TREASURERS Table 4.24 THE TREASURERS, 2009 /HQJWKRI 0D[LPXPFRQVHFXWLYH 6WDWHRURWKHU 0HWKRGRI UHJXODUWHUP 'DWHRI 3UHVHQW WHUPVDOORZHG MXULVGLFWLRQ 1DPHDQGSDUW\ VHOHFWLRQ LQ\HDUV ÀUVWVHUYLFH WHUPHQGV E\FRQVWLWXWLRQ Alabama .................... Kay Ivey (R) E 4 1/2003 1/2011 2 Alaska (a)................... Jerry Burnett A Governor’s Discretion 1/2009 . Arizona ...................... Dean Martin (R) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 Arkansas.................... Martha Shoffner (D) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 California .................. Bill Lockyer (D) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 Colorado.................... Cary Kennedy (D) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 Connecticut ............... Denise L. Nappier (D) E 4 1/1999 1/2011 + Delaware.................... Velda Jones-Potter (D) E 4 1/2009 1/2011 + Florida (b) ................. Adelaide “Alex” Sink (D) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 Georgia ...................... W. Daniel Ebersole A Pleasure of the Board 11/1997 . Hawaii (c) .................. Georgina Kawamura A Governor’s Discretion 12/2002 . Idaho.......................... Ron G. Crane (R) E 4 1/1999 1/2011 + Illinois........................ Alexi Giannoulias (D) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 + Indiana....................... Richard Mourdock (R) E 4 2/2007 2/2011 (d) Iowa ........................... Michael L. Fitzgerald (D) E 4 1/1983 1/2011 + Kansas ....................... Dennis McKinney E 4 1/2009 1/2011 + Kentucky ................... Todd Hollenbach (D) E 4 12/2007 12/2011 2 Louisiana ................... John Kennedy (D) E 4 1/2000 1/2012 + Maine......................... David G. Lemoine (D) L 2 1/2005 1/2011 4 Maryland................... Nancy K. Kopp (D) L 4 2/2002 1/2011 + Massachusetts............ Timothy Cahill (D) E 4 1/2003 1/2011 + Michigan.................... Robert J. Kleine A Governor’s Discretion 5/2006 . Minnesota (e)............. Tom Hanson A Governor’s Discretion 12/2006 . Mississippi ................. Tate Reeves (R) E 4 1/2004 1/2012 + Missouri..................... Clint Zweifel (D) E 4 1/2009 1/2013 2 Montana .................... Janet Kelly A Governor’s Discretion 1/2005 . Nebraska.................... Shane Osborn (R) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 Nevada....................... Kate Marshall (D) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 New Hampshire......... Catherine Provencher L 2 1/2007 12/2010 + New Jersey................. R. David Rousseau A Governor’s Discretion 4/2008 . New Mexico ............... James B. Lewis (D) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 New York ................... Aida Brewer A Governor’s Discretion 2/2002 . North Carolina.......... Jane Cowell (D) E 4 1/2009 1/2013 + North Dakota............. Kelly L. Schmidt (R) E 4 1/2005 1/2013 + Ohio ........................... Kevin L. Boyce E 4 1/2009 (f) 1/2011 2 Oklahoma .................. Scott Meacham (D) E 4 6/2005 1/2011 + Oregon ....................... Ben Westlund (D) E 4 1/2009 1/2013 2 Pennsylvania ............. Robert McCord (D) E 4 1/2009 1/2013 2 Rhode Island ............. Frank T. Caprio (D) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 South Carolina .......... Converse Chellis (R) E 4 8/2007 (g) 1/2011 + South Dakota............. Vernon L. Larson (R) E 4 1/2003 1/2011 2 Tennessee................... David H. Lillard Jr. L 2 1/2009 1/2011 . Texas (h) .................... Susan Combs (R) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 + Utah ........................... Richard K. Ellis (R) E 4 1/2009 1/2013 + Vermont..................... Jeb Spaulding (D) E 2 1/2003 1/2011 + Virginia...................... Manju Ganeriwala A Governor’s Discretion 1/2009 . Washington................ James L. McIntire (D) E 4 1/2009 1/2013 + West Virginia............. John D. Perdue (D) E 4 1/1997 1/2013 + Wisconsin................... Dawn Marie Sass (D) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 + Wyoming.................... Joseph B. Meyer (R) E 4 1/2007 1/2011 2 American Samoa....... Magalei Logovii A 4 1/2009 . Dist. of Columbia ...... Lasana Mack A Pleasure of CFO 8/2005 N.A. Guam ......................... Yasela Pereira CS . 10/1996 . No. Mariana Islands... Antoinette S. Calvo A 4 N.A. N.A. Puerto Rico................ Juan Carlos Puig A 4 1/2009 N.A. U.S. Virgin Islands.... Laurel Payne A 4 2007 N.A. 6RXUFH National Association of State Treasurers, November 2008, and The (a) The Deputy Commissioner of Department of Revenue performs this Council of State Governments, February 2009. function. .H\ (b)7KHRIÀFLDOWLWOHRIWKHRIÀFHRIVWDWHWUHDVXUHULV&KLHI)LQDQFLDO2IÀFHU + — No provision specifying number of terms allowed. (c) The Director of Finance performs this function. — No formal provision; position is appointed or elected by governmental (d) Eligible for eight out of any period of 12 years. entity (not chosen by the electorate). (e) The Commissioner of Finance performs this function. A — Appointed by the governor. (In the District of Columbia, the Treasurer I .HYLQ%R\FHZDVDSSRLQWHGE\*RYHUQRU6WULFNODQGWRÀOOWKH7UHDVXUHU LVDSSRLQWHGE\WKH&KLHI)LQDQFLDO2IÀFHU,Q*HRUJLDSRVLWLRQLVDSSRLQWHG SRVLWLRQDIWHU5LFKDUG&RUGUD\ZDVHOHFWHGLQ1RYHPEHUWRÀOOWKH$WWRU- by the State Depository Board.) ney General seat vacated by Marc Dann’s resignation in May 2008. E — Elected by the voters. (g) Representative Converse Chellis was elected treasurer on August 3, L — Elected by the legislature. 2007, by the legislature after Governor Sanford suspended Thomas Ravenel CS — Civil Service. IURPWKHRIÀFH N.A. — Not available. (h) The Comptroller of Public Accounts performs this function. The Council of State Governments 249.
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