Abowd, Gregory, 217 Aura, 73–75. See also Benjamin, Aladdin 148. See also Animated film; Walter Disney, Walt Austen, Jane, 44 Alberti, Leon Battista. See also Linear Automaticity (of mediation), 25, 27– perspective 28, 33, 139–140 and linear perspective, 24, 251 window metaphor, 29, 31, 79, Back to the Future, 246–247 162, 235, 251 Bailly, David, 12, 37 Allegory Balsamo, Anne, 182, 237–240, 248– in digital art, 130, 133, 136–139 249, 252 Myst as, 94–96, 136, 144 Bambi, 173 Allen, Robert C., 193 Barlow, John Perry Alpers, Svetlana, 36–37 “Declaration of Independence,” 74, Altarpieces 76, 179–180 as hypermediated, 34–35 Baroque cabinets American Memory Project, 201 as hypermediated, 35–36 Index Civil war photograph of Atlanta, Barthes, Roland, 30, 268 202 Camera Lucida, 30n, 106, Amsterdam webcam, 82, 208–210. 110–112 See also Web cameras Baseball, 190–191 Amusement parks. See Theme parks Baudelaire, Charles, 72 Anderson, Christopher, 172 Baudrillard, Jean, 174, 194 Anderson, Laurie, 43 notion of simulacrum, 55, 213 Andreesen, Marc, 198 Bazin, Andre´, 25–26, 30 Animated film. See also Film Beauty and the Beast, 147–148. See also as remediation of computer graph- Disney, Walt ics, 147–150 Bell, Charles, 120 Anti-Cartesianism, 250–254. See also Marbles IX, 123–124 Descartes; Jay, Martin Bellocq, Ernest Antonioni, Michelangelo photograph of Mahogany Hall, Blow-up, 268–269 126, 128 films remediated by Myst, 97 Benedikt, Michael, 181 Apple (computer corporation) Benjamin, Walter Knowledge Navigator, 219 The Work of Art in the Age of Mechan- Arcade games, 34, 89–94. See also ical Reproduction, 73–75 Computer games; Video Berners-Lee, Tim, 197–198 games Big, 246–247 and new Times Square, 166–167 Blade Runner (computer game), 98 and social spaces, 102 Bloom, Harold, 49 Arkansas (multimedia splash screen), Body 13 as medium, 237–240, 254 Arlington (brothel in Storyville), 127 remediation of, 236–240 Ars Electronica, 143–144 and technology, 145 Artificial intelligence, 66, 161–162 Bodybuilding, 237–239 A-10 Attack! (computer game), 102 Boeing, 215–216 Atlanta Zoo, 246 Book of Hours (medieval manuscript), Auge´, Marc, 177–179 13 Augmented reality, 213–216. See also Bornstein, Kate, 239 Ubiquitous computing Bourdieu, Pierre, 250 Bowie, David, 42 Communications Decency Act, 210 Brainstorm, 166 Computer Brave New World, 46 as medium, 66 Bricken, Meredith, 22, 245, 251 Computer art. See Digital art and Elec- Britannica Online, 202–203 tronic art Bruckman, Amy, 262, 264 Computer games, 55, 81, 88–103 Bryson, Norman, 25, 27, 54 and pornography, 99–101 Bukatman, Scott, 175 remediate cinema, 47, 96–99 Butler, Judith, 84, 264 Computer (digital) graphics, 11, 26– 28, 106–107. See also Disney, Camelot, 148 Walt; Photorealism Camera lucida, 69 and animated film, 48, 147–150 Camp Snoopy, 175–176 and augmented reality, 216 Cartesian perspectivalism, 24, 249– and computer games, 94 251. See also Descartes; Jay, hypermediacy of, 34 Martin in live-action film, 153–155 and gendered gaze, 79 and movement from immediacy to 287 Catcher-cam, 191 hypermediacy, 128–129 Cathedral popularity of, 23 as hypermediated space, 34 ray-traced image, 124 Index Cavell, Stanley, 26, 26n, 27, 58 reality of, 58 on artist and the self, 121, 234, remediates painting, 69, 115– 236 119 on film and television, 186 remediates photography, 105, on modernist art, 270 129–130 The World Viewed, 58n and the self, 232, 235, 243, 245, CBS News, 269 252 CD-ROM (as medium), 42, 44–47, Computer interface, 29, 42. See also 53, 200 Graphical user interface CETH (Center for Electronic Texts in and PACMAN, 91 the Humanities), 201 Coney Island, 169, 178 Chase, Linda, 120–122 postcards of, 14, 170 Chatrooms, 261–262 Convergence, 185, 220–226. See also Chicago Columbian Exposition, 173 Push Chinatown, 97 economic aspects of, 222–223 Cinema of attractions. See Film Cooper, Alice, 42 Cinerama, 157 Cosmetic surgery, 237–239 Clark, T. J., 54n Cotten, Bob, 31 Clarke, Arthur C., 48, 58n Cottingly fairy photographs, 106– Classroom 2000, 217 107, 128 CNN Interactive (web site), 9, 209, Crary, Jonathan, 25, 37, 249 267–268 Cyberspace, 62, 74, 76, 168–183. See CNN News, 10, 189–191, 204. See also Internet; Virtual reality also Television and definition of the self, 166, Collage, 38–39, 41, 155 232, 251–254 digital photography as, 107 networked computer games as, Command-line interface, 32. See also 103 Computer interface; Graphical in Neuromancer, 181, 226 user interface as a nonplace, 179 Cyberspace (cont.) Doom (computer game), 29, 42, 55, remediates earlier media, 162 93 rhetoric of, 54 as desktop virtual reality, 48 and sexual transgressions, as interactive film, 47 260–261 as social space, 102–103 theology of, 180–183, 222 Dotan, Uri Hummingbird, 134–135 Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mande´, 70, Dragon’s Lair (arcade game), 94 72 Duchamps, Marcel Dawkins, Richard, 144 The Bride, 134 Degrees of freedom, 243–246 Dungeons and Dragons (game), 248, de Lauretis, Teresa, 82 258 Derrida, Jacques, 53n, 56 Du¨rer, Albrecht, 24 Of Grammatology, 30n and gendered gaze, 78–79, 83– Dery, Mark, 239–240 84 Descartes, Rene´ Unterweysung der Messung, 79 288 critique of, 250–254 Dutch art dualism, 237, 252 hypermediacy of, 36 and the ego or self, 248–254 Dutch painters Index Meditations, 248 as remediators, 45 and perspectivalism, 24 DVD (Digital Video Disk or Digital Desktop interface. See Graphical user Versatile Disk) See CD-ROM interface Desktop metaphor. See Graphical user Eastman, George, 70 interface Edgerton, Samuel, 24n Diana, Princess, 268–269 Edison, Thomas Alva, 174 Digital art, 132–145 Ekphrasis, 45 and automaticity, 139–140 Electronic art, 143–145. See also Digi- fantasy and allegory in, 135–139 tal art Digital compositing Electronic mail. See Email in film, 23, 48, 154 Email, 197 in television, 188 Embodiment. See Body Digital graphics. See Computer Emergency Broadcast Network (rock graphics music group), 53–54 Digital photography, 104–112. See Telecommunications Breakdown, 42– also Photography 43, 46, 257 and the desire for immediacy, Empathy, 245–246 110–112 Encarta (CD-ROM Encyclopedia by as hybrid, 28, 72 Microsoft), 46 and movement from immediacy to Encyclopedias, 46, 202–203 hypermediacy, 128 Englebart, Douglas, 31 and photographic truth, 106–110 Erasure (of mediation), 25, 27–28, 37, Diorama, 37 45, 54, 74, 101 Disclosure, 166 ESPN (television sports network), Disney, Walt, 169–173 191 Disneyland, 170–174 Estes, Richard, 120 Disney World, 170, 173, 177–178, Expanded Books (software by Voyager 226 Company), 46 Fairy Tale: A True Story, 106, 128 Gender. See also Body; Gendered gaze; Fantasia, 171 Self Fantastic voyage, 214 and MUDs, 262–265 Fantasy and remediation, 78–84 in digital art, 135–139 Gendered gaze, 78–84, 236–240, Feminist theory 253–254, 264–265 on gender, 264 Georgia Institute of Technology, 4, and the mediation of the body, 77, 163–164, 217, 246–247 237–240 Gergen, Kenneth Film, 146–158. See also Animated The Saturated Self, 257n film; Interactive film Gibson, William Benjamin on, 74–75 Neuromancer, 166, 175, 181, 226 cinema of attractions, 81, 155– Goings, Ralph, 120–123 158, 174, 254 Still Life with Creamer, 122–123, experimental or avant–garde, 125 154 Goldberg, Ken and gendered gaze, 78–83 Telegarden, 144 289 reality of, 58 Goodman, Nelson relationship to television, Languages of Art, 30n, 112 185–187 Graham, Billy, 171, 173 Index remediated by computer games, Graphical browser, 221 96–99 Graphical user interface (GUI), 31– remediates digital technology, 48, 32, 35, 47 149 and computer games, 90 as remediator of earlier technolo- and desire for immediacy, 23 gies, 67, 69 influence on television, 40 on virtual reality, 247 remediated by augmented reality, Film noir, 97 216 Filters (in computer graphics), Graphic design, 39 141–142 and the World Wide Web, Fisher, Philip, 58–59 197–200 Flaˆneur, 174 Greenaway, Peter Flight simulation (computer games), The Pillow Book, 155 9–11, 102 Prospero’s Books, 155 Flitterman-Lewis, Sandy, 186–187 Greenberg, Clement, 38, 38n, 39, 54, Fox (television network), 191 54n, 58, 58n Foucault, Michel, 21n, 37 Greene, Graham, 98 Frankenstein (film), 136 Grolier’s Electronic Encyclopedia, 46 Frankfurt School, 78 Grontkowski, Christine, 79 French Quarter (New Orleans), 177 Grossberg, Larry, 194 Freud, Sigmund, 81n Guinea Pig Television (web camera Fried, Michael, 54n, 58, 58n site), 208 Fry, Tony, 57n Gunning, Tom, 30, 81, 155–157, Futurists, 54, 74 174. See also Film, cinema of attractions Gabriel, Peter Gutenberg, Johannes, 68–69 Xplora 1, 42 GVU (Graphics, Visualization, and Gamman, Lorraine, 84 Usability) Center, Georgia In- Gargoyle MUD, 259. See also MUD stitute of Technology, 4 Hamilton, Richard, Interface designers, 248 Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Internet, 48, 180, 189–190 197, Homes So Different, So Appeal- 200–201, 203, 267. See also Cy- ing?, 38–39 berspace; World Wide Web Haptic feedback, 252 and convergence, 223 Haraway, Donna, 182 as cultural, political, economic notion of cyborg, 77, 237 force, 76, 182 Harpold, Terry, 101 and death of Diana, 269 Hart, Michael, 201 and democracy, 60, 74 Hayles, N. Katherine, 250–252 and freedom of expression, 210 Heart of Darkness, 201 monitoring function of, 223 Hegel, G. W. F. phone service on, 204 concept of sublation, 55n remediates and is remediated by Heim, Michael, 182 television, 224 Hine, Lewis, 70 remediates the telegraph, 197 Hitchcock, Alfred and ubiquitous computing, 222 290 and cinema of attractions, 157 and virtual community, 232, 258 narrative style remediated in The and web cameras, 205–207 Last Express, 98 Irigary, Luce, 79 Index Vertigo, 49, 80, 82, 97, 150–153, Ivins, William 165, 238–239 On the Rationalization of Sight, 24n Hodges, Larry, 4 and Virtual Gorilla, 247 James, William, 233–234, 248 experiment in virtual acrophobia, Jameson, Fredric, 56–57 163–166 Java (programming language), 210 Hollywood style, 150–153, 155–156.
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