id7363687 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! - http://www.pdfmachine.com http://www.broadgun.com EEnnvviirroonnImSmSN : e0e97nn4 - 7tt45aa1 ll SSccViioleeumnne 8 Iccssuee 8 An Indian Journal Current Research Paper ESAIJ, 8(8), 2013 [297-307] Features of formation of reefs and macrobenthos communities in the An Thoi archipelago the Gulf of Thailand (South China Sea) Yuri Ya.Latypov A.V.Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, Far Eastern BranchRussian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, 690059, (RUSSIA) E-mail : [email protected] ABSTRACT KEYWORDS Macrobenthos communities studied on fringing reefs of the AnThoj Coral; archipelago using SCUBA-diving equipment. The islands are located in Reef; the turbid and highly eutrophic waters of the eastern Gulf of Thailand. We Macrobenthos; researched species composition and settlements densities and biomasses Community; in common species of algae, coelenterates, mollusks and echinoderms, as AnThoi archipelago; well as the degree of substrate coverage by macrophytes and coral. Clear Vietnam. vertical zonation identified in the change of the various communities in macrobenthos. The dominance of massive Porites on almost all reefs of the Gulf of Thailand is due to their ability to survive in stressful for many corals. They predominate over other scleractinian for the productivity of organic matter, the degree of substrate coverage and species diversity. They also constitute the reef skeleton and play a significant role of the expansion of its area in themuddy bottom of the Gulf of Thailand. 2013 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA INTRODUCTION phological zoning and developed powerful reef depos- its, common in structural reefs of the Indo- Pacific. They Most of the reefs in Vietnam, as along the coast, cover a thin crust of coral and seaweed boulder- boul- the islands and the open sea, are similar in their mor- der and rocky substrate, almost without changing the phological zonation, composition and structure of a com- underwater geomorphological profile[15-17]. The moun- munity of other Indo-Pacific reefs. There are fringing tainous An Thoi archipelago is situated in the eastern °-10°30' N, 103°50- mainland and island reefs, barrier and platform reefs part of the Gulf of Tonkin (10 °05’E) and includes 13 islands. The relief of the and atolls[1-7]. They are characterized by well-defined 104 morphological zonation (lagoon, reef flat and so on), a latter represented by relatively high plateaus bordered rich diversity of species of coral, usually dominated by steep abrasion denudational-collapsed slopes. The Acroporidae[8-12]. Reefs at the Tonkin Gulf, because of islands are built of sand, stone and conglomerates oc- their specific hydrological and abiotic conditions[13,14] curring within a monoclinal flat dipping complex and differ in the structure of reefs and benthic communities. partially covered by quaternary sediments. A charac- The AnThoi archipelago reefs have structural and mor- teristic feature of the island relief is the steepness of its 298 Features of formation of reefs .and macrobenthos communities ESAIJ, 8(8) 2013 Current Research Paper slopes, which well pronounced in the coastal zone and 1, which is twice as great as around the Ca Thuik Is- •water re- on submarine slopes. A ruined-rocky under lands and Charlotte Bank, in the open part of the South lief has developed in connection with this geomorpho- China Sea. The concentration of chlorophyll a in the logical pattern. The submarine slopes represented by waters around the islands is almost two times greater. boulder-block deposits transforming with deeper depths Since the salinity in the open part of the South China ‰, and the islands of An Thoi it into stony and gravel deposits, which, deeper down, Sea is more than 32 ‰. Amount of suspended replaced by sandy-corallogenic deposits with large ranges from 30.31to 31.26 amounts of organogenic detritus. matter (turbidity) in the water near the islands of An The islands of the archipelago are located in the Thoi almost twice the cores of such indicators at the coastal semiclosed part of the bay, which characterized entrance to the bay and the open sea. Not the best role by specific chemical and ecological conditions (see for the formation of reefs and benthic communities and TABLE). First, there is a great concentration of dis- has a reduced amount of oxygen in the waters of the solved suspended matter, reaching more than 100 mg/ archipelago. TABLE 1 : Surface water chemistry of some reefs of south vietnam Quantity of suspended solids, mg/l ‰ O , PO Porg, Ñorg,µg/l Shl, The MOAT, Area Salinity, 2 µg/4l, µg/l µg/l (turbidity) ml/l mg/l 1 0.26 30.58 5.14 0.5 1.9 130 0.11 4.05 2 1.26 30.95 5.53 2.8 3.5 145 0.50 4.20 X 0.69 30.79 5.31 1.8 2.7 91 0.29 4.12 S 0.37 0.14 0.14 0.9 0.5 39 0.14 0.08 3 0.08 32.12 5.48 0.5 1.6 65 0.12 2.80 4 0.85 32.26 5.78 2.5 5.0 198 0.5 3.78 X 0.66 32.22 5,60 1.15 2.9 107 0.25 3.19 S 0.20 0.03 0.09 0.87 1.1 47 0.15 0.39 5 0.40 30.31 4.88 0.5 1.7 385 0.25 6.05 6 3.28 31.26 5.63 2,5 4.75 115 1.22 0.65 X 1.26 30.84 5.09 0.8 3.14 206 0.57 3.68 S 0.31 0.50 0.29 0.8 1.7 83 0.36 1.41 – Thochu Island, 3-4 – Con Dao Islands, 5-6 - AnThoi archipelago, X-mean value, S - standard deviation. Samples are N ote: 1-2 taken at 24 stations The above-listed peculiarities, combined with the 200 m long, marked off by the meter, were located in presence of constant currents usually running in the same open and closed bays, on capes, and along rocky, stony, directions (clockwise in the rainy season and counter- and sandy coasts in order to include the greatest diver- •mental clockwise in the dry season), make the environ sity of reef communities in the surveyed area. At every conditions very peculiar for corals. square meter along each transect, we counted branched, massive, encrusting, and funnel-shaped scleractinian MATERIALS AND METHODS colonies using a frame divided into 100 small squares10 cm2. We also studied the degree of substrate coverage The composition and distribution of scleractinian by corals and determined the density of common spe- and common macrobenthos species (about 400 spe- cies of mollusks and echinoderms. In the aggregations cies) and the community structure in each reef zone were of invertebrates, we recorded the settlement density and studied using scuba equipment along seven transects biomass of each species across an area of 10-30 m2. located on six islands (Figure 1). We used generally On each transect section with a soft bottom; we col- accepted hydrobiological methods[18], including the tech- lected seven samples using a bottom sampler Van-Wine nique of frames and transects[19]. The transects, each (0.025 m2)and recorded animals and plants through 2- Environmental Science An Indian Journal ESAIJ, 8(8) 2013 Yuri Ya.Latypov 299 Current Research Paper 5 frames 1-10 m2 in area. In the laboratory determined noticeable vertical zonation. In coastal shallows, an al- the species composition and quantity indicators of abun- gal-coral zone develops with a rather high density of dance of benthos (biomass and density of each species large macrobenthos. It occupies depths down to 1.5- and systematic group, total biomass and abundance). 2 m and only rarely extends for more than 50 m. The A lot of large organisms determined to slash at the algal-coral zone gives way to a zone dominated by coral ’s scales accurate to 10 mg, small-on torsion chemist settlements, Scleractinian dominate along steep boul- scales to within 1 mg. We drained the animal for 1 min der-block coasts, whereas Alcyonarian dominate along on the filter paper before weighing. All data measured rocky shores. This zone extends for 40-100 m, at depths on area 1 m2. Coefficients of species diversity corals of 2 to 12 m. At the base of the reef slope and on the Ó were calculated by the formula: H = - [ (n /N) x (lnn pre-reef platform, a zone of spotty gorgonarian- – Shannon Diversity Index i i / N) ], where H , n - number scleractinian populations arises. The geomorphological –total niumber of of individuals belonging to i species, N pattern of the shoreline and submarine slopes and dis- individuals[20]. Level of similarity of different communities tribution of corals and associated macrobenthos allowed defined in terms of similarity[21] clustering Ward carried us to distinguish two groups of reefs within the surveyed largest Jaccard index using the program Statistica 6.0. area: reefs of boulder-block coasts either closed or •manent wave action (transects 1- screened against per 3,7; Figure 2) and reefs of rocky, more open coasts (transects 4-6; Figure 3). The species composition of the coral and macrobenthos varied on different reefs from 278 to 324 species. 29 species either dominated or appeared permanently in certain zones: the sponge Petrosia testudinaria; the corals Sarcophyton trocheliophorum, Lobophytum pauciflorum, Juncella fragilis, Acropora cytherea, A. millepora, Montipora hispida, M. aequituberculata, Porites lobata, P. cylindrica, Goniopora djiboutiensis, Galaxea fascicularis, Pavona decussata, Platygyra daedalea, Diploastrea heliopora, Turbinaria peltata, T. mesenterina, and Millepora platyphylla; the mol- lusks Beguina semiorbiculata and Area ventricosa; the echinoderms Holothuria edulis, Stichopus variegatus, Bohadschia graejfei, Diadema setosum, Figure 1 : Schematized map of (a) the An Thoi archipelago and Linckia laevigata; the polychaete Spirobranchus and (b) the location of transects 1-7 along its coasts giganteus; the macrophytes Turbinaria decurrens, Caulerpa racemosa, and Padina australis.
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