PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Equitation Science 150 years after Caprilli: theory and practice, the full circle September 21-24, 2018, Hosted by Regiment “Lanceri di Montebello”, Roma, Italy Herein are summaries of presentations of the 14th Equitation Science Con- Proceedings edited by ference held in Rome in 2018. Along with synopses of plenary talks and Sue McDonnell, Barbara Padalino, Paolo Baragli practical demonstrations are abstracts describing recent research within the broad emerging field of Equitation Science. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL The Mission of ISES is to promote and encourage the application of objec- TH tive research and advanced practice which will ultimately improve the wel- fare of horses in their associations with humans. La Giornata di Studio è stata la prima occasione in ambito accademico per riflettere sulla ricezione di questo romanzo, sul suo ruolo nella formazione dell’immagine dell’Italia all’estero, nonché sulle diverse dinamiche culturali che entrano in gioco a seconda dei contesti in cui esso viene a trovarsi. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14 ISBN 978-88-3339-109-0 12,00 € 9 788833 391090 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Equitation Science 150 years after Caprilli: theory and practice, the full circle September 21-24, 2018 Hosted by Regiment “Lanceri di Montebello”, Roma, Italy Proceedings edited by Sue McDonnell, Barbara Padalino, Paolo Baragli Proceedings of the 14th International Conference : equitation science 150 years after Caprilli: theory and practice, the full circle : September 21-24, 2018, Hosted by Regiment “Lanceri di Montebello”, Roma, Italy / proceedings edited by Sue McDonnell, Barbara Padalino, Paolo Baragli. - Pisa : Pisa university press, 2018. - (Atti di convegno) 636.1 (WD) I. McDonnell, Sue II. Padalino, Barbara III. Baragli, Paolo 1. Cavalli - Addestramento CIP a cura del Sistema bibliotecario dell’Università di Pisa © Copyright 2018 by Pisa University Press srl Società con socio unico Università di Pisa Capitale Sociale € 20.000,00 i.v. – Partita IVA 02047370503 Sede legale: Lungarno Pacinotti 43/44 – 56126 Pisa Tel. + 39 050 2212056 Fax + 39 050 2212945 [email protected] www.pisauniversitypress.it ISBN 978-88-3339-109-0 progetto grafico: Andrea Rosellini impaginazione: Arianna Tonarelli L’Editore resta a disposizione degli aventi diritto con i quali non è stato possibile comunicare, per le even- tuali omissioni o richieste di soggetti o enti che possano vantare dimostrati diritti sulle immagini ripro- dotte. Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume/fascicolo di periodico dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall’art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633. Le riproduzioni effettuate per finalità di carattere professionale, econo- mico o commerciale o comunque per uso diverso da quello personale possono essere effettuate a seguito di specifica autorizzazione rilasciata da CLEARedi - Centro Licenze e Autorizzazione per le Riproduzioni Editoriali - Corso di Porta Romana, 108 - 20122 Milano - Tel. (+39) 02 89280804 - E-mail: info@cleareadi. org - Sito web: www.cleareadi.org Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Equitation Science 150 years after Caprilli: theory and practice, the full circle September 21-24, 2018 Hosted by Regiment “Lanceri di Montebello”, Roma, Italy Proceedings edited by Sue McDonnell, Barbara Padalino, Paolo Baragli 1 International Society for Equitation Science Presents 14th International Equitation Science Conference September 21-24, 2018 Rome, Italy This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned. Nothing from this publication may be translated, reproduced, stored in a computerised system or published in any form or in any manner, including electronic, mechanical, reprographic or photographic, without prior written permission from the publi- sher. The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them remain the responsibility of the authors. Views expressed in all contributions are those of the authors and not those of the ISES or publisher. First published, 2018 Copying permitted with proper citing of sources. Editors: Sue McDonnell, Barbara Padalino, Paolo Baragli “Sometimes very good school horses appeared disgusted after several jumps and he wondered, pondering with careful observation, if in addition to strain couldn’t there be some other cause that made even the best horses refuse or run-out. If there was a reason, beyond fatigue, it needed to be removed and therefore horse-riding had to change.” (Carlo Giubbilei, “Federico Caprilli, Life and Writings”, p. 29) 2 Contents President’s welcome to ISES 2018 Rome 4 Welcome from the Local Conference Organising Committee 5 Welcome from the Scientific Committee 6 ISES 2018 Local Conference Organising Committee 7 ISES 2018 Scientific Committee 8 Sponsorship 9 Patronage 10 The new ISES training principles 11 Scientific programme 13 Practical Day programme 17 Biographies of plenary speakers and practical day presenters 18 Caprilli’s heritage: innovation and horse welfare behind the historical perspective 24 Clever Hans lecture: just how good are horses at reading human-given cues? 25 Abstracts of oral presentations 26 Abstracts of Practical Day demonstration 71 List and abstracts of poster presentations 80 Glossary 173 A quick guide to statistics for non-scientists 177 Author index 179 ISES 2019 185 “And let us bear in our minds that when a horse opposes resistance, is restless, runs away, briskly stops or defends itself, this is almost always to avoid a pain, or for fear of pain, that the rider’s action causes it. This actual pain or the fear of pain once experienced very often means that the horse reacts, or though submitting, it won’t use its forces in a natural way, thus making an unnecessary and harmful effort.” (Carlo Giubbilei, “Federico Caprilli, Life and Writings”, p. 72) 3 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference President’s welcome to ISES 2018 Rome Welcome to the 14th Equitation Science Conference! Welcome to Rome! Some of you are already very familiar with the International Society for Equitation Science (ISES) whereas others are new to the society and are attending your very first ISES conference. I would like to welcome both old friends and colleagues and those of you that are new to the society – I am sure we all have some very enjoyable days ahead. If this is your first scientific conference, don’t worry – ISES is a very friendly society and if you get lost in a presentation, just ask your neighbour! The conference proceedings also provides both a glossary and a quick guide to sta- tistics for non-scientists that briefly explains what “p-values” are all about. Indeed, one of the main drivers of ISES’s work is to provide objective, evidence-based knowledge to the end user - the equestrian practitioner - at all levels. In order to facilitate this, each scientific abstract is accompanied by a Lay Persons Message to assist with the communication of the main results. “The Mission of ISES is to promote and encourage the application of objective research and advanced practice which will ultimately improve the welfare of horses in their associations with humans” I have been looking forward to this conference since the closing of the 13th conference in Wagga Wagga, Australia, in November last year. While last years’ conference focussed on collaboration, communication and human behaviour change in relation to equestrian practice, this year’s conference theme will take a detailed look at the cornerstones for good equine wel- fare: that is, good training, good feeding, good housing, good mental states, good health and good (appropriate) behaviour. While much focus in equitation science is on training, we must also remember ‘the other 23 hours’, i.e. the large proportion of the day where the horse is not being trained. It is well-known that optimal training depends on good horse welfare, appropri- ate arousal levels and positive affective states. Stress resulting from e.g. lack of fulfilment of bio- logical needs, such as company of other horses, access to roughage and free locomotion, does not only lead to impaired welfare but also suboptimal learning performance. Optimal training is therefore dependent on good horse welfare. And that is what this conference is all about. On behalf of the ISES council, I would like to extend my whole hearted thanks to the Local Conference Organising Committee for all your hard work for this conference, which saw the largest number of submitted abstracts to date. Enjoy the conference, take home as many messages as possible, embed them into practice and spread them widely in order to help to ensure and safeguard horse welfare, regardless of size, breed or discipline. I am very much looking forward to the next few days. I hope you are too. ISES Honorary President Janne Winther Christensen 4 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Welcome from the Local Conference Organising Committee Welcome to Rome and the 14th annual International Equitation Science conference. The link between the Eternal City and the horse to which the most famous artists have given their tribute over the centuries is rooted in history. Statues of horses surmount the highest hill of Rome, the Quirinale, home of the political power. The Dioscuri and their horses, the mon- umental equestrian sculpture of Marcus Aurelius overlooking the Campidoglio and a four horses chariot on the Vittoriano represents a free Italy. The entire conference is hosted by the 8th Lanceri Di Montebello armed forces. This year is the 150th anniversary of Federigo Caprilli’s birth who lived and worked at the Lancieri’s headquarters, precisely in the same places where the conference is taking place. Caprilli was a precursor of Equitation Science. He studied the natural horses’ way of going and invented the “forward seat”. A riding system that allows the horses to express all their potential and improves their welfare.
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