----------------------------------------- VOL. XXIII NO. 123 TUESDAY APRIL 9 1901 THE1NDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Bush cautions Congress about free trade HOUSTON (AP) - President would have never dared dream Bush said today that Americans possible." will lose jobs and economic Bush later flew to Dallas to growth if Congress insists on attend a memorial for John the right to make "eleventh­ Tower, the former Republican hour changes" to a free-trade senator killed in a plane crash agreement with Mexico and last Friday, and to throw out other trade pacts. the first ball at the Texas Bush, keeping up the drum­ Rangers' first game of the beat for extension of his fast­ baseball season tonight. track trade authority, dismissed Bush landed at Dallas Naval big labor, environmentalists Air Station and paused before and other critics of the trade heading to the Tower memorial accord with Mexico as "fear­ to honor the Voice of Hope mongers." Ministries as one of his "points "They seem to be the only of light." He said the organiza­ ones who haven't learned lately tion had converted a dilapi­ that defeatism produces defeat, dated school into a community while confidence and self-re­ center in West Dallas. liance produce greatness," At a news conference Sunday Bush said in a breakfast speech after his brief airport meeting before 150 Hispanic business with Salinas, Bush also voiced leaders. hope that the United Nations Bush praised "those Demo­ will play a bigger role in help­ crat leaders in the U.S. ing the suffering Kurds and Congress ... who have the vi­ other refugees inside Iraq. sion" to support the pact, in­ The Washington Post today cluding House Speaker Torn quoted Secretary of Defense AP Photo Foley and Son. Lloyd Bentsen of Dick Cheney as suggesting the President Bush points to the audience before speaking at breakfast meeting in Houston Monday morning for Texas. Critics Include House use of U.N. forces to create the Hispanic Alliance for Free Trade. With Bush is Lionel Sosa of San Antonio, Texas. Majority Leader Richard buffer zones inside Iraq to pro­ Gcphardt. tect the refugees. Earlier Sun­ ''I'm going to approach this day, Turkish President Turgut once the peace-keeping forces on this regime inside Iraq," he tive as well as the trilateral ac­ strictly in a non-partisan, non­ Ozal called for the United Na­ move into place. said. But the president added, cord with Mexico and Canada political manner. It is too im­ tions to create a sanctuary in "We've fulfilled our objectives, "I don't think you're going to are at stake. portant to get it bogged down in northern Iraq for the Kurds, by and now what we've got to do is see a police role in downtown "Fast-track doesn't affect partisan politics," said Bush. force if necessary. fulfill our concerns about the Baghdad." Congress' power to accept or Bush made his pitch the day Homan Popadiuk, a deputy innocents that are suffering- -­ reject trade al!reements. But it arter vowing with Mexican White House press secretary, the Kurds and the Shiites in the Bush's fast-track negotiating does prevent eleventh-hour President Carlos Salinas de said Bush had only a humani­ south and those in Baghdad authority allows for only up or changes to agreements we have Gortari to fight hard for the tarian role in mind for the U.N. themselves," the president said. down votes in Congress on reached ... that force everyone agreement, and resolving to go peace-keeping force. "We have "We will be in consultation trade pacts. It expires May 31, involved to start from scratch," "head-on-head" against the to study" Ozal's comments, the with others at the United Na­ but will automatically be re­ said Bush. AFL-CJO, which fears an ero­ spokesman said. tions to see whether the U.N. newed for two years unless a sion of jobs to south of the can ... enhance its peace-keep­ simple majority of either the "If we lose our fast-track au­ border. With Baghdad reluctantly ac­ ing function," he said. House or Senate objects. thority, we lose any hope of lie also praised Salinas today, cepting the tough terms of the The refugees' plight has peo­ Bush said that his ability to achieving these three agree­ saying, "lie's doing a first-class U.N. cease-fire resolution, Bush ple "so outraged that there may secure a global trading agree­ ments. We lose trade. We lose job. He's moved that country in voiced hope that "will have a be ways we can bring pressure ment in the Uruguay Round and jobs and jeopardize economic ways that some of his critics calming effect inside of Iraq" through the U.N. or elsewhere a South American trade initia- growth," said Bush. Anti-abortion demonstrators charged with criminal trespassing By PAUL PEARSON criminal trespassing, for which among those arrested. Lt. Norval Williams of the South to identify themselves, the peo­ Associate News Editor the maximum sentence is one Three of the 107 total Bend Police. ple arrested were "causing the year in jail and a $5,000 fine. demonstrators arrested were According to Jacob Lambry, a system to slow down and wait The demonstrators have thus released on bond over the first-year candidate at Moreau [for them)." The 104 anti-abortion far refused to identify them­ weekend after they identified Seminary who recruited NO demonstrators arrested Friday selves, but are eligible for bond themselves, Barnes said. students for the sit-in, the Lambry also criticized the outside the Women's Pavilion, and release upon giving the au­ The demonstrators were ar­ demonstrators are practicing a media for calling the people ar­ 2010 N. Ironwood, were ar­ thorities their names, ad­ rested Friday when they were policy of non-cooperation. rested at the clinic demonstra­ raigned yesterday and given a dresses, and other pertinent in­ found sitting on the grounds in "When you give them your tors. According to Larnbry, their court date of April 15, accord­ formation, Barnes said. front of the doors of the name, they can book you and situation is similar to "going Ing to St. Joseph County Prose­ According to Maria Rhornberg Women's Pavilion, refusing to basically do what they want through a 'No Trespassing' sign cutor Michael Barnes. of ND/SMC Right to Life, four let anyone except employees with you," said Lambry. to save someone who Is They are being charged with Notre Dame students were enter the building, according to Lambry said that, by refusing drowning in a pool." Student senator finally elected after controversial race By MEG SHUFF feelings. It was a tough election, News Writer but in my mind there is no I STUDENT SENATE ELECTION RESULTS further possibility for con tro­ After two weeks of contro­ District 1 versy," he added. versy the District 1 Student Se­ Although Certo won the Dis­ nate election has finally come VOTES trict 1 Senatorial spot, he was to an end as David Certo has David angered by the controversy. been elected as the 1991-92 "I was embarrassed to be a Student Senator. CERTO 460 part of the whole thing, shocked Voting attendance was higher at all the controversy, and than expected as total of 796 Billy appalled at all the blood students voted yesterday. spilled," he said. Certo earned 460 votes ALLEN 336 Allen also expressed strong defeating his opponent Bill feelings against the election Allen who earned 336 votes. saga. "I feel that the Senate The race which began on The Observer!13rendan Rega~ picked the single worst decision March 25 with the rest of tho later and the Senate revoked his between Bill Allen, who general election ... and for all in calling another general elec­ Senate elections was extended campaign. received the highest number of that it is worth, I hope that ev­ tion." duo to an infringement of the Along with this ruling, the votes, and David Certo who eryone is satisfied," said "It Is sad that it had to go on rules by Paul Peralez, one of Senate also voted to hold an­ originally came in third, but Matthew Caito, student gov­ for this long, I think the people the original candidates. other general election with the moved up in Peralez's absence. ernment Election Committee got tired of voting over and Peralez was found guilty of three remaining candidates in­ "The Student Senate took it Chairman. over, but I wish him (Certo) the campaign violations two days stead of declaring a run-off upon themselves to call a new "I hope there are no hard best of luck," said Allen. ----- --------------------------- The Observer Tuesday Anrjl9 1991 INSIDE COLUMN FORECAST: Windy and mild. Possible thunder­ Oh, the things storms today , some being se­ vere. Highs in the 80s with lows dip­ that are dreamt ping into the 60s. up in class TEMPERATURES: City H L Athens 61 50 Have you ever had a------­ Atlanta 81 65 class where the professor Berlin 54 41 Boston 86 43 got really boring and your Chicago 79 64 Dallas·Ft.Worth 79 67 classmates were snoring Denver 60 36 like bears and you were Detron 83 59 Honolulu 82 69 just sitting there listening Houston 82 69 to your professor drone on Indianapolis 78 59 London 59 46 and on, and your mind Los Angeles 72 55 starting to think about Paul Pearson Madrid 68 43 Mlarri Beach 80 74 things that you had never Associate News Moscow 46 39 thought about before? Editor New Orleans 83 69 New York 86 67 No? Well, bear with me.
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