The .--- • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1985 47th Annual International Convention and Contest Twin City Area Minnesota Saint Paul Minneapolis June 30-July 7 1985 COMEONAL NG! Join Frank and Marge and the RAPSCALLIONS to the Heart of Europe discover the gentle edelweiss, the soaring Alps, fairy castles, romantic gondolas, fine wines, sudsey German beer, tiny villages, friendly people and gemutlichkite galore! Sing along with the RAPSCALLIONS 1984-85 International Here's a trip to steal your heart away! A tune-filled, fun-filled vacation to Quartet Champions the very HEART OF EUROPE! Crammed with new sights and sounds. An exciting mix of cultures, languages and cuisines. A happy blend of old places and new friends. Top it all off with the music of the RAPSCAL­ LIONS and you have the makings of memories! Happy Vienna is first! Land of concert halls, Mozart and the blue Danube. Then Graz and the castle thai guarded against Turkish inva­ sions. Yugoslavia, country of many cultures and the town of Ljubljana (loo-be-ah-nah) and the friendly Slavic people. Next, Lipica, home of the famous Lipizzaner horses and then on to . Venice! Queen of the Adriatic! St. Mark's Square, romantic gondola rides and much, much more. Then Verona, setting for Romeo and Juliet after which we wend our way to Innsbruck and a glorious day in the Alps. Add to this the magic of mad-King Ludwig's fairy castle, Neuschwanstein, a back stage visit at Oberammergau plus an evening in Munich and you've almost had your fill. But there's more. There's charming Salzburg where the Sound of Music was filmed. A day of delight in this ancient city captures your heart as only this HEART OF EUROPE Tour could. Don't Miss It! Mail coupon Today! II-day Tour, Apr. 23 - May 3, 1985 only S895 plus airfare 3-day Sound of Music, Alpine extension only $269 additional RETURN THIS COUPON EDUCATIONAL TOURS, INC. Apr. 23 - May 3,1985 5935 South Pulaski, Chicago, III. 60629 Fun-packed Mr. Frank Pipal, President 9th Annual Barbershop only Dear Frank: Please send me complete details on your Tour Barbershoppers HEART OF EUROPE Harmony tour. $895 NAME ADDRESS _ plus airfare CITY STATE • ZIP ;j r r J 1 \ Tour Sponsored By Harmony Services Corporation, SPEBSQSA, Inc. 1J,c JANUARY!FEBRUARY 1985 ~a1monizer VOL. XLV No.1 A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF The HARMONlZER (lSSN 0017·7849) Is the official publication of the Society for the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., INC., IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (S.P.­ E.B.S.Q.S.A.). It is published In the months of January, March, May. July. Septomher and November at 6315 - 3rd Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140-5199. Second-class postage paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and Advertising offices are at tho International 4 SINGING COMES FIRST FOR NEW SOCIETY PRESIDENT Office. Advertising rates available upon request. By Jim Bagby Publisher assumes no responsibility for return Meet Gil Lefholz, 1985 Society president. of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Notice of change of address should be submitted to the 6 THE RAPSCALLIONS oditorial offIces of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 - 3rd AVE., KENOSHA, WISCONSIN 53140­ What makes a winning quartet? The Rapscallions share their experiences and 5199, at toast thirty days befero the next introduce themselves. publication dato. Subscription prlco to non­ mombers is $6 yearly or $1 an Issue. Foreign 8 THE LOUISVILLE THOROUGHBREDS subscriptions ore $12 yearly or $2 an issue. By Dennis L. Spetz Copyright, 1985, by the SocIety for the Pre­ servation and Encouragement of Barber Shop The 1984 Chorus Champions take the gold for the seventh time since their Quartet Singing in America, Inc. first win in 1962. 10 THE TWIN CITIES WELCOME CONVENTION BARBERSHOP· PERS By Frank Gogins Set your sights on the 1985 International Convention in the Twin Cities, Min­ ABOUT THE SONG IN THIS nesota. Housing reservation form and city map will help you make your con­ ISSUE vention arrangements. Theodore Morse, composer of "Dear Old 16 BARBERSHOPPING WINS THE GOLD AT '84 SUMMER OLYM· Girl·' and "M·O·T-H·E·R'· collaborated PICS with author Edward Madden on the fun By Brent Anderson song ·'The Leader Of The German Band." The Santa Barbara Sound brought barbershop harmony to the Olympics row­ Author Madden wrote the words for such ing venue at Lake Casitas. hits as "Moonlight Bay:· "Red Rose Rag"; and "Down In Jungle Town." 24 VOLUNTEERS CALL INSTITUTE OF LOGOPEDICS HOME Incidentally. both Morse and Madden By Lynne DeMoss were charter members of ASCAP (1914). Barbershopper Walt Toupin and his wife, Liz, arc living and working at the Institute as volunteer staff members. Tom Gentry, Certified Arrangement 28 A.I.C. REVISES SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Category Judge, Harmony College in· 29 OTTAWA CHAPTER HONORS BARBARA ROBERTSON structor and woodshedder "par excel­ By M. John Moor_ lence," has done a neat job of arranging Barbara's efforts saved the life of a Barbershopper at the Ontario District Con­ this novelty song - there's even some vention. suggestions for stage presence! Your quartet needs a song like this for its performance package, so give it a whirl. 3 PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE 30 MEN OF NOTE CONVENTIONS 18 DISTRICT QUARTET 32 CHAPTERS IN ACTION INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONS 1985 Minneapolis. Minn. June 30·July 7 34 INTERNATIONAL 1986 Salt Lake City, Utah June 29-July 6 1987 Hartford, Conn. June 28·July 5 22 NEW MUSIC NOTES COMMITTEES 1988 San Antonio, Tex. July 3·10 26 HISTORICAL NOTES 35 NEW CHAPTERS MID·WINTER Jan_ 28-Feb. 2 1985 San Antonio, Tex. 29 CENTURY CLUB 36 MINNEAPOLIS 1986 Tucson. Ariz. January 22-25 REGISTRATION 1987 Sarasota. Fla. January 28-31 CHAPTERS 1988 Washington. D.C. January 27-20 BARGAIN BASEMENT International Officers PresIdent. Gilbert L. Lefholz, 13316 E 51st Street, Kansas CitY, MO 64133 Immediate Past President, John T. Gillespie, 712 Newgate Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Vice President. William K. Park, Box 621. Mendenhall, PA 19357 Thinking Aloud Vice President, Jim Warner, 6750 Poplar Ave­ nue, Suite 202, Memphis, TN 38138 Vice President-Treasurer, Darryl Flinn, 7975 by Hugh A.lngraham, CAE Cleveland Avenue NW, N. Canton, OH 44720 Executive Director Board Members CardInal, Ernie Nickoson, 1702 Cameron Ct., Lexington, KY 40505 Central States, Winston Aashlelgh, P. O. Box 133,2420 E 3rd St., Fremont, NE 6B025 Kath and I have four children, two Rapscallions; Scott Brannon and Steve Dixie, Charles McCann, P. O. Box 40969, Nashville, TN 37204 girls and two boys. Never did manage to Thacker of the Cincinnati Kids; Kipp Evergreen, Tucker Goodwin, 7240 Gilhurst get the boys involved in barbershopping. Buckner, Joe Connelly and Geoff Mucha Crescent, Richmond, BC V7A lN9 Far Western, Fred Koch, 6942 E. Calle Betel· though both can sing and did their share of the Interstate Rivals; Bob Gray of the geux, Tucson, AZ 85710 at family gatherings, birthdays, Christ­ New Tradition; Gary Parker and Greg illinois, Robert Cesmal, 416 North 9th, Mas­ coutah, IL 62258 mas, etc. Both girls did follow their Clancy of Gatsby; and Larry Wright and Johnny Appleseed, Roy Wergers, 8681 Mock­ Ingbird Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45231 mother in Sweet Adelines and, as a mat­ Jim Kline of the 139th Street Quartet. Land 0' Lakes, Del Ryberg, 306 - 17th St., ter of fact, a couple of years ago in Plus Jay Hawkins of the Interstate Rivals SW. Rochester, MN 55902 Mid-Atlantic, Don Vienne, 5212 Farm Pond Minneapolis sang in separate competing is the son-in-law of Louisville Thorough­ Lane, Columbia, MD 21045 choruses at their international. Which bred director Jim Miller. Northeastern. Richard Young, Homestead Farm, Moultonboro, NH 03254 brings me to what's on my mind this time The moral of all this? If you want to Ontario, Dyson Plnhey, 16 Parkside Crescent, 'round. make the Top 10, be born into a bar­ Napean, ONT K2G 3B5 Pioneer, Fran Jonos, 1490 Sibley, Lowell, Have you ever seen so many barber­ bershop family or marry into one. MI49331 Rocky Mountain, Fred Weise, 3711 S. Har­ shop families before? I haven't. Least I Seriously, what a wonderful thing it lan St., Denver, CO 80235 don't think so. Oh, sure, I remember is to see family members singing together Seneca Land, Jim EldrIdge, 211 Jefferson St., Warren, PA 16365 the Babbling Brooks, the Schmitt Broth· on stage, or at a chapter meeting, and en­ Southwestern, Ed Reeder, 2236 Flat Creek, ers, and the Lytles. But not like today. joying a mutual love of music, barbershop Richardson, TX 75080 Sunshine. AI Woodard, 358 Fairway North, There seem to be hundreds of father and style. I remember Freddie King telling Tequesta, FL 33458 son combinations in our chapters. Even me one time that winning the internation­ And Past International Presidents three generations, maybe four. From a al championship with the Oriole Four quartet standpoint, just look at last year's was no more thrilling than standing on Hank Vomacka, 1881 Rose Street, Sarasota, FL 33579 Top 10. stage with son Kevin and nailing down Merritt Auman, 2400 Wassner Or., West Lawn. PA 19609 Obviously, the Harringtons and the the Mid-Atlantic District championship Burt Huish, P. O. Box 1925, Twin Falls, 10 Knudsens. But let me run these by you with the Pros 'N Cons. B3301 (and sure as anything I'm going to for­ So when that whelp of yours emits a get someone.) cry at three of a winter's morning, think International Office Sons of Barbershoppers or former of him not as a hungry child, but as a HUGH A.
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