CEMIG’SCEMIG’S MAIN MAININDICATORS INDICATORS Financial dataFinancial (Economic data Dimension(Economic –Dimension in R$) are –consolidated in R$) are consolidated according to according the IFRS. toThe the other IFRS. data The refer other to data the controllingrefer to the company controlling company (holding) Cemig(holding) – Companhia Cemig – CompanhiaEnergética deEnergética Minas Gerais de Minas S.A. andGerais its S.A.whole and subsidiaries: its whole subsidiaries: Cemig Distribuição Cemig Distribuição S.A. (Cemig S.A.D) and (Cemig Cemig D) and Cemig Geração e TransmissãoGeração e Transmissão (Cemig GT) (Cemigin accordance GT) in accordancewith the GRI with – Global the GRI Reporting – Global Initiative Reporting methodology. Initiative methodology.1 1 2008 20082009 20092010 2010 GeneralGeneral Data Data Number of ConsumersNumber of Consumers– thousand 2– thousand2 6,602 6,6026,833 6,8337,065 7,065 Number of employeesNumber of employees 10,422 10,4229,746 9,7468,859 8,859 MunicipalitiesMunicipalities serviced serviced 774 774774 774774 774 Concession ConcessionArea – Km2 3Area – Km2 3 567,478 567,478567,478 567,478567,740 567,740 Saifi – NumberSaifi of– outgagesNumber of(EU28) outgages (EU28) 6.53 6.536.76 6.766.56 6.56 Saidi – HoursSaidi of outgages – Hours of (EU29) outgages (EU29) 13.65 13.6514.09 14.0913.00 13.00 Number of plantsNumber in ofoperation plants in4 operation4 63 63 65 65 66 66 Installed capacityInstalled – MW capacity (EU1) 5– MW (EU1)5 6,691 6,6916,716 6,7166,896 6,896 TransmissionTransmission lines – Km (EU4)lines 5– Km (EU4)5 5,755 5,7557,506 7,5068,768 8,768 SubtransmissionSubtransmission lines – Km (EU4)lines – Km (EU4) 16,810 16,81016,959 16,95916,835 16,835 DistributionDistribution network – Km network (EU4) –Total Km (EU4) Total 436,905 436,905450,316 450,316453,935 453,935 Urban Urban 87,086 87,08696,971 96,97191,465 91,465 Rural Rural 349,819 349,819353,345 353,345362,470 362,470 FavorFavor acertar acertar lombada lombada EconomicEconomic Dimension Dimension Faca Faca OperationalOperational Net Revenues Net – RevenuesR$ million – R$ million NA NA12,158 12,15812,863 12,863 Ebtida – R$ Ebtidamillion – R$ million NA NA4,588 4,5884,543 4,543 Net profit (loss)Net profit - R$ (loss) - R$ NA NA2,134 2,1342,258 2,258 StockholdersStockholders equity - R$ equity - R$ 10,107 10,10711,166 11,16611,476 11,476 Market valueMarket (R$ million) value (R$ million) 15,761 15,76119,595 19,59518,220 18,220 Dividends paidDividends (R$/share) paid6 (R$/share)6 931 931944 9441,196 1,196 Dividend YieldDividend (%) Yield (%) 6 6 6 6 9 9 t 2010 t 2010 R R EnvironmentalEnvironmental Dimension Dimension Funds investedFunds in theinvested environment in the environment – R$ million – (EN30) R$ million7 (EN30)7 70.5 70.588.4 88.488.0 88.0 Total waste Totalproduced waste – producedmetric tons – metric(EN22) tons (EN22) 7,410 7,4104,600 4,6003,598 3,598 Waste recycled,Waste reutilized recycled, or reutilized disposed orof disposed– metric tonsof – metric(EN22) tons (EN22) 6,659 6,6594,088 4,0883,333 3,333 Total EnergyTotal Consumption Energy Consumption – GJ (EN3) – GJ (EN3) 2,899,634 2,899,634434,960 434,960622,852 622,852 Total Water TotalConsumption Water Consumption – m3 (EN8)8 – m3 (EN8)8 1,137,017 1,137,0171,139,886 1,139,8861,202,019 1,202,019 bility Repo bility Repo Fingerlings Fingerlingsfor release –for thousand release – thousand 616 616523 523523 523 A A Production ofProduction seedlings of – seedlingsthousand – thousand 416 416421 421360 360 in in CO2 emissionsCO 2– emissions metric tons – metric(EN16) tons (EN16) 207,657 207,65721,921 21,92138,335 38,335 A A t t S S CemigCemig Annu AnnuAl &A l & Social DimensionSocial Dimension Average numberAverage of hours number of trainingof hours per of training employee per (LA10) employee (LA10) 71.25 71.2572.43 72.4375.66 75.66 SuSSutASintAbilityinAbility Repo RepoRt Rt Social responsibilitySocial responsibility investments investments – R$ million –9 R$ million9 45,461 45,46145,365 45,36577,440 77,440 l & Su l & Su Accident rateAccident – own employeesrate – own (LA7)employees10 (LA7)10 0.43 0.430.51 0.510.41 0.41 A A Accident rateAccident – outsourced rate – outsourcedemployees (LA7)employees10 (LA7)10 0.94 0.940.96 0.960.60 0.60 1For further 1 Forinformation further information on the GRI methodology, on the GRI methodology, please check: please www.globalreporting.org. check: www.globalreporting.org. 2.8 2.8 2The chart with 2The the chart number with the of consumers number of consumersper category per is describedcategory is in described item Cemig’s in item Market. Cemig’s Market. 3 3 3.10 3.10Brings changesBrings in previouschanges years,in previous reflecting years, onlyreflecting the concession only the concessionarea of Cemig area Distribuição. of Cemig Distribuição. 4Figures for 4 Cemig,Figures contempling for Cemig, contempling changes in previouschanges yearsin previous for compatibilization years for compatibilization with the new with criteria the new criteria 3.11 3.115Consolidated 5Consolidated Cemig figures, Cemig including figures, the including proportional the proportionalparticipation participation in controlled in / controlledaffiliated /companies, affiliated companies,contemplating contemplating changes in previouschanges in previous years for compatibilizationyears for compatibilization with the new with criteria. the new criteria. Cemig Annu Cemig Annu GOVERNOGOVERNO DE MINAS DE GERAISMINAS GERAIS 6Proposal of 6 ProposalDividend ofPayment Dividend on Payment 2010 results, on 2010 presented results, to presented the General to theShareholders’ General Shareholders’ Meeting held Meeting in April, held 29th ,in 2011. April, 29th, 2011. 7Total of resources 7Total of applied resources in the applied environment in the environment directed towards directed operation towards and operation maintenance and maintenance and to new ventures.and to new ventures. 8Total water 8 Totalconsumed water for consumed administrative for administrative and industrial and purposes. industrial purposes. 9Total of resources 9Total of invested resources in externalinvested socialin external indicators social and indicators total internal and total social internal indicators. social For indicators. further details,For further see Socialdetails, Balance see Social Sheet. Balance Sheet. 10Number of10 accidentsNumber of resulting accidents in resultinginjuries, with in injuries, time off, with per time 200,000 off, perhours 200,000 worked. hours worked. Aerial view of the reservoir and dam of the reservoir Aerial view plant power hidroelectric of Irapé and dam of the reservoir Aerial view plant power hidroelectric of Irapé CEMIG’SCEMIG’S MAIN MAIN INDICATORS INDICATORS FinancialFinancial data data(Economic (Economic Dimension Dimension – in R$)– in areR$) consolidatedare consolidated according according to the to IFRS.the IFRS. The Theother other data data refer refer to the to controllingthe controlling company company (holding)(holding) Cemig Cemig – Companhia – Companhia Energética Energética de Minas de Minas Gerais Gerais S.A. S.A.and andits whole its whole subsidiaries: subsidiaries: Cemig Cemig Distribuição Distribuição S.A. S.A.(Cemig (Cemig D) and D) andCemig Cemig 1 GeraçãoGeração e Transmissão e Transmissão (Cemig (Cemig GT) GT)in accordance in accordance with withthe GRIthe –GRI Global – Global Reporting Reporting Initiative Initiative methodology. methodology.1 20082008 20092009 20102010 GeneralGeneral Data Data 2 NumberNumber of Consumers of Consumers – thousand – thousand2 6,6026,602 6,8336,833 7,0657,065 NumberNumber of employees of employees 10,42210,422 9,7469,746 8,8598,859 MunicipalitiesMunicipalities serviced serviced 774 774 774 774 774 774 2 3 ConcessionConcession Area Area – Km –2 Km3 567,478567,478 567,478567,478 567,740567,740 SaifiSaifi – Number – Number of outgages of outgages (EU28) (EU28) 6.536.53 6.766.76 6.566.56 SaidiSaidi – Hours – Hours of outgages of outgages (EU29) (EU29) 13.6513.65 14.0914.09 13.0013.00 4 NumberNumber of plants of plants in operation in operation4 63 63 65 65 66 66 5 InstalledInstalled capacity capacity – MW – MW(EU1) (EU1)5 6,6916,691 6,7166,716 6,8966,896 5 TransmissionTransmission lines lines – Km – (EU4)Km (EU4)5 5,7555,755 7,5067,506 8,7688,768 SubtransmissionSubtransmission lines lines – Km – (EU4)Km (EU4) 16,81016,810 16,95916,959 16,83516,835 DistributionDistribution network network – Km – (EU4)Km (EU4) Total Total 436,905436,905 450,316450,316 453,935453,935 Urban Urban 87,08687,086 96,97196,971 91,46591,465 Rural Rural 349,819349,819 353,345353,345 362,470362,470 Favor acertar lombada EconomicEconomic Dimension Dimension Faca OperationalOperational Net RevenuesNet Revenues – R$ – million R$ million NA NA 12,15812,158 12,86312,863 EbtidaEbtida – R$ – million R$ million NA NA 4,5884,588 4,5434,543 Net profitNet profit (loss) (loss) - R$ - R$ NA NA 2,1342,134 2,2582,258 StockholdersStockholders equity equity - R$ - R$ 10,10710,107 11,16611,166 11,47611,476 MarketMarket value value (R$ million)(R$ million) 15,76115,761 19,59519,595 18,22018,220 6 DividendsDividends paid paid(R$/share) (R$/share)6 931 931 944 944 1,1961,196 DividendDividend Yield Yield (%) (%) 6 6 6 6 9 9 t 2010 R EnvironmentalEnvironmental Dimension Dimension 7 FundsFunds invested invested in the in environmentthe environment – R$ – million R$ million (EN30) (EN30)7 70.570.5 88.488.4 88.088.0 TotalTotal waste waste produced produced – metric – metric tons tons (EN22) (EN22) 7,4107,410 4,6004,600 3,5983,598 WasteWaste recycled, recycled, reutilized
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