' E/3464 • E/CN.6/383 . UNITED NATIONS y -. COMMISSION .·ON ·THE STAT·US- -OF WOMEN . ' ( ' ·, REPORT OF THE FIFTEENTH SESSlON - ( 13 - 3o March 1961 . v ECONOMIC. AND SOCIAL COUNCIL' I , . OFFICIAL RECORDS: THIRTY-SECOND SESSION / \ l ' .SUPPLEMENT No. 7 · GENEVA CONTENTS Chapter Paragraphs Page I. ORoA;-::IZATION oF THE SESSION Opening and duration of the session 1 1 Attendance . 2-3 1 Election lilf officers 4-5 2 Committees • 6 2 Meetings, resolutions and documentation 7-10 2 Agenda ·. 11-15; 3 ll. POLITICAL RIGHTS OF WOMEN 16-30 3 Hesolution 1 (XV) . 30 5 JIJ. ADVIS_QRY SERVICES IN THE FIELD. OF HUMAN RIGHTS 31-47 5 IV. STATUS OF WOMEN IN PRIVATE LAW 48-73 7 Resolution 3 (XV) 66 10 Resolution 4 (XV) 71 11 V. ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN • 74-154 12 Application of ILO Convention No. 111 concerning Discrimination in respect of , Employment and Oecupation; occupational outlook for women 75-143 12 Resolution 5 (XV) 115 15 Resolution 6 (XV) 131 17 . Resolution 7 (XV) 136 18 Resolution 8 (XV) 143 19 Tax legislation applical,lle to women 144-154 19 Resolution 9 (XV) . 153 20 VI. ACCESS OF WOMEN TO E:QUCATION 155-176 21 Hesolutjon 10 (XV) 166 f3 Resolution 11 (XV) 175 24 {Continued on page 3 of cover.) NOTE Symbols of United Nations docume!J.ts are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a Unite'd Nations document. E/3464 E/CN.6/383 '· UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS THIRTY-SECOND SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 7 COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN Report to the Economic and Social Council on the fifteenth session of the Commission, held in Geneva from 13 to 30 March 1961 inclusive I. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION Opening and duration of the session United States of America: Mrs. Gladys Avery Tillett, Mrs. Alice A. Morrisson,** Mrs. Rachel C. Nason.** 1. The Commission on the Status of Women held its fifteenth session at the European Office of the United OBSERVERS Nations, Geneva. The session began on 13 March and Austria: Mrs. Karoline Redlich-Neudorfer, Mr. Erich ended on 30 March 1961. M. Schmid, Mr. Harald Vavrik; Dominican Republic: Mrs. Honorina Tirado de Savin6n; Attendance Iran: Mrs. Mehranguise Dowlatshahi; Iraq: Mrs. Bedia H. Afnan; 2. Attendance at the session was as follows: Peru: Mr. Raul Marfa Pereira; Argentina: Mrs. Blanca Stabile, Mr. Julio Cesar Cara- United Arab Republic: Mr. 0. H. Mahmoud, Mr. H. sales; ** Muraywid; Australia: Mrs. Ada Norris, Mr. Peter Henderson;** Uruguay: Mr. Victor Pomes. China: Mrs. Chu-sheng Yeh Cheng; Colombia: Mrs. Anacarsis Cardona de Salonia, Mrs. Ma­ SPECIALIZED AGENCIES ria Elvira Tanco de L6pez; * International Labour Organisation: Mrs. Elizabeth Cuba: Miss Alba GriMm; M. Johnstone; Czechoslovakia: Mrs. Helena Leflerova, Mr. Pfibyslav United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Pavlik,* Mr. Ilya Hulinsky; ** Organization: Miss Nicole Friderich; Finland: Mrs. Helvi Sipilli, Mr. Niilo Pusa; ** World Health Organization: Miss Elizabeth Hill. France: Mrs. Marie-Helene Lefaucheux; NoN-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Greece: Mrs. Alexandra Mantzoulinos; Israel: Mrs. Tamar Eshel; CATEGORY A Japan: Mrs. Setsu Tanino, Mr. Kusuo Kitamura,* International Confederation of Free Trade Unions: Miss Mr. Kazutoshi Hasemawa; ** Marcelle Dehareng, Miss Raymonde Schweizer, Miss Mexico: Miss Maria Lavalle Urbina; Edith Ruefli, Miss Maria Alt, Miss Rosmarie Etter, Netherlands: Miss J. C. H. H. de Vink, Miss A.Lunsingh Mr. Albert Heyer; Meijer;* International Federation of Christian Trade Unions: Philippines: Miss Helena Z. Benitez, Mrs. Etta C. Enri­ Miss Jeanne-Marie Nagels, Miss Alice Nysen, Mr. 'quez; * Georges Eggerman; Poland: Mrs. Zofia Dembinska, Miss Maria Regent­ World Federation of Trade Unions: Mrs. Ines Pisoni Lechowicz; ** Cerlesi, Mr. Giuseppe Boglietti; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Mrs. Ekaterina World Federation of United Nations Associations: Korshunova, Mrs. Raya Smirnova; ** Mrs. Tilly Kretschmer-Dorninge~ United Kindgom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Miss Joan Vickers, Mr. D. M. Edwards,* Mr. E. E. CATEGORY B Key;** All-Pakistan Women's Association: Begum Rani Mirza­ Khan; • Alternate. Associated Country Women of the World: Miss Marie •• Adviser. Zwahlen; 1 Catholic International Union for Social Service: Miss REGISTER Marie-Madeleine Brazzola: Commission of the Churches on International A/lairs: International Council of Social Democratic Women: Mr. Elfan Rees, Miss Madeleine Barot; Miss Mary Sutherland; Co-ordinating Board of Jewish Organizations: M. Gustav Medical Women's International Association: Dr. Vera Warburg; J. Peterson. Friends' World Committee for Consultation: Mrs. Katha­ Open Door International: Mrs. Gertrude Baer; rine Wood, Mrs. Blanche Shaffer; St. Joan's International Social and Political Alliance: International Alliance of Women- Equal Rights, Equal Miss Marie-Isabelle Archinard; Responsibilities: Mrs. Marcelle Prince-Koire, Mrs. Soroptimist International Association: Mrs. Lucienne Pearl Grobet; Della Santa; International Association for Social Progress: Mr. Moise World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts: Berenstein; Mrs. Perle Bugnion-Secretan; International Association of Penal Law: Mrs. Helfme World Federation for Mental Health: Dr. Anne Audeoud­ Romniciano; Naville; International Catholic Child Bureau: Miss Odile Roullet; World O.R.T. Union: Mrs. Vera Wodak; International Conference of Catholic Charities: Mr. An­ World Brotherhood: Miss Marina Cerne. toine Pugin, M. 1' Abbe Paul Bouvier; 3. Mrs. Sophie Grinberg-Vinaver, Chief of the Section International Council of Women: Miss L. C. A. van on the Status of Women, represented the Secretary­ Eeghen, Mrs. Antoinette Rochedieu: General. Mrs. Pilar Santander-Downing acted as Secre­ International Federation of Business and Professional tary to the Commission. Women: Miss Ruth Tomlinson, Miss Elisabeth Feller, Mrs. Jeanne Shelby Mosier, Miss Saira Arias, Miss Election of officers Andree Travelletti; International Federation of Social Workers: Mrs. Jeanne­ 4. The Commission at its 336th meeting, on 13 March Marie Small; 1961, took a vote by secret ballot for the election of the International Federation of University Women: Mrs. Eva Chairman. Mrs. Tamar Eshel (Israel): was elected Chair­ Hemmer Pihl, Mrs. Marie Fiechter, Miss Franc;oise rna~ of the Commission by 14 votes in favour, none Ehni, Miss Beryl Wardrop; agamst and 4 abstentions. International Federation of Women Lawyers: Lady .5. The following officers were elected unanimously: Gladys M. Chatterjee, O.B.E., Miss Marjorie C. Leo­ Miss Maria Lavalle Urbina (Mexico), First Vice-Chair­ nard; "!~n; Mr;;. Helen~ Leflerova (Czechoslovakia), Second International League for the Rights of Man: Mrs. Hilde­ VICe-Charrman; Miss J. C. H. H. de Vink(Netherlands), gard Wolle-Egenolf, Mr. Hans Riesser; Rapporteur. International Union for Child Welfare: Miss Audrey E. Moser; Committees Liaison Committee of Women's International Organisa­ tions: Miss J. M. Bowie, Miss L. C. A. van Eeghen, 6. In order to expedite its work, the Commission Mrs. A. Wible; at its. 337th meeting established two ad hoc commit­ Pan Pacific South-East Asia Women's Association: tees: a Committee on Resolutions (the Committee was Mrs. Henry G. Fowler, Mrs. Harold Grant, Mrs. Ha­ com~osed of the representatives of Argentina, France rold Ross, Mrs. Scow Peck Leng; (Chairman), Greece, USSR and the United States of Pax Romana: Miss Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo, Ameri~a) and a Committee on Communications (the Commi~tee 'Yas composed of the representatives of Mr. Tadeusz Szmitkowski; Colombia, Fmland, Japan, Poland (Chairman) and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom: the United Kingdom). ' Mrs. Gertrude Baer; Women's International Zionist Organization: Mrs. Jean Meetin~s, resolutions and documentation Brunschvig, Mrs. Berty Halff; World Federation of Catholic Women and Girls: Miss . 7. The Co~ission held twenty-five plenary meet­ Leone Herren; mgs. The views expressed at those meetings are World Jewish Congress: Lady Reading; summarized in the records of the 336th to 360th meetings. World .Afovement of Mothers: Mrs. Gertrude Jornot; World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations: 8. The resolutions and decisions of the Commission Miss Celina Pineiro-Pearson, Dr. Marie-Therese appear under the subject-matters to which they relate. Graber-Duvernay, Miss Agnes de Kalbermatten; The draft resolutions submitted for consideration by World Young Woraen's Christian Association: Miss Alice the Economic and Social Council are set out in chap­ Arnold, Miss Dorothea Woods, Mrs. Helen de Mestral, ter XIV of the present report. Mrs. Katherine S. Strong; 9. The documents before the Commission at its World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union: Mrs. N. fifteenth session are listed in annex I to this report. Chaix-Constantin, Mrs. Yvonne Leuba; 10. In the course of its fifteenth session the Com­ Young Christian Workers: Miss Maria Meersman. mission took note of statements of financial i~plications 2 made by the Secretary-General in respect of proposals 4. Advisory services programme: the implementation of which might involve additional (a) Progress report on the advisory services programme; budgetary provisions. A summary of these statements (b) Report of the seminar on the participation of women relating to the proposals as adopted by the Commission in public life, held at Addis Ababa in December 1960. is given in annex II to this report. 5. Status of women in private law: (a) Report containing
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