Numb er of Enforcement Termination Folder Date Date Location of Exploitation Name of Contractor 1 21/8/1389 20/8/1390 Maidan Wardak Khaled Omaid Company 2 3/12/1387 2/12/1391 Nengarhar Province Azrat bilal Marble Exploitation Company 3 28/8/1384 27/8/1385 Maidan Wardak Rahmat Fazel Construction Company 4 6/6/1389 5/6/1390 Sorobi Distric of Kabul Farman Baik Exploitation and Processing Company 5 11/3/1379 10/3/1389 Badakhshan Province Badakhshan Marble and Granit Company 6 2/9/1389 1/9/1390 Maidan Wardak Safi Gran Trading Company 7 1/1/1390 30/12/1391 Khak Jabar Distric of Kabul Karwan Company 8 22/1/1387 21/1/1390 Nengrhar Province Speen Ghar Trading Compnay 9 28/8/1386 27/8/1389 Nengrhar Province Shazad son of Lal Zar 10 28/7/1389 27/7/1399 Deh Sabz Distric of Kabul Housing Enterprise 11 11/3/1379 10/3/1389 Badakhshan Province Badakhshan Marble and Granit Company 12 28/8/1387 27/8/1390 Kabul Province Stone Work Company 13 17/12/1389 16/6/1390 Samangan Province Takht Rustam Stone Transportation Company 14 26/2/1391 25/2/1392 Kabul Province Ministry of Labor, Social affairs, Martyres and Disabled 15 19/6/1385 18/6/1390 Ghazni Province Matab Mustafa Construction Company 16 4/10/1384 3/10/1394 Hirat Province Mohammad Aziz son of Mohammad Omar 17 2/5/1389 1/5/1392 Kabul Province Hewadwal Construction Company 18 19/9/1385 18/9/1395 Kabul Province Aryana Construction Company 19 10/3/1389 9/3/1392 Kabul Province Haju Mulah Jan Shah Meerzai Construction Company 20 25/3/1389 24/3/1390 Kabul Province Sefat Road Contruction Company 21 15/3/1389 14/3/1399 Kabul Province Technologist Company 22 16/1/1390 15/1/1391 Parwan Province Quds Dowom Company 23 10/6/1387 9/6/1397 Kabul Province Technologist Company 24 23/10/1386 22/10/1391 Kabul Province Mullah Jan Shah Meerzai Company 25 24/5/1389 23/5/1391 Kabul Province Bahauddin Son of Jalaluddin 26 2/5/1389 1/5/1392 Kabul Province Hewadwal Road Construction Company 27 6/2/1388 5/2/1391 Kabul Province Islamuddin Son of Roz uddin 28 24/3/1390 23/3/192 Kabul Province Naqeebullah Son of Shamsullah 29 1/11/1387 30/10/1390 Kabul Province Koria Road Construction Company 30 24/3/1389 23/3/1392 Kabul Province Koria Road Construction Company 31 18/12/1389 17/12/1391 Kabul Province Aftab Roshan Construction Material Manufacturing Company 32 24/1/1389 23/1/1390 Kabul Province K.S Company 33 1/9/1359 30/8/1360 Kabul Province Nooruddin Son of Ghulam Rasul 34 29/2/1388 28/2/1390 Kabul Province Mohammad Del Son of Masjidi 35 19/9/1385 18/9/1995 Kabul Province Aryana Construction Company 36 11/3/1389 17/9/1390 Kabul Province Fayeq Engineering and Research Company 37 21/1/1389 20/1/1390 Kabul Province Basheer Ahmad Son of Abdul Rasoul 38 24/3/1389 23/3/1390 Kabul Province Fayeq Engineering and Research Company 39 16/10/1384 15/10/1394 Kabul Province Seep Construction Company 40 24/9/1388 23/9/1390 Kabul Province Raz Mohammad Son of Khialy 41 10/5/1385 9/5/1395 Kabul Province A.S.P Company 42 10/5/1385 9/5/1395 Kabul Province Not Mentioned 43 7/10/1389 6/10/1392 Kabul Province Hayat Khan son of Shamshair Khan 44 21/1/1389 20/1/1390 Kabul Province Basheer Ahmad Son of Abdul Rasoul 45 7/1/1390 19/1/1391 Kabul Province Shiraz Gul son of Anar gul 46 20/2/1388 19/2/1390 Kabul Province Edrees son Of Mohammad Seddiq 47 21/6/1387 20/6/1390 Kabul Province Mahabat Construction Company 48 28/9/1389 19/6/1391 Kabul Province Nawi Shamal Construction Company 49 10/3/1389 9/3/1992 Kabul Province Haji Mullha Jan Shah Meerzai Construction Company 50 22/1/1389 21/1/1391 Kabul Province Nader Son of Noor Aziz 51 17/4/1389 16/4/1390 Kabul Province Cindrella construction company 52 17/4/1389 16/4/1390 Kabul Province Cindrella construction company 53 15/12/1388 14/12/1390 Kabul Province Latifi Construction and Road Building Company 54 15/3/1389 14/3/1399 Kabul Province Technologist Company 55 1/2/1388 30/2/1390 Kabul Province Jan Aqa son of gul Aqa 56 24/5/1389 23/5/1391 Kabul Province Ghulam Sedeq son of ghulam Sakhi 57 14/6/1385 13/6/1395 Kabul Province sahar pairaze construction company 58 14/6/1385 13/6/1395 Kabul province sahar pairaze construction company 59 20/2/1388 19/2/1390 Kabul Province Mohammad Hashim son of Abdullah 60 14/1/1389 13/1/1393 Kabul Province shamsuddin son of haji Abdulsaboor 61 25/3/1389 24/3/1390 Kabul Province Sefat Road Contruction Company 62 28/9/1389 27/9/1390 Kabul Province Nawi Shamal construction company 63 26/9/1387 25/9/1388 Kabul Province Gulabuddin son of hazratuddin construction company 64 17/9/1389 16/9/1390 Kabul Province Ghulghula construction and road building company 65 1/4/1390 30/3/1391 Parwan Province Hagha Gul son of Hazar Gul 66 30/9/1389 29/9/1390 Kabul Province Malang son of shahin 67 3/7/1389 2/7/1390 Kabul Province Mutillah son of Rahimullah 68 30/5/1389 29/5/1390 Kabul Province Sher Ali son of Ali Mohammad 69 6/5/1389 5/5/1390 parwan province Tolo Noor Construction Company 70 23/9/1389 22/9/1390 parwan province Baz Mohammad son of Haji Akhtar Jan 71 31/5/1389 30/5/1390 Kabul Province Kabul Behsod company 72 26/12/1388 25/12/1390 kabul province Haji mohammad sarwar son of haji Marjan 73 24/12/1387 23/12/1390 Kabul Province Qari hassan ali son of nader ali 74 3/11/1389 2/11/1390 Baghlan province Mohmad yousof son of Mohammad nasim 75 12/7/1389 11/7/1390 Baghlan province sher mohammad son of sayed mohammad 76 1/12/1388 30/12/1391 Kabul Province Haji Faiz ulhaq son of Admulhaq 77 22/6/1388 21/6/1389 parwan pronvince Mukhtar Hodad Company 78 26/12/1386 25/12/1390 Kabul Province Ahmad Ali son of Khodada 79 4/6/1389 3/6/1391 Kabul Province Rokai construction company 80 26/2/1389 25/2/1389 Kabul Province Hayatullah son of Hamidullah 81 25/9/1389 24/9/1390 parwan pronvince Saita construction company 82 31/3/1390 30/3/1392 Baghlan province Massoud Aryaie Trading company 83 24/3/1390 23/3/1391 parwan pronvince Hewadwal Construction Company 84 4/11/1389 3/11/1390 Kabul Province Mohammad Jamil son of Mohammad Beg 85 21/3/1390 20/3/1392 Baghlan province Najibullah son of haji Mirza 86 15/12/1388 14/12/1390 Kabul Province Latifi Construction and Road Building Company 87 11/11/1386 10/11/1391 Kabul Province Meyad Maskan Construction Company 88 22/2/1389 21/2/1391 Kabul Province Mohammad Arif son of Abdul Ghani 89 9/8/1389 8/8/1390 Kabul Province Qand Agha son of Mohammad Ajoddin 90 14/7/1388 13/7/1391 parwan pronvince Aman ullah Road Construction Company 91 1390 1391 Kabul Province Sorma Regi personal company 92 3/11/1390 2/11/1392 Kabul Province Mohammad Naseem son of Ghulam Nabi 93 15/12/1387 14/12/1391 Hirat Province Abdul Rahim son of Sad uddin 94 15/3/1389 14/3/1390 Kabul Province Saheb khan son of Mohammad Ayoub 95 18/91388 17/9/1390 Kabul Province Haji Mahmod son of Safdar Ali 96 17/7/1389 16/7/1392 Kapisa Province Nawi Kohistan construction company 97 4/2/1390 3/2/1392 Kabul Province Reza Khan son of haji Mahmood 98 4/6/1389 3/6/1391 Kabul Province Mowla Ali Road Building and construction company 99 3/1/1390 2/1/1392 Kabul Province Qare Hassan Ali son of Nader Ali 100 26/3/1389 25/3/1390 parwan pronvince Taza Gul son of Niaz Gul 102 31/4/1389 30/4/1390 Kapisa Province Maihan construction company 103 17/111385 16/11/1390 Kabul Province Ghulghula construction and road building company 104 3/5/1389 2/5/1390 Parwan Province Aseel Hotak construction company 105 7/2/1390 6/2/1392 Kabul Province Hewadwal Construction Company 106 12/7/1389 11/7/1390 Kabul Province Khan lala son of Boban ali 107 3/10/1389 2/10/1391 Kabul Province Noorul Rahman son of Haji Gul Rahman 108 4/1/1389 3/1/1391 Kabul Province Abdul Ghafar son of Jamroz Khan 109 16/4/1389 15/4/1392 Kabul Province Sahar Pairaiz Construction Company 110 17/7/1389 16/7/1393 Kabul Province Qul Khaish regeration company 111 13/4/1389 12/4/1390 Kabul Province Afghan Khepel wak regration company 112 14/7/1389 13/7/1390 Kabul Province Fast eagle company 113 21/7/1384 20/7/1394 Faryab Province Abdul Bashir son of Haji Abdl hudod 114 1/11/1390 30/3/1391 Nengarhar Province Amin Karimi Trading Company 115 1384 1394 Herat Province Abuld Zaher rahmi son of Rahimi 116 19/3/1388 18/3/1390 Nengarhar Province Sayed Amza Trading Company 117 22/1/1387 21/1/1390 Nengarhar Province Gulraman son of Juma Khan 118 15/1/1390 14/4/1390 Kabul Province Heem Afghan road construction company 119 6/6/1386 5/6/1391 Kabul Province Koria Road Construction Company 120 25/7/1389 24/7/1390 Kabul Province Abdul Ali son of Jan ali 121 6/5/1390 5/5/1392 Samangan Province Takht Rustam Stone transportation company 122 9/12/1389 8/12/1390 Helmand Province Haref Sarwari mine exploitation company 123 13/7/1388 12/7/1390 Kabul Province Ramazan son of Ghulam ali 124 16/1/1389 15/1/1390 Kabul Province Mohammad Yunus son of Meerza Hussain 125 14/7/1389 13/7/1399 Kabul Province Housing Enterprise 126 28/7/1389 27/7/1399 Kabul Province Housing Enterprise 127 17/3/1389 16/3/1392 Kabul Province Meerwais son of Meerza Mohammad 128 24/7/1389 15/7/1399 Kabu Province Housing Enterprise 129 20/3/1386 19/3/1390 Kabul Province Haji Sayed Aziz son of Sultan Aziz 130 24/4/1389 23/4/1390 Kabul Province Shamal Naween Company 131 27/1/1390 26/1/1392 Kabul Province Abdullah son of Meerza alli 132 28/3/1390 27/3/1391 Kabul Province Haji Jalat khan son of Haji arsala khan 133 21/4/1390 20/4/1400 Takhar Province Khuwaja Akasha trading company 134 21/4/1390 20/4/1400 Takhar Province Khuwaja Akasha trading company 135 31/3/1390 30/3/1391 Kabul Province Saleem Karwan Company 136 3/1/1390 2/1/1391 Kabul Province Mahabat Construction Company 137 3/1/1390 2/1/1391 Kabul Province Mahabat Construction Company
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