S4454 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 26, 2003 alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and wel- APPOINTMENTS league, Senator Daniel Patrick Moy- fare dependency; and nihan, following the remarks of Sen- Whereas Childhelp USA has initiated a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair, on behalf of the President pro ator SESSIONS for up to 10 minutes. ‘‘Day of Hope’’ to be observed on Wednesday, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without April 2, 2003, during Child Abuse Prevention tempore, and upon the recommenda- Month, to focus public awareness on this so- tion of the Majority Leader, pursuant objection, it is so ordered. cial ill: Now, therefore, be it to Public Law 96–388, as amended by The Senator from Alabama. Resolved, That— Public Law 97–84 and Public Law 106– f ø(1) it is the sense of the Senate that— 292, appoints the following Senators to ø TRIBUTE TO SENATOR DANIEL (A) all Americans should keep the victims the United States Holocaust Memorial of child abuse and neglect in their thoughts PATRICK MOYNIHAN Council for the 108th Congress: and prayers; Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I wish ø(B) all Americans should seek to break The Senator from Utah, Mr. HATCH; to share a few thoughts on the passing the cycle of child abuse and neglect and to the Senator from Maine, Ms. COLLINS; of the remarkable Daniel Patrick Moy- give these victimized children hope for the and the Senator from Minnesota, Mr. nihan, one of America’s most brilliant future; and COLEMAN. ø(C) the faith community, nonprofit orga- people. He graced this Senate and f nizations, and volunteers across America served this country in innumerable should recommit themselves and mobilize S. CON. RES. 23 RETURNED TO ways. their resources to assist these abused and ne- CALENDAR He, of course, was a great scientist, a glected children; and person able to study complex data and ø(2) the Senate— Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask make serious judgments. I remember ø(A) supports the goals and ideas of the unanimous consent that the vote on being in the subway at a point not too ‘‘Day of Hope’’, which was initiated by adoption of S. Con. Res. 23 be vitiated. long before he left the Senate. Some Childhelp USA and will be observed on April I further ask that the resolution be re- numbers had come out that indicated 2, 2003, as part of Child Abuse Prevention turned to the calendar. we were doing a little better in mar- Month; and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ø riage, a little less number of children (B) commends Childhelp USA for all of its objection, it is so ordered. efforts on behalf of abused and neglected were being born out of wedlock. We children throughout the United States.¿ f were standing there and somebody said (1) it is the sense of the Senate that— ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, MARCH something about that point. With great (A) all Americans should keep the victims of 27, 2003 intensity and passion, he said: That’s child abuse and neglect in their thoughts and nothing. In the history of the world, no prayers; Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask Nation has ever seen a collapse of mar- (B) all Americans should seek to break the unanimous consent that when the Sen- riage like we are seeing in this coun- cycle of child abuse and neglect and to give ate completes its business today, it try. these victimized children hope for the future; stand in adjournment until 10 a.m. on and It just hit me he was giving us a sci- Thursday, March 27. I further ask that entific analysis of a very serious social (C) the faith community, nonprofit organiza- following the prayer and pledge, the tions, and volunteers across America should re- problem with which we needed to deal, commit themselves and mobilize their resources morning hour be deemed expired, the and he took it very seriously. to assist these abused and neglected children; Journal of proceedings be approved to Another incident I recall was being and date, the time for the two leaders be in this small dining room. We were (2) the Senate— reserved for their use later in the day, working late one night and voting. I (A) supports the goals and ideas of the ‘‘Day and there then be a period for morning went in with the majority leader, of Hope’’, which will be observed on April 2, business until 11 a.m., with the time TRENT LOTT, and was talking to TRENT 2003, as part of Child Abuse Prevention Month; equally divided between the two lead- and about Colombia, the revolutionaries ers or their designees. there, the Marxist group, the drug (B) commends those working on behalf of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without abused and neglected children throughout the dealing group and wanted to do some United States. objection, it is so ordered. things better for Colombia. We sat The resolution (S. Res. 58) was agreed f down and Senator Moynihan was there. TRENT said: Pat, tell me about Colom- to. PROGRAM The preamble was agreed to. bia; what’s going on in Colombia. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, for the in- The resolution, with its preamble, We just sat in rapt attention as he formation of Senators, the Senate will reads as follows: described the last 50 years in Colombia be in a period for morning business in detail—how this country had devel- S. RES. 58 until 11 a.m. Under a previous order, at oped a history of violence, how they Whereas members of the National Guard 11 a.m., the Senate will proceed to the were having revolutionary problems, and the other reserve components of the consideration of H.R. 1307, the military Armed Forces perform a vital role in the de- and how it was going to be very dif- fense of the United States; tax bill, for 3 hours of debate. The Sen- ficult to eliminate those problems. I Whereas members of the National Guard ate will vote on passage of the military was stunned at the encyclopedic and the other reserve components of the tax bill at approximately 2 p.m. knowledge he displayed. Armed Forces make significant personal sac- In addition, there are several judicial As we left, TRENT said: I love to ask rifices in performing military service when nominations which may be cleared for him those questions. He always knows called to active duty; and votes during tomorrow’s session. We those kinds of things. He said: I do it Whereas there are over 100,000 members of are also attempting to reach an agree- frequently just to see what he will the National Guard and the other reserve ment for the consideration of S. Con. components of the Armed Forces serving on share with us. active duty: Now, therefore, be it Res. 30 which expresses the gratitude of I remember asking about serving as Resolved, the United States to the nations par- Ambassador to India. He told a story, a ticipating with the U.S. in the coali- SECTION 1. DESIGNATION OF NATIONAL CITIZEN complex story, that gave such great in- SOLDIER WEEK. tion to disarm Iraq. Members, there- sight into the good people of India. (a) SENSE OF THE SENATE.—It is the sense fore, should expect rollcall votes Pat Moynihan was an extraordinary of the Senate that the President should des- throughout the day tomorrow. person. He operated on a higher level. ignate the week beginning June 1, 2003, as f He benefited this country in many ‘‘National Citizen Soldier Week’’. ways. He served Republican Presidents (b) PROCLAMATION.—The Senate requests ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT and Democratic Presidents, and he the President to issue a proclamation— Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, if there is served in this body. He helped point (1) designating the week beginning June 1, no further business to come before the out the problems with welfare and 2003, as ‘‘National Citizen Soldier Week’’; and Senate, I ask unanimous consent that helped us move toward reform. He (2) calling on the people of the United the Senate stand in adjournment under served on the commission that coura- States to observe the week with appropriate the provisions of S. Res. 99 as a further geously gave insight into how we may ceremonies and activities. mark of respect for our friend and col- improve Social Security. He, in many VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:02 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S26MR3.REC S26MR3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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