in a gravel pic They wars idl * full* MttobeU.I tbey;,,boardedv.a^ trai*,. an* against the article.. That. leaves asnrpliis o£ .»^5H,4*73, aot.iss«i^aUag •frown aaan'tmi «W»y which- was that c/ t J latarfsreaoe, eaaaaaareial reUUeas<wUt'ba> a child. eloped Thursday. Mitchell is 30 year»> Griggs, Rolette, Mercer," Billings ail Ml nor or fractional cbio, seriously disturbed^ and lasting, injuries! old and the woman 40. The husband Emmons to be heard from, the sggre. - The- receipts of- the: irovsrnment far: italic ted upon tut. rallreade and upon averjr It is reported tkiat thirty of fifty-three and a posse have started after the fugi­ te voto of which, it is estimated, will 8«pUmb«r were •31,418,2B8.M; expend- department of'trade. students in Dartmouth College junior O KMKltAT, MAIXUKTS. tives. S.so evenly divided as not matarlally .Hares for the rhree months ending latter- "I believe that in many sections of the class will leave the college if one of ' to change the result day were 110,039,003 over Ue expenditures West, conspicuously in the States of low* ibelt number^ who waa expelled fee A terrible devastating prairie tin for the same period last ysar as follows cinoxno. and Kansas, the mileage ot railroads is smashing a .freehman's door, is not re­ swept down upon Estherville, Iowa, A new proposition is about to be made Rlvtrs and harbors, 18,900,000; military greatly iu exoess ot the legitimate needa to the minora of Spring Valley, III, by Ivm«r-HI|tli«rtOotnM)M«nHo: DM. UK instated, k Sunday. By heroic exertions the town establishment tl.033,009; navy, $1,229,000; of the carrying trade; It this be (rue, waa saved, but a number of farm resi­ W. L. Scott The price is fixed at 831-2 deficiency In postal rarenes, si.OUJ.OOO; then many ot the Investments In railroad! Tco«ir-ni*her October, COXOMet Dee,Jl The principal portion of the residence dences, together' with grain, hay, otc, cents a ton, with two men in a room pensions: $10,568,000. From this should be properties there must fall to yield re­ district of Grand Haven, Mich., was de­ were destroyed. The vlllago of Swan and thirty inches of brushing, coal fur­ deduoted Interest and premium paid less munerative dividends or the schedules of stroyed by lire Tuesday. Three churches Lako waa partially burned, four build­ nished to the men at actual cost above this year than but ot $1,875.000. rates bo fixed so high as to prove ruinously PBOTIHOII*—Mte» Po*>e lower: .Opt. were among the buildings burned. Th< groumLand a reduced price for sharpen' burdensome to traffic This condition or. ings, with their' contents, being con­ TO ruttcrtASK LOWKU CALIFORNIA. .tout lose la estimated' at |500,000| V*r- ing tools. Mr. Scott declares his deter­ things.- presents a> problem difficult of solu« sumed. Ths purchase from Mexlfco ot Ue pen­ EjL*T*r*-Hi«»ert Octobers tr..fcws.*H« Ually insured. mination to reopen the mines on thir tlen. Ibis safe to- say that the.- remedy Captain Lawler, who crossed the At­ insula of Lower California, it Is more does not lie in the levying ot extor.tluaatt ICAWWH-Quotatlons nan frot* f4.twM.4s The office of the Daily Argtu Leadet lantic in the Neversink, took the boat to basis if it takes all the power of tht than likely, will coma before Congress charges or wagtug of reckltas rate. wars. nr fPod toeaok-e cattle, ITHK.OO rood thin- of Sioux Falls, & D., the leading Demo Portsmouth, Eng., whero the parties state to accomplish it Prominent mom* nasi a for consideration, and in all prob*. The security ot the railway systant lies io. -n* strert, itBt*«U» common to fair Mem. hers of the miners' organisation deolart bill ty under more favors hie circumstances administering it with careful respect ta> [HOOP—Me» rawed fro*. M4MMJ* ter cratlo wiper in South Dakota, has l»tei who dispute the ownership with him closed by the sheriff. The failure is at- that the terms will not be accepted, and than aver before. Ths Senate committee justice and the pubtio welfare. Relief can tht. iMMMil? for M«YTP«ekinr. took possession of it. He armed him­ oa irrigation rtcantly investigating the ,Vliur—Oiiniattoni rasa* at II4MM.M for trlbuted to mismanagement on the part self with a pistol and a crowbar, and express themselves as satisfied with only come through increased settlemenC subject la California found, at the ex­ stimulating business and developing ifVtM*7T*.('0«4,W lor natives, and tu» of the publisher. wounded two of the sailors, after which their prospects for holding out all win­ ter if necessary. treme south end of the state a-, tract of |i.».foriawbai ^ „ Charles Pratt, of Merlden, Conn., an he was taken into custody, charged I WOOL—<Ju«uMoo* »• foltowat bottom land.the extent of which is several The Commissioner says that in his ViatoBSr lUiDoit. Mkaifaa, laclaaa aa4 pfficer iu several local organisations, with assault with, intent to murder. With tho thermometer about tho millions of acres; the soil being fertile but opinion, the most feasible plan to' seonre practically worthless unless irrigated. J Kaitcru Iowa. treasurer of a( church, and a city alder­ Typhoid fever is eptdamia in a num­ freezing point there is a great dv&l of to the government the payment ot the Lane, tub- J*"* man, has been arrested for embezzling suffering at Johnstown, Pa., among the The land could be watered at little ex­ amount due from the bonded roads Is to ber of upper peninsula towns, notably pense, plenty ot water being available Knuto..tth... Jajyt over f10,000 from his employers. Ho atNegaunee and Iron wood, Mich., there people who are improperly sheltered grant a reasonable extension ot time, with Kir. uawaaM,... WaJJe and poorly clothed. The relief money near by, and all that is necessary being to a reduced rite ot interest and require ths lewum, unwaaaea HaCTo admits his guilt. being nearly one hundred cases in ench cut a canal to the Colorado river. How­ which was intended to supply their payment ot a certain per cent of the gross bare*, waaked Sl»9n The will of the late Wright Duryenv of these cities. It is also prevalent tu ever, the only praotlcal point at which earnings ot the roads to bo applied in lebtaaka, Dakota. Mliinaaou, Kansas and the Glen Cove (L. I) starch manufac­ nearly all the other towns of the dis­ necessities, even if paid at once, will this can be done Is across the Mexican liquidation ot their indebtedness to th* • Wcataru Iowa. now come too late to be properly ap­ uawaabed Tata* turer, leaves $1,500,000 to be divided be­ trict. The unusual number of cases has border. The only satisfactory way to ac­ government adium, nawaabad «la!*<i tween his two sons, and directs that his caused an investigation to be set on foot plied in providing against the blasts of complish this work would the purchase ot e, unwmhad Ma!» tombstone be » 4,000-pound bowlder by the state board of health. winter. Tho clothing? that was on hand Lower California, and it to thought that THE WOODCOCKS AND THE WORMS. Mexico might be Induced to sail, as the suitably inscribed. when the commissary department shut They Imitated the (found of llaln na tha> t MIWTOBK MOMSTKAKKBT. Justice Bradley, of the United States laud to of but little value to her. Money on M" way at MIS ft cent, eloaed down has'been transferred to the Rod Orouad aad the Worm* Came Up. Emily Howard, aged 30, the divorced Supreme Court, at Pittsburg, dismissed Cross society, by whom it will be dia teres at 6 percent. wife of a drummer for a leaning hard­ the suit of the Westinghouse Elcctrlo BtrrUna- exebanse null but steady at VtH tributed to the needy. There have been THE BALTIMORE.WILL BE ACCEPTED. ware house in Chicago, shot herself Company against the Edison Electric The official report of the recent trial of When tho moon roso I took a posi­ ar n-dar Mil* and «7 for demand. u great many deaths within the last tion near one of the moist places, Sontavoit Honda—UionbvquotaUoul Tuesday night nt St. Louis in a mysteri­ Light Company. In his decision he de­ week and most of them have been the cruiser Baltimore says that the average horse-power developed by the whoro tlto borings wore freshest and xaipon, l>7: the, coupon, Hfc*{. ous manner. The wound is not neces­ clares that neither Sawyer and Mann superinduced by ailments contracted in sarily fatal however. nor Edison can maintain a just claim engines was 8,977.88. the requirement be- most plentiful, aud awaited develop­ MKW TOHK PRODUCTS MARKBT. the flood. At tho Rad Cross hospital inu 0,000, thus making a delioienoy of 22.18 ITacAiw-Ckwtnir prlroes No. X red 16X11 Engineer Twombly and Fireman La to the exclusive use of charcoal as an thero are now tweuty-two cases of ments. For a loop timo tho bright incandescing conductor in the electric powers, which would incur a penalty of IXoCkf, H««I6«ONOT. _ „ Cloche, tho men charged by the Coro­ typhoid fever. $2,312. The screw made an averaee ot light of tho moon foil full upon tho CoRK-M«rkct. ki«xl lur No. * Oou, Six ner's jury with being the cause of the lamp.
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