ADVERTISING PRIMER 2016 You can clearly only market your shop online ... ... but in combination with promotional letters, you can boost your sales. More information at: post.ch/wirkung-studien Boost your sales. CONTENTS Switzerland Data on Switzerland 2 Economic data 3 European comparison 4 Media Market Advertising expenditure 5 Media market Switzerland 6 Media in Europe 7 Social media comparison – Intermedia comparison 8 Media Data Magazines 14 Daily-, Sunday-, Financial-, Business-Press 16 Newspaper/Magazines Combinations 18 Television – Digital advertising displays 20 Internet – Online 22 Cinema – AdScreens in public transports 24 Radio 25 Out-of-home – Posters 26 Direct advertising 27 Studies Official Swiss media studies 28 Media terms – Internet/Online Glossary 32 Addtional data Map of WEMF regions 34 Swiss population data 36 All data given according to the sources indicated. No responsibility is accepted for their accuracy. State: December 16, 2015. For additional copies of the Ringier Advertising Primer please see www.go4media.ch (also with download). Contact Ringier AG Publishing Media Dufourstrasse 23 CH-8008 Zurich [email protected] www.go4media.ch www.ringier.com DATA ON SWITZERLAND 2 Geography Surface sq. km % Surface sq. km % Total 41,285 100.0 Unproductive surface 10,459 25.3 Cultivated area 14,817 35.9 Populated area 3,079 7.5 Floor surface 12,931 31.3 Politics Swiss Confederation: founded in 1291, Federal State since 1848 Administrative units (federalistic): 26 cantons (6 of them are half-cantons) Form of government: direct democracy Political levels and parties Parties State: 2015 Seats SVP SP FDP CVP others Federal Council Collegial board 7 2 2 2 1 Parliament Council of States cantonal repres. 46 5 12 13 13 3 National Council people repres. 200 65 43 33 28 31 Resident population (Dec. 31, 2014, STATPOP. Structural survey 2013) Total m 8,238 Private households m 3,541 Foreign nationals % 24.3 Single-person-h/h % 35.1 Population density p. / sq. km. 206 Family h/h with children % 34.5 Male m 4,074 Couples without children % 27.5 Female m 4,164 Ø no. of persons/h/h 2.25 Urban (agglomerations) % 83.9 Ø no. of children per woman 1.50 Non-urban % 16.1 Language (Structural survey 2013, 15+) German 64.5% Italian 8.3% Other 20.1% French 22.6% Romansh 0.5% Civilian status (STATPOP 2014) % Religions (Structural survey 2012, 15+) % Unmarried 43.6 Roman Catholic Church 38.0 Married 43.1 Protestant Church 26.1 Widowed 4.9 Other churches/religious communities 12.4 Divorced 8.1 No religious affiliation/no reply 23.5 Population of the 10 major urban areas (Dec. 31, 2014, in 1000) Zurich 1,315.7 Lucerne 224.7 Geneva 570.2 St. Gallen 164.9 Basle 537.1 Lugano 150.5 Berne 406.9 Winterthur 136.6 Lausanne 402.9 Zoug 125.0 Source: STATPOP, according to SFSO typology 2012; www.statistik.admin.ch. Employment Men Women Total Aged 15+ 1000 % 1000 % 1000 % Full-time (more than 90%) 2045 84.1 857 40.8 2903 64.0 Part-time (up to 90%) 387 15.9 1245 59.2 1632 36.0 Total 2433 100.0 2102 100.0 4535 100.0 Source: SFSO/Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS) 2014. ECONOMIC DATA 3 2012 2013 2014 Gross domestic product (at current market price) Total nom. (CHF bn) 623,943 634,854 642,256 Index (2000 = 100 = 458,779) 136 138 146 Swiss consumer price index (annual average, basis december 2010 = 100) Food and non-alcoholic beverages 97,4 98,5 99,5 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 102,1 103,4 104,4 Clothing and footwear 88,9 85,6 84,5 Housing and energy 102,5 102,6 103,7 Furnishing, household maintenance 97,0 95,4 94,5 Health care 99,9 99,0 98,1 Transportation 98,3 97,4 96,3 Communication 99,4 97,1 94,9 Recreation and culture 94,5 94,5 94,6 Education and courses 102,0 103,8 105,4 Restaurants and hotels 102,2 103,0 103,7 Other goods and services 100,5 101,1 100,3 Total index 99,3 99,1 99,0 Car ownership No. in millions 4.255 4.321 4.384 Index (2000 = 100 = 3.545.247) 120 122 124 Source: Swiss Federal Statistical Office, www.statistik.admin.ch. Household income structure (Ø 2009–2011) Quota h/h in % Ø no. of persons Income monthly h/h (gross in CHF) Employed 61.2 2.43 10,987.– Self-employment/Farmer 11.3 2.65 10,782.– Pensioner 25.1 1.52 5,878.– Household expenditure (2013, all h/h, in %, per month) Food and non-alcoholic beverages 7.1 Restaurants and hotels 6.4 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 1.2 Other goods and services 3.2 Clothing and footwear 2.5 Consumption expenditure 60.4 Housing and energy 16.8 Social-/health insurance, insurances 21.2 Furnishing, houshold maintenance 3.0 Taxes, fees 13.9 Health 2.9 Contributions and other transfers 4.4 Transportation 8.7 Compulsory transfer expenditure 39.6 Communication 2.1 Total household expenditure 100.0 Entertainment, recreation and culture 6.7 Source: HBS 2015 (Household Budget Survey), Swiss Federal Statistical Office, www.statistik.admin.ch. EUROPEAN COMPARISON 4 CH DE FR GB IT AT Surface area 1000 sq. km 41 357 544 244 301 84 Population (Dec. 31, 2014 / Jan. 1, 2015) Total million 8.238 81.174 66.353 64.767 60.796 8.585 No. of households million 3.541 39.713 28.091 28.076 25.768 3.768 Household-size Ø pers. 2.3 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.2 Age groups up to 15 years % 14.9 13.1 18.6 17.6 13.9 14.3 15–24 years 11.6 10.8 11.9 12.7 9.8 11.9 25–49 years 36.2 33.6 32.3 33.9 35.0 35.5 50–64 years 19.7 21.7 19.3 18.2 19.9 20.0 65–79 years 12.7 15.4 12.3 12.8 15.0 13.3 80 years and older 4.9 5.4 5.7 4.7 6.4 5.0 Population density 1 p./sq. km 206 227 116 265 199 102 Labour force 1 million 4.8 42.0 29.2 32.5 25.5 4.4 Unemployment rate 1 % 3.2 5.0 10.3 6.1 12.7 5.6 Gross domestic product (at current market price, 2014) Total EUR bn 528.8 2915.7 2132.5 2253.3 1613.9 329.3 Index (prev. year = 100) 102.5 103.4 100.8 110.3 100.4 102.0 Per Capita (PPS) EUR 43,200 34,000 29,400 30,000 26,400 34,900 Index (prev. year = 100) 100.5 104.0 103.5 102.4 100.4 102.3 Employment in economic sectors (2014, 15–64 years, in %) Agriculture/forestry 3.3 1.6 2.9 1.5 3.6 4.4 Industry/craft 20.6 28.1 20.6 18.7 26.9 25.9 Services 76.0 70.4 76.5 79.8 69.5 69.7 Advertising expenditure (2012) 2 Classical media USD bn 5.660 23.433 12.490 19.378 7.280 4.178 Index (prev. year = 100) 96.7 91.6 90.6 100.9 77.5 90.8 Per capita USD 712 292 191 305 123 497 Split by media (in%) 2 Newspapers 26.3 30.2 10.2 18.4 13.9 38.4 Magazines 18.5 17.7 14.3 6.0 9.1 13.0 TV 28.7 22.2 33.8 26.6 52.7 22.9 Radio 4.2 3.9 7.6 3.8 7.1 5.6 Cinema 0.5 0.5 1.1 1.3 0.5 0.3 Outdoor advertising 9.9 4.8 12.0 6.7 2.8 6.3 Internet 11.9 20.7 21.0 37.0 13.8 13.4 Sources: Eurostat 2015 (Data 2014); 1 UBS – Switzerland in Figures 2015; 2 Western Europe Market & Mediafact 2013. ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE 5 Net advertising turnover Switzerland CHF million (without production cost) 2012 2013 2014 ±% 13/14 Daily newspapers 819 718 689 −4,1 Regional weeklies 183 168 158 −6,0 Sunday newspapers 152 146 132 −9,7 Total dailies / weeklies / Sunday news press 1154 1032 978 −5,2 Of which: sales/subscriptions 863 785 731 −6,9 Of which: free newspapers 291 247 248 +0,4 Magazines general interest 352 324 308 −4,9 Financial and business press 48 43 42 −1,8 Special interest weeklies and monthlies 118 112 107 −4,7 Trade press 111 104 100 −3,9 Total Press 1783 1615 1536 −4,9 Television (advertising seconds) 674 698 718 +2,9 Radio (advertising seconds) 109 115 111 −2,7 Television + Radio (sponsoring) 90 93 93 ±0,0 Cinema 26 26 28 +7,7 Teletext 5 4 3 −16,7 AdScreen 6 7 7 −1,4 Total electronic medias 910 942 960 +1,9 Outdoore (analogue/digital) + public transports 417 415 426 +2,7 Directories 214 208 217 +4,1 Direct marketing (distribution costs incl.) 1017 1086 1059 −2,6 Other medias 1648 1710 1702 −0,5 Total net advertising turnover Switzerland 4341 4267 4197 −1,7 Internet (classical online advertising) 1 170 186 210 +12,9 Search engine-/affiliatemarketing, online classifieds 2 403 456 513 +12,5 Source: Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz; 1 MediaFocus; 2 Estimation MediaFocus. The largest advertising sectors (2014) Total Index Media split (in %) Product groups CHF 1000 PY = 100 NP MA TP TV RA PO CI TX ON Car market 363,517 102 32 6 2 23 6 24 1 0 6 Trade, wholesalers 258,007 112 36 37 1 16 1 7 0 0 1 Travel, hotels 209,225 103 25 29 6 17 6 14 1 0 2 Economic campaigns 161,969 112 44 40 4 4 3 3 0 0 2 House, furniture 161,507 104 37 13 6 17 14 10 0 0 1 Art/cultural events 160,601 101 52 4 2 8 15 14 3 0 1 Fresh products+convenience 150,937 105 12 16 2 59 3 8 0 0 1 Chocolate, sweets 129,353 98 3 6 0 80 0 9 0 0 1 Nonprofit campaign 124,658 99 44 7 3 24 2 17 2 0 2 Online services 122,535 124 41 2 0 34 3 4 0 0 16 Mobile 111,447 84 29 4 0 42 1 18 2 0 4 Insurances 108,124 111 19 5 3 47 2 12 2 0 10 OTC pharmaceutical product 108,046 116 2 13 16 65 0 3 0 0 0 Watches, jewellery 103,900 98 28 30 12 4 2 21 0 0 4 Non-alcoholic beverages 84,830 108 6 11 1 65 1 14 1 0 2 Commercial services, consulting 81,958 90 32 31 6 4 12 10 0 1 5 Fashion, sport 4 81,500 97 28 18 6 22 5 9 0 0 12 Finance 4 81,245 91 36 13 3 19 1 18 1 0 8 Food products 4 73,139 115 18 23 5 36 1 16 0 0 1 Construction, industry 4 71,415 99 16 46 10 7 6 13 0 0 1 NP = Daily-/Weekly-/Sunday-Newspapers, MA = Magazines/Financial-/Businesspress, TP = Trade press/Special inter.
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