NEW STATUS I POLITICS IS GIVEN TAKE OVER W-A-K-E CAMPUS Volume XXXW. Number 24. * * * ·Wake. Forest, . N. C., Friday, March 19, 1948 * Telephone 304-6 John Mathis Seeks Prysidency O·n Frat Ticket i Nineteen Have J New Status,. Advisor ll Political Pot Bubbles: Frats All A Average :; '• Granted To W~A--K--E Past Semester Nominate, spu· Plans Runoff Committee Awards $200, CANQIDATES Appropriation to Aid , 305 Men and Women Make · New Station. •~. :.~~~~w, ool--~ School Honor Roll Student Slate PFP Reaffirms lege bursar, is anxious that Says.Dean, the fifty or so students who ' The Executive Committee of the have not picked up their NotYetNamed Party~ Platform Wake Forest Board of· Trustees copy of the 1947 HOWLER A total of 305 men and women ' I awarded raGio station W-A-K-E stop by his office and do so or approximately 18 per cent of Committee to Look ·over a $200 appropriation at its meet­ immediately. Storage space the student body at Wake Forest John R. B. Mathis Named ing 'last Friday. in· the bursar's office is lim­ College made the honor roll dur- List 9f Possible · The Exec:Utive Committee also ited and the unclaimed ing the past semester, according · Candidates -Progressive Fraternity raised W-A-K-E to an ~qual sta­ yearbooks are taking up to the list released today by Gra- Candidate tus with Wake Forest's three of­ needed space. dy S. Patterson, Registrar of th~· A five man committee was nam­ ficial publications, placed it un­ John R. B. Mathis was named der the direction of . the Publica­ co~~f~~ugb it bas the smallest ed by the Student Political Union· number of· students, the senior Tuesday night to review and se­ the _Progressive Fratrnity Party tions Board, and appointed Dr. nommee for president of the stu­ 'Marc Lovelace faculty ·advisor to ·class led all classes on the honor-. tleoct_ a group o{_possible candidates ll · h appear on the SPU ticket in ?ent body for 1948-49 at a mee~ the ·station. Town Observes ro Wlt 98 out of the 266 en-· the spring. elections for the stu­ mg held by the organization last This news came in conjunction rolled. That figure constitutes 37, dent body offices. Thursday. The PFP nominees for with the announcement this week per cent of the class. The junior. Kerlnit Caldwell, chairman the other top four offices are by :station managers, Al Parris Clean~UpWeek class was next with 86 men and Hugh Dover, Jack Bracy,· Berni~ Jack Canady, vice-president· and Heni:y Randall, that the sta­ women, followed by the sopho-i' Eisenberg, and Curtis· Sharpe Judson Trueblood, secretary; tion will go on the air the week mores with 62. and the fresbmeJil we. re named members of this com- Tom_Fetzer, treasurer; and Mack following spripg holidays. It was The board of Town Comnu·s- with 59 ' · · mlttee. They will meet with two Parrish, president of the Senior also definitely· announced that sioners of Wake Forest has di- · Nineteen students haG a perfeatc five man committees from the Class. Kurt Webster of W-B-T in Char­ ,, rec.ted that the annual' clean-up all ''A" average. This group con..:. zeta Chi and Sigma Pi fraterni­ E~ections will be held on April lotte will· be in charge of the week will be held the second sists of Shelton Bass,. Clinton; ties this week to narrow the field 21 10 the Student Center, Hor­ opening. The night before the of­ week .in . April, according ·to an Clarence Gantt Ashev1lle· Her• d • ' own to a workable group for ace Kornegay, . president of the ficial opening of W-A-K-E, Web­ announcement by Mayor W. L. bert Paschal, Washington, (N. C.); the_ . purpose of running a party student body, announced. ster will devote the first thirty Royal. L. Alston Hall, Wilmington; Rob- pnmary. The Progressive Fraterrii.ty minutes ofbis "Night Mayor" pro­ The purpose of the · special ert Seney, Baltimore, Md.; Chris-' The names chosen Will be pre- Party will carry through the "sev­ gram entirely to calls from Wake clean-up week is to begin a drive topher Hargett, Wilson; Mrs. Do- sented 'to the Union at its next en pl~nk': platform adopted by the Forest. Webster will drop his for better cooperation in- keeping rotbea Stroud, Salem, Ore.; Mrs,, meeting on Tuesday night. orgamzahon last spring. title ·of ·"Night Mayor" for these the streets and premises of Wake Jennie Watkins, Wake Forest;~ Henry Huff, spokesman for the thirty minutes and will assume Forest in the best possible condi- Romulus T. Weatherman, States- First Ever Held Here party,_ st~ted that the party is an the role of ~'Night Deacon." dition. ville; Ivan Holleman, New Hill;· The primary will be the first orga~Jzahon .. He said, "The Pro­ Program Transcribed It ·has been intimated that in Joseph Liverman, Winterville; of its kina ever held on the cam­ gressive Fraternity Party is dedi­ the past many of the property Robert Orr, Bryson City; Bobby pus ~nd ~ill follow closely along cated solely to political · activity This program will be transcrib- owners have permitted some neg- Shaw, Ellerbe; William Bennett, -the lines of state primaries. The and to student betterment. This ed· and the transcription sent to ligence concerning the proper use Shallotte; Mrs. Margaret Dover, Student Political Union and two part:y has nothing to do with !fa­ Wake Forest where it will be of receptacles which are at their Winston-Salem; Conan M. ·.Rob- social fraternities, Sigma Pi and termty social life. It represents played for the opening the follow- disposal. · It is the. hope of the erts, Dillon, s. C.; HaYV{ood Shu- Zeta Chi, are working together the 400 fraternity men on the ing night. W-B-T program direc- board of coil1Illissioners that dur- ford, Dallas; Raymond L. Wyatt,• in carrying out the program. From campus." .. tor ·Larry Walker has. granted ing and following the ·.clean:...t.tp . .Salisbury· Gene ·Medlin, ·Greens,;. the nominations made by three~ Webster 'permission to use ·the sta- week, , all Wake .. Forest residents boro; and Marshall Willis, Ocil- comn;tittees, the candidates will Composite Organization· tion's time for this program and will give their complete coopera- Ia, Ga. be selected by majority vote. "Th: Progressive Fraternity Party ~s the only composite close­ to. make -the transcription. tion in keeping the streets and ... Honor Roll Named !"-- spokesm_an for th,e group Jack Canady candidate for The station was informed by the business establishments in a clean, Students who made the honor sa1d: "It. is felt that in allowing vice-president ' ly ~ut organization that' backs Intercollegiate Broadcasting Sys- ·sanitary condition. the. c~ndidates to be selected by candidates throughout the year, tem that in order to join their or- , roll, their classes, and home maJOrity vote we are ll · Huff continued. "The Party n~t "'ns·. a owing ganization they would have to to" every member of the t t only attempts to elect candidates change their call letters, W-A-K- Freshmen: Anne Barbour, Fu- h~ve a part in selecting c~:~i~ate~ ( but to support them." E, as a :rpember statioh already ANNOUNCERS quay Springs; Daisy J. Beard, Ox- With the majority ruling, which I I . Huff stated that the organiza­ has these call letters. ford; Paul C. Bennett, Jr., Kin- is the basis of a democratic form tiOn _came into being prior to Jim Wilkerson has been ap- ston; Troy C. Bennett; Winston- of government." e~echons last spring. At this Pointed business mana!!'er of the Salem; Barbara P. Blake, Lin- The n t t' f th trme, the Progressive Party elect­ '!' Mr. Maschmeir of Radio coin Park, R. I.; Martl:ia Boone, ex mee mg o e group station. W-S-0-C of Charlotte has Station WRAL in Raleigh will be held in the Johnson Au- e?- 22 out of 32 candidates and promised to donate records and Castalia; Jewell Ann Brinkley, ditorium, Tuesday nr"ght, March srnce t_hen h~s strongly supported Iannounces that his station D b B'lli1 B ~"ak m sound effects. ur am; e ryan, " e 23, at 8:00. New members are m· _ them their activities. wishes to contact young F t J k B ll "' G b · Work .on the transmitter is be- men virho are interested in ores ; ac u ar.,., reens oro, vited to attend as membership in "The Progressive Fraternity ing done• by Ralph Herring, Al- radio work. He asks that Charlie C. Casper, New London; the party will still be open at that Party presented to the student ton Hall, Carl Warren,' and Clyde David M. Clark, Greenville; time. bo~y a seven plank platform Hardin. M. E. Bullard and .Tim any such persons come to Thomas L. Clark, Roanoke Rapids; Iwhrch has been carried out to the 1 "11 Bullock are making record shelves the station offices at 130 M'IC h. ae T . c out ouz1s,· F aye· tt ev1 e: fullest possible extent," Huff ite­ for the station's reco.l:d library. South Salisbury street be- Robert P. Crouch, Asheville; rated. "We believe that the five tween the hours of 1 and 5 F · 1 D k ·s·l c·t Ch 1 · D . p ££ Alice Holliday has offered to . air ee ar • I er I y; ares ames TQ er men named are fully capable of help with continuity writing for p. m. on Monday, March 22 C. Davis, Farmville; Betty C. giving Wake FQrest students a the station and bas promised to for auditions.
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