i . • ——;—7~~ 4 WHERE TO_GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST, 1 Capitol—-Secret^ I lominion—T|i«? Golden Bed. • ^ "Colt*eum;- -One Kxvmng NlgKU" fresh northerly wind- generally fair and StMS Pla> liouie -The Man Life Paused Bjr.V— i colder. A Birtaria Columbia—The Painted Lady. X VOL. 66 NO. 36 VICTORIA, B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1925—16 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS senate reform 31529946 after session :::::: : :: SIGHT IS RESTORED OXFORD DEBATERS AWAITS STATEMENT REPORT ON EXPORTS RESCUERS SAY BY AN OPERATION TRAVELED STEERAGE ON C.P.R. SHIP LINE SKIPPER OF NEW OF LOGS TO BE PUT CHANGE IN CONSTITUTION OF Honolulu, Feb. lh—The Oxford PLANS; HON. T. LOW Prince Rupert. Feb. 1Î.—Ben­ University debaters, headed by BEFORE COMMONS jamin Croaaett. a pioneer busi­ VESSEL I NOTED Malcolm MacDonald, son of the MAN IN CAVE ness man of Prince Rupert, who former ’ British Premier, arrived By Times Specie! Representative SENATE MAY BE CHIEF ISSUE was reported to bave become here yesterday in steerage be- Ottawa. Feb. 11.—Two ques­ totally blind since he left this case there were no other accom­ city to live In Washington State, tions of vital concern to British modations available when the. Columbia log exports and customs has recovered his sight following vessel left San Francisco and EL BE FREED sn operation in Seattle, according dutiee on goods traveling from OF 1925 GENERAL ELECTION they did not wish to postpone to word received here. Lt.-Commander McMurray is1 Eastern Canada to the Pacific their departure. coast by way of United States Workers in Kentucky Hope to Bringing Princess Kathleen ; ports, have been brought up Federal-Provincial Conference on Reform of Senate of Burrard. He is asking the Gov Canada TProbaMy-WiH Net -be -Oatied Until After REPORT SAYS C.P.R. SHIPS WHI No Report Yet of New Prin­ ernment to give full figures on End of Present Session of Parliament; Vote on Ad­ teg experts and en inter-prevtn- cess Liner cial custom duties. dress in Commons is Expected About Thursday of Military Court is Inquiring Next Week. WITHDRAW FROM ATLANTIC GROUP Capt. I{. W. McMurray. com­ Into Facts Connected With manding the Princess Kathleen, By Time* Staff Representative Accident AND JOIN NEW CANADIAN SCHEME the new Canadian Pacific Coast steamship, on her way to this "OttSWit. Feb. 11;—The conference between representatives of Cave City. Ky.. Feb. 11.—Barring port, and which is expected to th'e Federal and Provincial (lovernmeuls to consider reform of unlooked for developments, indica­ Ottawa, Feb. 11.-—'“That would be fine. 1 hope it Is right,” arrive here Saturday, is one of the Senate of Canada probably will not be called until after tions at 12.30 o'clock this afternoon said Hon. T. A. Low. Minister of Trade and Commeree. this the best known seafaring men were that Floyd Collins would not t>e Parliament has ended the present session, it was made known to­ extricated before late to-night from morning when told of a rumor that the Canadian Pacific Railway on the Atlantic, lie is also a Employees of Systems Give day. It is assumed the Oovernment, if it decides on a general S*UMi>Ca*e. .m .whkd». b*. .keivi*. Htc»tu»lup.l4W. KiAJKiUiag. tu.uaUvdraw, from Jttiu^XurUi AJtlaaUe t'keytm Uu> year, will make the T--”-r un filorfinnimu trapped-for twelve days. GREECE APPEALS TO Support to Ffarrto Reform H. T. Carmichael, in charge of the Conference and come under the Canadian Government's pro­ nnt-Commander In the Royal Naval of prime importance then rather than press for immediate sinking of the shaft, said a ayddvn posed scheme to subsidize trans-Atlantic shipping to reduce: LEAGUE OF NATIONS j Reserve, and saw active service dur- the Senate action now. striking of the cavern in which Col­ ocean freight rates. Mr. Low said his department had received ! Ing the war in the t'hannel Patrol FI RUT DIVISION lins Is a prisoner would be the only- Geneva. Feb. 11.—Greece has | and in charge of the Hongkong Ask Number of Changes in unexpected development which might nothing from the Canadian Pacific line, however, to indicate appealed to the League of Nations 1 Patrol. Ottawa. Feb. 11.-When the debate possibly lead to an earlier rescue. the rumor was true. against the action of Turkey in j Fof fifteen years he has been with, Legislation at This Session on the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne is finished in the INQUIRY HELD REPLY 18 EXPECTED spelling the Most Rev. Constan- the Canadian Pacifie service on the CITY COUNCIL OF tinos. Patriarch of the Greek • Atlantic, and has l>een staff-captain of Parliament < 'ommons. probably about Thursday There were few visitors at the London. Feb. -11 «Canadian Press | Catholic Church. from. Constan­ i of the fis. Empress of Scotland for KITCHENER, ONTARIO, of next week. It will close, it Is thought cave to-day. Chief interest swung to Vaille i —Shipowners both In London I tinople. claiming this action en­ I MOM time before tv t-Mik Over his Ottawa. Feb. 11 (Canadian Press) with a straight vote on the motion Cave City, where a military court of and Liverpool have so far lieen re- | dangers the friendly relations be­ : present command. He has only been --legislation proposed by the Can- | RESIGNS IN BODY of Sir Eugène Flset. Liberal member Inquiry heard several witnesses ro: for Kimouski, Quebec, and no amend* tieent regarding the proposal of thc| tween the two countries. ! placed In charge of the Princess j adlan railway " brotherhoods was, late what they had done, and wh.it Canadian Government to subsidize [ I Kathleen temporarily, and, as soon | under discussion this morning when Kitchener. Ont., Feb. 11. — j ment will be before the House. had been done tq. their knowledge to of ten steamships of the Peter- j j as he brings the Vessel safely Into j representative* of these organisations | Kitchener’s City Council resigned h rom present indications. It is evi- aid Collins. The court met upon the interests in order to bring about j this port, will Journey back to Eng­ met ITemier King and other mem- ; In a l>ody yesterday when a spe­ | d^nt that neither of the parties to the call of Governor William J. Fields to 1T0RIST srering of the ocean freight rates. ' land. Capt. McMurray will be wel­ hers of the Government. A memor- i cial meeting was held to discuss j left of the Speaker intends to sub- investigate all angles of the cave mIt is anticipated, however, that" ft T6- I comed here by many friends who are .«ndurn submitted by the représenta- , ; mit an amendment to th»- address. the notices served on each alder- Unless there is a change In the plans, tragedy. D..11*4 n j tu l. tai* -j I Ply to the report of W. T; B. Preston 1 associated with the Canadian Pacific lives of the brotherhoods covered ! man regarding the steps taken to statement DUliei rdSSeO I nTOUgh Wind- ; to the Canadian Government, which ' SIX ARRESTED ; therefore, the first division of the ses- The Governor issued offices here. fourteen recommendations to the’ upset the recent election. Dis­ In connection with the military court There has been no further data re­ Government, a number of which, if j sion will come directly on a question shield of Seattle Car While j claimers have been signed by all of the Government’s policy and will tall in whitfh he referred to u Sunday ceived from the Princess Kathleen. adopted, would result in amendments : the members of the council except Lut. momentarily, .-the..... Uawti - off joe*. to. present. — ---------------l 4Z5>:eaL-.Ul$L attitude_4it _ the Third ntgtrt—Associated ~Preys dispute!* Driver Escaoina “ ” •- •• TW'6'""Wli6"W<FFF"'n0T'PrWFfiT."------------- ______ ^ ^ , menace to the natural development AS RESULT OF are expecting to hear from the ship's [Party, and especially of the Inde­ dated Cave City, which he termed "We are heartily in accord with | unfortunate.': The dispatch In part llr.tr.-,., .1 , _ I • i I of Canada's export trade, will be wireless, stating the actual time of and commend the declaration of the i pendent group within the Progressive said some person had expressed doubt Motorcycle rolicemen in- -vr mu.-,,,, „jhmttt«rt>y me North bee- arrival: It------- is --------------understo—od ......th»t Prime Minister -just before edjourn- I Party, toward, that policy. - ~.... that Collins was trapped in the cave, vestigated Shoo Cng Else- j out that the she has been running through heavy { ment of the last session of Parlia- but these "who actually reached Col­ TACOMAKILLING wenther off the coast and has faced) ment with-reaped t<k,restricting the} lin* are firmly « l*î« ** where m City: no Arrests + -the., dangers of xhe t*n>p*»t 4n most powoea of the fi*n*te tv veto bills E.H.T. Hyde Died caught so he cannot release himself. commendable fashion, pTovThg her­ passed by the Commoiu.’’ states the $10.000 CLAIMED IN Skepticism and speculation among WMIK Feb. ll -Th. ooltr. repTcrnt lh, cost of a .Ingle Men Are Questioned Follow­ self to be ' splendid- sea-boat.. memorandum. "We Kuggest that, the spectators as TtrY'imtiw** fayr «ilSSr on to investigate tw# pending the necessary legteHition for ln Town of Anyox were common knowledge to news­ •treet .hooting allrays last'night. ing Murder of Bank Agent an elective Senate. the British North papermen. and the fact was so re­ Amfrtof amended by elimina­ i Anvnr R C li e* u n* Th** first took place shortly after' Last Saturday Morning SUIT IN VANCOUVE Anyox.
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