PRIMEVOLUME 25, NUMBERTIMES 8 – O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello PrimeTimers Members. October2019 A friendly reminder: do not forget to purchase your Christmas Banquet tickets. You can contact Dennis Longmire or Bill Patterson at torontoprimetimers.gmail.com. As always, I am available to talk if you have any question or concerns. Thanks, Steve Minnie, PTT President Toronto PRIMETIMES Newsletter - October 2019 1 QJR:7 QJR:7 %V R:7 %V R:7 VRJV R:7 7 7 7 7 7 11 .:CC7Q%``:0Q%`1 V`VCC: : V QJ :JR$%1RVR]`:H 1HV .V 6 .VJ]C:7V` .V 6 .VJ]C:7V` QIV$`V: `V :%`:J R $QQ@&C%GQJ.QCR8 : .V Q` VJ$Q`Q`HQ``VV Q` VJ$Q`Q`HQ``VV CQH: 1QJ 1J .1 JV1 CV V` .%` R:7 .%` R:7 )`1R:7 *: %`R:7 *: %`R:7 7 7 7 7 7 *QH1:C 1IV: .V&.%`H. : .V 5V0V`7 .1`R *QH1:C 1IV: .V&.%`H.* `VV *QH1:C 1IV: .V&`Q1 :J .V 5`QQI * `VV . ]`V Q5&.%`H. *: %`R:75V6HV] 2%C7:JR . ]`V Q5&.%`H.0 :GVCC:8 `VV5&.%`H.&.:`CV 0 :GVCC: 2:J%:`7 PTT is always happy to include your events and event suggestions. Your Art Shows, Theatrical Productions, Concerts, and Sporting Events can be promoted here! You’ll be amazed at the turnout! Always believe - if it is of interest to you, it will be of interest to others in our group. [email protected] will get you duly promoted! Thursday coffee will switch to Croissant Tree on Support the generous businesses and Thursday November 7, 2019. individuals who advertise and support PTT Prior to that any Thursday with inclement weather we will go to Croissant Tree. Jim Fraser 22-Oct Tasis Lemonidis 24-Oct Michael W. Dorman 28-Oct Jim Mackenzie 4-Nov Stephen Weiss 7-Nov Roy Miles 10-Nov Peter Erlendson 13-Nov Bill Graham 14-Nov Terry Clark 17-Nov Toronto PRIMETIMES Newsletter - October 2019 2 October 19, 2019 MONTHLY SOCIAL at 2pm SPEAKERS Paul Farrelly and Connie Langille from the Church Wellesley Neighbourhood Association will talk about work going on in the community. - Community Safety, Crisis Response and the Downtown East Action Plan. - Placemaking: Parks issues; improving the public realm in Church St Redesign and YongeTOmorrow (the redesign of Yonge St from the Lake to Davenport). - Heritage Preservation and the planned Toronto Heritage Survey. - Development projects: Do we need, and how can we secure, more community space? - Connecting with community. You can find brief info about CWNA at http://www.cwna.ca/board-of-directors.html ENTERTAINMENT Line Dance Demo and Teach by PTT Member Geremy Vincent Geremy Vincent’s been in the LGBTQQ2 community for decades (since the 70’s). He found his political activism with a meeting the Friday night after the Thursday February 5, 1981 bathhouse raids. : VT: %`R:7VHVIGV`5 Geremy teaches line dancing at a number of QH: 1QJT.V places. He often plans and enjoys the many 1IVT ]I Q]I wonderful activities with Out&Out. `1HVR$]V`V`!QJ The charity group he is connected to is “The Kiwi” from Community One Foundation plus "V:CT numerous other characters he graces the 5 :C:R 16VR `VVJ T11 .:1JGQ1QQ 1GGQJ 5Q VR space with. VVR 5Q% V:]CV.V``71J:1$`V V5 `V:I7:CVC:1T.`VRRVR:GG:$V5:CV5VR J1QJ 5Q: VR :`C1H:7QJJ:1 V8 5 :1J ON DISPLAY Q: VR%`@V7T V`0VR11 . `:07:JR]1HVR `:JGV``75VR11JV&C%I&`V V`0V 5:JR`:JGV``7 A show of phots of homelessness by Leah .% JV78 Denbok. 5 1RV T.VV 7&Q : Q `: 1J5 Q: VR1J V`VRCV75 C: 1HV`G %``1J$ Leah is a 19-year-old photographer from 5 )V V` R+]]CV`%IGCV Collingwood, Ontario who specializes in 5 ,V0V`:$VTQ``VVQ`V: taking photos of individuals experiencing homelessness. V$V :`1:J:0:1C:GCV8&CV: V:R01 V1.VJ ]%`H.: 1J$ 1H@V Toronto PRIMETIMES Newsletter - October 2019 3 Monday Lunches! Gather from 12:30 and order drinks, but please wait until 1:00 to order food. Thanks! Remember members...Your input into locations and general feedback is always welcome! PAUL Macd: [email protected] ED: [email protected] STEVE: [email protected] 416-928-1925 416-588-5969 416-557-8120 October November November 4 – Il Fornello – October 21...Free Times Café November 11 – Bishop and Belcher – October 28...Saigon Pai November 18 – Fushimi – User’s guide to LGBTQ dating apps: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2019/10/08/queer- users-guide-wild-terrifying-world-lgbt-dating-apps/ Drag Brunch at The Drake: https://www.thestar.com/life/2019/10/11/drag-brunch-is-fun-for- the-whole-family.html The Oct charity will be The Rainbow Railroad. Toronto PRIMETIMES Newsletter - October 2019 4 Support the generous businesses and individuals who advertise and support PTT HAMBURG OLSON KAZEN LAW Professional Corporation Residential Real Estate, Wills & Estates, Notaries 120 Carlton St., Suite 215 Toronto, Ontario M5A4K2 t: 416.968.9054 f: 416.968.9023 [email protected] [email protected] Cruise Holidays of Lawrence Park 3332 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4N 2M4 Roy Suthons p: 416.486.4646 Travel Consultant C: 416.523.4509 1.800.518.3435 Follow me on Facebook TICO 50022739 [email protected] https://fb.me/CruiseTravelDreamsComeTrue www.lawrenceparkcruises.com Toronto PRIMETIMES Newsletter - October 2019 5 JOIN US FOR EUCHRE! Prime Timers Toronto holds weekly progressive Euchre at the 519, room 301, on Tuesday at 1PM start. John Smye is the director. Cost is $2.00. Coffee is served and members bring snacks/sweets. A good time is had by all. Come out and join. RV]R :%C:HR VJJ1 QJ :@V RV]R "`VR VJJ1 :H@ :`@ RV]R 1@VR Q7' V``7 QJ RV]R QG 7CV+ 7JRQJ QJ JOIN US FOR BRIDGE! Prime Timers Toronto holds a weekly bridge game at The 519 in room 301 every Wednesday at 1:30 pm - please arrive at about 1:20pm. It only costs $1.00 that goes to The 519, the day’s winner gets a tax receipt for that amount. Afterwards some go out for a coffee and a snack! RV]R V``7 C``VR ` Q RV]R V V` V:J ` .%` QJ Thanksgiving Lunch at The Pear Tree, October 14th, 2019 Toronto PRIMETIMES Newsletter - October 2019 6 ]1`1 VR VQ]CV Q` : 1QJ `1IV1IV`Q`QJ Q ]1`1 8HQI :H Q`QJ Q8Q`$ VV 1J$5H 5 %RR1V 1J:R1IV G%RR1V 1JG:R 1IV 8HQI :J:R1:JQ0V`JIVJ 1VG 1 V`Q`VJ1Q` H:J:R:8H:L VJ1Q` 8 :CCVR QQ`RV`: 7 ]I8`VVJ 7QJ 85 :J:R1:JCVV]QH1V 7H R H 8H: Q.J5 V0V5QJ5:7 #16QJ%:CCV1$.GQ%`.QQRV`01HV R16QJ.:CC8Q`$ 8 $VJR::]]`Q0VR7IQ0VR5Q.J5 V0V51I '$:CV V$:CV8H: 8 1J% VQ`V] VIGV`:]]`Q0VR8 C:R#:7QQ@ .Q] $C:RR:7GQQ@ .Q]8HQI 8 %`V:%`V`;`V]Q` ]`VVJ VRG7:78]]`Q0VR7 %: CV)`VVC1J1H IQ0VRQJ5JRQ.J .: CV``VVHC1J1H8Q`$ *J 1RV+% )1CI)V 10:C 8 '%1JV:`11J$``QI1J% V 1J 1RVQ% 8H: _ )Q*+1 QGV]%`H.:VR: .1 1IV8 ,Q% .C1JV 7Q% .C1JV8H: . IHH Q`QJ Q8HQI _ QJ :JRQ.J11CC$Q .`Q%$.:`H.10:C .VJ :C%V:C . I: V`1:C8 HRH8$Q0LI I.V:C .L _ .%H.`V: V$:%1:%HHV`%C:JR11CCGV IVJ :C.V:C .8. I +J :`1Q,QJ$ V`I:`V QH1: 1QJ `V]V: VR1J .V]`1J$8 QC H:8HQI _ 1J:JH1:C : VIVJ 1:]`VVJ VRG7 .V +% :JR+% Q% :JRQ% 8H: JR ]1: Q`QJ Q8Q`$ %`V:%`V`8]]`Q0VR7QJ5 G7Q.J 0:1JGQ10:1C`Q:R 8 )V1'%1JV `:1JGQ1`:1C`Q:R8H: VHQJR.1CVC%G _ %.VVG1 V11CCGV`%JJ1J$1H 8 R%C #:7VJ `V5QJ$`V$: V _ %QGVHQIV1J0QC0VR1J .V2*'%3 #1J1J$5: V.:J:$VIVJ 5 +J V`J: 1QJ:C:7`Q`.CRV`1V11CC$V : )`1VJRC71 1 1J$ .V VHQJRI1CVHC%G8H: ]Q V``Q` .V 8 VJ1Q` `1RVV 1Q`@ _ 1%`I1J1R%`0V7.Q1VR1J V`V 1J .V: `V5 VJ1Q`]`1RVJV 1Q`@8HQIL QCRV`RC$G R`V Q%`HV R$ : `1GG:$V:JR]%GJ1$. 8QJQ``V`VR Q .V .V 8Q`$ RQJ: V`1GG:$VGQ:`R8 `1:J$CV_%:`V _%:`V#:JH1J$ `1:J$CV _%:`V 8HQI _ %$$V 1QJ`Q`: .V: `VQ% 1J$ Q`1JV Q1J Q`QJ Q `C:$ Q`QJ Q]`C:$8Q`$ .Q1VRC1 CV1J V`V 8 Q`QJ Q QC1HV Q`QJ Q]QC1HV8QJ8H: `: 1118R:1C76 `:8HQI 8 %.VI:G:J_%V .::%$$V VRG%R$V Q` $ `Q`VJ V` :1JIVJ 8%.V`V1JQ 7V :J7 CANADIAN PT CHAPTERS INFO HQJVJ%: Q1.: .1.Q%CRGV8 Hamilton ON – www.primetimershamilton.wixsite.com 8 QIVQJV1.Q1JQ :IVIGV`1:J QHQIV Q Ottawa ON - [email protected] (no website) H:`RQHH:1QJ:CC78 Calgary AB - www.primetimerscalgary.com Q.J11CC.:JRCV .1H:V8 Edmonton AB – www.primetimersww.com/edmonton Vancouver BC – www.vancouverprimetimers.wixsite.com 8 )V6 IVV 1J$)Q0 : .V :` V`.%H.`V8 Victoria BC – www.primetimersvictoria.weebly.com 8R=Q%`JIVJ : 7]I8 Nanaimo BC - www.primetimersnanaimo.org Toronto PRIMETIMES Newsletter - October 2019 7 `1IV1IV`Q`QJ Q : VIVJ Q`JHQIV:JR6]VJV V] VIGV` JHQIV7 VIGV`.1] 8 R.1` 8 V JHQIV 8 6]VJV7 : %`R:7 QJ .C7 QH1:C QQR :JR J:H@ 8 !J V` :1JIVJ 8 V1CV V` U 8 Q :C !6]VJV 8 V JHQIV ^R !6]VJV_ 8 :J@!VHQJH1C1: 1QJ R V] 8R *:C:JHV : ]V` *:J@ : VIVJ $5 8 .V7 0L H.V_%V 3 4:7 5QV@ `: R 8 6`VR1 H:JHVCCVR H.3 QI 5:IIQJR U 8 *:C:JHV : ]V` 8 4VHQ`R $58 Toronto PRIMETIMES Newsletter - October 2019 8.
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