Heat-shield for Extreme Entry Environment (HEEET) ! A Game Changing Thermal Protection System ! for Saturn and Uranus Probe Missions ! Presented by: E. Venkatapathy, ! Advanced EDL Materials Project Manager / Game Changing Development Program! Chief Technologist, Entry System and Technologies Division ! NASA Ames Research Center! ! HEEET Project Manager: D. Ellerby! Leads: M. Stackpoole, K. Peterson and P. Gage! Team Members: A. Beerman, M. Blosser, R. Chinnapongse, R.Dillman, ! J. Feldman, M. Gasch, M. Munk, D. Prabhu and C. Poteet ! OPAG Meeting, January 13-14, Tuscon, AZ! OBJECTIVES! Ø" Enable! q" Discovery and New Frontier proposal teams to have a relatively mature TPS solution that will pass TMCO evaluation ! q" Development of heat-shield technology (HEEET) by 2016 for infusion into future robotic in situ-science missions. ! Ø" Engage! q" The OPAG and potential PIs/proposing organizations so that they are both stakeholders and partners in the technology maturation phase! Ø" Ensure! q" User requirements are balanced by developmental risk and cost! q" The user community understands infusion challenges beyond technology maturation! Ø" Inform! q" The community on current accomplishments and future plans of HEEET! 2! ENABLING OUTER PLANET MISSIONS IN THE COMING DECADES! Ø" Saturn (and Uranus) in situ science mission(s)! q" Missions studied prior to and in support of Decadal Survey ! u" Probes based on Galileo Design (rigid aeroshell with TPS)! q" Revive heritage carbon phenolic, or! q" Develop advanced TPS that is superior in performance to HCP and sustainable in the longer term! Current ablative TPS State of the Art ! 3! ENABLING OUTER PLANET MISSIONS IN THE COMING DECADES! Ø" Saturn (and Uranus) in situ science mission(s)! q" Missions studied prior to and in support of Decadal Survey ! u" Probes based on Galileo Design (rigid aeroshell with TPS)! q" Revive heritage carbon phenolic, or! q" Develop advanced TPS that is superior in performance to HCP and sustainable in the longer term! Ø" Under 3-D Woven TPS Effort! q" Combining the advance weaving techniques and resin infusion, we were able to create a family of ablative TPS! q" Heat-shield for extreme entry environment technology (HEEET)! 4! BACKGROUND: WOVEN TPS! Ø" HEEET - 3-D Woven TPS Family! q" Woven TPS: An approach to the design and manufacturing of abla;ve TPS by the combina;on of 3-D weaving that allows precise placement of fibers in an op;mized manner and resin infusion if needed Ø" In FY’12, established viability of the 3-D Woven TPS. q" Explored the “10,000” manufacturing ways of formulang a TPS q" Ablave TPS opKons, dry-woven as well as resin infused systems, ranged in density from (0.3 g/cc – 1.4 g/cc) in overall density q" Highlighted the Woven TPS potenKal for meeKng the mission needs of Venus, Saturn and High-speed Sample Return Missions (VEXAG 2012 & OPAG 2013) OPAG (& VEXAG) recommendaon to SMD-PSD & the resulKng advocacy and support by SMD-PSD were criKcal in securing 3-year project currently funded by STMD/Game Changing Development Program 5! FY"13 ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Ø" Manufactured and Tested a variety of Woven TPS! q" Density range from PICA to heritage CP! 1.6 Fully Dense 1.4 1.2 Carbon Fully Dense Phenolic (g/cc) 3-D Woven Dry Woven 1.0 (different resins) Carbon Phenolic 0.8 Dual Layer AVCOAT 3-D Woven CP Carbon 0.6 Density Phenolic 0.4 PICA (low phenolic infusion) 0.2 KEY Heritage TPS Woven TPS 6! A BRIEF HISTORY WOVEN TPS TECHNOLOGY: # WOVEN TPS TECHNOLOGY MATURATION AND MISSION INSERTION! 3-D Woven Multifunctional ! ! ! Ablative TPS (3D-MAT)! 2017 Enabling Orion with Lunar ! 2022+ Capable Compression Pad! ! Heat-shield for Extreme Entry ! Woven TPS 2020 - 2022 Environment Technology (HEEET) ! GCT BAA! Tech. Maturation to enable Venus, Saturn and outer planets missions ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Robust Heat-shield for Human Missions ! (Future Potential)! 2016+ Oct, 2013Oct, Jan. 2012 April 2011 Sept. 2016Sept. June, 2012 7! FY"13 ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Ø" Manufactured and Tested a variety of Woven TPS! Ø" Down-selected a single architecture.! q" Based on testing, analysis, performance characteristics, developmental risk and cost! Recession Resistant Layer! Insulating, Lower ! Density Layer! Bonded Structure! 8! FY"13 ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Ø" Manufactured and Tested a variety of Woven TPS! Ø" Down-selected a single architecture.! Ø" Defining TRL 5/6 with community/ user input and buy-in! q" Held a workshop ( 95+ Ground Test ! participants)! Woven TPS ! Capability! Technology! q" Common capability to meet Human ! Saturn! Venus, Saturn and other Missions! destinations defined with the help of and understanding of the High-speed ! participants! Sample Return! Venus! q" Capability requirements verification defines the TRL maturity! ! 9! FY"13 ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Ø" Manufactured and Tested a variety of Woven TPS! Ø" Down-selected a single architecture.! Ø" Defining TRL 5/6 with community/ user input! Ø" Developed 3-year technology maturation project plan! Ø" Secured funding and approval from STMD for the technology maturation efforts ( FY#14 – FY#16)! Ø" User Agreement under development! Goal: Deliver a TRL 5/6 ! Heat-shield Technology in 3 years! 10! SATURN Probe Design Space! Entry Corridor : Equatorial and a 600 N/S ! Entry Flight Path Angles: -80 and -190! Mass = 250 kg; Probe Dia. = 1 m! 600 N/S Equat.! Steeper Entry (-19°) ! Shallower Entry ( -8°)! ! 2 600 N/S! Stag. Heat kW/cm Stag. Flux, Equatorial! Pressure, atm.! SATURN Probe Design Space & Ground Test Facility Conditions ! Entry Corridor : Equatorial and a 600 N/S ! Entry Flight Path Angles: -80 and -190! Mass = 250 kg; Probe Dia. = 1 m! 600 N/S Equat.! Pressure,IHF – 3” Nozzle ! ! Steeper Entry (-19°) ! 1”atm. Iso-Q! Test Article! Shallower Entry ( -8°)! FY"13 Arc Jet Testing ! ! 2 IHF - 6 inch Nozzle! IHF 3” Nozzle! 1” Flat Face Article! Stag. Heat kW/cm Stag. Flux, AEDC (Wedge)! Pressure, atm.! ARC JET TEST RESULTS – TWO LAYER SYSTEM! •" Both acreage and preliminary seam concepts tested at three relevant conditions.! •" No failure observed in these or other relevant arc jet tests to-date. ! •" HEEET appears to be very robust compared to carbon phenolic. ! 13! SATURN PROBE AREAL MASS COMPARISONS ! Equatorial @ -90! Equatorial @ -190! Lat. 600 @ -90! Lat. 600 @ -190! •" Areal mass of the 2-layer system has the potenital for ~ 40% mass savings compared to that of heritage Carbon Phenolic! •" Un-margined; preliminary estimate with very limited property data! •" Carbon Phenolic heat-shield mass estimates ~ 50% of the entry mass! •" Performance combined with anticipated robustness makes HEEET an exceptional TPS! 14! SATURN PROBE THICKNESS COMPARISONS ! 1.60! 1.40! Recession Layer! Insulative Layer! 1.20! ! 1.00! 0.80! Thickness, in 0.60! 0.40! 0.20! 0.00! Weave Weave Carbon Weave Weave Carbon Weave Weave Carbon Weave Weave Carbon #1! #3! Phenolic! #1! #3! Phenolic! #1! #3! Phenolic! #1! #3! Phenolic! EquatorialG8H90 @! -90! EquatorialG19H90 @! -190! 600 G8H30Lat. @! -90! 600 G19H30Lat. @ !-190! •" Un-margined HEEET thickness ( 0.80” – 1.4”)! •" ~20% thicker compared to heritage carbon phenolic! •" Thickness impacts cost, schedule and is a risk drivers for technology maturation. ! •" Question to the Saturn Community: ! •" Equatorial and steeper entry will result in lowest thickness and areal mass! •" Are there scientific rationale for high latitude? How high? ! •" Are there Con Ops requirements that dictate entry angle? Steeper or shallower? ! 15! URANUS MISSION DESIGN COMPARISONS# AREAL DENSITY COMPARISONS! •" 2-layer system can result in potential ~ 50% mass savings compared to Carbon Phenolic for the range of entry configurations considered for Uranus small probe(s)! •" Un-margined and based on very limited property data! •" Simulation on a flank location comparison is very similar in that the zero-margin areal density is ~ 50% as that of Carbon Phenolic 16! URANUS MISSION DESIGN COMPARISONS THICKNESS COMPARISONS – STAGNATION POINT! 1.2 Recession Layer 1 Insulative Layer 0.8 0.6 0.4 Thickness, in 0.2 0 HEEET #1 HEEET #3 Carbon HEEET #1 HEEET #3 Carbon HEEET #1 HEEET #3 Carbon Phenolic Phenolic Phenolic Entry Angle: 68 deg Entry Angle: 42 deg Entry Angle: 24 deg •" HEEET thickness is comparable to that of Carbon Phenolic for the range of entry configurations considered for Uranus small probe(s) •" Simulation on a flank location comparison is very similar in that the zero-margin thickness is comparable to that of Carbon Phenolic •" Comparing Saturn and Uranus Probes, Saturn is the driver for thickness •" Are there Uranus specific drivers for a technology maturation effort – TBD ? •" We need to engage with the Science and mission design communities as the opportunity is here and now for the TPS technology TECHNOLOGY MATURATION CHALLENGES! Ø" System/Manufacturing q" Molding flat panels q" Seams q" Resin Infusion at scale Ø" Integraon q" Aeroshell sub-structure and with backshell Ø" Flight System design tools development and verificaon q" Thermal response model is an example of design tool needed q" Engineering Test Unit –" ~(1.0m – 1.5m) base Diameter, 45° Sphere Cone –" Design will be proven at a smaller scale that is applicable for larger scale –" Smaller likely compared to Venus lander missions such as VITaL –" Integrated “Kled” design Successful ETU design, build and testing = TRL 5/6 (for full scale Venus, Saturn and higher speed sample return missions) 18! CONCLUDING REMARKS! Ø" FY#13 has been a great year! q" Successful testing, analysis and planning along with community advocacy resulted in HEEET project becoming a funded, 3-year tech. mat. effort! Ø" Current project plan is aggressive! q" Numerous tech maturation challenges need to be overcome! q" Dialogue between STMD and SMD-PSD! q" NASA (STMD) developed technology infusion in a SMD competed mission ! Ø" HEEET is a game changer and applicable to a wide range of missions ! q" Critical for near, mid and longer term Science missions as well as longer term Human missions ! u" Saturn and Venus for the next New Frontier! u" Uranus – we need to work with the Uranus community! Ø" Continued community engagement is a must: ! q" Through OPAG-VEXAG-other Ags.
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