State· Affiliation Proposed; ,UC: To Benefit Financially by Peter Franklin "The UC students.would be bene- fitted because of Iower fees coup- A plan proposin-g state affilia- led' with broader graduate and tion for UC has 'received the sup- professional offerings. The bene- port of the Ohio Board of Regents. fit to' the University would come The University would continue I from the acquisition ,of a broader under local control and retain its fina~cial base without the loss of' municipal status, but the accept- local ties and support." ance of the- proposal would result Dr.: Langsam explained that in greatly expanded financial aid ' "the City of Cincinnati would reap or the University. benefit from the proposal because l:owerTu.itlonFees of \ the lower instructional fees The most immediate benefit. to made available to its citizens as . ,,', . i '. .~'i 1...b .•...;;0. i " 'U\e uc student would be a drop in well as the millions of new -dollars that would flow into the. city ec- ,ordie Beats AII-Ameri~ci1" es:JtO?M~~~;sa~:6~iOcr.i~~i~~n.a:~:onomy., The city also would bene- r- G ,-, " . \i ~~- ~~ commenting on the proposed - fit from having a University that _ --"" " " ....• . •..•• plan Dr. Walter G. Langsam, UC was - better able to respond to f '" .. - '._, .' . ': '.~ . President, explained that the plan community. needs for 'expanded Later Drops No ..2..Lou. vOre ,. for state affiliation would-benefit and newprograms." , the students, the university, the "The state itself also would by Mike Kelly city and -the state. benefit because it means imple- University of Louisville's Cardi- menting the Regents' master plan nals could, take a tip from the in Southwestern Ohio at consider- Pinkerton police agency: the ,way F~iday/s Concert ably less expense than the· es- to cover Gordie Smith is to put tablishment of a new state uni- three men on him. Feartures Preps versity." That's how many poiic~man-<it, by Peggy Ganno,n Enabling Legislation took to escort Smith off the court and out of the middle of hundreds The Four Preps and the Back The, plan would require en- of jubilant admirers Saturday, Porch: Majority will perform in abling legislation by the General minutes after his game-winning Concert at the DC fieldhouse on Assembly, an amendment to the basket gave the Bearcats a 59-58 . Jan. 27' at8:15. Tickets are avail- city charter, and an agreement upset triumph over the second- able at the Union desk. between the State Board.' of Re- ranked Cardinals. - First Hit-"26 Miles" gents and the University Board of "We've been waiting to use that The Preps fame began with an Directors. An appropriate bill will play for a long time", joked UC overnight hit record, "26 Miles/I be promptly introduced in the Coach Tay Baker. After a time followed by "Big- Man/I both Senate. out with eleven seconds to play, reaching the coveted million Because of the expanded finan- Dean Foster, had tossed the ball mar k .r- "Big "Man" remained cial aid (an .increase of $7 million into Mike RQ1f at mid-court, who among the. top ten records in Eu- during. the 67-68 academic year), dribbled once before passing to rope for several months estab- the legislation would require that Smith on the left side. lishing vthe. 'Preps as recording four,members' of UC's nine mem- Smith dribbled .past a' pick set stars of international stature. .ber Boardof Directors be .appoint- by Center "Rick Roberson .at the After. their first network tele- ed by the Governor with the -re- free throw fine, spun in the air, vision show with Tennessee Ernie maining 'five appointed by the and swished it through from 18 Ford, .came several Ed Sullivan mayor. Thus the city would retain feet. Baker explained' that the Shows, a feature in Life Maga- majority control. A city constitu- - , play wasn't a sudden brainstorm "zine, arid endless strings of club tional amendment is necessary. dates. of his; but' is' a .part of. UC's of.: Other Advantages fense Ability For Satire , '- 1£ UC were to become an -out- Rebounds the Key Their record successes contin- Probably the biggest reason for. ued with "Lazy Summer .Night," , right' state institution, the tuition rate:~ Cincinnati and Golf Cincinnati's success' was its ablli: '''O'own''''-bY the sta fion," and -most fo~ tyto rebound with Louisville.' The, recently' "'Le-ttet to the Beatles" Manor' students would increase in which they demonstrated' their Cards were averaging 51 rebounds rather than. decrease. Also the a game, and all-America center ability for satire.' City under the proposal would Among 'the . numerous and var- Wes Unseld was second in, the na- keep the -University's assets now ied accomplishments, The Back worth some $150 million. tum with 21 per contest., The 'Cats Porch Majority has' entertained equaled Louisville's 34 rebounds Present state aid to the Uni- for the Presidential family at The versity, restricted to' the lower Saturday, and Unseld was held to White House, dazzled visitors at only 14. I division Hteshman and sopho- such unlikely events as The more) education, is approximately Also, UC committed only 7 turn-, Jumping Frog Jubilee at Calaver- $1.&' million per year.' The Re- overs in 62 possessions, while the as -County, and presented "An Cards had 14 in 63 times with, the GORDIE SMITH HOOKS a I.y-up over~6-8 'c:enter Wes,Unseld" in last Evening with: The Back Porch gents have recommended that this 'ball. ' . \ ~ Sat~rdayls 'a.ction against. Louisville., Smith was the eventual hero of Majority" on Nat ion a 1 TV. figure be increased to about $4 million: " ~ Louisville, now 15-2 on the seas- the game as he fired in a 20 foot iump shot with four seconds remain- ' They've logged .nearly 200,000 on and 4-1 in the MVC, started l The $7 million, which wouldre- ing to give Cincinnati a 59-58 win. , ~Photo by Frank Farmer miles in less than 2 .years playing off as if to make it a runaway. supermarket openings, ship chris- sult mainly, 'from subsidies for After four minutes the Cards led Bearcat Center Ken, Calloway, , tally', this, was, prop ably our best tenings, rodeos, fairs, .and their graduate and professional instruc- 10-5, Unseld scoring five of those. subbing for Roberson, scored' a game." An understatement, as we" major occupation:' college con- tion, .would be in addition to the " However, in the next five minutes, three-point play shortly before the say in Louisville. certs. lower division funds. UC outs cored the heavily-favored half ended, and Baker's Dozen ( Cards 13-1, with' the help .of four was again on top, a 31-3Q half- UL turnovers, four personal fouls, time edge'.' I and a technical on guard Fred (' Cards Gain Lead ' Wom,en Discuss Changing R~le; !fEr' Holden. Mter UC ran, up a 36-30lead in 'I'he Kentucky team stormed the opening moments of the sec- .back, though, arid went ahead 26- ond half, Coach Peck Hickman's Question 'Frustrated' Female 24 on two free throws by sopho- squad regained the lead at 37-36 more sensation Butch Beard. four minutes into the half,- ona Woman's role - be it as a ,hardly ,comes under the category her meet people and know ,what's jump shot by Holden. housewife', and 'mother, commun- of a homemaker, she believes all going on, However, activities tend Louisville then went into ~ zone ity volunteer, or career woman, women must know the basic skills to take you away from home, so defense, and for once t?e "~ats is .not' some single pe~~nent of making a home. Administration she always' discusses new oppor- were able to penetrate It.Cmcy choice made at some single and organization, in fact,' are im- tunities with her husband. ~ ' moved the ball quickly from side- momentIn time. It is a life lived portant to anyone in- any type of' to-side, allowing its big men to in phases in which she conscious- career. maintain good'position under the ly and _continuously reorients her- Another similarity between .dif- Got The Spirit? boards. Cincy eventually pulled, ,,?elf. ~o her changing .. world, cap- Ierent options for woman was in- ahead. 48~42 with six minutes to italizing-on opportunities and for- troduced by Mrs. Laurie Briens, play on tip-ins by John Howard, getting about what' could have who combines being a' career; wo- Calloway" and Rolf. been. man and being a homemaker. The With four minutes left UL'S This was the' main point made Residence Counselor. of Siddall, ( -,;... Mrs. Briens . 'believes' a woman \ Holden tied it at 51 aft~r goal by four Prominent Cincinnati wo- tending and a technical foul for men who spoke' .at the -: dinner, should exercise, full reigns on her, live options. 'Marrying may put hanging on the' rim were called last' Monday night. on Howard, closing a previous Mrs. .John Endres,. Cincinnati some limitations on a career, but 51-46UC lead. homemaker was the first to ques- it "doesn't eliminate all possibili- ties. A "minute later .Unseld fouled tion the statement. that American Mrs. Briens',inaximizes th'e op- out, .with the ,scor~ tied atss.'. .'J',wo~~~:f~~~ "~t~a~p~d?~,~r:ustr~ted portunities left open to~her,and The lead changed -hands eleven ",",anp\ g.\l~lty.· as' hOus~wlves"~,11he C . h '. .' motlier'iof" seven children, Mrs. furthermore.rshe' never sets her imes ~ t e .reglOnall~. tele}lSe~ ,EQ€l;r:e's:enjoys', making her home ,sights too - narrow.' '~Though I ga.me, including four in .the Iast a' p~a(;eful; happy place in which 'chose sorriethingfhatL wanted to mm~te.
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