Pair of journeymen takes British Open iead ... page 11 J i®anrl|palpr HrralJi u Friday, July 21, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents Pilot says control was lost before disaster Walter Williams of 147 Edger- of the survivors.” system, which is routed through United released the names of ton St. was not on a list of At least 76 people were killed in the tail and allows the pilot to survivors Thursday but withheld Family holds Crew doubted survivors which \yas released by the fiery crash and up to 43 others manipulate wing and tail con­ a list of casualties while relatives United Airlines Thursday, and were missing and believed dead. trols. contained no fluid as Capt. were notified. vigil for man airline officials could not deter­ The plane is a DC-10 jumbo jet. landing safety A1 C. Haynes tried to bring the As workers continued to search mine whether he had survived or Rachel Williams, the couple’s plane into Sioux Gateway Air­ wreckage strewn through a corn­ By Maureen Leavitt not, according to Norman Pattis two young daughters and son By Sharon Cohen port, National Transportation field and across a runway, Manchester Herald of 124 W. Middle Turnpike. were visiting her husband’s fam ­ The Associated Press Safety Board officials said Thurs­ investigators released details of Pattis said he and his wife ily in Colorado at the time of the day night. the harrowing last hour of the Family, friends and co-workers talked with Williams' wife, Ra­ crash, Pattis said. He said he SIOUX CITY, Iowa -The “ The aircraft could only be flight bound for Chicago and of a Manchester man who was chel. 'Thursday night. She was in didn’t know the ages of the United Airlines Flight 232 pilot turned to the right. They made Philadelphia from Denver. Y Colorado and told Pattis of the children. had almost no control as he aboard the United Airlines plane three 360-degree turns" before The chief flight attendant told airline’s information. Pattis said he’s known the that crashed Wednesday in an struggled to land a DC-10 that had Wednesday’s crash landing, the NTSB an explosion rocked the Iowa cornfield continue to hold a “ It’s very frustrating.” Pattis Williams for about two years, and lost an engine fan and sustained NTSB member Jim Burnett said. jet over western Iowa, knocking vigil today in hopes that he will be said. “ There’s an awful lot they are members of South holes in the small wing of the tail, At least 76 people were killed flight attendants to the floor, found among the survivors of the hanging here. We continue to investigators said. and up to 43 others were missing crash. remain hopeful that he will be one Please see VIGIL, page 10 The jumbo jet’s hydraulic and believed dead in the crash. Please see CRASH, page 10 Tax plan Steiger decision pulls in renews cail for millions new death iaw HARTFORD (AP) - A year­ HARTFORD (A P) - A three- late Albert Steiger, founder of the long crackdown on state tax delinquents designed to raise $90 judge panel’s decision sparing Springfield, Mass.-based Steig­ convicted killer Eric K. Steiger er’s chain of department stores, million to help balance the state the electric chair for the Rambo- stared impassively as the judges budget instead produced $154.6 million, a total described as an style slayings of two Sufficld announced their finding. “ extraordinary success” by the men. has renewed a call for “ I can’t sithereand say thisisa state's tax chief. changes in the state’s death great victory,” said Steiger’s CommissionerTimothy F. Ban- penalty law. attorney, F. Mac Buckley. “ This The panel on Thursday split kid is going to sit two life non of the Department of Re­ venue Services told his agency’s over whether Steiger’s troubled sentences in jail. I think it is a employees Thursday that without childhood and his state of mind legally correct decision. and the time of the killing were “There are no winners and that money, the state would likely have had to raise taxes even grounds for mercy. there are no losers.” Buckley higher this year. Because two of the judges found said. “ These people lost two sons And Bannon said the total for there were mitigating factors to and Mrs. Steiger lost one.” the year will be higher than that explain Steiger’s criminal behav­ Superior Court Judges George because the $154.6doesn’t include ior. Steiger will automatically be Ripley and Thomas V. Keefe Jr, the final three months of 1988-89 sentenced to life in prison without found that Steiger’s mental ca­ under a portion of the program parole when he is sentenced Aug. pacities were significantly im­ Patrick Fiynn/Manchesler Herald that counts on increased volun­ 10 . paired at the time of the killings. tary compliance among The judges reconvened this The judges also ruled that Steig­ taxpayers. month to decide Steiger’s fate er’s character, backround and ACCIDENT ASSISTANCE — Emer­ day. Hospital spokesmen said Lemelin The so-called FAIR program, after finding him guilty in April of gency medical personnel prepare to was treated for a fractured breastbone, history established a mitigating for Fair Audits (equal) Increased capital felony and other charges factor. take Joseph Lemelin, 61, of 41 Teresa and the driver of the truck, Jeffrey M. Revenues, was expected to gener­ in the July 11, 1987, slayings of But Judge Harry Hammer Road, to Manchester Memorial Hospital Holt, 29, of 115B Sycam ore Lane, was ate $28 million from increased Daniel Seymour. 25, and William dissented, sayingSteigerfailed to after his car collided with the front end of treated for multiple contusions and a voluntary compliance. That por­ Price, 25. show he was under “ unusual or tion, however, produced $77.8 Steiger chose to be tried by the substantial” duress at the time, a Mack truck at the intersection of back strain. Lemelin was cited for failure million, Bannon said. three-judge panel rather than a McKee and West Center streets Thurs- to obey a traffic signal, police said. or that anything in his back­ The other component, a crack- jury. ground constituted a mitigating Assistant State's Attorney John factor under state law. A. Malone said that in light of the The violence started when Please see TAX, page 10 decision, the state’s death pe­ Seymour and Price broke up a nalty should be changed so that party on a cul-de-sac near the Romance noveis changing aggravating factors are weighed home Seymour’s family had just against mitigating factors. Under moved into, authorities said. One Irish seeks current law, the presence of one of the two allegedly poked Steiger mitigating factor means an auto­ in the nose with an iron bar. to keep up with the times matic sentence of life in prison. Steiger left the party in a rage “ In light of this verdict I think and went home, where he picked nomination Bv Dana Kennedy But traditionalists can take heart, according to something should be done,” Ma­ up two guns and put on camou­ The Associated Press some of the nearly 1,000 romance writers, lone said. flage clothing and a black ski editors, agents and booksellers who were Diane Seymour, the victim ’s mask. for board BOSTON — They still have titles like “ Tender gathering in Boston today for the ninth annual sister, said she was not surprised He returned to Seymour’s home Conquest,” “ Prince of Fire,” and “The Lion’s Romance Writers of America national Steiger was spared the death with two friends and shot Sey­ By Alex GIrelll Lady,” but the characters of romance novels penalty. mour and price to death with a conference. Manchester Herald have undergone a subtle transformation, say the Some staples of romance book fare, they say, “ The death penalty would 9mm automatic pistol, firing at women who create them. never happen in (Connecticut, not least 19 armor-piercing bullets at will never change. Wallace J. Irish Jr,, a Manches­ Heroines, once repressed, virginal and more Couples will always live “ happily ever after,” the way the laws are,” Seymour the victims. ter insurance broker who has likely to surrender to sex than initiate it, are now said Laura Parker, 40, of Dallas, who has said. “ He’ll just spend the rest of Steiger’s mother, June Steiger, been active in Republican polit­ likely to be more assertive on the job and in the published 16 books. his life in prison.” and the parents of both victims ics. is seeking the Republican bedroom. The only concession to more complex times is The bearded, heavy-set sat in the front row on opposite nomination for the Manchester Even more alarming, for those who like their that “ there are some loose ends that don’t get tied Steiger, the great-grandson of the sides of the courtroom as the Board of Directors, Republican women meek and virtuous and their men up,” Ohlrogge said. verdict was read. Town Chairman John Garside rough-and-ready, is the unmistakable sensitivity And the love scenes are as likely to contain as “ He deserved the death penalty said. creeping into what was once the brooding, many smoldering looks, heaving bosoms and because of what he did, but he’s Irish, who is on vacation, could dangerous hero of the past. ripped bodices as before. TODAY going to spend his natural life in not be reached for comment. “ The men used to be misogynistic, sadistic “ Graphic, flaming love sex is always a turn-on prison,” Angela Price, Price's Three other people have an­ ^ types, now they’re sometimes sweet, nice guys and once the characters start, there’s nothing an mother, said later, fighting back nounced they will seek endorse­ who own hardware stores,” said romance writer author can do to stop them,” said Helen Index tears “ If it was me, I would ments by the Republican Town Anne Stuart Ohlrogge, 41, of Greensboro, Vt., Mittermeyer, 59, of Rochester, N.Y., who sold the - ■ rather have death than spend the Committee next Thursday to run 20 pages, 2 sections who has published 32 titles in 15 years.
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