Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 01-3 Moscow-Bosie-Pocatello Crane, Link, and Oriel This Technical Report is largely derived from a map originally submitted as part of a masters thesis (Crane, 2000). Its content and format may not conform to agency standards. Geologic Map of the Lava Hot Springs Quadrangle, ST. CHARLES LIMESTONE (Upper member) (Upper Cambrian) -- Light-grey to Bannock County, Idaho Csc medium grey dolomite, thin to thickly bedded, with intraformational conglomerate Sample number Estimated Correlated Perkins and chert. Includes an upper unit of dark-grey thin to medium bedded limestone. Age Regional Bed correlative 1 1 2 Forms slopes and ridges. Thickness 290 m. (Oriel, 1965). Tracy J. Crane , Paul Karl Link , and Steven S. Oriel Correlation of Map Units 1tjc98 8.2+0.8 Ma rv89-10 ST. CHARLES LIMESTONE (Worm Creek Member) (Upper Cambrian) -- 0.534 + 0.104 Ma Csw White to pink quartzite, grading down to medium grey, sandy dolomite and dolomite. Quartzite is medium to thick-bedded, dolomite is medium to thick-bedded and 2tjc98 ~7.5 Ma (?) onn94-629 Qp Qc Qfp Qal crystalline. Forms slopes and ridges. Thickness 290 m. (Oriel, 1965). Of Of Sl Qfp Os Qt Qfg Ql NOUNAN LIMESTONE (Upper Cambrian) -- Medium to light-grey dolomite. 3tjc98 Qal Qfg Lava Hot Quaternary ~7.5 Ma (?) onn94-629 Qp Springs Fault Of Cn Thin-bedded, medium to coarsely crystalline, with thin to medium bedded bands of Qfp Set Os dark-grey silty limestone, calcareous sandstone, and limestone conglomerate. Forms ? Qp Qp slopes. Thickness is 215 m. (Oriel, 1965). 4tjc98 7.9+0.8 Ma Rush Valley Qfp Sl ? ash bed 46 Unconformity 56 Qp BLOOMINGTON FORMATION (Upper Cambrian) -- Micaceous green mudstone 5tjc98 limestone with Qal Of Qp Qp Os Cbo and claystone. Thickness 320m. (Oriel, 1965). trace ash Qp Tsug Qp Qp Qc Tsug Cenozoic Cub River Qal Qal 3 6tjc98 7.0+0.1 Ma Qt ash bed ? Qt Os BLACKSMITH LIMESTONE (Middle Cambrian) -- Upper part is a medium grey to 63 7.0 Ma Cbl buff limestone, oolites and recrystallized fossils present in some beds. Lower part is a medium 8.5+0.8 Ma Tsur Of Tsug2 7tjc98 rv88-11 43 A Salt Lake U. Miocene Tertiary gray thin to medium bedded limestone. Thickness 425m. (Oriel, 1965). ? Formation Tsur Tsug Qal Tsur 48 1 limestone with Of 8tjc98 1 TJC 98 trace ash 8.2 +- 0.8ma Qt 45 Tv Tb 7.7 Ma LEAD BELL SHALE (Middle Cambrian) -- Green and black, interbedded mudstone. 32 Of Os 9.3 Ma Clb Thickness 130m. (Oriel, 1965). Sl 26 47 49 38 9tjc98 8.5+0.8 Ma rv88-11 38 54 67 Qfg 2 TJC 98 Tsuc 7.5 ma Os 30 +- 31 Of 3 TJC 98 31 Os ? 26 7.5 ma Unconformity 11tjc98 8.5+0.8 Ma rv88-11 Sl Qt TWIN KNOBS LIMESTONE (Middle Cambrian) --Light-grey, trilobite bioclastic limestone Arimo Ridge 40 ? 29 Ctk Thickness 190 m. (Oriel, 1965). Sl Qal Dh Devonian Faust ash bed 29 Lava Hot 12tjc98 7.49+0.04 Ma Springs Fault ? ? SEDGWICK PEAK QUARTZITE (Lower Cambrian) -- Green and tan quartzite, medium- Of Set Sl Silurian Inkom ash ? Csp bedded, fine- to medium-grained, with some argillaceous interbeds, Thickness 150 m. (Oriel, Dempsey Creek 32 13tjc98 ~7.5 Ma (?) bed? 43 Of Fault Set 16 Unconformity 1965). 6 37 29 10 Qt Pony Express Sl Of Upper 14tjc98 ~9.3 Ma (?) ash bed? ? WINDY PASS ARGILLITE (Lower Cambrian) -- Phyllite and phyllitic argillite, and siltite 23 24 Tsur 25 A 24 11 TJC 98 Os Middle Ordovician Cwp green, brown and tan, some quartzite interbeds. Thickness 230 m. (Oriel, 1965). 34 8.5 + - 0.8ma Table 1: Table of chemostratigraphic correlations of ash beds. Data Qt 15 21 4 TJC 98 obtained by M. Perkins at University of Utah(Crane, 2000). 7.9 ma 25 Tsug Og Lower 1 ? 33 CAMELBACK MOUNTAIN QUARTZITE, Lower quartzite member, (NeoProterozoic) -- 48 31 Tsuc 25 White tan and buff in upper and middle parts, purple, pink and gray in lower part, very fine- 36 25 Tsur 9 Csc CZcm 24 to very coarse-grained quartz arenite. Thickness >480 m. (Oriel, 1965). 14 TJC 98 7 TJC 98 9.3ma 8.5 + 0.8ma Qal Ql Sl - Csw Upper Paleozoic 34 Of 25 4 ? 55 Cn References 55 P ? Tsur Qt Tsur ? Allexan, J. S., 1979, Geology of the Jenkins Canyon area, Portneuf Range, Bannock 24 Tsur Cbo County, Idaho, [Masters Thesis]: Idaho State University, 45 p., 1 plate. 31 36 4 Map Symbols O Qt Cambrian Sl 44 ? Cbl 55 40 38 Anderson, N. N., 1978, Geology of the Bob Smith Creek area northern Portneuf Range, 25 Sm 38 27 37 Qt Middle Bannock and Caribou Counties, Idaho, [Masters Thesis]: Idaho State University, 40 24 22 ith Canyon Fault Clb Contact 44 p., 1 plate. 44 15 Slide block contact R 22 Qt ? 40 Camilleri, P., Yonkee, W. A., Coogan, J., Decelles, P., McGrew, A., and Wells, M., 1997, Ctk Hinterland to foreland transect through the Sevier Orogen, northeast Nevada to north 50 40 Fault 34 24 60 central Utah: Structural style, metamorphism, and kinematic history of a large T Tsur 37 80 Sl Strike and Dip of bedding contractional orogenic wedge, in Brigham Young University Geology Studies, v. 42, 26 12 Csp 24 Fault, approximately located part 1, p. 297-309. Qfg 6 Tsur 32 20 Lower West Jenkins Canyon Fault Sample ID Location of sample used N ? Brigham Qc Qt Cwp Age Crane, T. J., 2000, Geologic mapping and gravity survey of the Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, ? for tephrochronology 34 25 Group Fault, covered 7.5 min. quadrangle: Evidence for a late Miocene supradetachment basin in southeast Sl 25 Idaho, [Masters Thesis]: Idaho State University, 147p., 2 plates. 32 CZcm Dh E Neoproterozoic Tsuc Qal Normal Fault Anticline: Trace of axial plane Faulds, J.E. and Varga, R. J., 1998, The role of accommodation zones and transfer zones 32 ? Tsur 32 Tsur in the regional segmentation of extended terranes, in Faulds, J.E., and Stewart, J.H. eds., ? Tsug Accommodation Zones and Transfer Zones: The regional segmentation of the Basin and U Syncline: Trace of axial plane Thrust Fault Range province: Geological Society of America Special Paper 323, p.1-47. 21 55 20 24 31 20 Janecke, S. U. and Evans, J. C., 1999, Folded and faulted Salt Lake Formation above the 25 Qt ? F 29 25 Miocene to Pliocene New Canyon and Clifton detachment faults, Malad and Bannock Ql Ranges, Idaho: Field Trip Guide to the Deep Creek Half Graben and Environs, in Hughes, Sl ? Sl ? Tsug S.S. and Thackray, G.D. eds., Guidebook to the Geology of Eastern Idaho: Pocatello, Of Idaho Museum of Natural History, p. 71-96. 24 34 38 Kellogg, K.S., Rodgers, D.W., Hladky, F.R., Kiessling, M.A., and Riesterer, J.W., 1999, Os Qal Geologic History--Lava Hot Springs Quadrangle Unit Descriptions The Putnam thrust plate, Idaho--Dismemberment and tilting by Tertiary normal faults, in 24 Hughes, S.S., and Thackray, G.D., eds., Guidebook to the geology of eastern Idaho: Tsur The Lava Hot Springs quadrangle contains Cambrian and Neoproterozoic Pocatello, Idaho Museum of Natural History, p. 97-114. quartzose sandstone and carbonate rock overlain by Ordovician and Silurian FLOOD PLAIN (Holocene)-- Portneuf River flood plain deposits. quartzite, dolomite and limestone, deposited in the Cordilleran miogeocline. A 26 Tsug Qfp Link, P.K., LeFebre, G.B., Pogue, K.R., and Burgel, W.D., 1985, Structural geology between 32 thick sequence of the upper member of the Salt Lake Formation, containing Miocene the Putnam thrust and the Snake River Plain, southeastern Idaho, in Kerns, G.J., and Kerns, to Pliocene conglomeratic fluvial sediments interbedded with fallout tuff, and R.L., Jr., eds., Orogenic patterns and stratigraphy of north-central Utah and southeastern Idaho: 44 deposited in the Dempsey Creek half-graben, rests with slight unconformity above Utah Geological Association Publication 14, p. 97-119. 32 ALLUVIUM (Holocene)-- Unconsolidated sand, silt, mud and gravel Devonian and Silurian rocks. The map area was deformed during Mesozoic Qal from the Portneuf river and its tributaries. Thickness 0 - 35 (?) m. contraction and at least two phases of Neogene extension, the first during 10 to 7 Link, P.K., and Stanford, L.R., 1999, Geologic compilation map of the Pocatello 30 by 60 minute Qal Ma formation of the Bannock Detachment system,(Janeche and Evans, 1999) and quadrangle, Idaho: Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 99-02, scale 1:100,000. Tsuc the second during Pliocene to Recent Basin and Range high-angle faulting. Qfg 31 Of Sl ALLUVIAL FAN GRAVELS (Holocene and Pleistocene) -- Poorly Marvin, R. F., Mehnert, H. H., Naeser, C. W., and Zartman, R. E., 1989, U. S. Geological 32 Qfg consolidated, boulder to pebble sized angular clasts deposited on the flanks of Survey radiometric ages-Compilation C, Part four: Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, 44 Os bedrock ranges. Thickness 0 - 30 m. Paleozoic Sequence Isochron/West, no. 53, p. 3-15. Sl Qt The lowest exposed rocks are coarse-grained quartz and sandstone of the 33 COLLUVIUM (Holocene and Pleistocene) -- Poorly consolidated, boulder to Cambrian and Late Proterozoic Camelback Mountain Quartzite of the Brigham Oriel, S. S., 1968, Preliminary geologic map of the Bancroft quadrangle, Caribou and Bannock 32 Tsug2 Qc pebble sized clasts in a finer grained matrix. Thickness 0 - 10 m. Group (Oriel and Armstrong, 1971; Link et al., 1985). Overlying Cambrian strata Counties, Idaho: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-299, scale 43 2 include shallow marine carbonate and mudstone.
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