UNITEDNATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME REPORTOFTHE GOVERNING COUNCIL TWELFTHSESSION (7-’ 23 June 1971) ECONOMIC.AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS: FIFTY-FIRST SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 6A UNITED NATIONS New York, 1971 NOTE Symbolsof United Nations documentsare composedof capital letters combinedwith figures. Mentionof such a symbolindicates a reference to a United Nations document. E/5043/Rev. 1 -iii- CONTENTS Paraf~raDhs Pa~e ABBREVIATIONS ........................ v IETRODUCTION ......................... i- 2 i Chapter I. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION .............. 3 - 7 2 II. PROGRA~,’~E RECO~’~TiENDATIOI~SOF THE AD]’[IJ~ISTRATOR.... 8 - 46 7 A° UNDP (Special Fund) programme .......... 8 - 44 7 B. UNDP (Technical Assistance) programme ...... 45 - 46 29 llI° CAPACITY OF THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOF~NT SYSTEM 47 - 145 30 IV° REPORT ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE U!JITED NATIONS DEVELOP~NT PROGRA’~E IN 1970 ............. 146 - 158 58 V o FINANCIAL ~ATTERS ................... 159 - 176 62 VI. ADMI~ISTRATiVE AI,[D BUDGETARY HATTERS ......... 177 ~ 224 68 VII° U[TITED NATIONS VOLUNTEERS ............... 225 - 237 81 VIIIo U~TIT[]D NATIONS TECHNICAL CO-OPEPATION ACTIVITIES 238 - 259 84 IXo UNITED NATIONS CAPITAL DEVELOPmeNT FUND ........ 260 - 264 89 X° INFOP~AT!ON PAPERS ON THE REGUL~ P~0G~A~ES OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN 1970 OF THE SPECIALIZED AGEITC!ES AND THE INTERNATIONAL ATO’IIIC ENERGY AGENCY . 265 - 266 90 XI. DEVELOP~IENT SUPPORT INFOR}~ATION SEPVICE ........ 267 - 273 91 XIIo OTIIER !{ATTERS ..................... 274 93 XIIIo DATE AND PROVISIONAL AGENDA OF THE THIP~TEENTI{ RECULAR SESSION .................... 275 - 277 94 ANI[EXES I. List of delegations ......................... 96 !I° Statements and addresses made at the ceremonial onening of the twelfth session of the Governing Council of the United Nations Develonment Programme ................ 104 II!. List of UNDP (Special Fund) projects approved by the Governing Council at ~ts twelfth session .............. 120 -iv- CONTENTS (continued) Pa~e IVo Draft decision submitted by Cuba and amendments submitted by the Central African Republic on the review of criteria to be followed in calculating indicative olannin~ figures ...... 129 V, Draft resolution submitted by Indonesia and the Philippines for increased particioation of ~ember States in the Governing Council of the United Lations Development Programme .... 131 o,o --V-" ABBREVIATIONS ACABQ Advisory CoJm~ittee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions ACC Administrative Committee on Co-ordination ECAFE Economic CoLmmission for Asia and the Far East ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America EEC European Economic Community FA0 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade IACB Inter-Agency Consultative Board IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IBRD~ International Bank for Reconstruction and Development World Bank ICA0 International Civil Aviation Organization ICIRA Training and Research Institute for Agrarian Reform IDB Inter-Anerican Development Bank !L0 International Labour 0rganisation UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP~ United Nations Development Progrmmne the Progralmne UEESCO United Nations Educational~ Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population Activities UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNID0 United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research UARDA West African Rice Development Association WFP World Food Progran~_e WHO World Health Organization ~iO World Meteorological Organization ° ¯ ° -i- INTRODUCTION i. The Covernin~ Council held its twelfth session at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America, Santiago, Chile, from 7 to 23 June 1971, at the invitation of the Government of Chile. 2. The present report was adopted by the Governin~ Council at its 290th meetin~ on 23 June 1971~ for submission to the Economic and Social Council at its fifty-first session~ in accordance with paragraph 4 of General Assembly resolution 2O29 (XX)o oB. --2-- CHAPTER ! ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION Attendance 3. The delegations to the twelfth session are listed in annex I to this report. Ceremonial oDenin~ 4. Dr. Salvador Allende~ President of Chile~ delivered an address durin~ a ceremonial openin~ which ~as held at the Sal6n de Honor del Con~reso Nacional in SantiaSoo A message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations was read by his Chef de Cabinet~ and statements were made by the President snd Second Vice-President of the Governin~ Council and by the Administrator of UNDP. These statements are annexed to this report (see annex II)o A~enda 5. The agenda adonted for the twelfth session was the followin~: i. Opening of the session. 2. Adoption of the a~enda (DP/L.167/Rev. I and DP/LoI67/Rev. I/Add.I and Add.2). 3. UNDP programme recommendations of the Administrator: (a) Consideration of individual ~rojects of the UNDP (Smecial Fund) ~ro~ral~me in private meetin~st (b) Anproval of UNDP (Special Fund) ~rogramme recommendations: (DP/SF/R.12 and Corr.l and 2~ DP/SF/R.12/Add.I-15~ Add.16° and Corr.l (English only) Add.17 and 18~ Add.19 and Corr.l (English only)~ Add.20; Add.21 and Corr.l (~in~lish only)~ Add.22-25~ Add. 26 and Corr.l (English only) and Corr.2~ Add.27 and Corr.l~ Add.28-30~ Add. 31 and Corr.! (English onlv)~ Add.32 and 33~ Add.34 (French/Spsnish/Russian onlF) and Rev.l (English only)~ /~oo -3- Add.35 t Add. 36 and Corr.l Add. 37-45 Add.46 and Corr.l (English only)~ Add.47~ Add.48 and Corr.l (Em~lish only)~ Add.49 and Corr.l (English only)~ Add.5O-54 Add.55 amd Corr.l~ Add. 56 and~ ~, r Add.58 and Corr.l (Emr~lish only)" Add.59 and 60 Add.61 and Corr.l (English only)" Add. 62 Add.63 (~rench/S~anlsh/R~sszan omly) and Rev.l (English only) Add.64° amd 65 Add. 66 and Corr.l Add. 67-71 Add.72 and Corr.l (English only)~ Add. 73 (French/S~anish/Russian only) and Rev.l (English only) Add. 74 and Corr.l (Em~lish only) and Corr.2 and Add. 75/Rev.2 Add.76 and Corr.l (English only) and Corr.2 and Add.77 and Corr.l (English only)~ Add.78 and Corr.l (English only) Add.79 amd Corr.l (English only)" Add.80 and Corr.l Add. 81 and Corr.l ~ Add. 82 Add.83 and Corr.l Add. 84 (French/Spanish/Russian only) and Rev.l (English only) and Corr.l~ 2 and Add. 85 and Corr.l~ Add.86 and 87 Add. 88 and Corr.l) (c) Approval of UNDP (Technical t~ssistance) regional and interre~ional project recommendations of the Administrator (DP/TA/L.30). ;/ ooQ °4-- 4. Report on the activities of the United Nations Development Programme in 1970 with relevant supplementary documentation i_/ (DP/L.168 and Corr.l (English only) and Corr.2 and DP/L.168/Annex). 5. Further consideration of the ~uestion of the capacity of the United Nations development system: (a) Report on implementation of decisions taken by the Governing Council at its precedin~ sessions: (i) Approval of projects (DP/L.173)~ (ii) A progress re~ort on the preparation of country ~rogrammes (DP/L.190)~ (iii) The review of the criteria to be followed in calculatin~ indicative planninR figures (DP/L.179)~ (iv) Report concerning the review of the basic functions and methods of work of the Inter-A~ency Consultative Board (IACB) and its relationship with the Governing Council (DP/L.178)~ (v) Comments concerning the establishment and functionin~ of the Advisory Panel on Programme Policy (DP/L.189)" (b) Other questions in areas not yet fully discussed by the Council: (i)~ Personnel for development assistance (DP/L.181 and Add.l) (ii) Accounting systems (DP/L.171)~ (c) Preliminary consideration of the draft omnibus statute for the Programme for consideration by the General Assenbly (General Assembly resolution 2688 ()(~V)) (DP/L.177 and Add.l)~ (d) The role of UNDP in promotin~ follow-up investment (DP/L.180). i_/ The relevant supplementary doc~mmentation includes: (i) Statistical data relating to projects in omeration under the ~echnical Assistance component durinm 1970 (DP/L.168/Add.I and Corr.l (English only))~ (ii) Financial status of projects under the Special Fund component as of 31 December 1970 (DP/L.168/Add.2 and DP/L.168/Add.2/Annexes)[ (iii) Status of S~ecial Fund projects completed in 1970 and follow-up developments (DP/L.168/Add. 3)~ (iv) Subcontracts awarded snd equipment purchased by Participating and Executin~ Asencies for projects in the S~ecial Fund component durin~ 1970 (DP/L.168/Add.4)[ (v) ST)ecial Industrial Services (DP/L.168/Add.5 and DP/L.!95)% (vi) Trust Fund administration (DP/L.168/[email protected]). Or ¯ -5- 6. Financial matters: (~) Statement on the financial position of UNDP (DP/L.172 and Add.l)~ Review of the size and composition of the Operational Reserve (DP/~.17o)~ Review of the arrangements relating to the custodianship of UNDP funds (DP/L.174 and Add.l)~ (d) Agency overhead costs (DP/L.176 and Add.l)~ Revised resources and Programme costs (DP/L.188)~ (~) UNDP financial regulations and rules. 7. Administrative and budgetary matters: The possibility of establishing machinery to enable the Council to undertake a more detailed examination of the AdministratorVs proposals on subjects such as the budget~ financial and related matters (DP/L.185)~ Report of the Administration on the 1971 budget (DP/L.186 and Corr.l)~ (~) General policies in respect of budget estimates for the administrative and programme support services of UNDP for 1972 (DP/L°I87 and Corr.l and 2 and Add.l and 2)~ (~) Question of timing of the presentation to the Council of annual budget estimates for the administrative and programme support services (DP/L.185); (~) Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit received by the Administrator (DP/L.
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