CUBA! • 9 days, 8 nights • Santiago de Cuba: 4 days, 3 nights • Havana: 5 days, 5 nights • Four star (oR betteR) accommodations • Small group, limited to 25 tRaveleRs • Price: $4,990 all inclusive pRice includes a tax deductible donation to JITN Cuba is unique in the woRld as a place wheRe the aRts and aRtists aRe among the most highly valued, privileged, and compensated segments of society. Cuba’s music scene is legendaRy worldwide for the skill and aRtistRy of its staR peRfoRmeRs, who appeaR on global stages and in Havana’s clubs and the populaR Havana Jazz Festival. This aRtistic vibRancy is a cuRRent that Runs deep in Cuban history, and spReads wide acRoss the eveRyday life and cultuRe of the island, nouRished by a Rich system of music education at many levels. All of this makes foR music that is veRy much “in the neighboRhood”, as well as on the big stages. JITN sets out on this musical jouRney to encounteR Cuba and its people through an exploration of Cuban music as it is leaRned, peRfoRmed, and enjoyed in Cuba-- and to consideR what this may teach us about bringing music moRe fully into our own neighboRhoods back home. OuR itineRaRy takes us off the beaten tourist path to Santiago de Cuba, and then to Havana. Join us, JITN staff and friends, musicians and music lovers, on an exclusive, small group program packed with oppoRtunities to heaR, meet, and exchange ideas with Cuban musicians in theiR element, inteRact with local people, and see and leaRn about Cuban aRt and histoRy thRough meaningful encounteRs with educatoRs, aRtists, and experts. A Cuban national guide and JITN staff members will be on hand to facilitate ouR movements and enRich the experience from their varied backgrounds in music peRfoRmance, composition and education, and cultuRal geogRaphy. CROSS CULTURAL JOURNEYS FOUNDATION WWW.CROSSCULTURALJOURNEYS.COM PO BOX 1369 SAUSALITO, CA 94966 T. (800) 353-2276 F. (415) 332-0683 [email protected] SANTIAGO DE CUBA, less visited by tourists, is the island’s second largest city and the capital of Oriente province, known for its stunning natural beauty. Santiago is the place of beginnings for the signal events and features of Cuban history including Cuban music, and a fitting place to begin our journey. Day 1: Tuesday, January 6. Miami / Holguin / Santiago de Cuba You will be met by a CCJF representative at the Miami International Airport and assisted thRough check-in with the otheR membeRs of the JITN gRoup foR the eaRly moRning chaRter flight to Holguin. Upon aRRival, youR Cuban guide will join the gRoup foR the two-houR drive to Santiago de Cuba, located along Cuba’s southeast coast. Santiago is the cRadle of the Cuban Revolution and one of the countRy’s most exotic and ethnically diverse cities. We dRive by the ranch house where the rebels, including Fidel and Raul CastRo hid out befoRe theiR failed Moncada Rebellion. Lunch at a RestauRant on picturesque Cuyo Island Reached by a short boat ride. Following lunch, we visit students and teachers at an NGO, (non-goveRnmental organization) the Ugo Luisi pRoject teaching restoration arts to young people who are rebuilding the city after hurricane Sandy. After settling into youR hotel, enjoy a welcome dinneR featuRing tRaditional Cuban food and music. You will absoRb your fiRst impRessions of the tRopical aiR, Rhythm and coloR wafting out of the dooRways you pass, laughteR and conveRsation bouncing amongst neighboRs easily. The music will follow us thRoughout ouR jouRney and is a window into the heaRt of the Cuban people. Melia Santiago Hotel (L/D) Day 2: Wednesday, January 7. Santiago de Cuba Today we staRt ouR exploration of this vibRant CaRibbean city with a histoRic oveRview and slide pResentation by the City ARchitect to help us undeRstand Santiago’s history and cultuRe. Next, we orient ouRselves to the city with a walking tour of centRal Santiago, meeting local shopkeepers along the way and ending with a guided touR of the Moncada BaRRacks wheRe Fidel CastRo and his RevolutionaRies staged theiR failed aRmed assault against President Batista. HeRe, Fidel was captuRed and impRisoned, and penned his famous "History Will Absolve Me" speech. He was Released RatheR than executed. Following lunch at a local Restaurant we will visit the Centro Nacional de Escuelas de Arte (ENA) to meet and exchange thoughts with the music teacheRs and their students. Then, on to visit the Velazquez House foR a guided touR of the oldest intact home in Cuba and the home of the fiRst goveRnoR of Cuba in the 1500s. HeRe we can envision what life was like in 16th centuRy Cuba. DinneR is on youR own at a local Restaurant oR paladar (a small pRivately Run Restaurant licensed to provide meals in a family home; lists of paladares will be pRovided). HeRe, you will taste some of the best food in Cuba as well as expeRience the intimate, waRm, and Real spaces of local people. This evening there is an optional visit to Isis, a populaR local jazz club, to meet musicians, and enjoy music and conversation. Melia Santiago Hotel (B/L) CROSS CULTURAL JOURNEYS FOUNDATION WWW.CROSSCULTURALJOURNEYS.COM PO BOX 1369 SAUSALITO, CA 94966 T. (800) 353-2276 F. (415) 332-0683 [email protected] Day 3: Thursday, January 8. Santiago de Cuba We begin our moRning with a visit the Casa de Caribe, a cultuRal ReseaRch institute that houses the Museum of PopulaR Religions including SanteRia and EspiRitism. HeRe, we will have a touR and discussion on the impoRtance of music in Cuba and the CaRibbean. Then we continue on a shoRt excuRsion to the foothills of the Sierra Maestra Mountains, wheRe we will visit the National ShRine Basilica of OuR Lady of ChaRity of El CobRe, one of the most impoRtant shRines in Cuba and a place wheRe the devoted believe miRacles have occuRRed. AfteR lunch, we move on to visit an adjacent SanteRia cemeteRy connected with the chuRch. LateR visit the El MoRRo FoRtRess. Dinner on youR own at a local restaurant or paladaR. AfteR dinneR, an optional group visit to a local Jazz Club. Melia Santiago Hotel (B/L) HAVANA, like San Francisco, is the hub of one of the world’s greatest natural harbors. Havana was a showcase for the wealth, power, and sophistication of Cuba from the time of it’s 16th century founding as the greatest port of New Spain. Today, it is a place of beautiful decay and the stirrings of change, along with all the best in Cuban art, music and culture. Day 4: Friday, January 9. Santiago de Cuba / Havana. We depaRt this moRning foR a flight to Havana. Upon aRRival and en Route to the city, we dRive by Revolution SquaRe. AfteR lunch a visit to Casa de AfRica foR a pRivate pResentation of Afro Cuban dance and music, followed with a discussion with the musicians and danceRs. DinneR is on your own with the option to visit one of the many Havana jazz clubs afteR dinneR. Havana Sevilla Hotel (B/L) Day 5: Saturday, January 10. Havana. We staRt the day with a bRiefing and slide pResentation by a city planneR and architect on the histoRy of Cuba and its Relevance on the development and architecture of the city. Our knowledgeable Cuban guide will then take us on an orientation walking tour of Havana Vieja (old city) pointing out histoRic buildings of inteRest. We will stop and talk with local people along the way, and with entrepreneurs about their new businesses that are now legal under current Cuban law. We stop foR lunch at one of the many outdoor RestauRants on CathedRal SquaRe in Old Havana, and afteRwaRds visit the beautiful, histoRic Cathedral. This afteRnoon, theRe will be a tour thRough the Museo de la Revolución and pRivate guided visit thRough the Museo de Bellas Artes’ contempoRaRy section where ouR guide will help us see the history of Cuba through its aRt. Enjoy a late afteRnoon peRformance of the Havana Cuban jazz orchestRa, Gala Mayor, Recipient of numeRous awaRds. Meet the musicians afteRwards. DinneR is on youR own. Optional jazz club visit. Havana Sevilla Hotel (B/L) CROSS CULTURAL JOURNEYS FOUNDATION WWW.CROSSCULTURALJOURNEYS.COM PO BOX 1369 SAUSALITO, CA 94966 T. (800) 353-2276 F. (415) 332-0683 [email protected] Day 6: Sunday, January 11. Havana This moRning, we visit with Cuban musicologist, who will pResent an in-depth talk on the lyrics, chants and histoRy of the five main categoRies of Cuban music: Son, Rumba, Cancion, Danzon and Punto Guajiro. UndeRstanding the histoRy of the pResent day music and instRuments is integral to undeRstanding the contempoRaRy music of the Cuban people, including jazz. We then visit an artist galleRy and co-op with local aRtists in residence. Lunch at El Ajibe, a populaR RestauRant known foR its tRaditional Cuban chicken cuisine. This afteRnoon we visit the family home and studio of famous Cuban aRtist, Jose FusteR. His home is filled with his ceRamic cRaftwoRk and oveRflows from his Residence tRansfoRming the entiRe neighborhood. Continue to the home of Pablo Menendez, foundeR of the gRoup Mezcla, to shaRe his music and to meet local musicians who play with him. This is a chance foR infoRmal talk about jazz in Havana. DinneR is on youR own. Optional jazz club visit. Havana Sevilla Hotel (B/L) Day 7: Monday, January 12. Havana Take the local ferry across to the island of Regla, wheRe we visit the ChuRch of the SeafaReRs with the Black Madonna, their patron saint. You can talk with the Santeria priestesses outside the chuRch, learning about the Rich roots of an African tradition very much alive in Cuba and serving as a mainstay of faith in their everyday lives.
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