THE NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR GAZETTE PART I PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 88 ST. JOHN’S, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 No. 37 URBAN AND RURAL PLANNING ACT, 2000 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION TOWN OF CENTREVILLE-WAREHAM-TRINITY SOUTHERN SHORE HIGHWAY MUNICIPAL PLAN, 2013 AND PROTECTED ROAD ZONING PLAN DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, 2013 AMENDMENT NO. 1, 2012 TAKE NOTICE that the TOWN OF CENTREVILLE- TAKE NOTICE that the Minister of Municipal Affairs has WAREHAM-TRINITY Municipal Plan, 2013 and registered Amendment No. 1, 2012 of the Southern Shore Development Regulations, 2013, adopted on the 18th day of Highway Protected Road Zoning Plan. June, 2013, has been registered by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. In general terms, the amendment recognizes existing and proposed development within the Local Service Districts of The Centreville-Wareham-Trinity Municipal Plan, 2013 Mobile, Tors Cove and in an isolated area north of Portugal and Development Regulations, 2013 come into effect on Cove South. The purpose of Amendment 1, 2012 is to the day that this notice is published in The Newfoundland rezone parcels of land in Mobile and Tors Cove from and Labrador Gazette. Anyone who wishes to inspect a “Rural Conservations to “Mixed” and from “Rural copy of the documents may do so at the Centreville- Conservation” to “Cottage” in an area north of Portugal Wareham-Trinity Town Office during normal business Cove South. hours. Amendment No. 1, 2012 of the Southern Shore Highway TOWN OF CENTREVILLE-WAREHAM-TRINITY Protected Road Zoning Plan comes into effect on the day Michelle Lane, Town Clerk that this notice is published in The Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette. Anyone who wishes to inspect a copy Sept 13 of the Plan may do so at the Land Use Planning Section, NOTICE OF REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS, during TOWN OF GAMBO normal working hours. MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AMENDMENT No. 18, 2013 Corrie Davis, MCIP TAKE NOTICE that the TOWN OF GAMBO Land Use Planning Development Regulations Amendment No. 18, 2013, Sept 13 adopted on the 15th day of July, 2013, (as amended) and approved on the 17th day of July, 2013 has been registered by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. 423 THE NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR GAZETTE September 13, 2013 In general terms, the purpose of the Development NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Amendment No. 18, 2013 is to amend the Commercial Use TOWN OF PARADISE Zone Table of its Development Regulations to change the MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT No. 26, 2012 residential density and the lot setback standards for row DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS houses and apartment buildings. The revised standards will AMENDMENT No. 67, 2012 allow for higher density residential development comparable with standards that exist in some larger urban TAKE NOTICE that the TOWN OF PARADISE municipalities such as St. John’s. Municipal Plan Amendment No. 26, 2012 and Development Regulations Amendment No. 67, 2012, The TOWN OF GAMBO Municipal Development adopted on the 18th day of June, 2013 and approved on the Regulations Amendment No. 18, 2013 will come into effect 16th day of July, 2013, have been registered by the Minister on the day that this notice is published in The of Municipal Affairs. Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette. Anyone who wishes to inspect a copy of them may do so at the Town Office, In general terms, the Municipal Plan Amendment re- during normal working hours. designates land bordering the south side of Adams Pond and north of the intersection of Lanark Drive and TOWN OF GAMBO Glendarek Drive from Commercial Local to Residential. Jean Blackwood, Town Clerk The Development Regulation Amendment rezones this property from Commercial Local (CL) to Residential Sept 13 Medium Density (RMD). The purpose of the amendments NOTICE OF REGISTRATION is to facilitate the development of four (4) executive TOWN OF LEWISPORTE residential lots. MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT No. 4, 2013, and The amendments come into effect on the day that this DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AMENDMENT notice is published in The Newfoundland and Labrador No. 7, 2013 Gazette. Anyone wishing to inspect a copy of Municipal TAKE NOTICE that the TOWN OF LEWISPORTE Plan Amendment No. 26, 2012 and Development Municipal Plan Amendment No. 4, 2013, and Development Regulations Amendment No. 67, 2012 may do so at the Regulations Amendment No. 7, 2013, as approved by Paradise Town Hall, 28 McNamara Drive, during normal Council on the 4th day of June, 2013, has been registered by hours of operation. the Minister of Municipal Affairs. TOWN OF PARADISE In general terms, Municipal Plan Amendment No. 4, 2013, Terrilynn Smith, Town Clerk will re-designate a large area of land west of White Pine P. O. # 0036216 Drive from Rural to Mixed Use, Residential to Mixed Use and Commercial to Mixed Use. Sept 13 Development Regulations Amendment No. 7, 2013, will re- QUIETING OF TITLES ACT zone the same area of land from Rural to Mixed Development, Residential Medium Density to Mixed 2013 04G 0115 Development, Residential Senior Citizens to Mixed SUPREME COURT OF Development and Commercial General to Mixed NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Development. The Amendment will also add Special Care TRIAL DIVISION (General) Institutional as a discretionary use to the Mixed IN THE MATTER OF the Quieting of Titles Act, RSNL Development Land Use Zone Table. 1990 cQ-3, as amended The TOWN OF LEWISPORTE Municipal Plan AND Amendment No. 4, 2013, and Development Regulations Amendment No. 7, 2013, comes into effect on the day that IN THE MATTER OF pieces or parcels of land situate at 8 this notice is published in The Newfoundland and Labrador Squires Road in the Town of Deer Lake in the Province of Gazette. Anyone who wishes to inspect a copy of the Newfoundland and Labrador TOWN OF LEWISPORTE Municipal Plan Amendment NOTICE OF APPLICATION No. 4, 2013, and Development Regulations Amendment No. 7, 2013, may do so at the Town Office, Lewisporte NOTICE IS HEREBY given to all parties that RUTH during normal working hours. SQUIRES, of 13 Queen Street, in the City of Comer Brook, TOWN OF LEWISPORTE in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, in her Elaine Bursey, Town Clerk capacity as executrix of the Estate of the late Carrie Iris Sept 13 Bowdridge, has applied to the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador Trial Division at the Judicial 424 THE NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR GAZETTE September 13, 2013 Centre of Corner Brook to have the title investigated to SCHEDULE “A” ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land lying and being at 8 Squire's Road, in the Town of Deer Lake, in the DESCRIPTION OF LAND FOR RUTH SQUIRES Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and being Squires Road, Deer Lake, NL described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, to which piece ALL THAT piece or parcel of land lying southeast of of land RUTH SQUIRES claims ownership on behalf of Squires Road, in the Town of Deer Lake, in the Province of the estate of the late Carrie Iris Bowdridge and for a Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and Declaration that the estate of Carrie Iris Bowdridge is the described as follows: absolute owner thereof subject to the rights of those claiming through her. The said RUTH SQUIRES has been BEGINNING at a point on the southeast limit of Squires ordered to publish Notice of the Application as required by Road, the said point being the northerly angle of the herein the above noted Act. described parcel of land, the said angle having co-ordinates of North 5,448,475.530 and East 200,078.974; NOW THEREFORE all persons having title adverse to the said title claimed by the estate of Carrie Iris Bowdridge RUNNING THENCE from the above described point of shall file in the Registry of the Supreme Court of beginning by land of Linda Pennell and by land of Vaughn Newfoundland and Labrador, Trial Division, Corner Brook, Burridge, south thirty four degrees nine minutes thirty Newfoundland and Labrador, particulars of such adverse three seconds east (S34°09'33"E) one hundred decimal five claim and serve the same, together with an Affidavit seven five (100.575) metres; verifying such adverse claim, on the undersigned Solicitors th THENCE RUNNING by land of Vaughn Burridge and by for the Applicant on or before the 20 day of October, land of the Town of Deer Lake, south fifty five degrees 2013, after which date no party having any claim shall be twenty seven seconds west (S55°40'27"W) thirty eight permitted to file the same or be heard except by leave of the decimal six eight zero (38.680) metres; Court and subject to conditions as the Court may deem just. THENCE RUNNING by land of Keith Squires, north thirty All such adverse claims shall then be investigated in such a four degrees nine minutes thirty three seconds west manner as the said Supreme Court may direct. (N34°09'33"W) one hundred decimal six three one DATED at the City of Comer Brook, in the Province of (100.631) metres; th Newfoundland and Labrador, this 5 day of June, 2013. THENCE RUNNING by the southeast limit of Squires Road, north fifty five degrees forty five minutes twenty BROTHERS AND BURDEN LAW OFFICE seven seconds east (N55°45'27"E) thirty eight decimal six Solicitors for the Applicant eight zero (38.680) metres, more or less, to the point of PER: Andrew W. May beginning; ADDRESS FOR SERVICE Containing an area of zero decimal three eight nine 89 West Valley Road (0.389) hectare, more or less, and being more particularly Corner Brook, NL A2H 2X4 shown on Yates and Woods Limited drawing no. 09035 Tel: (709) 639-3400 dated April 23, 2009; Fax: (709) 639-3410 All bearings refer to 3° Grid North (NAD 1983) as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 56°00' west longitude; Yates and Woods Limited 425 THE NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR GAZETTE September 13, 2013 Sept 13 426 THE NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR GAZETTE September 13, 2013 TRUSTEE ACT ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: 136 Crosbie Road, Suite 401 ESTATE NOTICE St.
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