Section rosse Pointe ews A VOL. 43-NO. 29 PUblJlhed •• hcond CI... Maner It the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDA Y, JULY 22, 1982 ~ PlrCopy POI' OffIce I' Detroit, Mlchlgln "3 Per V.. r 42 Pages-Three Sections-Plus Inserts Reorganization supporter and itsfoe meet in primary By Mike Andrzejczyk government, Steiner said the that having the option would be the best run governments in the Woods police recently removed ernment, experience that has Two Republican county offi- county is "the best run govern- better than the mandated facility. state, having trimmed its budget Steiner's signs from Mack Avenue given him a chance to get roads cials, Ervin Steiner, Jr. and Bar- ment in the state," and the char- and kept within its means better telephone posts. The signs, they paved, curbs replaced, medians bara Gattorn, will face off in the ter is "full of loopholes." GaUorn said the charter does than the state legislature, which said, violated the city's sign ord- mowed and saJ t truck" from the Aug. 10 county commission pri. not specify what kind of facility was recently forced to raise. taxes inance because they were on pub- Road Commission. Steiner, who serves on the the county has to maintain, so and cut spending. lic property and were up 30 days mary. Both have represented the county transition commit.tee that a small, specialized hospital before the election. No tickets The things he has done ate from area, from the Board of Commis. which is trying to make the SWitch would fulfill the charter mandate Both candidates have said they were issued, police said, but "plain experience; knowing where sioners and the Charter Commis- from the old to the new easier, wish there were more opportun- to go and not being afraid to talk. sion respectively, as well as cut costs. added if there was another viola- said the commission "missed the ities for candidates to speak dur- tion, there would be some kind of I believe I should be representa- She is running on her strength Mrs. Gattorn was elected boat" with the new charter, leav- ing the primary campaign, but the punishment. tive of the people and 1 think J i980 to the charier cOIIHnission, ing holes "that they can drive a as a "instrument for county reor. summer break for civic organiza- should serve them," Steiner said. the bodv reSpOnsible for writin~ truck through." ganization, while Steiner has been tions has left little chances for Gattorn said she is planning a an obstacle, speaking out against getting to the voters. door-to-door campaign in Rep- Gattorn, Steiner said, is inex- the first home-rule charter in Two problems are P<ll"ClIIlUIWl, it," Gattorn said, addIng that ub1i\::~ :lrc:J.~ for the pr!!n?ry ~~ perienced. "She's a nice lady, but count v historv. She ran unsuccess- Steiner said. The charter did not sne' s jUt:x~l'it:IU.;et.L ;;~.-c',; ;-;::;;~:: fully against Steiner in 1978for his provide for a system of county Steiner "is out of touch with the Steiner said hit budget for the part of a general plan which in- voters." sible for the irresponsibility Of the county commission seat. Steiner roads, or the maintenance or con- campaign will be small, since cludes placards, bumper stickers many signs, placards and and buttons. She plans to spend charter. " has represented the Pointes from struction of the roads, A county commISSIOner, she about $5,000, she said. Gattorn saId the county would the 1st District for 12 years, first said, should be able to make the t-shirts are left over from earlier elected in 1970. The charler, under Article IV, campaigns. be "better served" by making tough decisions necessary to bring Her first run against Steiner in sure new commissioners are not Part VI, does create a department the county back to fiscal respon. 1978 saw her trying to overcome a The candidates are sharply di\'- o[ the Road Commission which is His weekly cable television pro- only willing to work with the new ided on the charter and the gener- sibility. The county must cut lack of name recognition, Gattorn charter, but are in favor of it to fulfill aU powers and duties wages and fringe benefits for em- gram "People with Erv Steiner" al state of county government. is not political in any way, Steiner said, something she added has provided it by law. ployes, she said, since that is changed since her charter com- "1 think to the extent to which While Gattorn said the charter said, adding it was a decision we can exclude the Erv Steiners will be effective in reor,ganizinjit where the money in the county is mission service. The charter also mandates a spent. made by both producers and him. (from the new commission), the the county and dt"cries the top. hospital facility, something Stein. self to keep polltics out of the Steiner said he is runing on his voters would be well served," she heaviness and inaction of count\'. er disagrees with. pointing out Steiner said the county is one of format. greater' experience in county gov- said. No condos in Park"s future under new zonIng• map A new zoning map for Grosse Neighbors in the area have re- tabJished on the size ot signs on Pointe Park with no provisions for sponded angrily to that request the ground, walls, roofs and in multiple-family or cluster housing also, A public hearing on the windows. Window signs, for in- will presented to the public for proposal has been scheduled for stance, will be restricted comment at a hearing next Monday, Aug. 23, at 8 p.m. more than 10 percent of the size of month. The new Park zoning ordinance the window. Political signs will be The new map is the product of maintains the current predomin- required to removed within 14 18 months work by the city's or- antly single family nature of the days of elections or else a $5 a day dinance review and 'p'lanniIlg com- city and increases the minimum fine will be levied. Flashing signs missions. The council is scheduled lot size requirement in the most or those with moving lights are to review the changes - the first common zoning area, R-A resi- prohibited, as are park bench major revision since 1957 - at its dential. The minimum lot size in signs. July 26 meeting. The public hear. that district was increased from The city is divided into seven ing is scheduled for Monday, Aug. the current 7,200 square feet to districts in the new zoning map. 9. 10,000 square feet in a move de- The largest, RA single family re- The 75-page proposed zoning or- signed to discourage owners of sidential, covers more than 70 -.~,>'o - " ~J ..... ~, .... ~,4 ........"dinance determines building large lots from splitting tnem and blocks; RB one family residential specifications and legal uses for selling off a portion for construc- covers about 50 blocks; HC two all property in the city. Earlier tion of a second home, manager family residential, four blocks of versions of the ordinance con- Crawford said. Harcourt and Trombley south of tained provisions for high density, The new zoning ordinance also Jefferson; RD two family residen- multiple-family zones on plots of includes a chapter regulating tial, 30 blocks on the city's west five acres or more. A neighbor- signs in the city that is designed side; OS office service, seven - Ptlolo by Tom Gteenwood hood group located near one such to improve the appearance of blocks primarily on Jefferson; Bl Jim Ryder has the coolest seat in the dty, on top of his company's ice cubes. lot - the Morrison Estate on Jef- commercial areas. Some new local business, five blocks; and ferson Avenue - expressed strong signs are allowed, on awnings, for B2 general business, nine blocks opposition to the proposed cluster example, and restrictions are es- nn Kercheval and Jefferson. Ice is nice housing. The final ordinance makes no mention of the new zone. When you're hot, it's not City Manager John Crawford Park's street tax faces said the committee backed away By Tom Greenwood from zoning for alternative hous- duced those crystal clear cubes ing because it wanted to "avoid Boy, it's hot out there. So bot, daines who loaded it onto their uncertain fute at polls rattling around in your drink. speculation" in the locaJ real es- the chickens are layin~ hard boil- milk wagons. The advent of re- frigerated trucks dropped ice pro- tate market. If a proposal for high ed eggs, as Sonny Ellot used to Located on Linwood. the com- By Susan McDonald say. pany annually turns out "billions duction considerably." density or cluster housing is pre- miles of local streets are in need sented the council, zoning var- of immediate attention, 'Park and billions" of ice cubes, as Carl Grosse Pointe Park officials say To fight that heat, you're en- Today, Midwest typically pro. iances could be adopted, he said. Mayor Douglas Graham said he Sagan would say. As might be ex- more than half the city's streets trenched in yC!ur favorite (pick duces about 220 tons of ice in an Grosse Pointe Farms is cur- "doesn't even want to think about pected, they've been prettv busy are in poor condition but they one) restaurant, bar or club. lately. • eight hour day. It ranges from rently considering such a variance which streets will be done or not pebble sized used for ice cream won't way just which ones will be You're bloating yourself with at the request of Henry Ford ll.
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