tA FO SED A ONE )'l l-i::.- i VILLAGE THANGAON r-..t ) / trl'^ TEHSIT KOTMA DISTRICT ANUPPUR STATE MADHYA PRADEISH DIMENSION STONE BLOCKS OF GRAI\IITE AREA 9,580 HECTAREI; AREA IN FOREST NIt TOTALAREA 9.580 HECTARE!; ER RULE ONSERV APPLICANT M/s SHRI RADHESHYAM MINERALS, SHRI VENKATESHWAR KHEDIA IPARII'NERJ Address: KHIiDIA BHAWAN, P.0. BIJUFII, Drsrr. ANUPPIJR (M.P.) - 484440 I'REPARED BY INDRANEEL DAWANDE RQP/DGMMP/OO2/2013, VALIDITYOF REGN NO. 17-04-20L8 ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, 1338, VIIAY NAGA& JABATPUR (M.P.) PH. 07 6I-26+L69 4, MOBILE: 09 425387 4Oz Email: engeote ch@re diffmail.com I'EAR 'i' rl 70L7 \ il{ l) i{ A1''l F,[,!- DA lr,ri\N D t :. f ii edL'g I l l5f.'-t ) .,',:i i il'i':j Fj e ;'$ot' EOI{IENE PARTICULARS PAGE NO. INTRODUCTION r-2 I (]ENERAL 3-4 II LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY 5-6 III GEOLOGY AND EXPLORA:IION 7-78 IV MINING 19-28 V T}LASTING 29-30 VI MINE DRAINAGE 31 UI STACKING MINERAL REJECTS AI{D DISPOSAL OF WASTE 32-34 VIII LISE OF MINERAL 35 IX OTHER 36 X MINERAL PROCESSING 36 XI ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 37-43 COMPLIANCE OF SAFETY IIULES AND REGULATIONS 43 PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSIJRE PI,AN 44-52 \ '\i I I \ I i I r + I i ! : Iii.''iDA Lf,i\i.{ l'rl, RecogriiserJ Ct,,:r,iicij lie,-son Frcni frijM_fvip {l:gn l',10. RQPlDrtl,,4}lPlC{"r2i 20 r ll ANNEXURES PARl CULARS I ANNEXURENO. -I CERTIFICATES FR OM AppLrcANT/ LESSEE CONS ENT LETTER FROM THE APPLICANT/ LESSEE ANNEXURE NO. I BOUI DARY PILLAR U NDERTAKING ANNEXURE NO.II MINE ; ACT CERTIFICATED ANNEXURE NO.II DGMI CERTIFICATE ANNEXURE NO.II RQP ( ERTIFICATE ANNEXURE NO.III RQP I EGN COPY ANNEXURE NO.IV CONS iNT LETTER FROM STATE GOVI'. ANNEXURE NO. V FIRM REGISTMTION COPY ANI'IEXURE NO. VI PL RE ,ORT ANNEXURE NO. VII PTATES SR. PARTICULARS PLATE NO. SCALE NO. I. KEY PLAN PLATE NO. I 1:50000 2. LOCATION PLAN PLATE NO.II 1:50000 ? KHASI{A MAP PLATE NO.III 1:4000 4. SURFACE PLAN PLATE NO.IV 1:1000 5. SURFACE GEOLOGICAL PLAN & SECTION PLATE NO. V 1:1000 6. FIVE YEAR DEV. & PROD. PLAN & SEC'IION PLATE NO. VI 1:1000 7. ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN & SECTION PLATE NO. UI 1:1000 B CONCF]PTUAL PLAN AND SECTION PLATE NCI. VIII 1:1000 9. ENVIRONMENT PLAN PLATE NCI.IX 1:5000 10. PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE T'LAN PLATE NCI. X 1:1000 PHOTOGRAPHS PARTIC JTARS PHOI'OGRAPH NO. PHOTO RAPHS SHOWING TTIE GEOI,OGY, TRIAL PIT SHAPE. OB PHO']'ON0, 1-9 STATUI DRILI,ED BORE HOLE,ETC ,' li l', i-'.}\n.,\ !i, ,:i i\i I ) i ING PLAN ]i'OR THANGAON GRANITE DEPOSIT TO I}E USED AI; DIMENSION *- j!!q STONE, AT VILLAGE THANCAON, TEIIS|IL KOTMA & DIS'IRICT uj!!4jsBgljECIIIIT4IpLl!4Ilug ]n,rr.r.aru,ooun rMp.)_484440 Th s Minirrg Plan for Thangaon Granite Deposit to be used as dimension stone over an area of '580 hectares in Village Thangaon, Tehr;il Kotma and District Anuppur of State Madhya P h is being submitted for approval under Rule 12 of Granite conservation and D pment Rules 1999 by applicant M/s shri Radheshyam Minerals, partner shri V teshwar Khedia, Address- Khedia Bhawan, p.o. Bijuri, Distt. Anullpur [M.p.) Initially, PL was sanctioned to M/s shri Radheshyam Mlinerals, partner shri teshwar Khedia, Address - K.hedia Bhawan, p.o. Bijuri, Distt. Anuprpur [M.p.J - 40, ov'er an area of 9.780 hectares by the State Government consent letter, {Office of the llector [Khanij Shakha) District Anu.ppur], vide order no. 19,/ufra7 T" q./ 201 1307, / Anuppur dated z0-07-zoL6 [see annexure no. \4r) & under their bed terms and conditions, for a period of two years. Subsequently, the applicant has don the agreement with state Government on 19-08-2016 and as per State Govt. ment the PL operation period is effe,:tive from 19-08-2016 to 1g-08_2018 [See xure no. VII). During the exploration period, the applicant has done ther exploration in the of three core bore holes and one trial pit for geological continuity and block mining bility over the PL area. Geologically, the: Granite of the area is knornrn as black Granite or lerite sill/ dyke' The outcome of exploration proved that the entire pL area has Black Gran te as Dolerite sill/ dyke and these sills are in horizontally bedded form. Block or dime sion stone cutting parameters and depth wise continuity have tleen established in BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEoTECH CI]NSULTAI'IT, 133{i, VIJAY NAGAR, JABALPI.,IR (M.P.) {r !li liil,,'r ir i:t3l {':,rr i,j, ilr i )i MiNINC PLAN FOR THANCAON CRANITE DEPOSIT TO BE USED AS DIMENSION STONE, AT VILLAGE THANGAON, TEH:;tI, (ry.),nl!49.!80 HEC{4lEs4f1'lcANr KOTMA & I]ISTRIC1 =---,-ANgIy M/s sHRI RADIIESTiYAM MIrue ner.s, Drsrr.ANUppuR (M.p.) - 4s4440 the three drilled core bore holes antl a trial pit. The dolerite is an intrusive body equivalent to Upper Cretaceous age. This plan is being prepared as per available exploration data provided by the applicant and area's ot,seryation the undersigned has processed and synthesized the data thus this conclusion has been made in respect ol-above matter. After getting the PL operation the applicant has filed a QL application against the pL sanctionerl area oI'9-780 ha and consequently the State Government cons€rt letter, ioffice of the Collector (Khanij Shakhal District Anuppur), has granted the qL order over an area 9.580 of ha, vide their order na. 19/ uFuT j"To/ zotT/ 998, Anuppur dated 19 /OS/20L7 [See annexure no. V ). Applicant is M/s Shri Radheshyam Minerals partner Shri Vr:nkateshwar Khedia, Acldress - Khedia p.o. Bhawan, Bijuri, Distt. Anuppur (M.p.J - 484440,which is a Partnership firm and as per information given by the applicant, the fir.m has been involved in the Business of Mines and Minerals. PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, IiNGEO'II]CH CONSULTANT, I338, VIJAY NAGAR. JABALPIJR (M.P.) MII{ING PLAN FOR THANGI|ON CRANITE DEPOSIl'TO BE USED AS DIMENSION STONE, AT VILLAGE THANGAON, TEHSII- KOTMA & D]STRICT -r-jlqPj${y-U{S{:g9ig{$!Lgl]j!4[-yls sHRt nensEsHvail uirusr.oii, u,rrr. n*uppuR (M.p.l .48+440 CHAPTER. 1 1.0 GENERAI: A) Name of applicant: [I/s SHRI RADHESHYAM MINERALS, l,ddress: Shri V'enkateshwar Khedia, Khedia Bhawan, p.O. Bijuri, Distt, Anuppur [M.p,) - 484440 B) Status of Applicant: The applicant is a partnership firm. Authorized person: ljhri Venkateshwar Khedia, Khedia Bhawln, p.O. Bijuri, Distt. Anuppurr [M.p.) - 484440 Mo. No": 09329478529 E-mail: [email protected] MINERAL WHICH IS OC:CURING IN THE AREA AND WHICH THE AP'PLICANT NNTENDS TO MINE: As per Granite Conservation Rtiles it is fc,r block mining. B) PERIOD FOR WHICH IVIINING LEASE IS GRANTED :- It will be as per agreement and is likely to be granted for a period of 30 years. c) NAME OF RQP WHO PTTEPARED MINING PLAN :. NAME Indraneel Dawande ADDRESS 1338, Vijay lrlagar, fabalpur (M.p.) - 4B2t0Oz PHONE & FAX 07 61-264769 4, Mo. 9 4ZS3B7 402 REGISTRATION NO. RQP/DGMMP /002/2013. VALID UP TO 17-04-20t8 PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, EN(;EOTET:H crlNsul,TAI\rr, r338, vrJAy NAGAR, JABALpuR (M.p.) -Ja \l l\rl\r) \ltl!-'l n 4'ii ;,1 !!'l\L ^ MIN INC PLAN FOR THANGAON GRANITE D]]POSJT TO BD I'SI]D AJ DIMENSION STONE, AT VILLAGI] TH.4NGAON, TEIISIL KOTMA & ANUPPUR(MP.J,AREA9.580HECTARIS,APPL,ICANTM/sSIIRI DISTRICT RADHESHYAMMINERALs,DtsTT..ANUppuR (Mp.)-4s4440 F) NAME OF PROSPECTITNG AGENCy:- -%::____*_:--*_-----_ Applicant along wittr their technical staff has done the prospr:cting of the area. The name and address of the applicant is given below: Name of applicant - M/s STHRI RADHESIIYAM MINERALS, Address: Shri Venkateshwar Khedia, Khedia Bharvan, p.O. Bijuri, Distt. Anuppur [M.p.) - 484440 G) REFERENCE OF NO. AI\JD DATE OF COMMUNICATION LET'TER FRI]M THE STATE GOI/ERNMENT:- State Government {Office ol'the Collector (Khanij Shakha) D,istrict Anuppur}J has granted the mining quarry le,ase over an area of 9.580 ha vide their Order no. t9 / ufr517 Sotfo/ 2017 / 998, Anuppur dated Ig/OS/2OL7 (See annexure no. VJ. PREPA,RED BY: INDRANEEL DA\\'ANDE, IiltGEo'f ucH coNSULTANT, 13J8, vIJAy NAGAR, JABALpLTR (Mr.p.) \\- I \i i N D ltAN Liiit. Ilitt\: A',1 Ul MINING PLAN FOR THANGIION GRANI'TE DIJPOSIT TO BE USED AJ DIMENSION STONE, AT VILLACg THANGAON, TEHSII, KOTMA & DISTRICT ll4ll4ljgglEclrAREsrAPPt,lcANr M/s SHRI RADHESHI'AM MINERALs, DIsrr.,ANUppuR (M.p.) - 484440 ----4MjrlM CHAPTER. 2 2.0 LOCATION AND ACCESSIBITTTy: - . BYROAD The sanctioned area QL Thang;aon is located at a distance of 65 km in the NE direction from the district headquarte,rs Anuppur, the accessibility of the area is by road, ione has to travel from Anuppur to the iarea QL via Badra, Kotma, Pathraudi & Dola on National H.ighway nc. T1,which is about 50 l'm in ther northeast direction to district Anuppur; then one has take a turn in north direction on Dola to Thangaon road, and the QL area is about L3 km on fairly weathered road. The area is just 2 km QL in the southern direction lrom the Thangaon village. The approachability is by means of regular private taxi c,r bus, which is easily available up to Thangaon village fplease see Key Plan i.e.
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