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'• -,'} - m -m -. mm- - NUCLEA R FUEL SERVICES, INC. 1205 banner hill road U erwin. t~n37650 U phone 423.743.9141 ,1(WXTehnologis I nco pan www.,1u clea r uelse rvlces.co m 21G-15-0146 GOV-01 -55-04 ACF-1 5-0211 July 27, 2015 Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 References: 1) Docket No. 70-143; License SNM-124 2) Letter dated September 26, 2014, NRC to B&W NOG-L, Planned Babcock & Wilcox Company Reorganization (TAC #L33341) 3) Letter dated October 24, 2014, NFS to NRC, Revision to Chapter 1 of License SNM-124 4) Letter dated November 10, 2014, NRC to NFS, Acceptance of Changes to SNM-1 24, Chapter 1 (TAC No. L33352) 5) Letter dated March 17, 2015, NRC to B&W NOG-L, B&W Company Planned Spin-off of Power Generation Business (TAC No. L33356) Subject: Revision to Chapter 1, General Information, of License SNM-124 Pursuant to License Condition S-2, Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS) hereby submits a copy of changes made to License SNM-124, Chapter 1, General Information. The revised chapter in its entirety is attached, in addition to a revised Chapter Index. Changes are denoted by vertical lines in the right margin of affected pages. In Reference 2, the Commission determined that replacing BWX Technologies, Inc. with Babcock and Wilcox Government & Nuclear Operations, Inc., was not a direct or indirect transfer of control under I10CFR 30.34(b). Therefore, NFS submitted in Reference 3 that change to Chapter 1, General Information, of License SNM-124, along with a few additional changes to Chapter 1 that also met the criteria of License Condition (LC) S-2. The NRC accepted those changes and found that NES was authorized to make the changes without prior NRC approval (Reference 4). The Babcock & Wilcox Company spin-off of certain non-nuclear affiliates, discussed with the NRC in late 2014, was completed on July 1, 2015. In Reference 5, the NRC stated that the planned B&W corporate actions did not constitute a direct or indirect transfer of control of any NRC license within the B&W chain of companies. As a result of this recent spin-off, NFS has revised the affected pages in Chapter 1 and is submitting them per the requirements of LC S-2. nuclear fuel services, inc. * a BWX Technologies Inc. company f 21G-15-0146 GOV-01 -55-04 ACF-15-0211I If you or your staff have any questions, require additional information, or wish to discuss this further, please contact me at (423) 743-1705, or Mr. Andrew Sabisch, Licensing and ISA Manager, at (423) 735-5030. Please reference our unique document identification number (21G-15-0146) in any correspondence concerning this letter. Si nce rely, NUCLEAR FUEL SERVICES, INC. Richard J. Freudenberger, Director Safety and Safeguards Attachments: SNM-124, Chapter Index, dated July 27, 2015 SNM-124, Chapter 1, Revision 4, dated July 27, 2015 RPD/pdj J |•:- 21G-15-0146 GOV-01 -55-04 ACE-I15-0211 Copy: Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE, Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30303-1257 Mr. David Hartland Project Inspector US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE, Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30303-1257 Mr. Kevin Ramsey Senior Project Manager Fuel Manufacturing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Mr. Marvin Sykes Chief, Projects Branch 1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE, Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30303-1257 Mr. Charles Stancil Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 21G-15-0146 GOV-0l1-55-04 ACE-I 5-0211 ATTACHMENT 1 Chapter Index 07127115 (1 page to follow) 07/27/2015 I SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE SNM-1 24 CHAPTER INDEX Chapter Title Revision Revision Date 1 General Information 4 0712712015 2 Organization and Administration 2 09/28/2012 3 Integrated Safety Analysis 0 06/30/2009 4 Radiation Protection 1 05/13/2011 5 Nuclear Criticality Safety 1 0512712011 6 Chemical Process Safety 0 0613012009 7 Fire Safety 2 09/09/2014 8 Emergency Management 0 06/30/2009 9 Environmental Protection 1 09130/2011 10 Decommissioning 1 08101/2011 11 Management Measures 2 09/2812012 Addendum Sensitive Information I 09109/2011 21G-15-0146 GOV-01 -55-04 ACF-1 5-0211 ATTACHMENT 2 Chapter 1, General Information, Revision 4 (25 pages to follow) SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE SNM-1 24 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Table of Contents SECTION TITLE STARTS ON PAGE 1.1 Facility and Process Information 1-1 1.1.1 General Facility Description 1.1.2 Facility Buildings and Structures 1.1.3 General Process Description 1.1.4 Raw Materials, Products, By-Products and Wastes 1.2 Institutional Information 1-7 1.2.1 Corporate Identity 1.2.2 Financial Qualifications 1.2.3 Type, Quantity, and Form of Licensed Material Uranium Enriched in the 235U Isotope Uranium Enriched in the 23 3 U Isotope Plutonium Transuranic Isotopes Fission Products 1.2.4 Authorized Uses Product Processing Operations Laboratory Operations General Services Operations Research and Development Operations Waste Treatment and Disposal Period of License 1.2.5 Special Exemptions and Special Authorizations Criticality Monitoring Posting and Labeling Contamination-Free Articles Decommissioning Funding Plan Decommissioning-Related Activities Performed Prior to the End of Plant Life Transportation of SNM Use of ICRP 68 DAC and ALl Values 1.2.6 Security of Classified Information 1.2.7 Terminology/Definitions 1.3 Site Description 1-16 1.3.1 Site Geography 1.3.2 Demographics 1.3.3 Meteorology 1.3.4 Hydrology 1.3.5 Geology_____ Revision 4 July 27, 2015 ReviionJulTOC 27,2015Page 1-1 I SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE SNM-1 24 CHAPTER 1 SECTION TITLE STARTS ON PAGE Appendix Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. Affiliates 1-20 1A Appendix Listing of Chemical and Physical Forms of 1-22 1B UraniumAuthorized_____ [NUMBER FIGURE STARTS ________-1_____________________PLANT LAYOUT AND PROPERTY BOUNDARIES 1-2 1A-I NFS CORPORATE STRUCTURE PAGE Revision 4 July 27, 2015 Revsio4 uly7,TOC 015Page 1-2 I SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE •SNM-124 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Facility and Process Information 1.1.1 General Facility Description The Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS) site is located at 1205 Banner Hill Road, within' the limits of the City of Erwin. The Protected Area of approximately 18 acres is located within approximately 70 acres of NFS-owned land, the remainder of which is either devoted to vehicle parking areas, is undeveloped, or is undergoing decommissioning. Additional information describing the NFS facility, including its location with respect to geographic features, roadways, population centers, industrial facilities, and public facilities, is provided in Section 1 .3, "Site Description ." 1.1.2 Facility Buildings and Structures The facilities within the NFS site consist of numerous buildings, the majority of which are located within the Protected Area. The buildings and structures include the major SNM-processing production facilities, SNM-handling support facilities (storage, waste treatment, etc.), and a large number of non-SNM- handling support facilities (materials warehouses, maintenance shops, office buildings, etc.). Buildings within the plant have been designated with numbers and names as shown in Figure 1-1. The major site features and descriptions of their current primary function(s) are provided below for informational purposes and are not intended to be restrictive of future potential activities in those facilities. High Enriched Uranium (HEU) Fuel Production Facilities (Bldgs. 302, 303, 304, 306, & 307) Unit operations which produce a classified product containing high enriched uranium, as well as uranium recovery operations. Receipt, handling, and shipment of feed and product materials. Blended Low Enriched Uranium (BLEU) Production Facilities 1. Uranyl Nitrate Building (UNB) (Bldg. 510) Receipt, handling, and storage of liquid uranyl nitrate. Revision 4 Revision4~July 27, 2015 PagePg 1-1- I SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE SNM-124 CHAPTER 1 Figure 1-1: Plant Layout and Property Boundaries This drawing is "Official Use Only" and has been moved to the "Sensitive Information" ADDENDUM. Revision 4 Revision4~July 27, 2015 PagePg 1-2- I SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE SNM-1 24 CHAPTER 1 2. Commercial Development Line (CDL) Facility (Bldg. 301) Conversion of HEU materials to uranium oxides or to uranyl nitrate solution for subsequent purification and downblending in the adjacent BLEU Preparation Facility. 3. BLEU Preparation Facility (BPF) (Bldg. 333) Conversion of HEU materials to pure HE uranyl nitrate solution, preparation of blendstock (N uranyl nitrate solution), subsequent mixture of the HE uranyl nitrate and blendstock solution to form a LE uranyl nitrate solution (product), and uranium recovery operations. 4. Oxide Conversion Building (OCOB) (Bldg. 520) Conversion of low enriched uranyl nitrate liquids into uranium oxides. Loading of powder for shipment. 5. Effluent Processing Building (EPB) (Bldg. 530) Treatment of process waste streams generated at the OCB (Bldg. 520) prior to discharge and/or disposal. 6. LEU Dilution and Loading Facility (Bldg.
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