Österreichische Technicr. Gesellschaft Austrian Technion Society 10 Years Austrian Technion Society 70 Years Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Israel's oldest University Austrian-Israeli Technion Anniversary Symposium in Vienna, April 25 to 27, 1994 "Technology for Peace - Science for Mankind" Topics WATER and ENERGY Bank Vustria VOL 2 7 Ns 1 5 VT österreichische Technion Gesellschaft Austrian Technion Society 10 Years Austrian Technion Society 70 Years Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Israel's oldest University Austrian-Israeli Technion Anniversary Symposium in Vienna, April 25 to 27, 1994 "Technology for Peace - Science for Mankind" Topics WATER and ENERGY BanKVVustxia Organizer of the Symposium Österreichische Technion Gesellschaft Austrian Technion Society Postfach 21 A-1195 Wien (Austria) Tel. (+45 1) 569 80 97 Fax (+45 1) 56 75 42 Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Gutmann Managing Vice-President Member of the Board of Governors Technion-IIT, Haifa Impressum: Herausgeber, Eigentümer und Verleger: Österreichische Technion Gesellschaft Redaktion: Dipl.-lng. Helmut Gutmann, Geschäftsführender Vizepräsident, alle A-1195 Wien, Postfach 21 Hersteller: Bank Austria. Wien List of Sponsors Bank Austria BAWAG - Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft Botschaft des Staates Israel in Wien Böhm, Herr Kom.-Ilat Leopold und Frau Lieselotte Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung Bürgermeisteramt der Stadt Wien EBG - Eleklrobaugesellschaft mbFl Errichtungsgesellschaft Marchfeldkanal Göttlicher, Ukfni. Dr. Erich. OeNB RZB - Raifl'eisenzcntralbank Technische Universität Wien Foreword The title of the Symposium "Technology for Peace - Science for Man- kind" and its topics "Water and Energy" have charted an area where in future science and technology will contribute to the benefit of mankind in an ever more important and most tangible and effective way. The incentive to cooperate internationally in these fields is so obvious and great that it transcends cultural boundaries and political frontiers which, compared with the goals to be achieved by scientific and technological cooperation, loose any animosity attached to them and their harshness withers away. I shall pick two points of this symposium to bring this into focus: Firstly, the fact that one of the symposium lecturers, Prof. Uri Shamir of the Technion, is a member of the negotiating committee recently- engaged in bringing about peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Secondly, the SNAP-project of Prof. Dan Zaslavsky utilizing a non-consumable energy source, available day and night, is of great- est interest especially to the countries in the Middle East and North Africa, but also for every country in the world, where hot dry air con- ditions prevail. As a most precious by-product in many of these coun- tries the system can also be used to turn seawater into fresh water. At this symposium Austrian universities and research centers have shown themselves again as very competent scientific and technolog- ical partners and have represented themselves as most able interna- tional cooperators. Thus, they are moving along a line which the Federal Ministry of Science and Research has always promoted. I ice-Chancellor Dr. Erhard Busek Federal Minister of Science and Research Preface The Austrian Technion Society (Österreichische Technion Gesell- schaft - ÖTcG) was founded in April 1984 in the rooms °f the Austin Federal Ministry of Science and Research in the presence of its -Mini- i: ster Dr. Heinz Fischer and the Israeli Minister of Sc^ncf, Gicieo > Patt. The ÖTcG promotes scientific cooperations ^nd proje(4s between Austrian universities and research centers and the Tech^jon - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, the oldest university of el that was founded on the initiative of Albert Einstein ?0 yearS With this symposium to which also industries were in^ed» lhe has gone one step further by including also the promotion °f al scientific-industrial ties. Abg. AT? Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ewald Nowotny ÖTcG-President Introduction Though this symposium was conceived for the celebration of the anniversaries of the Austrian Technion Society and the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (IIT) it was regarded from the begin- ning as an instrument for the promotion of the following very con- crete goals: • Contacts and exchange of information between the professors and researchers of the Technion-IIT and the Austrian universities and research centers • Exchange of university professors and assistants • Exchange of advanced students • Initiation of scientific cooperations and • Initiation of bilateral scientific-industrial projects Further Technion Symposia with different topics are to follow allow- ing for more and more contacts and the promotion of collaborations over the wide spectrum of Technion faculties, ranging from the tech- nological disciplines to agriculture, architecture, the pure sciences, and medicine. Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Gutmann Honorar>- Fellow of the Technion -IIT ÖTcG Managing Kice-Presidenl Technion Anniversary Symposium Vienna. April 25 to 27. 1994 The Honorary PresidencTin.' Honorary y President of the Austrian Technion Society Yice-Chancollor Dr. Erhard lJusok Federal Minister for Science and Research The Honorary Member (if the Presidency of the Austrian Technion Society First President of the National Assembly Dr. Heinz Fischer Former Federal Minister for Science and Research The Federal Minister for Agriculture and Forrestry Dipl.-lng. Dr. Kranz Fischler The Ambassador of Israel in Austria U.K. Dr. Yosef (lovrin The Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of all Austrian Universities Prof. Dr. Johannes Ilongstschläger The Federal Minister for Public Economy and Traffic Mag. Viktor Klima The President of the Economic Chamber of Austria In:;. Leopold Maderthancr The Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel The Rector of the co-organizing University Prof. Dipl.-lng. Dr. Peter Skalicky Rector of the University of Technology Vienna The President of the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Haifa Prof. Dr. Zehev Tadmor The Honorary Member of the Presidency of the Austrian Technion Society Prof. Dr. Hans Tuppy Former Federal Minister for Science and Research. Former President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Managing Director of the International Wilhelm Exner Medal Foundation of the Österreichischer Gewerbeverein The President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Werner Welzig Technion Anniversary Symposium Vienna. April 25 to 27. 1994 The Committee of Honours Dipl.-lng. Bergdold Bayer Managing Director Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft Joanneum Gesmbll. Graz Prof. Dr. Alfred Ebenbauer Rector University of Vienna Prof. Dr. Johannes Hengslschläger Chairman of The Conference of Rektors of all Austrian Universities Rector Johannes Kepler University Linz Prof. Dr. Helmut Konrad Rector Kaii-Franzens-University Graz Prof. Dr. Peler Koss Managing Director Research Center Seibersdorf ÖFZ Seibersdorf GesmbH Hon. Prof. Dipl.-lng. Dr. h.c. Helmut List Managing Director of AVL - Gesellschaft für Verbrennungs- kraftmaschinen und Meßtechnik GesmbH. Prof. Dipl.-Ing- Dr. Leopold März Rector University of Agriculture Vienna Prof. Dr. Hans Moser Rector Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck Prof. Dipl.-lng. Dr. Ing. h. c. Albert F. Oberhofer Rector University of Mining and Metallurgy Leoben Dipl.-lng. Heinz Pittner Managing Director BFPZ Arsenal - Bundesforschungs- und -priifzentrum Arsenal Prof. Dipl.-lng. Dr. Peter Skalicky Rector University of Technology Vienna Prof. Dipl.-lng. Dr. techn. .Josef Wohinz Rector Graz University of Technology / Erzherzog-Johann-University Contents Waler Management I Water Resources Management in Israel and the Middle East (TcSl/Pl/Tcl) 3 Prof. U. Shamir. Technion - IIT II The Water Problem in the Middle East and Proposals for its Solution (TcSl/P2/Tc2) 15 Prof. D. Zaslavsky Technion - IIT III Scale Problems in Hydrology (TcSl/P5/TL Wl) 27 Dr. G. Blüschl, University of Technology J'icnna IV Hydraulic Network Analysis with the Software Package Nesei (TcSl/P4/FZSl) 29 Dr. H. Hick, Research Center Seibersdorf V Integration of GIS and Ground Water Modelling (TcSl/P5/BOKUl) 57 Dr. J. Fürst, University of Agriculture Vienna VI Transport of Contaminants in Groundwater (TcSl/P6/JRl) 47 Prof. H. Zojer, Joanneum Research Graz VII Microbiological Safety vs. Increasing Micropollutants Loads in the Water Distribution System (TcSl/P7/Tc5) 57 Prof. Y. Kott. Technion - IIT VIII Artificial Groundwater Recharge with Surface Water; Case Study Marchield (TcSl/P8/BOKU2) 65 Dipl.-Ing. H. Jung d- Dr. JJ" Urban, University of Agriculture Vienna IX Emissions from Landfills and Groundwater Protection (TcSl/P9/BOKU5) 81 Prof. P. Lechner & Dipl.-Ing. Carolin Ziegler, University of Agriculture Vienna Water and Energy Systems X Tyrolean Flushing System for Sand Traps (TcSl/P10/TLW2) 95 Prof. II. Drobir, University of Technology Vienna XI Water Resources Management under Conflicting Objectives: Hydropower versus National Park (TcSl/Pll/BOKU4) 105 Prof. H. P. Nachtnebel, University of Agriculture, Vienna XII Hydro-Power and its Ecological Implications (TcSl/P12/L'Wl) 115 Prof. H. Löffler, University of Henna XIII The Impact of Environmental Constraints on Hydro-Power Projects (TcSl/P15/LTl) 119 Prof. II. Sclieuerlein, Leopold-Franzcns-Univcrsity Innsbruck XIV Snap Technology. A Major Source of Low Cost Electric Power and Desalinated Water (TcSl/P14/Tc4) 155 Prof. D. Zaslavshy. Tichninn - IIT XV CA-Methods tor Optimisation, Design and Valuation of
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