lit ....... All the News Home of the N~.r of All the Pointes • Every Thursday Morning • • * rosse Call TUxedo 2-6900 Complete News Coverage .01 All the Pointes Entered as Second Class Matter 5c Per Copy VOLUME 19-No. 22 . at the Post Ofiice at Detroit. Mich. ,GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, MAY 29. 1958 13.50Per Ye. 20 PA(';ES Fully Paid Circulation HEADLINES All that ,Work an,d No Loot Residents Invited Committee. of tbe • Appointed to WEEK To Center ServIces Gather Data As Compiled by lb. Grosse Pointe Ne'ws City Chambers Jammed On Memorial D1ay As Businessmen Discuss Thursday, May 22 Rosenfeld Proposal CONGRESS and the Ad- Traditional Ceremony to be Held in' Gardens Starting ministration are moving to Grosse Pointe's City Halt The five Pointes wi.ll re- At a.m.; Mayor Parker to Read counter the recession by rais- 10:45 fairly burst its seams Mon .. ceive a total of tt116,068 Star Roll of HOllar ing the wages of three million when the State Highway day night when 51 "Vil .. Federal employes 10 percent. lage" merchants and em .. Department beg ins dis- The traditional Memorial Day services will be held The move will cost upward of ployes filled all available tributing the first quarter again this year at the \Grosse Pointe W,ar Memorial $1,229,000,000 a year. floor, and wall space for a It will be pouring an extra of the 1958 Motor Vehicle Center Gardens, 32 Lake Shore road. The pI:0gram will chance to hear and be heard 100 million a month into the Highway Fund Collections. commence at 10:45 a.m. with the raising and half-mast- on the matter of Nathan. free world economy by 'July. The funds are distributed ing, of the colors by Sea Explorer Ship 690 Scouts. Rosenfeld's parking pro- President Eisenhower ..signed quarteTlly to Michigan coun- Howard Wood, Alger Post~ the military pay bill this week. ties, incorpoi-ated cities and 995 V.F.W., and Martin Niel- posaL Mr.. Rosenfeld, president of Conferees plan to put the villages, as provided by Acts son, American Legion Post 303 Jacobson Stores, has postal pay bill through Con- 153 and 272 of the 1957 Legis- Color Guards. will lead. the TeenageJ'S Inc., come up with a plan which he gress by Friday. The Senate lature, which combined Act advancing and placing of Col- -:>assedit Wednesday and sent f€'els will help to ease the 51 of 1954 and Act 87 of 1955,, ors. it to the House. Next week the Booked for co u r r e n t shoppers' parking House will take up the civil Took in 77,Millions The opening prayer will be problems in the Village area, - . h given by the Rev. Father Specifically, he proposes to 6ervice pay bill which the Net receipts of the hlg way Thomas P. McWilliams, of St. Burglaries Senate passed some months fund for the first quarter of Ambrose" Rom a n Catholic convert lots No. 3 and No. 4 ago. 1958 amounted to $77,04:0,- Church, following which there (on the north side of Kerche- val, behind Himelhoch's, and ... '" '" 972.70, a decrease of $874,- will be the introduction of of- Stolen Car Report' Brings Friday, May 23 158.34 from the amount col- Arrest of Two Girls and on the south side of that street THE ROYAL CANADIAN lected the first quarter of ficiating dignitaries by Charles behind the A & P, respective- 1957 which was $78,914,951. W. Elliott, president of the Male Companion by ly) into attended parking Mounted Police said Thursday , . Grosse Pointe War Memorial night that 13 children had been The g.ross coHectlOn for the' Association. Park Police I areas. They would, in effect, burned to death in a fire at first quarter of this year be similar in operation to that the Anahim Reserve Indian came to $78,148,782.45, from Frederick W. Parker, Jr., Two girls called Park of lot No. 5 which is behind School, 140 miles west of Wil- which was deducted the Sec- Mayor of the City of Gros~e police on Saturday, May 24, Jacobson's store. -Fred Runnells Photo liams Lake, B. C. retary of State's costs amount- Pointe, will read the Gold Star to report a stolen oar and Bow It Would Work Burglars took this 700-pound safe as evidence. Warrants were issued for ing to $1,107,989.75. I Honor Roll, and the sermon First reports indicated the ended up being held for In essence, the proposal from the home of Peter Cavataio, 765 the arrest of two persons, including a The largest amount of the will be given by the Rev. Mar- by blaze was in a hospital opera- investigation of breaking guarantees for 3lh years, be- ted by the Sisters of Christ Middlesex, on Tuesday, May 20, but, John Doe, and another man is beipg total coming to the Pointe will cu~ Johnson, of. the Grosse and entering of homes in ginmng July 1, 1958, the gross the King. The RCMP said the Detroit police recovered it before the held as a police witness. Shown ex- <'fO to the Park which will get Pomte CongregatIonal Church. revenue from parking lots 3, Indian agent at th~ reserve thieves could eet the $50,000 it con- amining the safe, are CPL. CHARLES $34,839.90; with the Woods FOllowing t~e sermon will the night time. A male com- 4 and 5 will not be less than reported 11 babies were killed tained. The money was 'in the inner FRENCH (left) and DET. LT. STAN- second, for $31,820.03. come the p.l~cmg of wre~ths panion was also arrested. $17,740 for the six months be- The Farms will get $28,164- by the AUXllIary of ~n:erIcan The three were turned over in the day-long blaze, Two compartment, and the burglars fouled LEY ENDERS, Park policemen who ginning July 1~ 1958 and not .51; the City, $17,374.45; ane. Legion Post 303, AUXllIary of to Fanns police a'!ld were C)lder children also died. up the lock mechanism when they worked on the case. See story C?rl this less than $35,479 for each of the Shores $3 869.81. Alger Post 995 V.F.W., and booked ~n a charge of bur- the three years commencing '" '" '" used a drill and acetylene torch. Park page. , , Girl Scout Mariner Troop 385 glarizing the homes of Hugo Jam ..ary 1, 1959. Saturday, May 24 police deposited the money in a bank Bow' 'Ii's D!vided members. Leibold, 184 Lothrop; and Wil- Furthermore, if the new UAW PRESIDENT WALTER ' ' , All state gasoline, weight The Volley, Taps and EchO fred Gmeiner, 160 Country p, REUTHER told 450,000 auto operating plans for lots 3 and I ' , • and Deisel fuel taxes and a will be offered by the firing Club drive. 4 are not completed by July ~~~k~~~i~~Yt~~i:j~:r~e~~City Passes Summer School SeSSIons small amount of miscellane<>us squad of Alger. Post 995, The Gmeiner h 0 me was 1, 1958, the above guarantee fees colleoted under the above V.F;W., with John Brockman broke~ into on Friday, May shall be adjusted on a pro rata acts are deposited in the Motor on the bugle. Mr. Nielson and 16: and that of LeibOld, 00 basis. ~:p~~ac~o;~~~~~~~~so~~~ Vehicle Highway Fund. After Mr. Wood will retire the COlors, Thursday, May 22. 110force the BIg Three to settle New Budget Set to Start on June 16;.• The City of Grosse Point~ deductions for non-highway and .the annual memorial cere- Three Admit Guilt which must obtain revenue to uses and coNection costs,' the m()nies will be closed with a retir~ the $380,000 bond issue n€;{eC~~~i~~~e%n~~wo~~~~ Of $6611,50 Registratioll,Dates,Llsted balance' of the money is dli- benediction by Father McWil- Held on the charges are Esther ZappiteU, 17, of 1231 on the Village lots, (since they company lockout could force" , vided as follows: Iiams. Lakepointe; Jo'Ann Chapman, are not paid for by City taxes) the UAW- to leave th,e plaJ.lts: x Rate t-o-$-2-' Per Thou.. Expect Enrollment of More Than the Who Forty-seven percent to the T.... 1200 '18, of 1246 Rankin, Windsor; stands to take no loss with The UAW's strategy m facmg g d d Y C f B th EI t State Highway Dep.artment for Mr. Rosenfeld's proposal since a united front by the Big 'I'hree sand of Va'uatiorl~ Pen- Atten e Last ear~ ourses or 0 ernen ary expenditure on state trunkline Popular Postman and William Lowthan,. 19, of 14720 Novara. DetroIt. All those merchants agreeing to was sent to a tightly closed sion Fund Appreciates and Secondary Students highways in both rur?.l and the plan would validate park- meeting of 650 members of the .'. urban areas; 35 percent to the Serves 30 Years thTee admitt.ed bein.g involved. Park Police ChIef Arthur ing tickets in those three lots. union's Ford General Motors -- Summer School seSSIOns of the Grosse Pomte PublIc counties for their roads; and and Chrysler' Councils in Ford The Grosse Pointe City School System will'begin Monday, June 16, Dr. H. Leroy Louwers said that most of and pay the City any differ- 18 percent to the incorporate~ ence that might exist from the Auditorium. Council has approved a Selmeier, Director of Instruction for the schools, an- Grosse Pointe will lose Qne the loot taken from the Liebold cities and villages for expendI- of its most popular mail caT~ home was recovered frOm the present mete-red system.
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