Agenda Item No. 6 Committee: Planning Committee Date: 21 September 2011 Report By: Director of Economy, Transport and Environment Title of Report: Traffic Regulation Order – Parking Restrictions, Bayham Road, Bells Yew Green Purpose of Report: To consider the objections to the Order to introduce parking restrictions and traffic calming proposals on the B2169 at Bells Yew Green RECOMMENDATION The Planning Committee is recommended: (i) not to uphold the objections to the Order; and (ii) to recommend to the Director of Economy, Transport and Environment that the Order be made as proposed Supporting Information 1. Introduction 1.1 In July 2011 East Sussex County Council gave notice under its powers in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, that it was proposing to make a Traffic Regulation Order to introduce waiting restrictions in Bells Yew Green on the B2169 Bayham Road. A copy of the Order is included in Appendix 1. 1.2 Three objections to the proposals were received prior to the end of the objection period on 19 August 2011. A summary of the objection letters is included in Appendix 2. 2. Comments and Appraisal 2.1 In October 2005 Wealden District Council granted planning permission for the demolition of the existing buildings and erection of a mixed use development of 46 residential properties and a retail shop on the former Rawsons Site at Bells Yew Green (Planning Application No. WD/2005/3255). As a result of the planning permission a financial contribution of £39,120 was secured under a Section 106 Legal Agreement between the Developer and the County Council. This contribution was to be used to fund the cost of the introduction of sustainable transport measures to assist in mitigating the adverse highway and/or transport related impacts of the development on the wider network. 2.2 At a site meeting held with representatives from Frant Parish Council in June 2008 a number of possible options to achieve this objective were discussed. The Parish Council expressed concern about the speed of traffic through the village, safety at the crossroads and the poor bus waiting facilities and the lack of anywhere safe for pedestrian to cross the road. 2.3 As a result of these discussions a scheme was developed which includes the introduction of gateway features at each end of the village and two priority build outs on either side of the crossroads in the village. The northern most build out will include a crossing point to help pedestrians cross the B2169 more safely. The kerb radii on both sides of the C81 (Bells Yew Green Road) junction will also be built out into the road to narrow the junction and provide people with a safe place to wait for the bus. The narrower junction will also help to slow down the turning traffic and shorten the distance for pedestrians crossing Bells Yew Green Road. The 21 centre line will also be removed along parts of the B2169 and new edge of carriageway markings will be provided. A plan of the proposals is included in the Information Pack. 2.4 During the public consultation with the Parish Council and the local residents concern was raised about the number of commuters using Frant Railway Station that were parking in the village. A number of commuters currently park their cars immediately adjacent to the junctions serving the new development now known as Broomfield. This is making it difficult for the residents to see when turning onto the B2169 out of the two new estate roads. Parking restrictions will have to be introduced to ensure that the priority working build outs work safely. It was also decided to provide double yellow lines at the two junctions of the Broomfield development to help improve visibility and thereby make it safer for drivers to turn onto the B2169 Bayham Road. 2.5 A new village shop was also provided on the Bayham Road as part of the development. As part of the consultation, a maximum 1 hour parking restriction was requested near the shop to retain some car parking in the village for visitors and users of the shop. This was also included in the Order which was recently advertised. 2.6 Two of the objections to the advertised Order are that the car parking restrictions should be longer and they should be extended northwards from the access to the railway station to the railway bridge over the B2169. One of the objectors also believes that the double yellow lines should be extended to the junction of Broomfield at the proposed build out near the village hall. Another of the objectors; who chose to remain anonymous, was concerned that the waiting restrictions would displace the commuter parking to other parts of the village. Copies of the objection letters are included in the information pack for Members. 2.7 The extent of the proposed parking restrictions was carefully reviewed after a public meeting in February 2011. Although the proposal involves extending the double yellow lines to a point just beyond the access to the station car park to provide a sight line to the north and help drivers turn out of the station safely, it was decided not to extend them all the way to the railway bridge to try and minimise the number of commuter cars that will be displaced to the surrounding roads. In respect to the request for the double yellow lines being extended to the junction of Broomfield at the build out located near the village hall, it is considered important to retain some parking here to help slow down the traffic through the village. 2.8 As well as the 3 letters objecting to the proposed parking restrictions it should be noted that we have also received 8 letters of support one of which was signed by19 residents from near Broomfield. The proposals were also generally well received by the majority of the residents at a public meeting held in the village hall on 21 February 2011. The supporting letters are summarised in Appendix 3 and a copy of the letters is included in the information pack for Members. 3. Conclusion and Reason for Recommendation 3.1 The parking restrictions are necessary to improve safety in the village but still allow everybody to go about their daily business. A balanced view is needed as parking could potentially be displaced to the surrounding roads. The nature and extent of the restrictions has been carefully examined and they are considered appropriate. As a result it is recommended that the objections are not upheld and the Director of Economy, Transport & Environment advises the Assistant Director - Legal and Democratic Services to make the Order as advertised. RUPERT CLUBB Director of Economy, Transport and Environment 12 September 2011 Contact Officer: Michael Higgs (01273) 482106 Local Member: Councillor Bob Tidy BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: None 22 Appendix 1 EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 B2169 Bells Yew Green (Traffic calming) (Traffic Regulation) Order 2011 East Sussex County Council, in exercise of their powers under Sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3) and 4(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 ("the Act"), as amended, and of all other enabling powers, after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act and the Traffic Management Act 2004, hereby make the following Order: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Paragraph no. This Order may be cited as "B2169 Bells Yew Green (Traffic calming) (Traffic Regulation) Order 2011 and shall come into operation on 12 September 2011. SCHEDULES FIRST SCHEDULE NO WAITING AT ANY TIME NO LOADING OR UNLOADING AT ANY TIME C81 Bells Yew Green Road - from a point 6 metres southwest of the north side north-eastern frontage of `The Brecknock Arms public house’ north- east & north-westwards to the boundary of Nos. 4 & 5 Broomfield, a distance of 117 metres. B2169 Bayham Road - from a point 1 metre northwest of the southeast side south-eastern frontage of No. 7 Broomfield north-westwards to the north-eastern frontage of No. 8 Broomfield, a distance of 18 metres. B2169 Bayham Road - from a point 1 metre northeast of the southeast side north-eastern frontage of No. 21 Broomfield to a point 1m south-east of the north-western frontage of No. 22 Broomfield, a distance of 19 metres. B2169 Bayham Road - from the boundary of Nos. 23 & 24 southeast side Broomfield to a point 1 metre northeast of the north-eastern frontage of No. 25 Broomfield, a distance of 20 metres. B2169 Bayham Road - from a point 2 metres northeast of the southeast side north-eastern frontage of the property known as LAMBS Larder north- westwards for a distance of 18 metres. 23 B2169 Bayham Road - from a point 13 metres northwest of southeast side the north-western frontage of the property known as LAMBS Larder north-westwards for a distance of 40 metres. Rushlye Close / - from a point 35 metres south of the C408 Hawkenbury Road / southern frontage of No. 1 Rushlye B2169 Bayham Road Close southwest & north-westwards northwest side / for a distance of 268 metres. SECOND SCHEDULE WAITING AREA LIMITED TO 1 HOURS IN ANY PERIOD OF 2 HOURS MONDAY – SATURDAY 08:00 AM – 6:00 PM INCLUSIVE B2169 Bayham Road - from a point 9 metres southeast of the southeast side north-western frontage of the property known as LAMBS Larder north- westwards for a distance of 22 metres. THE COMMON SEAL of EAST SUSSEX ) COUNTY COUNCIL was affixed hereto on ) the ……………………………………….. in the presence of:- ) Authorised Signatory H & T Ctte. 2.4.74 - para 4.2 joint report of County Secretary & County Engineer - para 4.
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