SPECIES WITHOUT AOSA PROCEDURES (REVISED 6-2020) ***(The methods listed are NOT official AOSA Rules methods.)*** Kind of Seed (Botanical and Common Name) Seeds P & Nox Substrata Temp. First Count Final Count Additional Directions Reference per gram Min Weight Abronia umbellata Pink Sand Verbena S 20-30 10 28 1 Abronia umbellata ssp breviflora Pink Sand Verbena TB, S 20-30 7 14 Prechill 3 weeks at 4 degree C. Seeds must be rmoved from fruit. 70 Abrus precatorius Rosary Pea S 20-30 5 20 1 Abutilon theophrasti Velvetleaf B 35 4 7 2 degrees to 5 degrees for 2 days or 1/2 to 1 min in boiling water 1 Abutilon x hybridum Flowering Maple / Chinese Lantern 10/ BP, TP,BP 20, 5 20 3 TP, BP 20-30, 20 5 27 3 Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus Rayless Goldhead 1015 TB 20 5 14 Prechill (5 C) for fresh or dormant seed 26 Acanthus mollis Bear's Breeches BP 20 7 21 1 Achillea filipendulina Fern-leaf Yarrow 8933 0.5/ TP 20, 20-30 7 14 6 TP 20-30 5 15 Light 1 TP 20-30 7 14 4 0.5/ TP, BP 20-30, 20 5 14 Light 2 Achnatherum coronatum Giant Ricegrass 276 TCT 15-25 7 21 GA3, Prechill at 5C for 5 days., Deep dormancy cut through endosperm, GA3, Chill at 5C for 16 hours 26 Achnatherum speciosum Desert Needlegrass 326 TCT 15-25 7 21 GA3, Prechill at 5C for 5 days., Deep dormancy cut through endosperm, GA3, Chill at 5C for 16 hours 26 Achnatherum splendens Jijigrass 869 TB 15-25 7 14 Light, KNO3, Prechill at 4 C for 7 days 71 Acroptilon nigra Black Knapweed 20-30 3 10 Light 20a Acroptilon repens Hardheads P(a) 20-30 Light 7 Adonis aestivalis Pheasant's-eye BP 10 14 42 1 BP 10, 20-30 7 35 Prechill 2A Aeluropus littoralis Indian Walnut 2487 TB 20-30 Light, KNO3 71 Agastache foeniculum Giant Blue Hyssop 2174 1.1/11 TB 20-30 7 16 KNO3 72 Agastache rugosa Korean Mint 2658 0.9/9 TB 20-30 8 16 KNO3 72 Agastache urticifolia Nettleleaf Giant Hyssop P(a) 15 Light 8 P(a) 20 Dark 8 Agave spp Agave TP 20-30 14 35 Light 1 Agoseris glauca Pale Agoseris 813 3.08 TB 15-25 7 28 Light, prechill at 3 to 5 C 73 Agoseris grandiflora Large-flowered Agoseris P(a) 15, 20 Dark 8 Agrimonia odorata Creeping Grovebur 26 100/1000 HLH, RE 20 7 35 Soak seed at 20C in H2O overnight. (also TZ if dormant) 72 Agropyron fragile Siberian Wheatgrass 324 TB 15-25 5 14 Light, KNO3, Prechill at 5C for 7 days 71 Agropyron michnoi Transbaikal Wheatgrass 356 Use method for A. cristatumin the AOSA rules 67 Agropyron mongolicum Same as Agropyron fragile 396 TB 15-25 5 14 Light, KNO3, Prechill at 5C for 7 days 71 Agrostemma githago Corn Cockle B 20 5 9 185 14/140 TB 15 4 14 KNO3, Prechill at 5C for 9 days 72 Agrostis diegoensis Thin Bentgrass 8929 TCT 15-25 7 21 GA3, Prechill at 5C for 5 days. 26 Agrostis exarata Spike Bentgrass 12,373 TCT 15-25 5 21 Prechill at 5C and GA3 26 Agrostis nebulosa Cloud grass TP 10-30 5 15 KNO3, Prechill 5-7 days 1 P(a) 20-30 7 21 KNO3 4 Agrotriticum spp. Agrotriticum 100/500 T 15 4 7 Old Seed; for fresh seed , prechill at 5C and test at 20C 21 100/500 T 15 4 7 Dark 5 Aira elegans Silver Hairgrass TP 10-30 5 15 Light 1 Aira spp. Hairgrass 0.5/5 P, TB 20-30 21 Light 5 Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle 1640 1.5/15 TB 20 7 21 Use KNO3 on 1/2 test 72 Alchemilla monticola Hairy Lady's Mantle 1640 1.5/15 TB 20 7 21 KNO3, Prechill at 5C for 10 days 72 Alchemilla wichurae Grassland Lady's Mantle 1640 1.5/15 TB 20 7 21 KNO3, Prechill at 5C for 10 days or GA3, Prechill at 5C for 10 days 72 Allenrolfea occidentalis Iodine Bush 8959 TB 20 5 21 Prechill at 5C for fresh and dormant seed 26 Allium ampeloprasum Broadleaf Wild Leek 550 TB 20 14 30 Light, prechill at 13C for 15 days, alternate temp 10/20C may take longer than 30 days 71 Allium ledebourianum Siberian Chives 614 TB 15 50 Light, may take longer than 30 days 71 20 Very Hard Seeded 71 25 71 Allium praecox Early Onion 411 T 15 7 28 Prechill at 5C for 5 days for fresh or dormant seed 26 Allium scorodoprasum Sand Leek 769 TB 20 Light, Pretreat with 5% bleach solution, may take longer than 30 days 71 Allium tuberosum Chinese Leek/Garlic Chives 228 11/100 T 20 6 14 15C for 3 days 72 236 TB 20 14 Light, may take longer than 30 days 71 Aloe spp. Aloe T 20 5 16 14 TB 15 21 15 20-25 30 63 Alonsoa warcewiczii Mask Flower TP 20-30 5 20 Light 1 Alopecurus magellanicus Alpine Foxtail P 20-30 7 14 Light, KNO3 11 Alstroemeria aurea Peruvian Lily BP 20 7 28 Prechill 2 months at 5C 1 Alstroemeria chilensis Chilean Lily 15 56 1 Althaea officinale Common Marshmallow 400 6.25/62 TB 20-30 7 21 Hard Seed 72 Amaranthus hybridus Sum Amaranth P(a) 20-30 Dark then light, prechill 3 weeks at 3C 7 TP 20-30, 20 4 14 Prechill, KNO3 2 Amaranthus retroflexus Redroot pigweed P(a) 20-30 Dark 7 TB 35 3 10 Light 3 Amberboa moschata Sweet Sultan PP 15 5 16 Light 14 12-33 3 20 Light 1 Amblyopyrum muticum Amblyopyrum 350 TB 15-25 7 14 Light, KNO3, Prechill at 4C for 7 days 71 Ambrosia acanthicarpa Flatspine Bur Ragweed P(a) 20-30 Dark 7 Ambrosia artemisiifolia Annual Ragweed P(a) 20-30 Dark 7 Amelanchier spp. Serviceberry 5/50 B 20-30 21 Light, Prechill 3 weeks at 5C 5 Amelanchier utahensis Utah Serviceberry 63 40/ 10-30 7 21 Light, prechill 45 days at 3 -5C. 68 B 10-30 15 Light, prechill 45 days at 3 -5C. 17 Ammi majus Large Bullwort, Bishops Dill 1343 2/20 TB 20 7 21 72 Ammobium alatum Winged Everlasting BP 20 5 15 1 1/ TB, BP 20-30, 20 5 14 2 Ammophila spp. Beachgrass 5/50 B 20-30 0 21 Light, KNO3 5 Amorpha californica Napa False indigo 92 T 20-30 5 21 Prechill %c for fresh and dormant seed. Hard Seed - scarification 26 Amorpha canescens Leadplant 421 20-30, 20 7 21 Scarify with sandpaper 68 B 20-30 14 Hard Seeds 16 651 S 20-30 15 40 36 Amorpha fruticosa False Indigobush 169 S 20-30 15 20 36 20-30 7 10 Remove Pod 56 150 15/ 20-30 7 10 Soak in water at 80-90C for 10 min. Prechill 90-120 days 108 Amorpha spp. False Indigo, Leadplant 5/50 FB 20 3 7 Dark 5 Amsinckia intermedia Fiddleneck P(a) 20 Dark 7 Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia Common Fiddleneck 378 TB 20 7 21 GA3, Prechill at 5C for 5 days. Deep dormancy cut through cotyledons, GA3, chill at 5 for 16 hours 26 Anagallis monelli Flax Leaf Pimpernal TP 15 7 21 KNO3 1 Anemone coronaria Lilies-of-the-Field 1410 3/ TP, BP 20, 15 7 28 Prechill 2 Anemopsis californica Yerba mansa 2971 TCT 20-35 7 35 Light; Prechill with GA3 at 5C for 5 days for fresh and dormant seed 26 Angelica archangelica Norwegian Angelica 10/ TP, BP 20,030 7 28 Light, Prechill 2 Anisacanthus quadrifidus Wright's Desert Honeysuckle 10/100 T 20-30 5 21 21 Annona muricata Soursop 2 S 25-30 26 46 Light 24 hours; heat treatment at 40 C for 5 days 64 Anthemis cotula Stinking Chamomile P(a) 20-30 Light 7 Arabis blepharophylla Rose Rockcress 2/ TP 20-30, 15 5 21 Prechill, KNO3 2 TP 15 5 21 Light 1 Arabis glabra Tower Rockcress TB 20-30 14 Light 9 Arabis holboellii Holbuell Rockcress P(a) 15 Dark, Prechill 1 week at 3C. 7 Arctium minus Lesser Burdock P(a) 20-30 Light 7 Arenaria serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Sandwort P(a) 15 Light 7 Argemone grandiflora White Large Flowered Prickly Poppy BP 10 10 42 1 Argentina anserina Silverweed Cinquefoil TB 20-30 16 Light, KNO3 17 Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-Pulpit 15-25 28 Light, Prechill 60 days 20A 34 3 TB 20 7 28 Light 6 Aristida adscensionis Six Weeks Three-awn 1,323 TCT 15-25 7 21 GA3, Prechill at 5C for 5 days 26 Aristida purpurea Purple Three-awn 731 TCT 15-25 7 21 GA3, Prechill at 5C for 5 days 26 Aristida spp. Three-awn 2/20 B 20-30 0 21 Light, prechill 1 week 5 Aristida ternipes var. gentius Spidergrass 693 TCT 15-25 7 21 GA3, prechill at 5C for 5 days 26 Arnica chamissonis var. foliosa Chamisso Arnica 2269 1/10 TB 20-30 5 14 Prechill at 5C for 5 to 7 days 72 Arnica fulgens Foothill Arnica P(a) 20 Dark 7 Arnica montana Montana Arnica 876 3/ TP 15 7 21 Light 6 TP 20-30 5 14 Light, prechill 5-7 days 1 Artemisia californica Coral Sagebrush 15,128 TB 20 5 21 GA3, prechill at 5C for 5 days.
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