SATITRDAY. SFPTEMRER 17. 1021 TIIE SEATTLE STAR PAGE a 1-?Mary Miles Minter, Colonial. 2?Alice Terry, Winter Garden. It?Bill Fairbanks, Hex. 4?Cullen Landis, Strnnd. s?Gladys Walton, Clemmer. G?Rudolph Valentino ard Stuart Holmes, Blue Mouse. 7?Tom Moore, Liberty. 8? Katherine MaeDonald, Coliseum. 1 ' ' Max Linder Film Ranks W ® H@air Picks the Subject to AT Rclure Pa/ier Archie llociln, former viudi'vlllit alar, W quit* > hit at Movie Good Ones Pruning Out MOVIES the strand U lii THE alngltig prologue Quizzex theatre till* link, nlifff ho the an Idol picture companies of "The Old Neat." Waverly-?lt that both A native of france ?and Motion are now I.eeter Cuneoa hobby In irurk i»r- la true reorganizing their deplng. The *ur of "Pat of I'KIM I>ou* ana Mary enjoyed aucceaaful of his homeland- Max Linder, the staffs to meet BL(*K MOl SB "The Four Hnrsemfii of the Apocalypae." with Till- din*" ha« hiii own private truii» "No ataiit' inreera before appearing: on changed condition* which hare Woman Know"." which cornea to the Clemmer next flaturday, will motion picture star, ha* an eye for Uolph (Valentino and Alice Tarry. ranch at hie Beverly Hill* lioma. Is one of the »rrirn, but whether they necessitated more economical produc- t'nlvaraal'a beat produttlona. Mutxl Julienne Hcott and Htuart auccumb to the attra* live offera feminine pulchritude that is truly STRAND?'The with Mary AMen. Jlolmea are leading munagera tion. In discunslng the changes at Old Neat." own In the rolra. from the theatrical re- The Wallace Held* havt their malna to he Mary la quoted Ziegfeldian. Therefore his view* u« the goldwyn studio, LlßKßTY?"Beating the »l(h Tom Moore, ae»>n. t President Sam- Game." nmtiinm iik (tool «tl their an aaylng <l>at If they do it-turn, It eautlfut homo i in lleverly Hill*. It**Ingram, director of "Tin* Four llorarnim of Ih* Apnralypw," to the beauty of any young woman uel Goldwjrn made tl>ls lnterestinc CLKMMER?'The Rowdy." with Gladys Wulton. Krlvate will be mily fur one aeaaon. statement; t>aily. after finmhinc h«*r work In which l» allowing at the llliie Mouoo theatre thl» work. Hi, awarded are worth hearing. Llnder, ex- Trumps." Terry. "fat of take* for WINTER GARDEV -"Hearts Arc with Alice rarattl««V* Mr*. JUId a ? bachelor fine Alpha I'earl Whit* haa been mar- "In reorganizing the stndlo staff dip In (ho pool. of aria degree at Vale university In n cognition for ample, has looked OTer the American COLlSEVM?"Stranger Than Fiction," with Kaiherln* Macponald. hla ried twice. IJer firat hunhand waa reductions first made at tb* work in directing this lilg production. Victor Sutherland Ja> kie field of female loveHner* with a par- were t.'oogan top. where pruning was most COLONIAL?"Sweet Lavender." with Mary Miles Mlnter Mfldfwl irarrt* b*en fhwn to la In Talifornla at pre». nt. Ho left tlcularly keen eye and has picked neces- ban New Ifork quite aome ago. sary and where salaries REX?"Fighting BUI," with Bill Fairbanks. play opponitn Thoma* Meghan In I! It. Wrght. manager of the Strand theatre, when In the Kant re- time none other than Ml** Alta Allen as were the th« !* f trr \u25a0 -iint picture, highest. Wages of workmen new I'hrrmi cently wttnenxed the fir*t showlnga of "The Affilra of Anatol," "The Mm, 11. N ?Jack Hott'a neweat the beet looking young lady In thla were CLASS A?"Humoresque," with Gaston Glaaa. "A I'rlnce Ther*' Wmm." which !? )w»t <iolem" and "The Three Muaketcera." not cut after other departmaota bring l.a»ky Three picture* will be rtown picture la "The Call of the North," a land of the fre* and the home of the until ? «tarte«f at th* hlmlut », atory had reorganized on a Youitjr ha* adapted Uii«i In Seattle aoon. by Htcwart Kdward White brave, step forward and take your been more eco- Wtlflemtr Ituth Uoland la to appear In i mantle comedy, which v%aa wrlttm aoun bow. Ml** Allen. nomical basis. Considerable reduc- ?nd i»r«»<iuc«il by Oaorge M Cohan "The White Kegle." great story, la ahowtng In pictures at Alice Terry. the beautiful Metro a tar In 'Heart a Are Tromp*" at Mlwi Allen appears In Mr. Llnder'* tion* have been made in actors' sal- on tb»» atajff Tom For man will dl- the Class A theatre thla Week picture. Hie Wlnl.r Garden, la 3.1 jeara old, waa born In Term., Newton Corliaa ralmer la a recent comedy production, "Seven aries. MOUSE ract the NaahtUl*. brown, BLUE "Humoresque" Is aaid to be one of and haa played on the New Vork alage. Southern Klrl H.*r eyea are Years Luck," "Younger men are being placed In ller lateat picture la "ltoae and liad released by liC worka. Gaston Picture* positions of responsibility thla FOLR HORSEMEN OK THE Fannie Hurst's best Following closely on the an- Thlatle." She la not married, althu corporation. She Is a In IkjTtlE Glaus, as Leon Kantor, heads the nouncement that I.eatrl>e Joy had Juanlta flunaen. popular aerial alar, la coming here the aha very frankly admlta that ahe Weoiefn general reorganization. What thla in- W AI*OCALYI*SE" over Pnntageii girl who came Ka*t not cast. Alma Ruebena playa oppoallr beeii signed l« play one of the lead- time. Alan hear that Juanlta recently eloped with llnrrtaon I*o»t In hopea to be married aome day. many years ago and captivated dustry needs is youth?ambitions, (Metro) ing rolea in Cecil U. l»rMill»'a next with In the role of tAm and they were married the who ISroadway by beauty vigorous. Imaginative youth that wtW J alto Dmcytn Kudolph V»fwitl» him. Vera Gordon production for Paramount. comae the Anicelea by name Judge eenteneed Horace?"Man'a tlame." Kalherlne her and charm Terry the mother. further newa that Kdlth Hubert*, an- llebe Uuntels for aiieedlng. MadJonald'a recently completed pic- In musical comedy. Now she I* portray life as it Is today; men who Marfutrlit Uuritr AM a Marcelo tManoyere J,»ep!i Swlrk*r<l other talented *«ar. haa also been ae- ture. will be known aa "The Woman heading full speed toward stardom. grow with this newest Of the aa It!t- uaed only will (.'apt. Von Uartrutt. iKuart Maimea lected one of the principal Milton Sill* l» at the Colonial with Hide." "Man'a darn*" waa arts; men who know the okl COLONIAL nln#' player*. Mia* Hoberlj* made Mary Mllca Mlnter, hot doc a aa the working title. marry her at Ihe end In fart, but who be constant* of the Apnea her screen debut a» a child a<tre»« not another nun wlna Mary and technique will "The Four Horsemen at the «n of 11. She subsequently hold* Iter In embrace at Ihe Hunty?Wllda liennett made her ELINOR GLYN WRITES ly seeking the new. big week at "SWEET LAVENDER" leading cluec final fadtvoul. lypae" started Its second won rank aa a woman with acreen debut In "l/ove, Honor and "These changed conditions Will the Blue Mouse theatre today. Otaatart > many of the beat known atara and Obey" l.oulae Huff playa the in- Ru- "Tlie and Four 11 »e "Dlaraell," ANOTHER FOR GLORIA bring new era of prosperity leading lavender ...Mary Mtiea Mlnter waa elevated to stardom beraclf Old Neet" "The or men of the Apocntypae" were (rnu« role In the recent about a dolph Valentino plays the role soma tiin« ago. held over from hurt week. Who Id people triumph of George Arllaa. Elinor glyn. author of "Three picture with Alice Hot jr l>rlae»e Sylvia Aelttnn an weren't going to the movlea? acroen in the motion Industry such In this great production, Horace W eatberbura Milton Silta Weeks." who wrote "The Great Mo- role. Huddle- Tom Mix recently com- as never known before." Terry in the leading feminine I'rot. I'hw.yl .....Theodora Itoberta Work la proßreaainir rapidly at Je*ae laaky la con*ld«-r!ng atarrlng Itudolph ment," Gloria Swanson's first star- of the Apoca- the Hubert lirunton atudioa on little Valentino, who la poat-d a perfectly good fox trot. "The Four Horsemen \u25a0 ring picture for Paramount, has Mary Mllce Mlnter Is at the Co- Jack's Coogan'a new production. "My now working untlcr live I'arainouut banner. We feel that Mr. laaky ailed "The r.nm. ho TroL" "flldln' lypse'' Is adapted for the screen by Boy." Gtlllnswater, Romeo" la iho picture to which you written another original for Miss WILLIAM DE lonial theatre as the featured player Claude who had wmildn't go wrong If he did I hla. Judging from Kudolph'a work In MILLE June Mathls from the novel by Vi- a prominent part In Mary Pu kford'a refer. Hwanson. "Beyond the the In "Sweet I«avender," her latest Real- "The Four Horarmen of the Aporalypae" for Metro. Rocks" is cente Blanco Ibane*. "Little laitH Fauntlemy : Mae Fos- title. PICTURE production. play deals wtlh ter and Hid Franklin are In the sup- Tinker Hell?Wallace Heery playa POPULAR art This the part of llram Johnaon, the fugi- "Beyond will Much favorable comment has baalf college life, and Is said to be one of porting tast. and Victor Hverman la Horry O'Connor, who played In atock at the old Third Avenue theatre, the Rocks" follow In direct log. tive madman. In "The Uolden Snare." evoked from critics who have vtow«*; la playing an important role in "Strnnser Than Fiction" production "The Husband's Trade- STRAND Miss MinteCs best works.
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