W: • N = 16 example of Haar DWT matrix W ⎡ ⎤ W . 1 0 .............. 8 .............. ⎢ W ⎥ . .. .. ⎢ 2 ⎥ 1 ............... 9 ...... ........ W ⎢ . ⎥ . .. 2 ⎢ . ⎥ 2 ............... 10 .......... .... W = ⎢ W ⎥ 3 ............... 11 .............. ⎢ j ⎥ W1 . ⎢ ⎥ 4 ........ ...... 12 ............ ⎢ . ⎥ . .... W 5 .......... .... 13 ........ .... 3 ⎣ W ⎦ . .... J 6 ............ .. 14 ........ W . ........ 4 V ................ V J 7 ............... 15 4 N j−1 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 • W is × N matrix (related to scale τ =2 changes) j 2j j t t √1 • two properties: (a) W = W X and (b) W WT = I • VJ is 1 × N row vector (each element is ) j j j j N N 2j II–21 II–22 DWT Analysis and Synthesis Equations Multiresolution Analysis: I • recall the DWT analysis equation W = WX • synthesis equation leads to additive decomposition: T • W W = IN because W is an orthonormal transform J J WT VT ≡ D S • implies that WT W = WT WX = X X = j Wj + J VJ j + J • j=1 j=1 yields DWT synthesis equation: ⎡ ⎤ • D ≡WT W is portion of synthesis due to scale τ W1 j j j j ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ W2 ⎥ • D is vector of length N and is called jth ‘detail’ ⎢ ⎥ j X = WT W = WT , WT ,...,WT , VT ⎢ .
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