NEWS OsloOslo 2004:2004: TheThe AbelAbel PrizePrize celebrationscelebrations Nils Voje Johansen and Yngvar Reichelt (Oslo, Norway) On 25 March, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters announced that the Abel Prize for 2004 was to be awarded to Sir Michael F. Atiyah of the University of Edinburgh and Isadore M. Singer of MIT. This is the second Abel Prize awarded following the Norwegian Government’s decision in 2001 to allocate NOK 200 million to the creation of the Abel Foundation, with the intention of award- ing an international prize for outstanding research in mathematics. The prize, amounting to NOK 6 million, was insti- tuted to make up for the fact that there is no Nobel Prize for mathematics. In addi- tion to awarding the international prize, the Foundation shall contribute part of its earnings to measures for increasing inter- est in, and stimulating recruitment to, Nils Voje Johansen Yngvar Reichelt mathematical and scientific fields. The first Abel Prize was awarded in machine – the brain and the computer, break those rules creatively, just like an 2003 to the French mathematician Jean- with the subtitle “Will a computer ever be artist or a musical composer. Pierre Serre for playing a key role in shap- awarded the Abel Prize?” Quentin After a brief interval, Quentin Cooper ing the modern form of many parts of Cooper, one of the BBC’s most popular invited questions from the audience and a mathematics. In 2004, the Abel radio presenters, chaired the meeting, in number of points were brought up that Committee decided that Michael F. which Sir Michael spoke for an hour to an Atiyah addressed thoroughly and profes- Atiyah and Isadore M. Singer should audience of about 50 people. He pointed sionally. share the prize for: out that while computers are extremely After a highly successful meeting last- adept at following pre-determined rules ing almost two hours, Atiyah answered their discovery and proof of the index and that he himself is not surprised that, his own question, “Will a computer ever theorem, bringing together topology, for example, very good chess programs be awarded the Abel Prize?”: – Only if the geometry and analysis, and their out- have been developed, what is surprising is Abel Prize Committee is replaced by com- standing role in building new bridges that people are still able to play chess on puters. between mathematics and theoretical an equal footing with machines. In other physics. words, computers are good at following Youth and maths in the celebration of rules, but what they are not able to do is to Niels Henrik Abel This year’s committee consisted of Erling break the rules in a creative manner. As Monday 24 April was Youth Day, on Størmer (Oslo, Leader), David Mumford an example, he cited Niels Henrik Abel’s which the Abel Committee invited the (Brown University), Jacob Palis (IMPA, proof of the impossibility of solving the winners of various mathematical competi- Brazil), Gilbert Strang (MIT) and Don general quintic equation. A computer tions for young people to Oslo. In addi- Zagier (Max-Planck-Institut für would have continued to search for the tion to the winners of the Abel Mathematik, Germany). solution, and would never have been able Competition for Norwegian upper sec- The Abel Prize for 2004 was presented to break the rules, as Abel did, and look at ondary schools and of KappAbel, the on 25 May, the occasion being marked by the inverse of the problem. As a mathe- mathematics competition for schools, the a number of associated events in Oslo. matician you have to know the rules, but winners of mathematics competitions in to create something new you have to Berlin and France were also invited. The Café Scientifique main event took place at Oslo Cathedral On Sunday 23 May, Sir Michael Atiyah School – the school at which Abel himself participated in the first event in connec- was a pupil. An audience of 200 was tion with the award of this year’s Abel assembled, mostly consisting of the Prize. In collaboration with the school’s own mathematics pupils. After a Norwegian Association of Young brief introduction by Paul Jasper, head- Scientists, the British Council arranged a master of the school, one of the pupils, Café Scientifique at the Kafé Rust in Jon Strand, took over and led the pro- ceedings with capable hands. First the Oslo, in which Atiyah gave an informal Café Scientique: Quentin Cooper lecture on his chosen subject: Man versus (BBC) and Sir Michael Atiyah French students presented their winning EMS September 2004 31 NEWS colourful Abel Prize banners. This year’s modern mathematician. His whole prize winners arrived at the packed hall to approach, with its generality, its insight the sound of Klaus Sanvik’s recently- and its elegance, set the tone for the next composed Abel Fanfare, performed by two centuries. If Abel had lived longer, he Sidsel Walstad on electric harp, followed would have been the natural successor to by the arrival of the King and Queen. the great Gauss: a statement with which I Lars Walløe, the President of the fully concur except for the qualification Norwegian Academy of Science and that Abel was a much nicer man, modest, Letters, welcomed those present to the friendly and likeable. I am proud to have Awards to the winners of ceremony. Before the official presenta- a prize that bears his name.” the Abel competition tion, the audience were given a surprise in After that it was the turn of Isadore entry to the competition, “Niels Henrik the form of a new arrangement of Michael Singer, who started with a confession. Abel in the French tradition”. The audi- Jackson’s Billy Jean, performed by Sidsel “Outside of the university environment it ence were then given an introduction to Walstad (electric harp), Mocci Ryen is difficult to be a pure mathematician. No the winning project in this year’s (vocals) and Børre Flyen (percussion). one in my family understands what I do. KappAbel competition, and Sir Michael The lively and youthful performance was At parties, when someone learns I am a Atiyah and Professor Isadore Singer appreciated, at least by Isadore Singer, mathematician, they frown and say; “Oh, awarded a book prize to the young partic- who tapped his foot enthusiastically in I never could understand calculus”, and ipants. After this, Per Manne, the leader time with the music. they turn away.” After this description, of the Norwegian Mathematics Council, The leader of the Abel Committee, all too familiar to many, Singer described took the floor and presented information Erling Størmer, briefly explained the rea- how mathematicians are fascinated by the about a recently established prize for sons for the selection of Atiyah and beauty, logic and power of mathematics. good mathematics teaching, in memory of Singer as this year’s prize winners: “The The index theorem itself had “provided Bernt Michael Holmboe. Holmboe was Atiyah-Singer index theorem is one of the new insight in such fields as Gauge theo- the teacher who discovered Niels Henrik most important mathematical results of ry and String theory. Breakthroughs in Abel’s exceptional talent and who was his the twentieth century. It has had an enor- physics needed new mathematics, and the early tutor. The Norwegian Mathematics mous impact on the further development index theory frequently supplied what was Council arranges the Holmboe Prize, with of topology, differential geometry and needed. Mathematicians and physicists financial support from the Abel theoretical physics. The theorem also pro- began talking to each other again. Now Foundation. The prize is to be awarded vides us with a glimpse of the beauty of we take for granted this new discipline of annually to one or more teachers who mathematical theory in that it explicitly mathematical physics.” Finally, Singer have distinguished themselves through demonstrates a deep connection between stated that the establishment of the Abel high quality and inspiring mathematics mathematical disciplines that appear to Prize attracts the attention of the world teaching. In conjunction with the award of be completely separate.” and emphasises the fundamental role the prize, a symposium on mathematics After the address, His Majesty King which mathematics plays in modern liv- and mathematics teaching will also be Harald presented the Abel Prize to the two ing. held. winners. The ceremony was concluded with Sir Michael Atiyah commenced his Edvard Grieg’s Halling before the King Wreath laying at the Abel monument acceptance speech by thanking colleagues and Queen and the Abel Prize winners left At 5 p.m. there was a wreath laying cere- who had made important contributions to the hall. mony at Gustav Vigeland’s monument to the work, mentioning in particular Fritz Abel, which stands in front of the Royal Press conference Palace in Oslo. The ceremony began with Following the prize ceremony, a press a display by a troop from His Majesty’s conference was held in the “Annen Etage” Corps of Signals. Then the leader of the restaurant at the Hotel Continental. Jens Abel Committee, Jens Erik Fenstad, held Erik Fenstad and Jacob Palis commenced a short speech in which he explained by providing information about the about the origin of the Abel monument. involvement of the Abel Foundation and The ceremony culminated in the wreath the IMU with regard to the developing laying by Atiyah and Singer. Afterwards, countries, after which the floor was open the younger contingent retired to a restau- Abel Fanfare (Photo: Anne Lise Flavik) to the Press to put their questions to the rant, while the two prize winners and the prize winners. There was also an opportu- members of the Norwegian Academy of Hirzebruch, Raoul Bott, Graeme Segal nity to taste something new.
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