Bulletin No. 271 Series G, Miscellaneous, 29 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, DiKECTOR BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF NORTH AMERICAN GEOLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, PETROLOGY, AND MINERALOGY FOR THE YE.AR 19O4 BY FIRED BOTJGKHITOIISr WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1905 CONTENTS, Page Letter of transmittal...................................................... 5 Introduction..................'........................................... 7 List of publications examined ............................................. 9 Bibliography..................................... ........................ 15 Classified key to the index................................................ 135 Index................................................................... 143 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Washington, J). <7., June 7, 1905. SIR: I transmit here with the manuscript of a bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the year 1904, and request that it be published as a bulletin of the Survey. Very respectfully, F. B. WEEKS. Hon. CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Director United States Geological Survey. 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF NORTH AMERICAN GEOLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, PETROLOGY, AND MINERALOGY FOR THE YEAR 1904. By FRED BOUGIITON WEEKS. INTRODUCTION. The arrangement of the material of the Bibliography and Index for 1903 is similar to that adopted for the preceding annual bibliographies. Bulletins Nos. 130, 135, 146,149, 156, 162, 172 (combined in Bulletins 188 and 189), 203, 221, and 240. Bibliography. The bibliography consists of full titles of separate papers, arranged alphabetically by authors' names, an abbreviated reference to the publication in which the paper is printed, and a brief, description of the contents, each paper being numbered for index reference. Index. The subject headings, their subdivisions and arrangement, are shown in the classified key to the index, which immediately pre­ cedes the index. Reference is made in each entry by author's name and number of article in the bibliography. The series of annual bibliographies has been prepared solely from publications received by the library of the United States Geological Survey. On January 1, 1903, the writer was placed in charge of the library of this organization, and an effort has since been made to pro­ cure the publications which were not noticed in the bibliographies of previous years, it being known that there were a considerable number of omissions of geological papers. Many of these are noted in this bulletin. Mr. John M. Nickles has again assisted in the compilation of this work, and credit is due him for its careful preparation and completeness. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS EXAMINED. Alabama Geological Survey: Index to Mineral Resources of Alabama, 1904; Bulletin no. 8, 1904. Montgomery, Ala. American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Proceedings, vol. 39, nos. 13-23, 1904; Memoirs, vol. 13, nos. 1 and 2, 1904. Boston, Mass. American Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings, vols. 52 and 53, 1903 and 1904. American Geographical Society: Bulletin, vol. 36, 1904. New York, N. Y. American Geologist, vols. 33 and 34, 1904. Minneapolis, Minn. American Institute of Mining Engineers: Transactions, vol. 34, 1904, and advance papers of 1904 meetings. New York, N. Y. American Journal of Science: 4th ser., vols. 17 and 18, 1904. New Haven, Conn. American Museum of Natural'History: Bulletin, vol. 18, pt. 2, vol. 20, 1904; Journal, vol. 4, 1904. New York, N. Y. American Naturalist, vol. 38, 1904. Boston, Mass. American Paleontology: Bulletin no. 19, 1904. Ithaca, N. Y. American Philosophical Society: Proceedings, vol. 43, nos. 175-178, 1904. Philadel­ phia, Pa. Annales des Mines: Me"moires, 6th ser., tomes 5 and 6, 1904. Paris, France. Annals and Magaxine of Natural History, 7th ser., vols. 13 and 14, 1904. London, England. Appalachia, vol. 10, no. 3, 1904. Boston, Mass. Association of Engineering Societies: Journal, vols. 32 and 33, 1904. Philadelphia, Pa. Bishop (The Bernice Puahi) Museum: Memoirs, vol. 1, nos. 1, 1899-5, 1903; Occa­ sional Papers, vol. 1, nos. 1, 1898-5,1902; vol. 2, nos. 1, 1903-2, 1904. Hono­ lulu, Hawaiian Islands. Boston Society of Natural History: Proceedings, vol. 31, nos. 7-10, vol. 32, nos. 1-2, 1904; Memoirs, vol. 5, no. 11; Occasional Papers, vol. 7, no. 3.. Boston, Mass. Botanical Gazette, vols. 37 and 38, 1904. Chicago, 111. California. Academy of Sciences: Proceedings, 3d ser., vol. 1, no. 10,1904. San Francisco, Cal. California Journal of Technology, vol. 2, 1903; vols. 3 and 4, nos. 1 and 2, 1904. University of California, Berkeley, Cal. California, University of, Department of Geology: Bulletin, vol. 3, nos. 15-22; vol. 4, no. 1; 1904. Berkeley, Cal. Canada, Geological Survey: Annual Eeport, vol. 13, 1903; Contributions to Paleon­ tology, vol. 3, pt. 3,1904. Ottawa, Canada. Canada, Royal Society: Proceedings and Transactions, 2d ser., vol. 9, 1903. Ottawa, Canada. Canadian Institute: Transactions, vol. 7, pt. 3, 1904. Toronto, Canada. Canadian Mining Institute: Journal, vol. 6, 1904. Ottawa, Canada. Canadian Mining Review, vol. 23, 1904. Ottawa, Canada. 9 10 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS EXAMINED. [BULL. 271. Carnegie Institution of Washington: Yearbook no. 2, 1904. Washington, D. C. Carnegie Museum: Annals, vol. 2, nos. 3 and 4, vol. 3, no. 1, 1904; Memoirs, vol. 1, no.-4, 1904. Pittsburg, Pa. Centralblatt f iir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie, nos. 1-24,1904. Stuttgart, Germany. Cincinnati Society of Natural History: Journal, vol. 20, no. 4, 1904. Cincinnati, Ohio. Colorado School of Mines: Bulletin, vol. 2, nos. 2 and 3, 1904. Golden, Colo. Colorado Scientific Society: Proceedings, vol. 7, pp. 151-346, 1904. Denver, Colo. Colorado, University of: Studies, vol. 1,1902-1904; vol. 2, nos. 1 and 2,1904.. Boulder, Colo. Columbia University, Geological Department: Contributions, vol. 12, nos. 99-101, 1904. New York, N. Y. Congres Geologique International, Compte rendu de la IX. Session, Vienne, 1903. Vienne (Wien), 1904. Davenport Academy of Sciences: Proceedings, vol. 9, 1904. Davenport, Iowa. Denison University, Scientific Laboratory: Bulletin, vol. 12, articles 9-11, 1904. Granville, Ohio. Drury College, Bradley Geological Field Station: Bulletin, vol. 1, pt. 1, 1904.. Spring­ field, Mo. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society: Journal, vol. 20, nos. 1-4, 1904. Chapelhill, N. C. Engineering and Mining Journal, vols. 77 and 78, 1904. New York, N. Y. Engineering Association of the South: Transactions, vol'. 14 [1904]. Nashville, Tenn. Engineering Magazine, vol. 26, nos. 4-6; vol. 27, and vol.28, nos. 1-3, 1904. New York, N. Y. Engineers Club of Philadelphia: Proceedings, vol. 21, 1904. Philadelphia, Pa. Field Columbian Museum: Geological Series, vol. 2, nos. 5 and 6,1904. Chicago, 111. Franklin Institute: Journal, vols. 157 and 158, 1904. Philadelphia, Pa. Geographical Journal, vols. 33 and. 34, 1904. London, England. Geological Magazine, new series, decade 5, vol. 1, 1904. London, England. Geological Society of America: Bulletin, vol. 14, pp. 495-636,1904. Rochester, N. Y. Geologists' Association: Proceedings, vol. 18, pts. 4-7, 1904. London, England. Georgia Geological Survey: Bulletin, nos. 11, 12, 1904. Atlanta, Ga. Greene (George K.): Contributions to Indiana Paleontology, pts. 17-20, 1904. New Albany, Ind. Hamilton Scientific Association: Journal and Proceedings, no. 20, 1904. Hamilton, Ontario. Harriman Alaska Expedition, vols. 3, 4, 1904. New York, N. Y. Harvard College, Museum of Comparative Zoology: Bulletin, vol. 33, no. 7; vol. 39, no. 9; vol. 42; vol. 43, nos. 1-3; vol.-44; vol. 45, nos. 1-4; vol. 46, nos. 1-3; Memoirs, vol. 26, no. 4; vol. 30, no. 1; vol. 31. Cambridge, Mass. Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History: Bulletin, vol. 7, art. 1-3, 1904. Urbana, 111. Indiana, Department of Geology and Natural Resources: 28th Annual Report, 1904. Indianapolis, Ind: Institution of Mining Engineers: Transactions, vol. 24, pts. 6 and 7; vol. 25, pts. 5 and 6; vol. 26, pts. 3 and 4; vol. 27, pts. 1-5, and vol. 28, pt. 1, 1904. New- castle-upon-Tyne, England. Iowa Academy of Sciences: Proceedings for 1903, vol. 11, 1904. Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa Geological Survey: Annual Report, vol. 14, 1904. Des Moines, Iowa. Johns Hopkins University: Circulars, nos. 1-8, 1904. Baltimore, Md. Journal of Geography, vol. 3, 1904. Lancaster, Pa. Journal of Geology, vol. 12, 1904. Chicago, 111. Kansas1 University: Science Bulletin, vol. 2, nos. 10-15, 1904. Lawrence, Kans. WEEKS.] ' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS EXAMINED. 11 Lake Superior Mining Institute: Proceedings for 1903, vol. 9 [1904]. Ishpeming, Mich. Liverpool Geological Society: Proceedings, vol. 9, pt. 3, 1903; pi 4, 1904. Liver­ pool, England. London Geological Society: Quarterly Journal, vol. 60, 1904. London, England. McGill University, Department of Geology: Papers, no. 16,1904. Montreal, Canada. Manchester Geological Society: Transactions, vol. 28, pts. 10-15, .1904. Maryland Geological Survey: Miocene, 1904. Baltimore, Md. Mexico Instituto Geologica: Parergones, t. 1, nos. 1-7, 1903-4. Mexico, D. F., Mexico. Mexico, Secretaria de Fomento: Boletin, 2d 6poca, ano 3, IV, 1903-4; ano 4, IV, nos. 1-4, 1904. Mexico, D. F., Mexico. Michigan Academy of Science: Reports 4-6,. 1904. Lansing, Mich. Michigan Geological Survey: vol.- 9, pt. 2, 1904. Lansing, Mich. Michigan Miner, vol. 6, 1904. Saginaw, Mich. Mines and Minerals, vol. 24, nos. 6-12; vol. 25, nos. 1-5, 1904. Scranton, Pa.,
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