,<0j t ,. c o u : it v ----------------------- -r.O'v-'O .; ................' , i i i :;U 1 0 1": 95 Diplomas To Be Awarded By MGS Historical Matawan Marlboro Twp. Board Theme For Program Acts'Tuesday-On Bid* At the Matawan Grammar Bidswere received last School graduation exercises to night by the Marlboro Town­ be helfi Tuesday In the high Member Nalijna! Editorial A**oclatlon —- Ntw Jeriay Pren Association — Monmouth County Pren Association school nudltorium at 8 p.m.. the ship Board of Education for theme, “Historical Matawan," the construction of the new . will be featured. '' 87th YEAR — 49th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 7,1956 Single Copy Ten Conti ocntrnl school ln Wlckatunh, After tae Matawan Township John MoWIUlnm, Metuchen, Bchool Band oppns the' program MATAWAN MEN RECEIVED DEGREES AT RUTGERS COMMENCEMENT tlie board's archllect, expies- with an overture and process­ Cliffwood To Present Bids For W ater sed hlniseU a^ well satisfied ional, “Pomp and Circum- with tlie quotations received. alancc,” the Rev, Albert D. Curry, pastor of the First Plant Rejected OiM Ornl comli'Ui'Uau bids on Methodist Church, will give the the 10-room building witli all* invocation. Alter th? Class ol Commencement-Will — ; Found Too High ....... purpose and auxiliary, rooms ' — 1956 - sings—“T-h-e ^American's Be In MHS Auditorium In M&tawan Twp,. ' school Were: S. J, Day Co.. Creed,” Michael Bliss will In­ Asbury P ark , 11115.007; Gunil- troduce the theme. , . The Cllffwood Elementary Bids received on tlie construe- na- Construction Co., New The nlx-part program ■will be School will hold graduation ex­ toln of a water plant for Mnta-. Brunswick, $05,400; W illiam presented as follows:. Indians, ercises .Monday, at the Mata­ won Township \vel o riijoctpd by Charlene Lockwood, Ronald wan High 8chool auditorium; the township commlltpo Tuos- Connelly k Sons, New Bruns- Ramsay, Sandra Pearce, and at 8 p.m. Edward W. Currie, tiuj', Craig Finnegan, MlddU,: wloR, *203,771: W ester it Son, . Barbara Truszkow3kl; settle­ president of the Matawan town, township wnler engineer, M etuchen, $2011,3011; L anfrlt ment nnd Industries, John Con- Township Botud of Education, wild he lind been directed to Conslructlon Co., Ne^f Bruns« ’ bver, Terry Ann Galloway, will present the diplomas. draft new .Hueelflcnllons culled wick, sail,000; Willard Dun- . Barbara Andrews, Judith Lau- The Matawan Township for letting tho work by Bepnv- Jn u n CiiVwti'iictkm Co.. F o r d s ,. terwald, Harry Carothers, Ju­ School Band will play the over­ nte contracts rather than on a $211,000. The board asked fo r dith Kuhn. ‘Jane C urry, An-, ture and the processional, general overall hut In theliopp a large number ot nltovmuivps thony Eapollu, Rosaline Thom­ ‘Pom p -and Circumstance,” or roituclng costs, which could change the evon* . as, Jea n McCue, G race Vac- The Rev, Richard Y-nussy, pas­ Throo bltls were received Muy tual compiuilon. A principal * carelln; schools, W1111 am Mil­ tor of the Clinwoofr Commun­ 2H by tlio township committee one >vas tor nil ex tra room oil . ity Methodist Church, will give ler, Lois Hockenbary, Theodore for the.canslruotlon-of-tbe new which the bids wero: Day, DiSanto, Shirley Marvel, Kath- the. Invocation, after which the water plant to go up o‘n tho ♦0200; G um lna, $5*30; Conriel- ' Jeen Trih.JSdward-ttyTne-.-Con- graduating—Glass—^will—render- west side of Cllffwood Ave, al ly, $01130; W ester, $5357; Lan* Bless This House.” After the Donald Burdick Gcorre A. Dclli, Sr. Donald F. Flynn Reginald 8. Polinllim ■Tancc Insley, June L acarre, the railroad. frit, $11,200 and D unham . Gall Eastmond, Sanara Han- flag salute, Lois Boyd will lead- $5700, ■ ’ ■ . - “ Four Matawan men were ial Scholarship, and' was a Crown Club and the varsity Bachelor of Arts; Myrton C. The bids wero; C, W. Lnu- “ sell, Fred Moser; telephone Ihe olass and' audience in the . The bids on sleel were; among those receiving - their Rand! 33 Mendow nd.. Old ir, ’—-»ita poet office. Eloulse Morris National Anthem. - member of the Demarest Club, track team. During his fresh- m un Si Co.v Bethpage; L, I., bachelor degrees a t the 100th *160,440; Slioreland Construe Multese, New Brunswick, - Mllllcent Heuser, Carolyn Hau­ The Class of 1958 will recite Quad Club, Lutheran Students' inati ye nr, lie was on the Bridge, Doctor of Philosophy; $(1800; Park Stool ft Iron Co„ anniversary commencement tlon Co., R ed. Bank, 1103,310; ser, Mary Ellen Harris ; houses, “I Speak for Democracy,” aiid Association, Ag Club, Block Marilyn Aiine Potts, 7 Squires Iirndley Beaoh. $11485; Breen exercises at Rutgers .Univer­ swimming and track tennis. Reinsoo, Perth Artiboy, $110,- . Patricia Nealis, Carole Schaf- then alng, "This Is My Coun­ Iron Works, Hillside, *10,068. sity, New Brunswick, yester­ and Bridle, Booster Club, Ri­ Mr. Pokallus received a St.. Old Brldgo, Bacliolor of Sci­ 43d, (er; lakes, Daniel Kuzma, An­ try.” The class president. John day. They are Donald Bur. fle and Pistol Club, Judging Bachelor of Science Degreo ence. Nowark Collego............. ^ Other Bids Hanson, will rive “A Bigger R eferred For Hludy thony Valanzano, Margaret Cu- dick, 57 Edgar Rd.; George Team, Animal Husbandry Col­ with a major ln biology, llo A certificate In chemistry For plumbing the bids wer»t House." The eighth grade ianelll, Donald Weir. A. Deitz, sr., IM Main St.; lege or Agriculture. has been on the dean's list, w as aw arded Sam uel A. Wil­ Hie bids were referred to John T, Rhormmir Lakewood, class will sing “The House 1 Girls’ Chorus To Sine Donald F. Flynn, Ravine Dr., A Bachelor of Science De­ and participated in tile Crown son, 200 Sunset Blvd., Clift- Uio township attorney and $20,005; F ran k C. G ibson, •• Live In,” with solos by Ste­ The.girls’ chorus will sing and Reginald S. Pokallus, Har­ gree was awarded Mr. Deitz Club, Newman Club, Bowling wood Beach, by tlie New Bruns­ engineer lor study. -Qnestlnh Freehold, *a3.000; Van Cleve, •'Sun Worshipper." Hie gradu- phen Medwlck, Mary Louise ding Blvd. who majored ln physical ed­ Club, and Intramural sports. wick -University College for was raised about the low bid Redman, Jane McGuire, and Inc,. N eiitune; $23,880; Nloho- . U lng class will sing “Why Do Mr. Burdick, who took the ucation and mtnored In his­ He waa a cadet second lieu­ completing, a tlireo-year spec­ beoause the usa of .a specified las' Sohwaije, M otuohen, $20,­ We Love Matawan,” “They Call Betty Lou''Parry. pre - veterinary course, was tory. He has been on the dean’s tenant In ,the A.R.O.T.C. ialized evening program In type of equipmont In doing tl>e 4781; The: Singer Co,, Highland------ It Matawan.” and “ The Last Nuccio'To Present Class awarded a Bachelor of Science list, and participated ln fresh­ Otliors In this area receiv­ his field. The same type cer­ work was not made, Park, $30,47.0. To furnish heat- Mile-Home." Susan Smith ao- Anthony J. Nuccio, principal, Degree. He was one of the 114 m en football; In tram u r­ ing degrees ‘at tlie exercises tificate was gtvon James J. Mr, Lauman, present Tuesday lug and venlllallng, the follow­ cqmpanled by Zoe Clapp, will then will present tb« class to members of tlie Rutgers Un­ al sporta; was a member of were Joseph Michael Cherlco, O’Brien, 44A Shore Conoourae, protested lhe qUOlltloatloli on ing bids were submitted: alb- ' give & solo. “Dear Hearts and Mr. Currie. Musical selections iversity Reserve Officer frafn- the Crown Club, Newman Club,. 3 Edgevlew Rd., Cllffwood, Keyport, far completing work the equipm ent to_.be used. He son, ,$37,333: Sohw aije, $39,521; - Centlc People.1’ Anders An­ will be played by Joseph Ki- lng Corps receiving gold bars, History Club, Booster Club, Bachelor of Science, University In buslnosB adm inistration. cited that his firm had dons 24 siien u n n , $40,713: Hlnger, $41,­ derson and George Ritter will zinkiewlcz on the accordion,- signifying his commission as N.J.A.H.P.E., and N.E.A, College; Gordon A. MaoLcod, C harles a n rsh g e, 44 Apple Jobs In the construction of tiie 403; Van Olnavr, $43,707: for- ' , play an Instrument duet, and Allan Sinclair on the trum a second lieutenant ln the U.S. Mr. Flynn received a Bach­ 602 Ccnter St., Union Beach, by Ave,, Old Bridge, received Oarden Btito Parkway, eleolvlo work: Molnar Else-— “Loves Old Sweet Song.” pet. After Mrs. G. Bunger, re­ Army Reserves. While a stu­ elor of Arts Degree wllh a m a­ Bachelor of Arts In physics; a certificate In Industrial man­ M ayor John MUM, Jr., told trlcal Contractors, Inc., Wood- ' Robert A. Hardle, principal presenting' the ^llffwood Par dent at Rutgers, lie was the jor in Business Administra­ Saul Derna,rd*Novick, 313 En- agement from the New Bruns* him that the 4 ommlltcemen bridge, $20,780; Km i-st J a rv il of the Matawan Grammar cnt-Teacher Association, pre­ recipient of the Kelly Memor- tion. He was a member of the gllshtewn' Rd., Old Bridge, wick Extension £ enter. Co., N ew ark, $22,444; Dover wer.e ready to aocept this us School, will present the Class sents aw ards, the class will Bileotrlo Co,, Toma Hiver,'$iH,i' 7 ' of 1S8# to Edward W, Currie sing “Now Is the Hour.” The witness to the WoVkiiig oapaclts 732, , ■ . • . ' To Plan Keyport Day Insurance Settled k of his firm but tho renl troublo , president of the Matawan Town.
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