Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Albatrosses, Laysan Pyrotechnics (All) 109 Vehicles (All) 520 Albatrosses, Laysan Dispersed 629 Alligators, American Pyrotechnics (All) 2 Alligators, American Dispersed 2 Anhingas Firearms 2 Pyrotechnics (All) 40 Anhingas Dispersed 42 Avadavats, Red Firearms 4,999 Vehicles (All) 8,426 Avadavats, Red Dispersed 13,425 Avocets, American Car/Truck 2 Dog 4 Pyrotechnics (All) 6 Vehicles (All) 61 Firearms 75 Whistlers/Screamers 419 Bombs/Bangers 435 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 1,023 Avocets, American Dispersed 2,025 Badgers Firearms 1 Page 1 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Badgers Badgers Dispersed 1 Bears, Black Ammunition, Rubber (All) 1 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 1 Traps, Cage 1 Firearms 2 Dog 4 Pyrotechnics (All) 4 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 5 Paint Balls 11 Vehicles (All) 13 Bears, Black Dispersed 42 Bears, Grizzly Pyrotechnics (All) 1 Bears, Grizzly Dispersed 1 Beavers Pyrotechnics (All) 1 Spotlight 1 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 1 Firearms 2 Beavers Dispersed 5 Birds, Unidentifiable Whistlers/Screamers 2 Bombs/Bangers 3 Vehicles (All) 21 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 101 Pyrotechnics (All) 142 Page 2 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Birds, Unidentifiable Birds, Unidentifiable Dispersed 269 Bitterns, Yellow Pyrotechnics (All) 298 Vehicles (All) 2,630 Bitterns, Yellow Dispersed 2,928 Blackbirds, (Mixed Species) Electronic Harassment Devices (Other) 10 Pneumatics 21 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 345 Whistlers/Screamers 1,365 Car/Truck 2,460 Vehicles (All) 2,820 Bombs/Bangers 3,354 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 3,650 Firearms 73,401 Exploders, Gas (All) 172,545 Pyrotechnics (All) 5,501,017 Blackbirds, (Mixed Species) Dispersed 5,760,988 Blackbirds, Brewer`s Dog 233 Electronic Harassment Devices (Other) 250 Whistlers/Screamers 485 Bombs/Bangers 2,618 Pyrotechnics (All) 4,355 Firearms 8,983 Vehicles (All) 9,541 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 25,605 Page 3 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Blackbirds, Brewer`s Blackbirds, Brewer`s Dispersed 52,070 Blackbirds, Red-Winged Dog 43 Pneumatics 43 Car/Truck 325 Electronic Harassment Devices (Other) 475 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 3,500 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 3,625 Vehicles (All) 9,543 Exploders, Gas (All) 13,090 Whistlers/Screamers 16,189 Bombs/Bangers 32,726 Firearms 460,653 Pyrotechnics (All) 1,237,748 Blackbirds, Red-Winged Dispersed 1,777,960 Blackbirds, Yellow-Headed Vehicles (All) 1 Pyrotechnics (All) 1,750 Firearms 9,500 Blackbirds, Yellow-Headed Dispersed 11,251 Bluebirds, Eastern Pyrotechnics (All) 4 Bluebirds, Eastern Dispersed 4 Bluebirds, Mountain Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 2 Bluebirds, Mountain Dispersed 2 Bluebirds, Western Page 4 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Bluebirds, Western Vehicles (All) 3 Bluebirds, Western Dispersed 3 Bobcats Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 1 Pyrotechnics (All) 3 Vehicles (All) 3 Bobcats Dispersed 7 Bobolinks Vehicles (All) 23 Pyrotechnics (All) 1,395 Bobolinks Dispersed 1,418 Bulbuls, Red-Vented Firearms 1,701 Vehicles (All) 4,809 Bulbuls, Red-Vented Dispersed 6,510 Bulbuls, Red-Whiskered Firearms 2 Vehicles (All) 33 Bulbuls, Red-Whiskered Dispersed 35 Buntings, Lark Car/Truck 10 Firearms 25,859 Buntings, Lark Dispersed 25,869 Buntings, Snow Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 8 Whistlers/Screamers 175 Page 5 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Buntings, Snow Firearms 395 Bombs/Bangers 578 Vehicles (All) 683 Pyrotechnics (All) 856 Buntings, Snow Dispersed 2,695 Caimans, Spectacled Pyrotechnics (All) 2 Caimans, Spectacled Dispersed 2 Caracaras Electronic Harassment Devices (Other) 7 Firearms 23 Pyrotechnics (All) 43 Caracaras Dispersed 73 Cardinals, Northern Firearms 23 Vehicles (All) 713 Cardinals, Northern Dispersed 736 Cardinals, Red Crested Pneumatics 4 Firearms 1,490 Vehicles (All) 10,844 Cardinals, Red Crested Dispersed 12,338 Caribou/Reindeer Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 10 Paint Balls 22 Vehicles (All) 161 Firearms 168 Page 6 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Caribou/Reindeer Pyrotechnics (All) 218 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 1,116 Caribou/Reindeer Dispersed 1,695 Cats, Feral/Free Ranging Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 1 Pyrotechnics (All) 1 Dog 1 Car/Truck 2 Spotlight 3 Paint Balls 4 Firearms 9 Vehicles (All) 180 Cats, Feral/Free Ranging Dispersed 201 Chickens, Feral/Free Ranging Nets, Other 2 Handcaught/Gathered 5 Lights (All) 9 Firearms 1,526 Vehicles (All) 2,273 Chickens, Feral/Free Ranging Dispersed 3,815 Chukars Firearms 60 Chukars Dispersed 60 Coots, American Flaming Whistlers 16 Electronic Harassment Devices (Other) 150 Pyrotechnics (All) 333 Page 7 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Coots, American Dog 623 Firearms 1,052 Whistlers/Screamers 1,499 Bombs/Bangers 1,685 Vehicles (All) 1,962 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 4,177 Coots, American Dispersed 11,497 Coots, Hawaiian (T/E) Pyrotechnics (All) 1 Vehicles (All) 2 Coots, Hawaiian (T/E) Dispersed 3 Cormorants, Double-Crested Paint Balls 4 Capa Cartridges 18 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 27 Flaming Whistlers 750 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 933 Whistlers/Screamers 1,109 Exploders, Gas (All) 1,725 Bombs/Bangers 1,735 Car/Truck 3,005 Detonator Rockets 4,238 Boat 17,846 Vehicles (All) 33,203 Firearms 86,753 Pyrotechnics (All) 91,586 Cormorants, Double-Crested Dispersed 242,932 Cormorants, Pelagic Page 8 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Cormorants, Pelagic Firearms 1 Vehicles (All) 200 Pyrotechnics (All) 203 Cormorants, Pelagic Dispersed 404 Cowbirds, Brown-Headed Hand Tools 130 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 550 Whistlers/Screamers 600 Electronic Harassment Devices (Other) 1,293 Car/Truck 2,425 Exploders, Gas (All) 3,155 Bombs/Bangers 7,729 Vehicles (All) 22,036 Pyrotechnics (All) 59,303 Firearms 76,367 Cowbirds, Brown-Headed Dispersed 173,588 Coyotes Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 1 Electronic Harassment Devices (Other) 2 Whistlers/Screamers 2 Screamer Banger Rockets 3 Calling Device, Electronic 4 Spotlight 4 Bombs/Bangers 5 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 5 Paint Balls 9 Pyrotechnics (All) 18 Car/Truck 45 Page 9 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Coyotes Firearms 168 Vehicles (All) 249 Coyotes Dispersed 515 Cranes, Sandhill Bombs/Bangers 1 Whistlers/Screamers 1 Car/Truck 10 Paint Balls 25 Exploders, Gas (All) 71 Firearms 94 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 98 Vehicles (All) 137 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 300 Pyrotechnics (All) 495 Screamer Banger Rockets 81,062 Cranes, Sandhill Dispersed 82,294 Crows, American Hand Tools 2 Scarecrows (All) (Owl, Snake, Silhouette 50 Capa Cartridges 130 Exploders, Gas (All) 293 Car/Truck 752 Flaming Whistlers 767 Paint Balls 923 Pneumatics 925 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 3,608 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 3,757 Vehicles (All) 9,276 Page 10 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Crows, American Lights (All) 36,100 Electronic Harassment Devices (Other) 63,534 Bombs/Bangers 67,062 Firearms 77,742 Lasers (All) (Deterrent) 161,209 Whistlers/Screamers 168,765 Pyrotechnics (All) 421,543 Crows, American Dispersed 1,016,438 Crows, Fish Pneumatics 2 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 3 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 66 Bombs/Bangers 81 Pyrotechnics (All) 127 Whistlers/Screamers 159 Car/Truck 323 Vehicles (All) 397 Firearms 2,399 Crows, Fish Dispersed 3,557 Crows, Northwestern Dog 4 Firearms 868 Vehicles (All) 1,136 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 2,144 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 2,748 Paint Balls 3,696 Pyrotechnics (All) 8,530 Crows, Northwestern Dispersed 19,126 Page 11 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Curlews, Bristle-Thighed Pyrotechnics (All) 1 Curlews, Bristle-Thighed Dispersed 1 Curlews, Long-Billed Screamer Banger Rockets 2 Pyrotechnics (All) 17 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 18 Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 46 Exploders, Gas (All) 175 Firearms 546 Dog 755 Bombs/Bangers 1,172 Vehicles (All) 1,221 Whistlers/Screamers 1,712 Curlews, Long-Billed Dispersed 5,664 Deer, Axis Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 1 Firearms 26 Spotlight 905 Vehicles (All) 1,164 Deer, Axis Dispersed 2,096 Deer, Black-Tailed Firearms 1 Dog 1 Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 2 Pyrotechnics (All) 5 Vehicles (All) 26 Deer, Black-Tailed Dispersed 35 Page 12 of 86 Table G-1. Animals Dispersed by Wildlife Services - FY 2011 Species Dispersal Method # of Animals Dispersed Deer, Mule Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 1 Pyrotechnics (All) 10 Paint Balls 37 Vehicles (All) 44 Firearms 429 Deer, Mule Dispersed 521 Deer, White-Tailed (Wild) Physical Actions (Hand/Voice) 2 Hand Tools 2 Electronic Harassment Devices (Other) 7 Spotlight 9 Car/Truck 10 Whistlers/Screamers 17 Paint Balls 25 Bombs/Bangers 46 Pyrotechnics (All) 100 Vehicles (All) 244 Firearms 247 Deer, White-Tailed (Wild) Dispersed 709 Dogs, Feral, Free-Ranging And Hybrids Cracker Shells (12 Gauge ) 1 Firearms 2 Car/Truck
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