ROTHIENORMAN Vision Rothienorman is located approximately 11km north -west of Oldmeldrum.rum. TheT village is predominately characterised by contemporary housing developments,ts, with 202 th century cul-de-sacscul-d and bungalows to the west, and a 21st century development to thee east. The traditionaltrad Main StreetStre links the two main developments and remains key to providing a sense of place withinwith the village. It is a service centre for the surrounding rural communities and planning objectives for the settlementsettlement will be to preserve the local amenity, and provide local employmentoyment opportunities. This will be achieved through development of the existing BUS1 allocation.tion. Rothienorman is a village located in the west of Formartine,ne, approximatelyap 11km northnorth-west-west of Oldmeldrum. The village is characterised by contemporaryrary housingho developments, with 20th century cul-de-sacs and bungalows to the west, and a 21st century developmentevelo to the east.east The traditional Main Street links the two developments and remains key to the providing a sensense of place to the village. The village is a service centree for the surrounding ruralr communities and a key planning objectives for the settlement will be to preserveeserve the amenity of the village andT to provide local employment opportunities. This will be achievedchieved through the existinge BUS1 allocation.allo Settlement Features Protected Land P1 To conserve the schooll playing fields and local recreational facilities.fa Other Designations BUS Safeguarded for businessemploymentsinessemmploymentploym uses.ses. FTF (Bid FR056) FOP1 Future opportunityunitynity site for housing (3.97 hectares). (Bid FR033) Flood Risk AFTAFA x Part of thesitehesite BUSB site iss located adjacent to thet Scottish Environment Protection Agency’s (SEPA)A) indicativedicative 1 in 200 yearye flood risk area,are orand has a small watercourse running throughugh or adjacentacent to the site.s A Flood RisRisk Assessment may be required. Servicess and IInfrastructurenfrastructunfras re x Community facilities: All residential development may be required to contribute towards facilities that serve the community in Rothienorman or towards facilities in the wider catchment area at Oldmeldrum.Oldme These may be identified in the Community Plan or relevant Community Action Plan.an. RAR x Sports and recreation facilities:facilitfac All residential development may be required to contribute to indoor and outdoor sportssport and learning facilities in Rothienorman or towards facilities in the wider catchment area ata Oldmeldrum. These may be identified in the Community Plan or relevantvant Community AAction Plan. Allocated Sites OP1 (Bid FR026): Site to west of Blackford Allocation: 12 homes Avenue DRAD This is a newly allocated site at the south west of the village. It is effectively a gap site that is well 74 connected to the settlement. Good design principles should be considered from an early stage to mitigate any possible negative impacts resulting from the BUS site directly to the south. It is expected that the site will contribute towards affordable housing in line with PolicyPolicPo H2 Affordable Housing. OP2 (Bid FR112): Land adjacent to Drumshinnie Allocation:All 40 homeshom This is a newly allocated to the west of the village. Access shouldhould be taken from the westernwestern end of the Main Street. The road will require to be widened and this should be considered at early stages of planning a development. It is expected that the site will contribute towards affordableaffordab housing in line with Policy H2 Affordable Housing. Active travel links should be included within the designn of the development providing access to the village centre and the surrounding countryside. Housingusing design should be in keeping with the existing residential development within the settlement.ent. T FTF DRAFT 75 DRAFT 76 ST KATHERINES Vision St Katherines is a small, compact village located on the A947, betweenen FyvieFyv and Oldmeldrum.Oldmel The village is characterised by contemporary, bungalow style housingng and byb its location,location, surrounded by rolling countryside. Although the village has no services,rvices, it has excellente road and public transport links to nearby service centres. The planning objectivesbjectives for this villagevilla are to meet local demand for homes and to support local services in nearbybyy settlements, including FyvieFyvie Primary School. Both objectives will be met through the existingsting housing allocation in the village.v Flood Risk x Part of site OP2 is within the Scottish Environmentment Protection Agency’sAge (SEPA) indicativeindi 1 in 200 year flood risk area, or has a small watercourse running throughth or adjacentadjacen to the site. Buffer strips, adoptable drainage systemtem and a ffloodlood rriskisk aassessmentssessment may be required. Services and Infrastructure x Local transportation: All developmentent must contribute to speed reducingr measures and a new access onto the A947. x Strategic drainage and water supply:upply: Development will connect directlydirec to trunk main. 24 hour water storage will be requiredquiredired on site OP1.OP1. A mmainsains extensioextension is required. There is no public Waste Water Treatmentment Works (WWTW) in St Katherines but there is treatment at Fyvie WWTW 3.5km away.ay. SEPAwill need to be consulted and FTFfull authorisation and relevant licensing soughtht for private treatment. x Community facilities: All residential developmentvelopment may be rerequired to contribute towards facilities that serve thehe community in St KatherinesKather or towtowards facilities in the wider catchment area att Oldmeldrum. These may be identifiedi in the Community Plan or relevant Community Actionion Plan.Pla x Sports and recreationcreation facilities: All residential developmentdevelodevel may be required to contribute to indoor and outdoor sports and learning facilities in St Katherines or towards facilities in the wider catchmentchment area at Oldmeldrum. These mayma be identified in the Community Plan or relevant Community Action Plan. x Health facilities:ities: All residentialresident ddevelopmentevelopment must contribute to a reconfiguration of Fyvie Oldmeldrummeldrum medicaledical groupgrou to allow for additionalad capacity. Allocatededd SitesSites OP1:1: Cromlet Park West Allocation: 5 homes Thissite was previously allocateallocated as site OPH1 in the 20127 LDP. Future development of this site should look to take access fromf the unnamed road running through the centre of the settlement.settleme Active travel linksnks sshoshould also be provided from within the development to the surroundingrrounding countryside to increaseincreincr sustainable travel within Aberdeenshire, and in particular with thee services in the neighbouringneighb village of Fyvie. The design of houses on theth site should be respectful to the setting of the village and to neighbouring housingsing styles.sty It is expected that one affordable home will be provided integrated within the site. Landscapingca and screening should be employed to reduce visual impact on the countryside and to helpDDRDRAFT increase biodiversity on the site. 77 DRAFT 78 TARVES Vision Tarves is an attractive village with a distinctive character, arterial streetet patternpatt and traditionaltraditi Victorian architecture, all of which are key to the settlement’s sense of place.place This has been recognised in its designation as a conservation area. It has experiencedrienced significantsignific growth in the last 10-20 years. Development in Tarves must be carefully managedaged to remain sympatheticsym to the historic village core. Tarves also provides services to the surroundingounding rural communities,communitie inclincludinguding the primary school, shops and healthcare facilities. The planningning objectives for the settlementsettleme are to meet the local need for homes in the Aberdeen housing market area, to meet local employmentemploymeemploym needs and to support local services. Affordable housing provision is a key issue for the village and it is expected that the site will contribute towards affordableable housingh provision.provision. tThere is an appetite for a new employment land allocation for start-uprt-up businesses. ThisT will be achievedachieve through the existing allocations and through a new employment land alloallocation in the weswest of the village. Settlement Features Protected Land P1 To conserve the playing fields.elds.elds P2 To conserve the cemetery.ry. P3 To conserve the playgroundroundund area of the primary school.schoo P4 To conserve the bowlingling green,reen, village square and recreationrecreatirecreat ground. P5 To conserve the openpen space at the corner of Mackie AvenueAve FT and Duthie Webster Road. Other Designations CA Tarves Conservationervationvation Area.A Flood Risk x Part of OP3 is at risk of surface water flooding. AAFA Flood Risk Assessment may be required. Services and Infrastructurenfrastructurenfrastru x Localal transportation:transportationtation: All dedevelopment must contribute towards road and junction improvementsprovements to thehe crossroadscrossro at the westernw edge of the settlement. x Strategictrategic drainage and water supply:su TThere is limited capacity at Tarves Waste Water Treatment Works and not enough to meet all demand from the sites in Tarves. If required, a growth project will be promoted by Scottish Water once one development meets their 5 growthg criteria.criteria.
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