Social Safeguard Monitoring Report Semi-annual Report September 2020 Maritime and Waterways Safety Project Reporting period covering January-June 2020. Prepared by National Maritime Safety Authority for the Asian Development Bank. This semi-annual social monitoring report is a document of the Borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgements as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. National Maritime Safety Authority Maritime and Waterways Safety Project Project Number: 44375-013 Loan Number: 2978-PNG: Maritime and Waterways Safety Project Social Safeguard Monitoring Report Period Covering: January – June 2020 Prepared by: National Maritime Safety Authority September 2020 2 Table of Contents ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 4 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 5 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 6 2. METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 6 3. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM (CEP) ................................................................. 7 4. GENDER ............................................................................................................................... 8 5. ACTIVITIES UPDATES FROM JANUARY TO JUNE 2020. ................................................... 8 6. OUTPUTS FOR ACTIVITIES JANUARY TO JUNE 2020 .................................................... 10 (I)Navaids ……………………………………………………………………...……………..………10 (II) Land Acquisition Process …………………………………………………..…………………..11 7. GRIEVANCE REDRESS ..................................................................................................... 12 8. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 12 9. RECOMMENDED ACTIVITIES: ........................................................................................... 12 10. APPENDICES ........................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Appendix A: Status of CEP and Lands Activities for Packages 1, 2 & 3 ………………...……12 Appendix B: ADB Mission Trip …..…..…………………………………………………………….23 Appendix C: Package 1 Payments Schedule – First Payment; 2020………………………….26 Appendix D: Mediation Meeting Minutes - Vulcan Point Lighthouse, Rabaul…..…………….29 TABLES Table 1: Progress Updates and Status of Package 1 Installations ……………….…………………9 Table 2: On-Going Contract Updates for Navaids 1, 2 & 3…………………………………………..10 Table 3: Land Acquisition Documents…………………………….……………………………………11 3 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank ARB Autonomous Region of Bougainville BSP Bank South Pacific COA Certificate of Alienability CALC Community and Lands Coordinator CD Community Development CDO Community Development Officer CEP Community Engagement Program CLC Community Lighthouse Committee CLO Customary Lands Officer DOR Deed of Release DLO District Lands Officer DLPP Department of Lands & Physical Planning FPIC Free, Prior and Informed Consent GESI Gender Equity and Social Inclusive GoPNG Government of Papua New Guinea LARF Land and Resettlement Framework LIR Land Investigation Report LAE Lease Agreement Execution LLG Local Level Government MWSP Maritime and Waterways Safety Project Navaid Navigational aid NMSA National Maritime Safety Authority PA Provincial Administration PIU Project Implementation Unit PLO Provincial Lands Officer PNG Papua New Guinea SPS Safeguards Policy Statement SP Survey Plans VC Valuation Certificate VGO Valuer General’s Office 4 1. INTRODUCTION 1. The Maritime and Waterways Safety Project is jointly funded by the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) through Loan 2978-PNG. The Loan Agreement was signed on the 29th of January 2013. The Executing Agency is the National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA). 2. The Maritime Waterways Safety Project (MWSP) aims at improving safety and efficiency of international and national shipping in coastal areas and waterways in Papua New Guinea (PNG) by replacing, installing and maintaining navigational aids (navaids), improving maritime safety information infrastructure, improving maritime safety practice of communities, and providing efficient project management and capacity development. 3. The MWSP originally involved the maintenance of 99 existing navigational aids and installation of 33 new ones across the 14 provinces in PNG. However, as a result of customary land issues at a number of sites the total number of navaids from the last reporting period remained unchanged (104) that is: 36 replacements and 68 new leased sites. The project is expected to have limited and or minor land acquisition of mostly of seabed, reefs, or foreshore. Also, it is unlikely to have displacement of people or resettlement impacts, as most sub-projects are existing infrastructures and rehabilitation works will be undertaken in the sea and within existing location. 4. According to ADB reporting requirement as stipulated in its Safeguards Policy Statements 2009 (SPS 2009), the MWSP Project Management Unit through its community development team should report on a semi-annual basis on safeguard matters, although there is no displacement of people or assets for this project. This social safeguard monitoring report covers project activities from January to June 2020. There were few field visits to the navaid sites and the affected communities for packages 1 & 2 during this period. These trips were undertaken by the Asian Development Bank PNRM team for a Project Review Mission to Milne Bay Province, East and West New Britain Provinces and Manus Province, accompanied by the Project PIU team for inspection and reporting purposes on installed sites (Package 2) and to witness new AIS installation works. 5. The following paragraphs describe in brief the project background, social safeguard requirements, resettlement processes, land acquisition processes and the community engagement program, which involves two field visits to each community per navaid site as a minimum and one courtesy visit to the respective provincial government administrations, where the navaids will be installed. 6. Then a short overview is given on implementation of project activities during the reporting period. A table is attached in Appendix A, which summarises the main outcomes and outputs per community, lists all signed agreements in regards to land acquisition and other social safeguard requirements, any land disputes in the communities, planned mediation processes and further steps on how to overcome these problems. 7. A monitoring of the consultation process has started whereas resettlement and social assessments in communities have been initiated as a prerequisite for installation of planned navaids. Any socio-economic impact of people’s life in regard to project activities can be monitored after the first installation of the navaid and first installment of land lease payments to customary landowners and Community Lighthouse Committees (CLC). 8. Detailed activity reports with meeting minutes, signed agreements, due diligence reports for resettlement and photos of sites and communities are not attached to this report but were submitted in quarterly progress reports to ADB. 5 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW 9. The Project has four main outputs: I. Originally the project requires the installation of 33 new navaids, replacement of 99 existing navaids, and maintenance of installed and replaced navaids as located in the various Maritime Provinces. The number of new navaids to be installed and navaids to be replaced has remained unchanged of 76 and 28 respectively per June 2019 report. II. Improvement of safety information, infrastructure, comprising hydrographic surveys, installation of five (5) new AIS transponders and the replacement of three (3) others, and installation of four (4) tide gauges. III. Improvement of maritime safety practice of communities, comprising of community engagement programs for maritime safety awareness activities and small craft safety training activities. IV. Provision of efficient project management and capacity development, comprising of establishment of a Project Implementing Unit (PIU), support to manage and implement the project, and engagement and training of staff in operating the safety and hydrographic information infrastructure of NMSA. 10. The impact will be safer and enhanced access to socioeconomic opportunities for communities in PNG and regional and international stakeholders. The project is expected to produce benefits for rural and remote populations as well as the national and international population. 11. The Project has been classified B under ADB SPS (2009) for environment and social category. Framework documents have been prepared to describe the safeguard requirements for the project. NMSA as executing agency has overall responsibility to comply with safeguard requirements. 12. The PIU of the project employed
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