Mickey's' Trailer IMPORT ANT NOTICE Many of you have asked for after hours telephone service. In response to this need we have extended our hours to cover 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Our new phone number is: 800- 621-5809. In Illinois call: 800-972-5858. These numbers are for Credit Card Orders Only. Our phone order facility is a separate unit from Blackhawk Films and these operators are not equipped to answer other questions. For questions or other information dial 319-323-9735 Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Central Time. Sorry, we cannot accept collect calls. Abbreviations C.O.D. Transportation, Handling B/W Black and white. Customers pay all transportation, han­ and Insurance Color Full color. dling, insurance and mail order fees. On United States : $2.00 per order Dia. Sound is pri marily dialogue. orders of $50.00 or more, a $25.00 de­ Canada: $2.50 per order Min . Minutes. posit is required. Other: l 0% of total order price. Mus. Sound is primarily a musical All orders are shipped via U.P.S. or Layaway score. Parcel Post unless another type of ship­ Nor. Sound is primarily narration. Costs nothing extra. No interest, carrying ment is requested. For other types of Part Color Films or portions of films ore or service charges. Just enclose 10% of shipment include: color toned or tinted. the order cost and pay balance within 90 $15.00 if order totals $200.00 or less. SFX Sound effects. days. Order will be shipped when pay­ $25.00 if order totals more than Sil. No sound track. ment for whole order is complete. $200.00. Span. Dialogue is in Spanish. The Hidden Sale* The Blackhawk Collection Returns One of the films in each Blackhawk Film The Blackhawk Collection is a All items to be returned and all papers Digest hos o star beside its titre. This group of films available exclu­ including your original order must be re­ month that star is worth $10.00 off. To sively from Blackhawk or with turned within 10 doys to receive credit or order this film and save the $1 0.00, sound tracks offered only by refund. For fast service, moil to: Returns order as usual but subtract $10.00 from 9 Blackhawk or films Blackhawk Department, Blackhawk Films, Inc ., the price. That's the only way you will re­ has helped to restore. All the Davenport, Iowa 52808. ceive the savings. Happy hunting. films in the collection ore noted by the medallion shown here. Credit Card Orders By Phone To place on order on your credit card Para Nuestros Amigos Change of Address coll free to this number: 800-621 -5809. Que Hablan Espanol Enclose your name, new address and an In Illinois coll : 800-972-5858. The toll Cuondo la abreviacion Span. oparoce en old catalog mailing label. Send to Black­ free numbers are for Credit Card Orders la linea del orden que sigue una descrip­ hawk Films, Inc . Davenport, Iowa 52808. Only. Our phone order facility is a sepa­ cion de una pelicula indica que el Allow 8 weeks for change. rate unit from Blackhawk Films and these dialogo es espanol. Busque esta espe­ Footnote Key operators ore not equipped to answer cialmente en las peliculas de Walt Dis­ other questions. 1 . Sale restricted to the United States. ney. 2. Sale restricted to the United States Questions and Other Information and Canada. For Our Spanish For questions or other information dial Speaking Friends Guarantee 319-323-9735. Our staff is happy to When the abbreviation Span. appears in If ofter receiving on item you ore not sat­ help you. No collect calls. Office hours the order line following a film's descrip-l isfied, return it to us within 1 0 days. are Monday through Friday 8:30 a .m. to tion that is to indicate that the dialogue is We' ll allow full credit on some other pur­ 4 p.m., Central Time. in Spanish. Watch for this especially in chase or give you o full refund. Sound tracks the films by Walt Disney. License Notice All 16mm. sound tracks are optical 1979 Blackhawk Fi lms, Inc., 1235 W. 5th Street, Davenport. Iowa 52808 Rights to any motion pictures ore limited sound. to home use only. All other rights and All Super 8 sound tracks are magnetic Thank you. territories are specifically reserved. For sound. Blackhawk Films wishes to thank the information, contact Blackhawk Films, Running Time Museum of Modern Art, New York, New Inc., Davenport, Iowa 52808. Conversion Table York and Walt Disney Productions for supplying some of the photographs used Films projected ot normal sound speeds Payments in the Blackhawk Film Digest. Charge Orders will produce the following approximate running times: Blackhawk gladly accepts Moster Charge Prices good thru Sept. 30, 1979 or Visa charge orders. Length per minute Si lent Sound Standard 8 13.511. Super 8 1511. 2011. 16mm. 2711. 3~ 11. 2 September Supplement 1979 Vol. 314 Table of Contents The Hidden Sale ... ...................... ........ .•. .. ................................... , ............ page 2 Find the star and save $10.00 Newsreel: The New Actors with Pencils ..................................................... page 4 High standards for Disney animators. MICKEY'S TRAILER ............ pages "MICKEY'S TRAILER ..................... ................... ... .............................. ........ page S Blackhawk releases this Disney cartoon favorite. The Rainbow Man, by Frank Farel ......... .............................. ...................... page 6 Burton Gillette's contribution to the art of animation. Four Gillette cartoons .. ...... •.. .. .. .................... ......... .. ............................... page 7 At a special price! New Additions ...... ................................................................................. page 8 SOUPS ON ...............•.............. page 8 Blackhawk adds SOUPS ON, THE LEGEND OF COYOTE ROCK, and the sound version of BACON GRABBERS. Radio Shows ..................... ....................................... ...................... ......... page 9 Tune back through time with classic radio shows. American Documentary's Early Romance with Reality, by Jane Gaines ...... page 10 A true adventure story behind the documentary. Five Documentaries ................ ............................................................... page 11 Some good reasons the documentary moves. BACON GRABBERS now with sound . ..•..•......•.....................•.......•• page 8 Blackhawk Bargains .. .. ... ... .. .................................................. .............. .. page 12 Our fantastic sale flyer is now part of each supplement! Recent Releases .. .... ..... ....................... .. .. .................•.........................•.. page 14 If you missed out last month, take another look! , LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE ........ ........ ................ : ..................................... Back Cover The classic cartoon character in film. Leapin' Lizards! It's LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE ........... back cover 3 Newsreel j review. After considering the trainee's paint­ politics, but understandable, believable, qual­ THE NEW ACTORS ings and drawings, o decision is mode to ity work. WITH PENCILS either invite the trainee bock for another pe­ The Training Program is integral to Disney riod of tests, or release the trainee from the Productions' plans to double the size of its by John Wilch program. animation staff and release a feature every By the end of the trainee phase, the artists two years. " .. an animator must also be an actor; he hove been identified as belonging to one of Features, such as THE RESCUERS, ore cur­ acts with his pencil." the following four categories of craftsmen: rently toking three to four years to complete. animation, layout, background pointing and This is due partially to staff size, but also to Even more than amusement porks, television story sketching. inexperience. The new animators don't yet shows, animal shorts and live action features, Skills the review board looks for in anima­ hove the speed and timimg of the "9 Old Disney means animation. The cornerstone of tors ore: life drawing, quick sketching with Men". However, the veterans were no foster the Disney organization is animation. That is knowledge of anatomy, and realistic loose when they were young, in the days of SNOW where the risks were token and the fame and linear quick sketches of energetically moving WHITE; and everyone at Disney is ecstatic be­ fortune mode. Happily for everyone, the en­ figures from life. An example of the lotter cause the quality is there. chantment of new Disney animation is not would be, sitting before o televised sporting Meet three of the new team. Andy Gaskill over. event and in two minutes sketching on athlete was accepted into the program in 1973. He An entirely new group of animators is be ing in o pose of extreme action. proved himself under Larson and began work trained in the Burbank studio in Disney Pro­ To be considered in layout, on artist's on WINNIE THE POOH AND TIGGER, TOO. duction's Talent Development Program. strengths should be in perspective and com­ After POOH, there was full animator status The Tolent Dev{;!lopment Program is o nat­ postion in o linear form. and THE RESCUERS . PETE'S DRAGON " gave ural outgrowth of the informal " school" W.D. A background pointer hos to be on excel­ oil the new animators o chance to get their set up for his staff during the making of lent watercolorist who is adept at the use of feet wet because oil the veterans, except one, SNOW WHITE. These young animators, who color, light and shadow, and values. worked on this film". later become Disney's top animators, met and A story sketch person requires the skills
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