July 26, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7637 1967–70, in which perhaps one million people 11. Believing that the people of Serbia Organization and other non-governmental died. And it was what drives him in Kosovo. share the right of all peope to enjoy life organizations to actively promote respect for Mr. Kouchner, now 60, holds to the healing under democratic institutions; human rights and the rule of law; power of time. He points to the reconcili- 12. Viewing democratic development 26. Urges participating States to provide ation now of Germany and Israel, and of throughout Serbia and Montenegro as essen- sufficient numbers of civilian police to those France and Germany. tial to long-term stability in the region, in- international policing efforts deployed in ‘‘Working with Klaus Reinhardt is a good cluding the implementation of agreements conjunction with peacekeeping efforts in memory,’’ he said. ‘‘He called me his twin regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina and post-conflict situations such as Kosovo; brother.’’ They both came of age in the Eu- Kosovo; 27. Calls upon the international commu- rope of 1968. ‘‘I’m a Frenchman and he’s a 13. Noting that the regime of Slobodan nity to target assistance programmes to help German,’’ and 50 years ago, he said, ‘‘no one Milosevic has been engaged in a planned ef- those persons returning to their original could imagine this.’’ fort both to repress independent media, and homes have the personal security and eco- ‘‘It’s much easier to make war than to crush political opposition, in Serbia, nomic opportunity to remain; peace,’’ Mr. Kouchner said. ‘‘To make peace through the use of unwarranted fines, ar- 28. Calls upon the participating States to takes generations, a deep movement and a rests, detentions, seizures, blackouts, jam- organize, including through the OSCE and change of the spirit.’’ He smiled, looked ming, and possibly assassination attempts, its Office for Democratic Institutions and away. ‘‘It’s why I sometimes want to believe and also engaged in an effort to stop student Human Rights (ODIHR) programmes that in God.’’ and other independent movements; can assist and promote democratic change in EXHIBIT NO. 3 14. Recognizing the importance of the Sta- Serbia, and protect it in Montenegro; and bility Pact to the long-term prosperity, 29. Reiterates its condemnation of any ef- RESOLUTION ON SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE peace and stability of southeastern Europe; fort to provide persons indicted by the Inter- The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, 15. Supporting OSCE Missions throughout national Criminal Tribunal for the Former 1. Recalling that conflicts in the former the region in their efforts to ensure peace, Yugoslavia, and its support for sanctioning Yugoslavia since 1991 have been marked by security and the construction of civil soci- any State which provides such persons with open aggression and assaults on innocent ci- ety; and any form of protection from arrest. vilian populations, have been largely insti- 16. Recalling the legally binding obligation The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- gated and carried out by the regime of of States to cooperate fully with the Inter- ator from Iowa. Slobodan Milosevic and its supporters, and national Criminal Tribunal for the former have caused the deaths of hundreds of thou- Yugoslavia, contained in UN Security Coun- f sands of people; the rape, illegal detention cil Resolution 827 or 25 May 1993, including TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF AMERI- and torture of tens of thousands; the forced the apprehension of indicted persons present CANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT displacement of millions; and the destruc- on their territory and the prompt surrender tion of property on a massive scale, includ- of such person to the Tribunal; Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask ing places of worship; 17. Insists that all parties in the region the indulgence of the Senate to do 2. Viewing the overall rate of return of ref- make the utmost effort to ensure the safe re- something that I did 10 years ago; that ugees and displaced persons throughout the turn and resettlement of all displaced per- is, to recognize the 10th anniversary of region to their original, pe-conflict homes, sons and refugees, regardless of ethnicity, re- the Americans with Disabilities Act by especially where these persons belong to a ligious belief or political orientation, and to doing what I did on the floor 10 years minority ethnic population, has been unac- work towards reconciliation between all sec- ceptably low; tions of society; ago. I will do a little bit of sign lan- 3. Reaffirming the necessity of fulfilling in 18. Encourages members of all ethnic guage with respect to that. good faith UNSC resolution 1244 for the set- groups in southeastern Europe, especially in (Signing.) tlement of the situation in Kosovo, Federal Kosovo, Bosnia and Serbia, to respect human Mr. President, what I just said in Republic of Yugoslavia; rights and the rule of law; sign language was that 10 years ago I 4. Condemning the continuing violence in 19. Reiterates its call upon all authorities stood on the floor of the Senate and Kosovo against members of the Serb and of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in ac- spoke in sign language when we passed other minority communities, including hun- cordance with international humanitarian the Americans with Disabilities Act. dreds of incidents of arson and damaged or law, to continue to provide for the ICRC on- The reason I did that was because my destroyed Serbian Orthodox church sites, going access to all ethnic Albanians kept in and dozens of aggravated assaults and mur- prisons in Serbia, to ensure the humane brother Frank was my inspiration for ders; treatment of such prisoners, and to arrange all of my work here in Congress on dis- 5. Reaffirming the commitment to the sov- for the release of prisoners held without ability law. ereignty and territorial integrity of the Fed- charge; That was the reason that I became eral Republic of Yugoslavia, as stipulated by 20. Encourages the newly elected leader- the chief sponsor of the Americans UNSC resolution 1244; ship of Croatia to continue their efforts to With Disabilities Act. I further said 6. Noting that the OSCE and the United reform and modernize their country in a that I was sorry to say that my brother Nations High Commissioner for Refugees manner that reflects a commitment to passed away last month. Over the last (UNHCR) have jointly reported that a lack of human rights, the rule of law, democracy security, freedom of movement, language and a market-based economy; 10 years, he always said me that he was policy, access to health care and access to 21. Condemns the repressive measures sorry the ADA was not there for him education, social welfare services and public taken by the regime of Slobodan Milosevic when he was growing up, but that he utilities are devastating the minority com- to suppress free media, to stop student and was happy that it was here now for munities of Kosovo; other independent movements, and to in- young people so they would have a bet- 7. Expressing concern for the situation of timidate political opposition in Serbia, all in ter future. Mr. President, we do cele- missing Albanians, Serbs and people of other blatant violation of OSCE norms; brate today the tenth anniversary of nationalities in Kosovo and for ethnic Alba- 22. Urges the regime of Slobodan Milosevic nians kept in prisons in Serbia; to immediately cease its repressive measures the Americans With Disabilities Act, 8. Noting that reports indicate that hun- and to allow free and fair elections to be held which has taken its place as one of the dreds, and perhaps thousands, of ethnic Alba- at all levels of government throughout Ser- greatest civil rights laws in our his- nians, transferred from Kosovo to jails in bia and monitored by the international com- tory. Serbia proper around the time of the entry of munity; When you think about it, ten years international forces into Kosovo, have not 23. Calls upon Slobodan Milosevic to re- ago, on July 25, 1990, a person with a been released in the year since, that several spect human rights and other international disability saw an ad in the paper for a have received harsh sentences in show trials, norms of behaviour in Montenegro; job for which that person was qualified, and that problems regarding access to and 24. Calls upon the international commu- treatment of such prisoners continue; nity to fully implement the Stability Pact, and went down to the business to inter- 9. Recalling that the people and govern- under OSCE auspices, in an effort to inte- view for the job. The prospective em- ments of the former Yugoslav Republic of grate the nations of South-Eastern Europe ployer could look at that person and Macedonia and Slovenia have positive into the broader European community, and say: we don’t hire people like you, get records of respect for the rights of persons to strengthen those countries in their efforts out of here. On July 25, 1990, that per- belonging jto national minorities, the rule of to foster peace, democracy, respect for son was alone. The courthouse door law and democratic traditions since inde- human rights and economic prosperity, in was closed. There was no recourse for pendence; order to achieve stability in the whole re- that person because there was no ban 10. Welcoming the commitment of the gion; newly elected leadership of Croatia to 25. Encourages all representatives of the on discrimination because of disability. progress regarding respect for human rights, international community operating in south- We banned it on the basis of race, sex, refugee returns and the elimination of cor- eastern Europe, including the OSCE, the religion, national origin, but not dis- ruption; United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty ability.
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