WINOTIPS..... the foods that many aviculturists offer daily. However, they are one of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits, so eeding choose organically grown apples whenever possible. Nearly all apples, even those grown organically, are rou­ t e ock tinely sprayed with wax, so it is a good by Carolyn Swicegood idea to peel apples even though it Hollywood Beach, FL would be preferable to leave the peel ,, hat do you feed?" intact if the apples were untreated. It is Among aviculturists, thought that Granny Smith apples con­ the proper diet for tain the least pesticide residue of all parrots is a topic as controversial as conventionally-grown apples. politics! There are as many opinions on diet and nutrition as there are par­ Aloe - In Florida, there is an aviary Beans - High in fiber, beans are rot owners, and with good reason. of 200 rescued parrots where slices of beneficial to the health of parrots. Nutrition is the single most important fresh aloe are served on a regular Beans combined with brown rice cre­ factor in determining the health, vitali­ basis. Although these birds have come ate a complete protein because the ty and longevity of parrots. from a variety of circumstances with a amino acids, building blocks of pro­ Since no one really knows what large assortment of ailments, the tein, that are missing in beans are .sup­ foods are consumed by parrots "in the owner attributes their current lack of plied by the amino acids in brown rice. wild," our feeding regimens are based health problems in large part to the It is thought that this type of protein is on a combination of what we have healing effects of aloe. Parrots some­ more readily assimilated by parrots read, heard, and observed in our birds' times suffer digestive and intestinal dis­ than is the protein of dairy products daily food preferences. There are some orders, and aloe is the most healing of and meat. Parrots are unable to digest foods that are almost universally all herbs for these problems. Add to the lactose in dairy products because accepted as parrot food and others that that its beneficial effects on the they do not produce the lactase are relatively new but beneficial in our immune systerri, and you may want to enzyme. quest to provide complete parrot nutri­ add pure aloe juice to their water every Beans should be soaked overnight tion. I would like to explore the nutri­ two or three days as a preventive and thoroughly cooked before offering tio.nal and sometimes medicinal value medicine if you do not grow your own to parrots. Many species ofparrots pre­ of some of these foods. plants. fer garbanzo beans (also known as One very good reason to feed a I feed thin slices of the largest stalks chick peas) over other kinds of beans. variety of foods is that they can be from my aloe plants several times a used as a natural preventive to health week. When a bird appears to be feel­ problems. ing unwell, a slice or two of fresh aloe or one part pure aloe juice to three parts drinking water can swiftly make Jttre 's ,'i&l..ies a positive difference in the demeanor Amazon Parrots and Gamebirds specialist and activity level of the bird. looking for Aloe vera has been determined to experienced gamebird farmer to raise contain substantial amounts of over and protect in commercial quantities, baby 39 Amazon parrots on commercial bird essential minerals and vitamins, and all farm. Gather eggs for artificial incubation, of the amino acids. monitor the development during Out of over 150,000 botanicals, Aloe Berries - Berries are thought to the incubation process and hand raise dependent nestlings after hatching. vera is the only one that contains so be a natural component of the diet of Fax resume (561) 790-7409 or mail to many nutrients essential to man's exis­ most parrots. It is doubtful that we can Voren's Aviaries, Inc. tence. Aloe vera is a nutritionally com­ offer them the same berries that would P.O. Box 152, Loxahatchee, FL 33470. plete food and has been approved by be available in their natural environ­ the FDA as a food substance. ments, but they seem to enjoy many of those that are available to us. For the Record Apples - Apples contain generous Blueberries are a favorite of many Sebastian Lousada wishes to amounts of pectin, a soluble fiber birds and they contain lutein, a sub­ acknowledge the fine work done by important in the diet of parrots. stance highly beneficial to their eyes. Sophie Webb in her plate illustrating Additionally, the anti-bacterial, anti­ Only organically grown strawberries the distribution of the various races of Viral, and anti-inflammatory properties should be fed to parrots. Nearly all Yellow-headed Parrots. The plate is of apples make them more than just a growers of strawberries use large found on page 15 of Lousada's article delicious crunchy food that parrots will amounts of pesticides, particularly in the July/August 1998 Watchbird. happily consume. Apples are one of fungicides. The FDA detected 30 dif- 52 September/October 1998 ferent pesticides on strawberries. If Visceral gout affects the internal drink fresh pressed carrot juice which organically-grown berries cannot be organs and is very difficult to diagnose. is a power house of beta carotene, the obtained, it is best to substitute other The first course of action is to correct precursor to vitamin A needed by all berries or fruits. the diet, thereby eliminating the cause. parrots. Meanwhile, try this simple but effective Brown Rice - Of all the grains remedy which most parrots find enjoy­ Corn - Com has a high fiber con­ and cereals, brown rice is the most able. Cherries, fresh, frozen, or even tent and appreciable amounts of vita­ digestible. Add to that the fact that par­ canned, may eliminate the gout prob­ min A as well as phosphorus, potassi­ rots will eat it in any form - raw, lem without further treatment. Most um, and magnesium. "Plumped" com cooked, or even sprouted - and it is health food stores sell small bottles of is the absolute favorite food of nearly understandable that many aviculturists black cherry juice concentrate which every parrot that I know. It is the most make it a part of the daily diet. can be added to the drinking water. sought-after food of my Eclectus Par­ Combined in a cooked soft food mix Otherwise, if the parrot has a favorite ents when they are feeding babies in with rolled or whole com and beans, it dry food, simply soak it in the concen­ the nest. I offer it as part of a soft-food is a food that can nourish parrots on a trate before feeding. mix which also contains beans, brown daily basis. Parent birds relish this food Although fresh cherries are ideal rice, and chopped sweet potato. It is for their nestlings. when they are in season, it seems that inexpensive and is similar to the pop­ any form of cherries will help to clear ular but more expensive pre-cooked Cayenne Pepper - Parrots love up the painful problem of gout. mixes available in pet supply stores. the fiery taste of cayenne pepper in Rolled com is very similar to plumped powder or flakes, and will try new and Cruciferous Vegetables - These com but rolled com 'is not available unfamiliar foods, such as sprouts, vegetables make up a group that everywhere. I usually buy clean when you sprinkle on this healthful according to research provides protec­ shelled whole com from fee.d or pet herb. It is an overall digestive aid con­ tion against certain cancers in humans. stores, but shelled popcorn which taining liberal amounts of vitamins A, Cruciferous vegetables contain antioxi­ requires no washing works just as C, B-complex, calcium, phosphorous, dants, Cbeta carotene and the com­ well. After the first time you prepare it, and iron. pound sulforaphane). These vegeta­ I believe you will agree that it is an It also is anti-inflammatory and bles, which are high in fiber, vitamins, easy food to prepare, and it can be helps arthritic conditions which are not and minerals, are broccoli, brussels uncommon in our senior psittacines. sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, Look for the darkest red-orange color kale, mustard greens, rutabagas, and "Take Control Of Your Aviary Records· when choosing cayenne. turnips. If introduced to a variety of foods early in life, most parrots will Cherries - Gout in birds is asso­ enjoy these health-giving vegetables ciated with the kidneys' inability to which may offer protection against the remove nitrogen waste products from various forms of cancer that can afflict the bloodstream. As a result, uric acid parrots. _ 'C'JI c..~.r accumulates and begins to abnormally ~;. JA'ic. (...- ~ -;<t"-"'- ; (: .;( (,,-~ r:~~·~.~·~.~::~'· collect in different sites within the ~(~.~. ~~ .:"7~ '~\'. f:-~"h~/;~'_''''_ , .' body. There are two forms of this dis­ " ~ ~"f./-;--~ . -.. With the help of noted avicultural expert and ~ >- .~.t.,. X'" J author Rick Jordan, AviMate 2 has become ease in parrots. \' .t'::~ \, ~. <.~l:::...'~ "~ the professional breeder'S product of choice. Articular gout usually affects the (,'- ;"v joints ofthe lower legs. It is most com­ Integrated records on breeders, nursery mon in budgies where it appears as stock, clutch activities, invoices, expenses, and more. multiple cream-colored shiny swellings Track birds by Band, Microchip, or Cage. bulging up through the skin. It is very Detailed production history, extensive painful and the bird becomes progres­ reports & on-line help. sively crippled. Over 350 species and subspecies compiled Carrots - Whether birds are by Rick Jordan plus incubation periods.
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