Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL104 – Land at Elvetham Heath Confidential Draft - 1.1 – May 2015 High Level Site Assessment Proforma Site Reference SHL104 Site Name Land at Elvetham Heath Parish Elvetham Heath Site Address Land at Elvetham Heath, Fleet Capacity Assessment and Categorisation Site Size (ha) 2.25ha Estimated Capacity 40 Comments on capacity The capacity was calculated using a dph figure of 18. This allows for a gross-to-net ratio of 60% from the baseline 30 dph. Housing Strategy Category(s) Strategy 1 (Settlement Focus) Land Supply Category Category A: Land within existing urban areas Key to Site Assessments: No overriding constraint to development of the site Constraint requiring further detailed assessment Major constraint undermining suitability of site Site Assessment Assessment Criteria Assessment comments Coloured assessment Accessibility to o Bus Stop – (Elvetham Heath P&R: 65X & 72) 0.08km Employment and o Railway Station – (Fleet Railway Station) 3.08km services o Employment Centre – (Fleet) 2.08km o Public Open Space – (Elvetham Heath Nature Reserve) 0.63km o Health Facility – (Fleet Medical Centre) 1.18km o Primary School – (Elvetham Heath Primary School) 0.43km o Secondary School – (Calthorpe Park School) 1.48km o Supermarket – (Morrisons, Elvetham Heath) 0.33km Infrastructure • Schools: There is a projected (2018) deficit for 3% for Infant/Primary schools in the Fleet area. This takes into provision account the planned 1FE expansion of Church Crookham Junior School. Therefore additional housing not already planned for will exacerbate the deficit. All Saints Junior School, and Tavistock Infants have each undergone recent expansion. For secondary schools the projected (2018) surplus capacity in the Fleet area is 9%. • Retail: Fleet is the closest retail Centre to the site. The most recent evidence found that there is no pressing need to increase convenience and comparison floorspace. However, some of Fleetʼs supermarkets are overtrading (inc. Morrisonʼs at Elvetham Heath) and there is a modest deficit in convenience floorspace. Therefore, additional housing, not already planned for will increase the need to expand retail floorspace Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 1 Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL104 – Land at Elvetham Heath Confidential Draft - 1.1 – May 2015 (convenience and comparison) in Fleet. • Health: Richmond Surgery (Fleet) has been identified in a previous PCT Estates Plan as having potential for improvement. Any additional housing not already planned for will exacerbate any deficiencies at that surgery. • Transport (road): From the available evidence, there are several road/junction improvements in the surrounding area, including the proposed upgrade of the Reading Road (South)/Aldershot Road junction, and widening of the canal bridge. In addition, the latest available HCC Transport Statement (project schedule) indicates that the other junctions on Reading Road (South) in central Fleet require improvement and this need could be exacerbated by development on this site. • Transport (other): Stagecoach has recently reorganised several bus routes in Hart, and this has reduced the level of bus service for this site. The only regular bus service within walking distance of the site is the 72, which runs from Farnborough to Reading via Fleet. The HCC Transport Statement notes a wide range of improvements required in the cycle path infrastructure of Fleet and also the on-going improvements required at Fleet Railway Station. Additionally, there is a proposal to put in place a cycle route along the A323 between Fleet and Hartley Wintney, passed the proposed site. • Green Infrastructure: The Hart Infrastructure Delivery Schedule highlights two strategic projects in the surrounding area and for which development could help to address this deficit. These are the replacement Hart Leisure Centre at Hitches Lane and the Hitches Lane Country Park improvements. There is a lack of provision in certain types of infrastructure in the area and development on the site will only increase the pressure on existing services. It is unlikely that the site is of sufficient size to provide the supporting infrastructure onsite. Current Use and The site includes a roundabout, with a bus stop located on it, in the northwestern corner of the site. The adjacent Relevant Planning car parking area is understood to be currently out of use. The remainder of the site is woodland, having been History safeguarded in the Elvetham Heath development s106 for railway station provisions until October 2009. There is no planning history. Nature Conservation Site is within the 5km Thames Basin Heaths SPA Zone of Influence. It is possible that a site of this scale could be within the capacity of the Hitches Lane SANG to mitigate its potential impact on the TBH SPA. If this proves not to be the case, any development at the site would require contributions for the provision of appropriate SANGs. There are no nature conservation designations on or near to this site. However, as the site is almost entirely wooded, it may be providing habitats to protected species. Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 2 Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL104 – Land at Elvetham Heath Confidential Draft - 1.1 – May 2015 Minerals Resources The Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan Policies Map indicates that there are no areas within the site that are subject to minerals safeguarding. Landscape Not applicable as this site is classed as being located in a townscape area. Summary Assessment: The site is mostly wooded, except for the car park and roundabout within the north of the site. Were the site to be developed, it is unlikely that it would have a significant visual impact on surrounding development. To the north is the Elvetham Heath district centre and to the south is the railway and substantial tree- screening adjacent to the site and between the site and the existing areas of northern Fleet. To the east and west, the site is adjacent to dwellings on Alfred Close and Chineham Close respectively. However, assuming that existing tree screening within the site were maintained and augmented were appropriate, the impacts are likely to be minor. Agricultural Land This site is on non-agricultural land. Heritage Assets There are no heritage assets on the site itself, however the site does sit in relatively close proximity to the north Fleet conservation area, which is just south of the site across the railway line. Northwest of the site boundary, there is a locally listed building opposite the site on Elvetham Heath Way. Water resources and There are no Groundwater Source Protection Zones or licensed water abstraction points in close proximity to the quality site. Air Quality There are not believed to be any Air Quality Management Areas in close proximity to this site. On the basis of evidence seen, there are no un-neighbourly uses in close proximity to the site. Flood risk The site is located in Flood Zone 1 and has a limited risk of groundwater flooding. There is some risk of surface water flooding noted between the site and the railway to the south, although this does not appear to affect the site itself. Location and scale of The site is located within the Elvetham Heath settlement boundary, although the majority of the site is greenfield. development The Elvetham Heath development is adjacent to the site to the north, west and east. The A323 runs along the western boundary, beyond which is a small industrial estate and Great Bog Copse. A main-line railway line runs along the southern boundary of the site, with the residential areas of northern Fleet, which is covered by a conservation area, located beyond. The nearest residential properties on Chineham Close and Alfred Close are modern and in low to medium-density formats. Any development of the site to reflect this pattern, including with the retention of tree-screening at the site boundaries, is not likely to conflict with the character of Elvetham Heath. Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 3 Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL104 – Land at Elvetham Heath Confidential Draft - 1.1 – May 2015 Un-neighbourly Uses The mainline train line from London to Southampton, and beyond, runs adjacent to the southern boundary of the site, with potential for noise pollution on the site. Availability The availability of the site is unknown and would need to be confirmed by the landowner / site promoter. Assessment Site Access Access to the site can be achieved via the existing access and roundabout in the northwestern corner of the site. Access arrangements for pedestrians and cyclists are generally good, given Elvetham Heathʼs modern construction. Summary of • There are deficiencies in some local infrastructure provision, which are unlikely to be possible to provide on site; Constraints • The site is almost entirely wooded and may provide habitats for protected species; • Proximity to the mainline railway line, which is likely to result in noise pollution on the site. Summary of The site is relatively unconstrained, is within the built-up area boundary and has potential for medium-density residential Opportunities development, assuming the remaining constraints can be overcome. The site has very good existing access to the local road network and, located next to the district centre, is in a sustainable location. Focus
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