MASSACHUSETTSSTREAM CLASSIFICATIONPROGRAM DRAINAGE AREAS Department of Environmental Quality Engineering Daniel S. Greenbaum, Commissioner Division of Water Pollution Control Cornelius J. O'Leary, Acting Director ·NOTICEOF AVAILABILITY LIMITED COPIES OF THIS REPORTARE AVAILABLEAT NO COST BY WRITTENREQUEST TO: MASSACHUSETTSDEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTALQUALITY ENGINEERING TECHNICALSERVICES BRANCH WESTVTEWBUILDING, LYMANSCHOOL GROUNDS WESTBOROUGH,MA 01581 Furthermore, at the time of first printing, eight (8) copies of each report published by this office are submitted to the State Library at the State House in Boston; these copies are subsequently distributed as follows: • On shelf; retained at the State Library (two copies); •microfilmed; retained at the State Library; •delivered to the Boston Public Library at Copley Square; • delivered to the Worcester Public Library; • delivered to the Springfield Public Library; • delivered to the University Library at UMass, Amherst; • delivered to the Library of Congress ill Washington, D.C. Moreover, this wide circulation is augmented by inter-library loans from the above-listed libraries. For example, a resident of Winchendon can apply at the local library for loan of the Worcester Public Library's copy of any DWPC/TSB report. A complete list of reports published since 1963 is updated annually and printed in July. This report, entitled "Publications of the Technical Services Branch,. 1963-(current year)," is also available by writing to the TSR office in Westborough. MASSAOlUSEITS STRF.I\M CIASSIFICATION PRJGRAM IlRAINl\GE AREl\S Corrg:>iled By: TEalNICAL SERVICES BRANCH MASSACHUSEITS DIVISION OF WATER IULII1I'ION mNTROL WESTOOIUJGH, MASSACHUSEITS EXEamVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS John P. DeVillars, Secretary DEPARIMENI' OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALI'IY ENGINEERING Daniel s. Greenbaum, Commissioner DIVISION OF WATER fOLUJl'ION <DNTROL Co:melius J. O'Leary, Acting Director FEBRUARY1989 Selected Types of Drainage Patterns Typified in Massachusetts Publication //15847-12-250-2-89-C. R. Approved By: Ric Murphy, State Purchasing Agent TABIEOFa:Nl'ENl'S ITEM cnlM)NWEAlIIH OF Ml\SSACllUSEITS IlRAINAGE SYSTEMS MAP iii INTROOOCl'IOO iv cn1M)NWEAlIIH OF Ml\SSACllUSEITS RIVER BIi.SINS AND V COASTAL DRAINAGE AREAS MAP cn1M)NWEAlIIH OF Ml\SSACllUSEITS IlRAINAGE AREAS 1 REFERENCES 4 ii COMMONWEALTHof MASSACHUSETTS DRAINAGE SYSTEMS VT NH 8 Kl LOME TERS 3 25 MILES 2 5 4 CT RI 6 MOUNT HOPE BAY HUDSON 7 BOSTON HARBOR 2 HOUSATONIC 8 MERRIMACK 3 CONNECTICUT 9 COASTAL 4 THAMES 5 NARRAGANSETT BAY INI'ROOOCTION Presenterl herein is a compilation of drainage areas for major river and o:iastal drainage basins in Massachusetts. 'Ill~ areas were generated using the MassGIS Project ARC/ INFD d"tabase. USGS-wRD 1:24,000 scale base maps were utilized in these calculations. Areas for coastal drainage basins include associaterl nearshore islarrls. 'Ihe fonnat and presentation of this listing follows the designaterl drainage systems and river basins adopted by the Massachusetts stream Classification Program. iv COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS RIVER BASINS and COASTAL DRAINAGE AREAS 84 II 33 35 ~ 81 ·~ JJ 71 · KILOMETERS rs. 0 ·~25 82 K~ 34 -' 32 36 ,_ \ ) r ,:rJJ -" =::.\.. 21 . 0 25 " Ml LES '1-r r;: C:-,/fl; -.\ 51 ,,),_\_ , 42 < 41 13 62 II ,---._ II IIOOSIC 62 TAUNTON 12 KINUERIIOrJK 71 MYSTIC 13 l3ASI lll lSH 72 CHARLES 21 tlOIJ~JATOIJIC 73 NEPONSET 31 FMlMINGTON 74 WEYMOUTH 8 WEIR 32 WESTFIELD 81 NASHUA 33 [,ffRFIU D 82 CONCORD 34 COIJIIECT !CUT 83 SIIAWSIIEEN 35 MILLEHS 84 MERRIMACK 36 CIIIC(Ji"[[ 91 PARKER 41 QIJIIJEBAUG 92 IPSWICH ,12 FRENCH 93 NORTH SHORE 51 BL/\CKSTONE 94 SOUTH SHORE 52 Tm MILE 95 BUZZARDS BAY ~ ~~d 53 NARllAGANSFTT 8AY ( sllore) 96 CAPE COD 61 MOUtJT HOPE 8AY (shore) 97 ISLANDS DRAINAGE AREAS 1 CXM1'.lNWEAillHOF Ml\SSACHUSEITS DRAlNAGEARE/IS IlRAJNAGE/Bl\SIN OJDE si;iJARE MIIBS HUIBON DRAINAGE SYSTEM( 1) Hoosic River Basin (11) 166.40 106,499 43,098 Kin::l.erhook River Basin (12) 21.85 13,985 5,659 Bashbish River Basin (13) 15.48 9 911 4 010 203.73 130,395 52,767 HOUSA'IONICDRAINAGE SYSTEM (2) Housatonic River Basin (21) 500.13 320,083 129.533 CONNECI'IaJI' DRAINAGE SYSTEM(3) Fannin::jton River Basin (31) 155.69 99,641 40,323 Westfield River Basin (32) 516.55 330,594 133,787 Deerfield River Basin (33) 346.58 221,812 89,764 Connecticut River Basin {34) 669.46 428,458 173,391 Millers River Basin (35) 313.41 200,586 81,175 Chicopee River Basin (36) 722.83 462,614 187,214 2,724.52 1,743,705 705,654 THAMESDRAlNAGE SYSTEM ( 4) Quinebaug River Basin (41) 153.83 98,452 39,842 French River Basin (42) 94.67 60,591 24,520 248.50 159,043 64,362 NARRAGANSEITBAY DRAINAGESYSTEM (5) Blackstone River Basin (51) 334.84 214,301 86,725 Ten Mile River Basin (52) 48.60 31,109 12,589 Narragansett Bay (shore) 56.02 35,853 14,509 Drainage Area (53) 439.46 281,263 113,823 MOUNI' HOPE BAY DRAlNAGESYSTEM (6) Mount Hope Bay (shore) Drainage Area (61) 55.84 35,739 14,463 Taunton River Basin (62) 529.76 339,049 137,209 585.60 374,788 151,672 OOS'IONHAROOR DRAlNAGE SYSTEM (7) Boston Hamor Islands (70) 1.10 711 287 Mystic River Basin and 76.10 48,704 19,710 Coastal Drainage Area (71) Cllarles River Basin and 319.18 204,279 82,669 Coastal Drainage Area (72) Neponset River Basin and 116.70 74,692 30,227 Coastal Drainage Area (73) Weynouth and Weir River Basins 91.03 58,259 23,577 and Coastal Drainage Area (74) 604.11 386,645 156,470 2 o::MDNWEAlITH OF MASSAC11USEITS DRAINAGEAREAS (CONI'INUED) DRAINAGE/BA.SINCODE ~ ACRES HECTARES MII.ES MERRIMACKDRAINAGE SYSTEM ( 8) Nashua River Basin (81) 442.69 283,321 114,656 Concord River Basin (82) 399.60 255,749 103,498 Shawsheen River Basin (83) 78.08 49,974 20,224 Merrilnack River Basin and 279.00 178,565 72,263 Coastal Drainage Area (84) 1,199.37 767,609 310,641 COASI'AL DRAINAGESYSTEM (9) Parker River Basin and 82.45 52,771 21,356 Coastal Drainage Area (91) Ipswich River Basin and 155.31 99,400 40,226 Coastal Drainage Area (92) North Shore Coastal 172.46 110,378 44,667 Drainage Area (93) South Shore Coastal 240.70 154,050 62,342 Drainage Area (94) Buzzards Bay Coastal 374.92 239,950 97,104 Drainage Area (95) cape Cod Coastal 402.69 257,723 104,297 Drainage Area (96) Islams Coastal Drainage 159.77 102,256 41,382 Area (97) 1,588.30 1,016,528 411,374 8,093.72 5,180,059 2,096,296 3 REFERENCES 1. Halliwell, D.B., W.A. Kimball and A.J. Screpetis. 1982. Massachusetts stream Classification Program-Part I: Inventory of Rivers and streams. Massachusetts Divisions of Water Pollution Control and Fisheries arrl Wildlife, Westborough. x + 126 W• + Appendix. 2. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management. 1985. Massachusetts River Basins Map. DEM, Division of water Resources, Boston. 3. United states Geological survey. 1974. Hydrologic Unit Map-states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. USGS, Reston, Virginia. 4. Warrlle, S.W., Jr. 1984. Gazetteer of Hydrologic Olaracteristics of streams in Massachusetts - Coastal River Basins of the North Shore arrl Massachusetts Bay. Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4281. U.S. Geological Survey, Boston. iv + 60 W• 5. Warrlle, s.w., Jr. 1984. Gazetteer of Hydrologic Olaracteristics of Streams in Massachusetts - Connecticut River Basin. Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4282. U.S. Geological Survey, Boston. iv + 110 W· 6. Warrlle, s.w., Jr. 1984. Gazetteer of Hydrologic Olaracteristics of Streams in Massachusetts - Hudson River Basin. Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4250. U.S. Geological Survey, Boston. iv + 24 W• 7. Wandle, s. W. , Jr. and R. A. Fontaine. 1984. Gazetteer of Hydrologic Cllaracteristics of streams in Massachusetts - Merrimack River Basin. Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4284. U.S. Geological Survey, Boston. iv+ 54 W· 8. Warrlle, s.w., Jr. and G.R. Keezer. 1984. Gazetteer of Hydrologic Olaracteristics of Streams in Massachusetts - Taunton and Ten Mile River Basins and Coastal River Basins of Mount Hope Bay, Na=agansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound. Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4283. U.S. Geological Survey, Boston. iv + 38 W• 9. Warrlle, s.w., Jr. and J.A. I.eBlanc. 1984. Gazetteer of Hydrologic Olaracteristics of streams in Massadlusetts - 'rhames River Basin. Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4287. U.S. Geological SUrVey, Boston. iv+ 27 W· 10. Warrlle, s.w., Jr. and R.G. Liwert. 1984. Gazetteer of Hydrologic Characteristics of streams in Massachusetts - Housatonic River Basin. Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4285. U.S. Geological Survey, Boston. iv + 30 pp. 4 J:<EFERENCES(a:m'INUED) 11. Wandle, S.W., Jr. and M.A. Morgan. 1984. Gazetteer of Hydrologic ctiaracteristics of streams in Massachusetts - Coastal River Basins of the South Shore and Buzzards Bay. Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4288, U.S. Geological SUrvey, Boston. iv + 30 W• 12. Wandle, S.W., Jr. and A.F. Fhipps. 1984, Gazetteer of Hydrologic Characteristics of streams in Massachusetts - Blackstone River Basin. Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4286. U.S. Geological SUrvey, Boston. iv + 26 :r:p. 5 .
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