José López-Calo, S.J. Biobibliography J osÉ LóPEz-CALO (b Nebra, La Coruña, February November 30, 1972), an Otaño disciple who became 4, 1922) belongs to a family of twelve (four brothcrs, Granada cat hedral maestro de capilla in 1927. six sisters). Both his father, José López Froján, who From Granada he transferred, aftcr passing one celebratcd his 96th birthday in May 1989, and his ycar in Dublin perfecting his priest's studies, to the mother, née Dolores Calo Romero, 90 years old in lstituto Pontificio di Musica Sacra in Rome, whcre 1989, continued enjoying good heahh at thc time of in 1959 he took a master's degree in chant and in writing this biographical note, early summer 1989; 1962 a doctorate in musicology with "La música en Doña Dolores, however, died suddcnly on July 21, la Catedral de Granada en el siglo XVI" as his dis­ 1989, and her husband, Don José, followed her soon sertation subject. His teachcrs at Romc, apan from (Octobcr 11), also suddenly; both kept their clarity his dissertation supervisor Higinio Anglés, includcd of mind till the very last hours of their life. Although Domenico Bartolucci, Dante D' Ambrosi, Edgardo he remembers his mothcr's tuneful voice, none in his Carducci, and especially the Solcsmes Benedictine, family was a professional musician. Nor did Nebra Eugenc Cardine (from 1952 a professor of Gregorian boas! a parish church with a maestro who instructed Palcography in the Pontifical lnstitutc uf Sacrcd choirboys. However, José began studying piano at Music). an earlier age than he can recall, dclighting in works López-Calo became Anglés's assistant in 1964 and by Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, and Schu­ in 1965 succccded him in the chair of musicology at mann-also being exposed to excrcises by Czerny, the Pontifical lnstitute. From 1967 to 1970 he was Cramer, and Clementi. its vice-rector. From 1962 to 1970 he \\as also mu­ Upon entering the Seminary at Santiago de Com­ sical advisor for Radio Vaticana and from 1963 to postela, he studicd with Manuel Ansola, cathedral 1968 director of the journal Musicae Sacrae organist, and with José Pérez Rajoán, music prefect lvlinisterium. Concurrently he served as secretary o f in the Seminary. In 1942 he joined the Society of the lnternational Society of Sacred Mu~ ic. Jesus and for threc years beginning in 1946 studicd Upon rcturning to Spain in 1970 he won a national at thc Pontifical University of Comillas, wherc in competition spon,orcd by thc Juan March Founda­ 1949 he completed Philosophy. While there, he tion. lts Programa 1971 gavc him responsibility for profited from the tcaching of José Ignacio Prieto cataloguing and eJiting worh in thc music archives Arrizubieta (b Gijón, August 12, 1900; d Alcalá de uf Old Castile and in gathering and copying ali docu­ Henares) who from 1924 to 1969 dircctcd the Schola ments of musical interest. In 1973 he was namcJ Cantorum at Comillas. Founded in 1911 by Neme­ professor of music history at thc Univcrsity of San­ sio Otaño (1880- 1956), thc Comillas Schola "be­ tiago de Compostela. From 1977 to 1981 he was came the modcl for countless othcr choirs at vice-presidcnt of the SocieJad Española de Musico­ seminaries and in parishcs throughout Spain." logía. Hi' library containing 'orne 11,000 volumes On June 26, 1951, Archbishop Federico Mclcndro (Centro de Investigación de Ja Música Religiosa Es­ at Carrión de los Condes (Palencia) ordaincd him pañola - CIM RE, al Virgen de la Cerca 31, 15703 deacon and on June 28 pricst. At Granada, whcre Santiago de Compostela) coun1ed in 1989 among thc he complctcd Thcology in 1956, López-Calo con­ bcst for musical rcsearch among any in Spain. Con­ tinued his studies of harmony with Valentin Rui1 Mantly renewcd and enlarged by sub,criplions 10 ali Azoar (b Borja, February 14, 1902; d Granada, the chief learned journals and monuments serie,, it 103 104 INTER- AMERIC AN MUSIC' RbVIFW el al\o con1aim rarilic~ from the sixteenlh to the ninc­ mú\ica en los úhimo\ día' de Pío XII: 1959, 116; tccmh ccnturic•., induding a grcat number of unique Más wbre la autoridad y nivel de vida del músico o 19 cxtam copie~. such a\ thc only cxisting exemplar of sagrado: 1963, 28-30; Momeñor Higinio Anglés: Co the sccond edition of Cardinal Cisneros's l\lo.tarabic 1970, 27-30; Músicos españoles del pasado. Escuela 11 Passionary (Toledo 1567) andan impressive collec- Granadina: l. Santos de Aliseda: 1959, 44-47; ldem: m 1io11 of manuscripts '' ith unknown Spanish organ JI, 111. Jerónimo de Aliseda, 1959, 83-85, 108-1 11 ; de music. ldem: IV, V. Luis de Aranda, 1960, 23-26, 67-71; ldem VI. VII. Diego de Pontac: 1962, 6-12, 30-33; G A lisl o f somc o f his chicf articlcs publishcd from ,;, 1955 10 1979 is appcnded 10 his New Grave Diction­ Preseme y futuro de la música sagrada: 1968, 15-17; 2( ary cntry (1980), XI, 226-227. A lis! continuing to Tesoro Sacro Musical: Sesenta años: 1978, 3-12; 1981 folJo,,s 1hc un\igned cntry on him in Dizionario Una tesis doctoral de música y algo muy impor1ante tk Enciclopedico U11il'ersale della Musica e dei Musi­ para el canto gregoriano: 1960, 7-10. CI cisti, Le Biografie (Turin: UTET, 1986), 1v, 492. g< Aftcr 48 reviews published in Ritmo before Sep- 01her lcxicom that profile him incluJc Edward A. dt 1ember 12, 1983, Lópc1.-Calo con1ributed the follow­ u: de Maeyer's Who's Who in Europe 1966- 1967 ing anicle' 10 Ritmo: (13russels: ÉJi1iom de Fcniks, 1967), 1680 (which (1 cites hi\ addrC'>'> in Romeas then Piazza S. Agostino IT Músicos españoles del pasado: Tercera serie. La p 20/ A); Dictionary of /11temational Biography (Cam­ Escuela Palentina: 1, 11, 111. IV, V. Joaquín Martí• (¡ bridge and London: Mclrose Press, 1975), 11, 1061; nez, February 1984, 20-23, July-August 1984, 15- l lntema1io11a/ W/10 's Who in Music and M11sicia11s ' 18, Seplcmber 1984, 30-32, 54-55, May 1985, 14-16; L Directory 1975, 552-553 (and later editions of 1he La "Miscelánea Samuel Rubio", un pulso a la mu­ ! \ame); and Tlie lntemational Register of Profiles, sicología española, January 1984, 23-26; Las can­ Sixth Edition (Cambridge [England): lnternational tigas de Santa l\laría y Monseñor Higinio Anglés, Biographical Centre, 1982), 729. Howcver, none of número extraordinario [Año 55, n.0 550), 54-59; La ' these lcxicom particularizes his contributions 10 Te­ música en el Seminario y Universidad Pontificia de ~ ( soro Sacro Musical ( - TSM), Ritmo, Festschriften, Comilla.!>, June 1985, 27-31; Congreso Internacional or cncyclopedias. "España en la l\lúsica de Occidente," September e To i1emi1c ali hh article~. reviews, music editions, 1985, 37. and intervcmion\ in n ..-cor dings \\Ould doublc the siLe ~ of 1his biographical note, and is a 1ask 1ha1 mus1 In othcr vcnues he published 1he following articles therefore be dcfcrred to la1cr. However, the anides (selective lis1, 1965-1985): lhat he contributcd 10 TSM are alphabetically lisled " La tnÚ\ica en la' peregrinaciones jacobeas del in Indices de Tesoro Sacro Musical (Madrid: Publi­ siglo XI al XVI," Composte/101111111, x (1965), 458- caciones de la Sociedad fapa1iola de Musicología, 484; "Jerónimo de Carrión ed il suo 'Adiuva nos'," Serie B. n". 2, 1983 ), 107. Hcrc is 1ha1 lis!: Psalterium [Romc), 111 (1965), 11-14, 24-26; "Les A propó\ ilo ck "Cualro piezas instrumentales del commencements <le la bassc coll!inue en Espagnc, '' siglo XVI": 1976, 9-13; Anónimo (Ambrosio de Bericht iiber den 11eu111e11 /11temutio11ale11 Kongress, Cotes?) cua1ro piel.a\ inslrumentalcs del siglo XVI: Safr.burg, 1964, 11 (Ka\sel, 1966), 201-203; "L'inler­ 1970, 3-5; Boda\ de Oro del Pontificio lnstitulo de vcnto di AIC\sandro Scarlalti nella controversia di Mtl\ica Sacra de Roma: 1962, 28-29; Comentarios Valls," Analecta Musicologica, v (Rome and Graz: en torno al Cuano Congreso Internacional de Mú­ 1968), 178-200 [rcvicwed in Nuova Rivista Musica/e \ica Sagrada: 1961, 113-11 5; Crónica: Séptimo Con­ ltalia11a, 1969, 553, and Die M11sikforscl11111g, 1970, grc\o ln1crnacional de l\lu\icología: 1958, 91-95; 473); " Musica e mu\iCÍ\ti italiani in Santiago di Crónica: Ten:er Congreso Internacional de l\lúsica Compostela (Spagna)," Quadrivium [Bologna), x11 Sagra<.la, Parí,, 1 al 8 de julio de 1957: 1957, 98-101; (1971), 355-366; "11 problema delle rela1ioni tra Cuar10 Congrew Internacional de ?.lúsica Sagrada, Chie..a e Stato ncl Don Cario/ Don Carlos di Ver.Ji," Colonia, 22 al 30 de junio de 1961 : 1961 , 94-99; Don Atti del 11 Congresso lnterna-;:.io11ale di Swdi Ver­ Aníbal Sánche1 hailc. In memoriam: 1972, 23-25; diani [Parma), 1971, 80-89; "Vespers in Baroque J.a Cont rovcr\ia de Valls. E\tudio\ sobre la mú\ica Spain," Musical Times, cx1(1971),439; "The Span­ rcligio\a en E\paña en lo\ siglos XVII y XVIII: 1968, i\h Baroque and hancisco Valls," Musical Times, 11 - 14, 32 36, 70 72; 1969, 7-15; 1971, 109-116; La cxm (1972), 353-356; "La mú\ ica en la Orden y en José lópez-Calo, S.J.: Biobibliography 105 el Rito Jeronimianos," Studia Hieronymiana (IV Enciclopedia de Orie111ació11 Bibliográfica, Barce­ Centenario Je la Orden de San Jerónimo), [MadriJ), lona, 1964- 1965, 4 vols., contains in Vol. 111, "Cien­ 1973, 1, 123-138; "La Spagna in Verdi," Alli del lll cias Humanas," 477-501, his commentary on 233 Congresso lnternazionale di studi Verdiani, [Parma) fundamental music histories, treatises, and lcxicons. 1974, 244-249; "La polifonía española del Renaci­ E11cyclopédie des Musiques Sacrées, Paris, 1968- miento," la Música en el Renacimiento, Universidad 1971 , 3 vols., contains his "La Contre-Reforme en de Oviedo, Ovie<lo 1975, 25-34; "El Pórtico de la ltalie: Palestrina et le Concile de Trente," 11, 397- Gloria: Sus instrumentos musicales," IX Ce111ena­ 403; "La musiquc religieuse en Italie, de Saint rio de la ca1edral de Sanliago, Santiago, 1976, 163- Philippe Néri au début du XIXº síecle," n, 476-486; 206; "The RISM A/11 Project in Spain," Fontes Ar­ "Espagne, XIXc et xxc sieeles," m, 244-247; tis Musicae, xxrv (1977), 34-35; "La música religiosa "Italie, Musiciens d'Église" ( = siccles XIX- XX), m, en el Barroco español.
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