E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2017 No. 160 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was for work could often seem bleak. For check, helping businesses grow and called to order by the President pro those men and women, the promise of a workers succeed, helping move the tempore (Mr. HATCH). hard-earned retirement seemed to drift economy into high gear so we can sus- f further and further away. For so many tain real prosperity into the future for middle-class Americans, the last dec- America’s middle class. PRAYER ade meant a weak economy and a de- These are the kinds of ideas that The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- cline of opportunities. People of this should be shared by everyone, Repub- fered the following prayer: Nation deserve better. They deserve licans and Democrats alike. Our friends Let us pray. larger paychecks, more jobs, and better across the aisle supported the need for Father of love, who made Heaven and opportunities to get ahead. tax reform for many years. They used Earth, sustain us through this day. This Congress is committed to help- to advocate it loudly. But the tone May our lawmakers focus on Your ing the economy live up to its full po- seems to be different now. What glory and not their own. Inspire them tential once again, which is exactly changed? The President, or so it would with Your presence so that their lives why we are committed to passing tax seem. will reflect Your mercy and truth. reform. This is our once-in-a-genera- We know that our Democratic friends Lord, give them the wisdom to trust tion opportunity to overhaul a broken are under immense pressure from the Your plans and to desire for You to do tax code that holds us back and replace hard left to oppose everything this as You please for our Nation and world. it with something that actually works President touches, but I hope they can Forgive us when we depend primarily for the hard-working people of our resist that pressure and do what they on our strength and ability to meet country. It represents the single most know is right. After all, shouldn’t we life’s challenges, forgetting that You important thing we can do today to get all support cutting middle-class taxes, are able and eager to help us. God, our our economy back on the right track. helping small businesses, and bringing deliverer, we bless Your Name from Working together, President Trump, jobs and investments back to our coun- this time forth and forever more. his team, and the tax-writing commit- try? Thank You for Your merciful kindness tees in Congress have developed the I was always under the impression that is new each day. framework that will help us get there. that Democrats wanted to end cor- We pray in Your precious Name. Here is what it envisions: porate offshoring, eliminate loopholes Amen. For American workers, we want to for the wealthy, and cut middle-class f make your taxes lower, simpler, and taxes. Well, these are all aspects of the fairer. We want to take more money current tax reform framework. So PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE out of Washington’s pockets and put there is no need for our friends to in- The President pro tempore led the more in yours. vent reasons to justify opposing tax re- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Helping individuals and families suc- form. There is no reason to launch at- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ceed is the first aim of tax reform. tacks on the tax reform framework United States of America, and to the Repub- Helping businesses succeed is the sec- based on made-up details that aren’t lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ond aim, so we can help create more actually in it. Tax reform has been a indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. jobs and keep them right here in Amer- bipartisan effort in the past. It can be, f ica. and it should be, again now. American businesses, both large and It is up to our Democratic friends to RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY small, face an increasingly competitive decide if they would like to engage in a LEADER global economy. We want to put Amer- serious way. I personally hope they The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ican businesses and workers on a level will join us in advancing this impor- majority leader is recognized. playing field because when they are, tant initiative for our country. I think f they can win. we owe at least that much to the mil- We want to help bring jobs and prof- lions of Americans who felt forgotten TAX REFORM its back home, and once they are here, over the last decade. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we want to give businesses the right in- Tax reform can help move our econ- during the Obama years, many of the centives to keep them right here in omy into high gear. It can help deliver hard-working men and women of Amer- America. more jobs, higher wages, and increased ica’s middle class felt completely for- We want to unleash the potential of opportunities for the American people. gotten. Paychecks often did not keep the American economy—helping you The men and women of this country de- pace with rising costs. Opportunities keep more of the money in your pay- serve it, which is why I am committed ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6327 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.000 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 to keeping up the work to get tax re- the position of Vice Chair for Super- this country well as USCIS Director. form accomplished. vision—another essential role. The role of the USCIS in implementing It is critical that Mr. Quarles begin f and administering our immigration his work at the Fed as soon as possible. benefits is too important for any other RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME There really is no time to waste. He result. I believe strongly in the impor- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. will do a great job. tance of immigrants to the culture and STRANGE). Under the previous order, (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the economy of the United States, and I the leadership time is reserved. following statement was ordered to be hope Mr. Cissna’s actions as Director printed in the RECORD.) show that he agrees. However, I cannot f ∑ Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, in good conscience vote to confirm CONCLUSION OF MORNING I had expected to be able to vote today someone about whom I have so many BUSINESS on the confirmation of Mr. Randal concerns.∑ Quarles to be a member of the Federal Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I suggest The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning Reserve. Instead, I am in Las Vegas, the absence of a quorum. business is closed. meeting with victims of and first re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f sponders to the deadliest mass shoot- clerk will call the roll. ing in modern U.S. history. The legislative clerk proceeded to EXECUTIVE SESSION On the question of Mr. Quarles’s call the roll. nomination, I want to make clear that Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask I would have voted ‘‘no’’ had I been unanimous consent that the order for EXECUTIVE CALENDAR present. While an official in the Bush the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under administration Treasury Department The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the previous order, the Senate will pro- in the lead-up to the economic crisis of objection, it is so ordered. ceed to executive session and resume 2007 to 2009, Mr. Quarles failed to take RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER consideration of the Quarles nomina- action to prevent the build-up of risk The Democratic leader is recognized. tion, which the clerk will report. that ultimately led to hundreds of LAS VEGAS MASS SHOOTING The legislative clerk read the nomi- thousands of foreclosures and evictions Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, as we nation of Randal Quarles, of Colorado, in Nevada. In fact, Mr. Quarles during continue to grieve with the people of to be a Member of the Board of Gov- that period repeatedly maintained that Las Vegas and families of the injured ernors of the Federal Reserve System the financial system was safe, that and the deceased, when I think of the for the unexpired term of fourteen large banks were well-capitalized, and pictures I see of those beautiful young years from February 1, 2004. that the housing market was strong, people who had the best of life ahead of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under notwithstanding clear signs of esca- them, we ache for them. But our the previous order, the time until 10 lating risk. After serving in the Treas- thoughts must turn to action so this a.m. will be equally divided between ury Department, Mr. Quarles was the doesn’t happen again. the two leaders or their designees. beneficiary of the second-largest ‘‘loss What can we do as a nation to The Senator from Utah. share’’ agreement in the Federal De- change? Because surely when there are Mr.
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