AGENDA ITEM 1 MID AND WEST BERKSHIRE LOCAL ACCESS FORUM MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FORUM HELD AT THE NATURE DISCOVERY CENTRE, LOWER WAY, THATCHAM, ON WEDNESDAY 19 MAY 2010, COMMENCING AT 2.00 PM AND CONCLUDED AT 4.50 PM Present: Dr J C Bridger*, Mr N Channer, Ms S Ellison, Mr J R Goddard, Mr A Lawson, Mr C N B Marriage*, Mr R O’Neill, Mrs M Pawson*, Mr R R Sharp, Mrs D M Smith, Councillor B Tickner, Mr P D G Todd*, Councillor Dr T Vickers, Ms S Wallington. Observer: Councillor H Cole (Executive Member for Environment, “Cleaner Greener”, Public Protection, Customer Services, West Berkshire Council) In Attendance: Ms E Baker (Reading Borough Council), Ms E Cox (West Berkshire Council), R F Penfold (Secretary), Ms E Tweed (Wokingham Borough Council). Apologies for Absence: Mr S W Brook, Mr D A W Gardiner DL, Councillor S Weeks. * Member seeking re-appointment – see Minute 8 1 member of the public was present. 1 SITE VISIT Prior to the meeting, some Members walked a permitted path through the reed beds from the Nature Discovery Centre, to Greenham Footpath 6. 2 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN RESOLVED: That Mr A Lawson be elected Chairman of the Forum for the ensuing year. (Mr Lawson in the Chair) 1 3 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN RESOLVED: That the election of a Vice-Chairman of the Forum for the ensuing year be deferred to the next meeting. 4 MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 27 January 2010 were approved. 5 MATTERS ARISING ON THE MINUTES 52 Public Participation The Secretary advised that no approaches had yet been made to the Council of Partners for the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, about closer liaison with the Forum. 55 Working Groups The Forum discussed the arrangements for and the prospective number of attendees at the community engagement meeting entitled “Rolling out Our ROWIPS”, to be held on 2 June 2010. 66 Consultation Exercises Dr J C Bridger indicated that she had not arranged for the Forum’s West Berkshire ROWIP Working Group to comment on the Local Development Framework (LDF) of the West Berkshire Council. Councillor Dr Vickers observed that the LDF, as drafted, contained a range of policies which could be utilised to ensure, for instance, improvements to access to outdoor recreation. 6 MEMBERS’ INTERESTS The Forum was reminded of the provisions of Regulation 6(8) of the Local Access Forums (England) Regulations 2007 concerning disclosure of interests. No interests relevant to the meeting were disclosed. 2 7 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Forum received a report by the Secretary reminding it of its decisions, at its first meeting, regarding public participation at meetings. No questions had been received prior to the meeting from members of the public. At the meeting, Mr G V Smith (Chairman, Ramblers’ Association, West Berkshire Group) asked about the provision of footboards for footpath level crossings on railways, in the light of a fatality on a crossing at Little Bedwyn, Wiltshire. Notwithstanding the Forum’s procedures, by which the question fell to be answered at the next meeting, it was RESOLVED: That the West Berkshire Council and Wokingham Borough Council be requested to undertake an audit of the condition of the 6 “at- grade” rights of way crossings of railways. 8 MEMBERSHIP OF THE FORUM The Forum received a report by the Secretary about the non-local authority membership, with effect from 1 May 2010. 4 existing Members of the Forum had expressed an interest in serving for a further term, and 2 new applications had been received by the closing date. Officers of the 3 councils were considering recommending appointments to their councils: no appointments had, however, been made by the date of the meeting. All those Members who had sought reappointment had been invited to attend the meeting. NOTED 9 MEETINGS OF THE FORUM The Forum had before it a report of the Secretary inviting the Forum to set the calendar of, and venues for, future meetings. The report also enquired whether site visits and presentation should be incorporated with some future meetings. 3 Members agreed that the existing pattern, of 3 afternoon meetings per year, should be continued, but felt that, subject to a review of the meeting to be held on 2 June 2010, that an evening, community engagement session should be added to one of the meetings. RESOLVED: 1 That meeting of the Forum be arranged to be held as follows: Wednesday 29 September 2010, in the Borough of Wokingham at 2 pm Wednesday 19 January 2011, in the Borough of Reading at 2 pm Wednesday 25 May 2011, in the District of West Berkshire at 4 pm incorporating presentations and site visits, as appropriate. 2 That, subject to review at the next meeting, a public facing session be incorporated with the meeting arranged for May 2011. 10 CROSS BOUNDARY LIAISON The Forum was reminded that, in accordance with the guidance given by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for local access forums, it had nominated persons to attend, as observers, meetings of the neighbouring local access fora. Dr J C Bridger reported orally on 2 meetings of the Hampshire Countryside Access Forum , since the last meeting of this Forum. The Hampshire Forum had discussed: • the Discovering Hampshire’s Lost Ways’ Project, including the relationship between historic routes and ambitions set out in the Hampshire ROWIPs; • sharpening up implementation/review activity; • an event designed to liaise between landowners and users of rights of way. Mr R R Sharp reported on a meeting of the Windsor & Maidenhead Local Access Forum which he had attended on 18 March 2010. The principle issue discussed had been Local Transport Plan 3. The Secretary circulated a report received from Dr D A L Shepherd, before his retirement, about the meeting of the Wiltshire & Swindon Countryside Access Forum he had attended on 10 February 2010. The main business had been a round table discussion on refocusing that Forum. Dr Shepherd advised that very diverse views had been expressed, and the debate lasted 4 some 2 hours, with no clear outcome. The full list of the potential priorities for 2010/11, as a result of the meeting, was attached to Dr Shepherd’s report. The principle issues were about the ROWIP and resources. Mrs D M Smith reported on a meeting she had attended of the Bracknell Forest Countryside Local Access Forum , which she advised was probably different in style to the Mid & West Berkshire Forum, given its quite small geographical area. That Forum had discussed the Local Transport Plan, the provision of children’s play areas and issues relating to heathland and wetland. The Forum was reminded that there were vacancies for observers at meetings of the Oxfordshire Countryside Access Forum and the Wiltshire and Swindon Countryside Access Forum, following the retirements of Lady Hoskins and Dr D A L Shepherd. RESOLVED: 1 That the reports of Dr J C Bridger, Mr R R Sharp, Dr D A L Shepherd and Mrs D M Smith be noted. 2 That Mr R O’Neill be nominated to attend meetings of the Oxfordshire Countryside Access Forum, as an observer. 3 That Councillor Dr T Vickers be nominated to attend meetings of the Wiltshire and Swindon Countryside Access Forum, as an observer. 11 WORKING GROUPS The convenors of working groups reported orally about their working groups. Councillor Dr T Vickers advised that the focus of any activity by the Education & Communications’ Group since the last meeting of the Forum had been in respect of the community engagement event arranged for 2 June 2010, with particular reference to the programme. The Chairman pointed out that he was not available for that meeting. Mrs M Pawson advised that the Access for Disabled People Group had not met since the last meeting of the Forum. Mr C N B Marriage reported that the Development of New Access & Maintenance of Existing Rights of Way Group has similarly not met since the last meeting of the Forum, pending the adoption of the West Berkshire ROWIP. 5 It was noted that, following the retirement of Lady Hoskins, the Reading ROWIP Group was without a convenor. Dr J C Bridger advised that the West Berkshire ROWIP Group had not met, as it was waiting for the West Berkshire ROWIP to be adopted. Mr R R Sharp reported that the Wokingham ROWIP Working Group had met, and had drafted a letter for submission to Wokingham Borough Council, which draft letter was circulated at the meeting. RESOLVED: 1 That, in the absence of the Chairman of the Forum, Councillor Dr T Vickers Chair the public engagement meeting on 2 June 2010. 2 That Mr A Lawson be appointed convenor of the Reading ROWIP Working Group. 3 That the draft letter, set out in Appendix 1 hereto, be sent to Wokingham Borough Council. 12 RIGHTS OF WAY IMPROVEMENT PLANS The Forum considered a report, by the Secretary, reminding Members that every local highway authority should have, by 21 November 2007, prepared a Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP), and updating the Forum on the progress made by the 1 remaining authority towards the publication of those plans, Reading Borough Council having published its Plan on 30 November 2007 and Wokingham Borough Council its Plan on 18 December 2009. Ms E Tweed (Wokingham) advised that her Council’s Plan could be downloaded from the website, but was not yet available in printed form. Ms E Cox (West Berkshire) advised that it was expected that the West Berkshire Council’s Plan would be adopted on 27 May 2010.
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