![Directory.] :Mon~Iouthshire](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DIRECTORY.] :MON~IOUTHSHIRE. ~EWPORT. 105 :Kewcombe:N bJames, M43 Y YOll'k place Phil1ips Absalom John, 69 Cael'l'eon Rainforth J0 hn T onge, Brightholm. ewcom e rs. 16 ork p:ace road, Maindee Stow Park road :Newman Albt. Augustus, 25 Go:d tops Phillips Alfred James, 40 Malpas rd Rawlings James Dadford Eastner, 8 Newman Edwin Bernard, Ty Melyn, Phillips Charles, 8 Bailey street OmbeTsley road J Oakfield road, Ph~n~ps Charles, 22 Gold tops Raw:ings John, 7 Clyffard crescent Newman Mrs. Westfie..d house, West. Phllhps Chas. D.Gaer Fach,Cardiff rd Ray Hy. Tamworth, Waterloo road .field road,. Clytha park Phillips David, 28 Stow hill Ray William, 27 Clyffard crescent NlCault MarIeAmedeeAlfd.31Clytha sq Phillips Edward,Ffrwd vale,Chepstw.rd Read John, 67 Oaerleon rd.Maindee ~~chol Adam, 6 Bolton road PhillipsEdwin,IICaerau cres.Ceerau pk Redman John, 14 Herbert street ~~cholas ClIarles, 23 Capel street Phillips Fredk. 176 Commercial road Reed GeOTge, 11 H~rbert stroot ~~cholas Mrs. Jane E~izh. 2 Clifton pI Phillips Fredk. Foster, 55 Stow hill Rees Daniel, 19 Bolton road N~cholas John, 27 Bridge street Phi1lips George, 20 Caerau road Rees Frank, 38 Mordtm rd. Maindee NlCholas Wil1iam, 73 Stow hill Phi1lips Geocge, I Clyffard crescent Rees Hug-h, 91 Stow hill Northcote JL.hn, 30 Stow hill Phillips Hy. Carisbrooke vil.Caerau pk Rees James D. 18 Cardiff road NorthaveI' Wm. 6 Ronald rd. M3Jindee Phillips Hy. Friars cot. Waterloo rd Rees John, 67 Alma. street Nmval Wm. 60 Morden rd. Maindee Phillips Henry Percy,Llysfaen,Risca I'd Rees John, 2 Ronald road, Maindee ~ottingham Wm. Hy. 16 Alma, st Ph~ll~ps Jo~m, Montpelier, Bassaleg rd Rees John, 50 Victoria aven. Maindee Nutt Jsph. 50 Caerleon rd. Maindee Phllhps MISS, Quarleston, Bassaleg rd Rees Thomas W. 38 Ombersley road Oakey Mrs. 4 Victoria crescent Phi1lips Miss, 33 York place Rees Togarmah, Pen Qlerau, Stow hI Oates Alfd. 134 Oaerleon rd. Maindee Phillips Mrs. 26 Hill street Rees Wm. 54 Caerleon rd. Maindee O'Callaghan Jeremiah, Hillthorpe, Phillips Mrs. 24 Queen's hi:! Rees Wm. 7 Ronald road, Maindee Somerset road, Maindee Phillips Thomas, 5 Clytha, square Rees Wm. F. 60 York plaee Oliver Alex. Rockleigh ho. Cardiff rd Phillips WaIter Clifford, The Retreat Rees Wyndham, Bongath, Chepstow rd Oliver Arthurr Herbert, Lynwood,Stow Clytha park ' Rees Wyndham, la Llanthewy road Park circus Phillips Wm.F.19 Summerhl.rd.Mndee Rennie Robert A. 26 York place Oliver ClIarles Henry, Minevia, Stow Phillips Wolfe, 30 Clytha square Reynolds GeDrge,IILondon rd.Maindee Park crescent Phillips Worgan M.E. 61 Woodland Richards Benjamin, Tyddeur Risca rd Oliver Geo. Bromley ho. Cardiff rd road, Maindeb RichardsChas.Hy. la M(}rden'rd.Mndee Oliver Joseph, 23 Caerau road Pickford John, The Fields, Fields I'd Richards Charles Jsph. 15 Chepstw.I'd Orders Frederick, 9 Clytha squ3Jre Pickford Misses, 14 Clift(}n place Richards Charles Watkin,18 Caerau rd OrdersWm.Jas.Richmond ho.Clytha sq Pillinger Hy. J. Arcadia, C~ytha park Richards Geo.21 Kensington pl.Mndee Orphan Thomas G. 96 Chepstow road Pitman Hy. Charles, 18 Herbert st Richards Henry, 5 Godfrey road OverstDne Lloyd, 41 Summerhill rd. Plummer Rbt. Morgan, 200 Chpstw.rd Richards John, 51 Devon plaee Maindee Pollitt ROobt. 2 Batchelor rd. Maindee Richards John, 5 PBIl'k squail"e Owen David John, II2 Chepstow road Ponsford Thomas, 50 Stow hill Richards John Richard, 43 Summer- Owen Mrs. 32 Capel crescent Ponsford Thomas, jun. King'oS Vale hill road, Maindee Packham Wm. S Somerset rd.Maindee house, Cardiff road Richards Mrs. IIS Chpstw.rd.Maindee Padfield Samuel, 12 Windsor terraee Ponsford Willie, 14 Clarence place Richards Mrs. 44 Ombersley road Pady Saml. La-roche, Waterloo road Pool Ernest, 187 Caerleon rd. Maindee Richards Mrs. 67 Victoria av.Maindee 2 Page Chas. E.32 Morden I'd. Maindee Pool Joseph, 13 Malpas road Richards Mrs. 3 York place Paget Arthur, la Godfrey road Poole Henry, 25 Morden rd. Maindee Richards Rt. II Morden rd. Maindee Pain Wyndham, Glenthorne,StOowPk.rd Poole Miss, Arlington ho. Caerau pk Richards Thomas, 29 Clytha square Paine Charles, 22 Stow hill Pope Mrs.. I Ronald road, Maindee Richards Williams, 72 St. Woollos rd PaImer James, 169 Chepstow road Popham RIchard, 73 Alma street Richmond Stphn. 40 Caerleon road Palmer Mrs. 17 Clyffard cre,,;cent Porter John George, 26 Bridge street Riokard John, 41 Maindee parade Pape Mrs. la Rutland place Powell B~nj. Bryngwyn, Stow hill R~ckard Thos.Hichens,41 Maindee par Parfitt Albt. E.20Kensington pl.Mndee Powell DIgby, Woolmer, Stow park RlCkard Thos. In.62 Morden rd.Mndee Parfitt Richd.The GranO'e, Clytha cres Powell Edwa,rd John, 13 Alms. street Rickards GiJ.bt. 17 Morden rd.Maindee Parfi~t William, Dock'" house, Ale:x- Powell Fdk. Wm.3 Ronald rd.Maindee Ridley William John, 95 Chepstow rd andra dock, Pill Powell Henry James, 10 Herbert st Roberts Dvd.Wm.Wanstead,Bassalg.rd Parker John Hacker 10 Clytha ter Powell John, 82 Caerleon rd. Maindee Rooert,s Fredk. James, 21 Hill st Parker Mrs. 49 De;on place Powell ~il~iam, 5 KingsmiJ terrace Robert! Hugh, 2 Godfrey road Pa,rker Robt. 24 Woodland rd.Maindee Powell William, 9 Omber.sley road Roberts JolIn, Devon viI. Devon place Parkes Wm. Fair view, Waterloo rd Powell Wm. 45 Woodland rd.Maindee Roberts TheodoTe, 56 York place Parkinson Geo. 95 Victaria av.Maindee Power Henry James Manley, Villetta, Roberts Thomas, 6 Morgan street Parkinson In. 98 Victoria av. Maindee St.ow Park crescent Roberts Thos. David,Penrallt,Stow hill Parkinson John ChllJ'les, SI Woodland POWIS Jas. SI I?uck Pool rd. Maindel' Roberts Wm. The Avenue, Clytha sq road, Maindee Pratt Herbt. Hinton, 73 Caerau road Robjent Frdck. Pring, 23 ChepstQw rd Parnall Hy. James J.P. 18 Gold tops Pr~tt William,. 40 Caerau park Rochard Peter, 177 Cheps,tow road Parr Henry, 93 Stow hill PrICe Cornelms John, S6 Albert Rockington Frdc. 13 Church rd.Mndee Parry Arthur, 49 Bridge street ~venue, .Maindee RoEC' Louis, 2 Palmyra place Parry Hy. 191 Caerleon rd. Maindee Pr~ce Davld, 27. ~epstow road Roe William Hy. 103 Ohepstow road Parry Miss, la Caerau cres.Caerau pk Pr~ce James Wlllmill, IS Clarence pI Rogers Mrs. 70 Stow hill Parry Robt. 76 Caerlean rd. Maindee Pr~ce J osph. H. IS Morden rd.:Maindee Ross William Henry, 3 Park terrace, Parsons Albert, 12 Llanthewv road Pr~ce Mrs. 2 P0rk street Eveswell park, Maindee Parsons Oharles Edward, 7 Stow hil~ Pr~ce Robt. 42 Hp.reford st. Maindee Rosser Charles T. 2 York place 2 Pr~ce Parsons Mrs. 92 Stow hill Thos. Jas. Keston, 'Waterloo rd Rosser Geo. 22 Crescent rd. Maindee Parsons William, 10 CaeTau road Pr~ce W. G. 2Q Morden rd. Maindee Rosser Thomas, 15 Herbert street Partridg-e Miss, 77 Stow hill PrICe Wm. Rose mont,Clyffard crescnt Rothwell Abraham, 17 Alma street Pr~tchard Paton Robt. In. M.B. 173 Commercl.rd Ja3. 16 Windsor crescent Rowe John, I Millman street, Pill Paxton Frederick, 22 Godfrey road Pr~tchard In. Rosedale, Corporation rd Ruddock Joseph William, 7 Somerset Payne Henrv, 16 Devon place Prltchard Thos. 65 C6erleon rd.Mndee road, Maindee Payne Mrs.·179 Chepstow road Prosse Mrs. 5 Caer~u road . Russell Geo. Hy.. II. Oaerleon .road Pearce Chas. 61 Albert aven. Maindee Pro~ser Tom MD1'l'IS, GIyths VIew, Rut~er Jas. 92 Vlotorla av. Mamdee Pearce Edwin Victoc, 28 Clytha sq RIsca road. SablI~ Thoma~, 3II Caerleon rd.Mndee Pearse Miss 74 Stow hill Prowl Geo. 10 Fauoak av. Maindee Sadd.er WI1ham Evan, Gaer wood, Pedler Arth~T 257 Caerleon rd Mndee Prust Mrs. 28 Clyffa,rd crescent Woodland road, Maindee Pendery Capt.'James (quar~er ~ter, Pugs~ey J?hn, 237 Caerleon rd.Mndee Sa~sbury :M~s.. 7 Kensington pl.Mndee 2nd Vo!. Batt. South Wal6lS Bor- Pugs.ey Rlchd. Brook, 196 Chepstw.rd Samsbury WI~bam James, 26 Fairoak derers), 56 Stow hill Pug-sley Thomas J.P. Loxhore house, avenue, Mamdee Penman Mrs. 4 Mill stre.et Kensington place, Maindee Sanders ~enry Bartholamew, Waver- Penwill William RichllJ'd Harbour Pullen Thos. Wentwood, Bassaleg rd tree, Risca road view, Waterloo road' Purnell JOohn, 261 Caerleon rd.,M.aindee Sanders James, 63 Stow hill Perren Edwd. WilIiam, 3 Bridge st Quarm Mrs. 8 Bryngwyn road Saunders Edmund, 2 Windsor terrace 8 R~ginald Perry Edwin, 151 Caerleon rd.Maindee Rabett C. 14 Leicester Saunders Geo, Harries, II Ombrsly.rd Perry Edwin, I Chepstow road road, Mamdee Schofield Mrs. 12 Park square Peterson Peter, .';2 Alma. street Raikes Francis Waiter, Redlands, Scatt John Henry, Court-y-bella farm Pettit Charles Wm. Shrubury Toad Stow Park circus Cardiff road • Phelps The Misses, Greyville, Water- Rainforth John Ford Roberts, 56 ScoU Richd. Incledon, 1 Victoria pI ~o.o road . Ca~Tau road Scrivener Fdk. 147 Ca.erleon rd.:Mndee Phlhpson ThoS.I4B Caerleon rd.Mamdee Rawhngs Frederick, 18 Bolton road Searle Frederick, 62 Stow hill.
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