, 14 . r / ' ^ 1 ^ r 1 C ' , i r ) ^ '- ..1 - u “ ____ ^___ •_ e m B i E M > oiY il|ir • I wyn'l/irn in g — W F S T 7 .1 ? J A1/1. 4 m s r ittles- 3 ^ ) J ? 2 0 0 ? F o r e '1 Ylv^C 95 0.^/19/9f7 sed change would Ircc . WESTf^RNJ MI'^RnORAPHTCn^ -T; Indusustry-officials said thc newcw priority, says-the princincipal goal of.the nationanal Ore., said thc proposed ^ 5 S 5 c ^ w ^ -INC rom,monitoring popu- ----------------------------------------------------------- on malKtalnlng ai sustainable-ecoxosystems forests-is to maintain-orma restore the sustainin- the Forest Service from _______ Imionsipf troubled spedx cl e s . ________ ______________ ^ P JT Y ,’.jT.,_84l07.-.'.r :3 7 7 5 - . - -n-ne e Clinton admin— would-it iipft>»rminr nther laws difttirccting na- ability o f ecosvosystems,’^shc M id..................., ry would use a-mathc- ■ " ~__ ■sed-streamlintng - tional ftforests be managed for-mullluUiple-uiuj, ------ E nvironmncntalists.said cr the proposeiicd Inslca'Oic.ngencyjA ------- ................................................. SCI isurc the fotrsi.provid- , • ■ # g. recreation and Includirling timber production, - . J____changcS-WQuldLild result in less protection fofor matical model to cnsun dlife. casing a requirement thohat ed enough habitat to> kc<keep speeie.s alive, he i''''iiJr.i,,,nn„,i >)nal forests while “Thislis would-change the whole3le purpose fish and wildlif . on restoring dam- of the'n i a tio n a l forests," said An;f\nne Hcis- the Forest Serv;ervice mointain a “viable popop- said. idi- “ Instead o f goingi oiout to counl spotted aged forest ecosystems:— - — -scnbyti illcl. director of forc.st planianning and ulaiion'' of allill >vertebrates found on on indi owls, you would go ourohdout count acres of The proposed revisionsms of the National policyy ior the American Forestst &' Paper vidual notionalnal forest. i\s- old-growth. Insteadid cof monitoring owl Forest Management'Actvet drew criticism Associa;iation. Andy Stahl.til. <executive director o fth e As Ranchers pursirsue fire starter for population trends, youou imonitor old-growth from environmentalists anand tim ber Indus- “ lnst<stead of providing for goods)ds and ser-_ sociation o f■ FcForest Scrvice Employees fc ' Appeals.will decidc T h e C o u n o f Aj try leaders alike. vices. ffor the American public.ic. the-.rule' Environmentantal Ethics based in Eugenene. P lea s e s e e F0REST/A2 whclhor sanchcrs wiwill get to* sue a former Twin Falls .Countyuy coroner for a range fire. P * g « 6 l ind polish 1 Presiddent Too humid foror Pete? Am eristar Casino;inos Inc. - parent com* expectits te pany o f Cactus Rctcletes - is thriving in the Nevada dcscrtrbur:urfalicring uu iliw sissippi. -------- P « 9 * B 1 — - tax relSGfid T “ "TTwABBodatDdPiess-ss---------------------- -- . WASHINGTON — Finishing his taxes ju s t before M onday’sy’s deadline. President In the mainstrStream Clinton Is in line for tt handsome rehind It is becom ing; m'more-common for stu- from Uncic Sam. dents with cerebralral palsy, such as Jason Thc bottom line for thc Clintons: taxes Birch. tQ attend reguegular school^d^e^ of S55,313 on incomeme of $263,900, with a ^ — ref\ind of$14,418 —— h a lf of-which they’re applying to next year’sar’s bill. Joining thc 36 millinillion Americans who- were expccted to filenie in the home, stretch ................. _ of the tax season,1, _______ tHFClintons wrap- ' ^Jerome sweep:epsapair ped up final detailsIs' Deadline Wood River iravraveled to Jerome for a of their retum in.a n e a r * , ' “ sonball doubiehciihcader Friday despite meeting with their R u s s i a ’s windy wcaihcr. accountant and tax ^ P a g * B5 attorney Thursdi»yy - w i l d w o r l d night. Thc president’s■s Runners oiT'toBoston to ----------- tax bite works outJ t ' • „ A couple of locaocal athletes will hit the to 21 percent of adjuadjusted gross Incomc. streets for th(>Bos(o)Slon Marathon Mondiiy. placing Clinton amon;nong the 1.2 pcrcent of P«9 «B 6 ___: Americans payingg mmore because of thc rsK.;.,.,. BUOOYOOYCKABLfSMAWOWnnTlnmNn•• deficit-rcduction lawiw het pushed througli Iti •1993; Chris W ood proudl]Idly displays his 1956 Forord F-100 pickup. T he president’s not icomplaiiiing. In fact, his pressiS sesecretary used the re­ leasc-of Clinton’s taxlax returns Friday to dc> I New church alert!a nounce anew Rcpubliiiblican tax-cut proposals Pastor Dan Milvliller's new church is that the Democratsts aargue would unfairly m eeting a t thc Col!I^ollegc o f Southem Ida- a t r u i benefit the wealthy. ■-J - . — ....... ick iCHntonsfincbmtf'cafnei ;v ho. a n d i The bulk Of the-Cli LI.^ove { ____________ P » g « £ 1 ______ ----------- fnjin the president^-!!ea-$200;000-*alBry-,-sup--------- '-p - plemented by S38,00i1,000 Ih cajjltal j;ains on w New name alealert! identandhiis ’56 Fbrdi pickup go3 way back holdingsin their bimdilind trtist and $21,000 In CSI stuc interest and dividendstnds. ' • The Pentecostal;itals o f Magic Valley is id. “ He had a *n53 Ford pick- By Steve Cruoq) cars,” he said, " T h e y also g ot SI,<$1,421. in resicjuals for now Living Watenters Christian Communi- up. I'd like to lfind one o f those now.” Tim es-N ew s writer Clinton’s 1992 appcjjpcorance on the “Arse* ty. ■ Wood belonlongs to the subculture of car nio Hall" show andid S$259 in belated royal* P a g e C I The 19th annual Magicl^c Valley „„„„„ TW IN FALLS -- ClC hris Wood is a 23- cvoted to pickups, “I guessss ties for an article HiliHillary Rodhani Clinton larly iron*Colldge of So year-old collegc stud'tudcnt. So guess how .® it’s what I grew up around,” wrote for Harvard UniUniveiBityin 1973. la h o C a r S h o w will b e hel< 8 Ford, which.probobly con-n- Overall, the CJititoiiitons reported 330,000 much ofhis life andnd Ihis fortune are tied S «. ^en- he Mid. Hii F nd Sunday at the CSI Exr re than 3,000 parts when it in charitable contribtributions during 1994, . up in the school-busm s yellow 1956 Ford £ r . ^ tained more t jr. Iy but declined to public!blicly itemize their dona- F-lOO pickup thatIt ssits proudly Jn his j; mOa.m. camc off ForFord’s River Run assembly D o o rs will b e o p e n from ;c tions. McCuny saidid thetl Clintons contribut- Decorating a ichurch m10a;m. Imc,ha8<^r^entially l>een replaced piece driveway? t o) -10 p.m. today and from n. cd lo 28 organizatioiitions, with most of the :n-RobcrtsJs-<ielcbratjng_^ ^nlBalon Is by piece, meltdeluding a 351 Cleveland en- __ ___________ 31is.ycar^cnJ ------------------------------------------ p fn- nn.fiiinrlfty. Ariml; **" ~ **~rtiiiiicy tlnsm lilt-fiood:------------------------------ [cirshuic)icg ; r ~ .~ ------------------ __ . _ ■ Easter.in a sanctualuary. filled with his own __ “I ’m kin d o f afriidaidtoiayhowmuch-f— -jsSfor aduiisr$2.50-for^dM dents:------- -gin^iBnd•a-^lU• The White Houseise ;also ireleosed federal ------- !---------1 “T h e re 'ss enoughc room under that __ _________ handiwock._______ ________have invested in it.”t.” said Wood, o Col- L _ tax returns for Vice;e PPresident Al Gore and^ [dahlTwcldinginidcm ------ — ■k a Geo,’’-ho said.------ r--------- lege o rS o u th e m Idol “Oh, no." he said, “fhere^si KirwifcTTi^cr. • who is among aboutout 150 exhibitors at . ncQme.Qf.S414,705 and— - ould do." --------- -------- ods pamforthc'Ford-where_ ____ ^^-T hey.sbow ed inco: thc 19th annual MagicMs Valley Early ‘ iJ - taxes o f $142,688.B. SSomei$221.000 came Wood is far from alone. Thc' om friends, at swop meets, in Iron-CSl Car showw tlthat runs today and _ irogrcss Ihis ■ from royalties on thethc sale' of Gore’s best- mter is full of works in pro but that’s not as big a problem Sunday. “My motheiIher might hear about selling book, “Earthih iiin thc Balance." Gun controlII jgains ground ;ckcnd. ■estorcrs o f older vehicles, rry Wilson, a Other details fronijni tthe Clintons; return: . ' . ; A judicial rulinjling in Califomia allows “Ifyou restore cars.” Jerr> ally harder to get paru for a W ood figures he’se’s spent about S8.000 ^ home mprtgoge interest' fler thc makers of banned le o f the organizers o f Mlagi^= ag V alley • • They took a hor / • citizens to go after in the decade sincece he discovered this m for a car,” he said. “But ,4 0 2 'fo r |Mrs. C lin to n ’s . 1 ^ ■ assault weaponsi usused in s h o o tm g ^recs. tfly Iron, reflected rcccntly,'^■ ■yourein lakes som e o f the parts." - deduction of $4,402 chrome-fringed objccijcct o fh is aflection in fc. haif-sharc in her moimother’s home in Little c middle o f a projcct all thectim ti c. Restored1 EiEiscnhower-era Fflrd trucks Arizona. a $62 personal propeny \' Wood, who is from Rcxburgarg, grew Up can scl 1 for $15,000$ I o r more, Rock, Ark., and a $< “How many hourjurs does thal reprc- W 188 Oidsmobile the presi* the middle of various auoutom otive ~i sellsd it someday,’* Wood said, -------deduction on o 1988' Singer, actor:)r Ives dies sent?* h e said. “ I couijouldn’t even guess.” ‘ i n t i dent owns in Arkansoinsas. m finished, although it resustoration projects. “But right novnow Tni going to cojoy it." ' Burl Ives, knowlown as a folk singer buf A nd il’s not even f ,q • They should1 geget a-refund chcck for - “My dad w as'alw ays woricinicing with old P le a s e s e e TRU CK /A 2 also an actor off mnotable ability on stage certainly looks lhatit wway.
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